[spoiler=getting started]
Make a country here: http://www.nationstates.net/
(if you need a name, go here: http://nine.frenchboys.net/country.php)
Then just pick one of the stock flags
For flags, if you're feeling creative, http://chaoticshiny.com/flaggen.php this tells you some ideas and then you can draw one, Like I did for mine
Or if you're feeling lazy, go here http://flag-designer.appspot.com/ and make your own or click random until you see something you like. Then save it to your computer and then click "[SVG to raster image (JPG/PNG/TIFF) conversion]" and upload it there (since Nationstates doesn't take SVG files). Then just upload it to be your flag in Settings > Create your own flag.
that's me add me to your dossier
then play
idk how to play as I just signed up but it seems fun n_u
"The Holy Empire of Escundya is a fledgling, safe nation, renowned for its complete lack of prisons. Its compassionate population of 5 million enjoy extensive civil rights and enjoy a level of social equality free from the usual accompanying government corruption.
The government -- a sprawling, bureaucracy-choked, liberal, socially-minded morass -- is effectively ruled by the Department of Social Welfare, with areas such as Law & Order and Defence receiving almost no funds by comparison. The average income tax rate is 41%, but much higher for the wealthy. Private enterprise is illegal, but for those in the know there is a slick and highly efficient black market in Gambling.
Crime is well under control. Escundya's national animal is the Doodthing, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the Pense."
bitches tried banning harry potter
password is echosentme
echo: http://www.nationstates.net/nation=escundya
snowy: http://www.nationstates.net/nation=asabon
notsid: http://www.nationstates.net/nation=notsid
david: http://www.nationstates.net/taavet
applesauce: http://www.nationstates.net/nation=chattieria
silvertone: http://www.nationstates.net/nation=silverbreed
hippo: http://www.nationstates.net/nation=popoland
socks: http://www.nationstates.net/nation=gondwannaland
ypr: http://www.nationstates.net/nation=jhut_bolokia
popsi: http://www.nationstates.net/nation=popsiclasia
liveontheedge: http://www.nationstates.net/nation=frenzy_pyre
hiro: http://www.nationstates.net/nation=grantarctica
blu: http://www.nationstates.net/nation=tavono
demonprincess: http://www.nationstates.net/nation=perseus_veil
Quote from: Snowy on February 24, 2012, 12:51:36 PM
I added you, this should be fun. sillydood;
Be sure to link your nation
Quote from: Snowy on February 24, 2012, 12:57:07 PM
how did you change your flag
go to your settings
this is my nation
named after me
i am leader
i don't know how to play how do i beomce supreme god
password is echosentme
invite everyone you know
Escunda and Asabon-- I love your flags. giggle;
Quote from: Tectrinket on February 24, 2012, 04:59:14 PM
but holy empires are cool!
Also, go into your settings everyone and you can change it to get two new issues per day bassir;
so how does like diplomacy and stuff work-- as far as I can tell all I can do is deal with issues that are brought up to me and change regions?
Quote from: applesauce on February 24, 2012, 05:06:42 PM
so how does like diplomacy and stuff work-- as far as I can tell all I can do is deal with issues that are brought up to me and change regions?
So far I am not entirely sure on it
from the faq
[spoiler]One way to succeed, at least in a sense, is to make it onto the top rungs of a World Assembly report. These are compiled once per day, one for each Region and one for the entire world. Nations are ranked on anything from economic strength to the most liberal public nudity laws (the WA has a lot of time to fill in). There's a certain glory in making it onto one of those.
[spoiler]Once or twice a day, you'll face an issue, and need to decide what to do about it. How you respond will determine almost everything about how your nation evolves.
[spoiler]The World Assembly is the world's governing body. It's your chance to mold the world to your vision, by voting for resolutions you like and scuttling the rest. However, it's a double-edged sword, because your nation will be affected by any resolutions that pass. (Unfortunately you can't obey the resolutions you like and ignore the rest, like real nations.) In other words, it's a hot-bed of political intrigue and double-dealing.
we can elect people to represent us in the wa I think and I have personally joined it though it takes like 24 hours to get an invite or denial
so we'll see how that goes
if someone is willing to write a good description for Boyahland I will use it as I couldn't think of anything
"nation of fuk asses"
I have joined Boyahland. baddood;
So do we need to be in the WA to vote for the Boyahland WA delegate?
Quote from: applesauce on February 24, 2012, 05:19:13 PM
So do we need to be in the WA to vote for the Boyahland WA delegate?
I'm honestly not sure?
we will have to see how it works out n_u
oi mate , what an epic fail davied
The Federal Republic of Gondwannaland
“If you Love me I will Kill you.”
Category: Democratic Socialists
Civil Rights: Excellent
Economy: Fair
Political Freedoms: Some
Regional Influence: Minnow
Location: The North Pacific
Overview • People • Government • Economy • Trend • Analysis
The Federal Republic of Gondwannaland is a fledgling, environmentally stunning nation, remarkable for its compulsory military service. Its hard-nosed population of 5 million are fiercely patriotic and enjoy great social equality; they tend to view other, more capitalist countries as somewhat immoral and corrupt.
The enormous government juggles the competing demands of Religion & Spirituality, Law & Order, and Defence. The average income tax rate is 35%, but much higher for the wealthy. A robust private sector is led by the Trout Farming industry, followed by Book Publishing and Information Technology.
Crime is a problem. Gondwannaland's national animal is the Human, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the KarlMarx.
The Nomadic Peoples of Jhut Bolokia
“They're not like you and I, and so they must be evil”
Category: Corrupt Dictatorship
Civil Rights: Below Average
Economy: Reasonable
Political Freedoms: Rare
Regional Influence: Minnow
Location: the South Pacific
Overview • People • Government • Economy • Trend • Analysis
The Nomadic Peoples of Jhut Bolokia is a fledgling, environmentally stunning nation, notable for its compulsory military service. Its compassionate, cynical population of 5 million are ruled with an iron fist by the dictatorship government, which ensures that no-one outside the party gets too rich. In their personal lives, however, citizens are relatively unoppressed; it remains to be seen whether this is because the government genuinely cares about its people, or if it hasn't gotten around to stamping out civil rights yet.
The large government juggles the competing demands of Defence, Law & Order, and Commerce. The average income tax rate is 26%, but much higher for the wealthy. A tiny private sector is dominated by the Furniture Restoration industry.
Crime is moderate, and the police force struggles against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. Jhut Bolokia's national animal is the Sand Dollar, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the Sand Dollar.
This reminds me of cybernations
I remember when outsider was obsessed with cybernations
eh fuck it i'll do this
I giggled as I created this.
QuoteNational Flag
The Grand Duchy of Popsiclasia
“If it's Popsiclasia, it's possiblasia!”
Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Civil Rights: Excellent
Economy: Reasonable
Political Freedoms: Excellent
Regional Influence: Minnow
Location: the Pacific
Overview • People • Government • Economy • Trend • Analysis
The Grand Duchy of Popsiclasia is a fledgling, socially progressive nation, remarkable for its absence of drug laws. Its compassionate, intelligent population of 5 million have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.
The large government juggles the competing demands of Education, Social Welfare, and Healthcare. The average income tax rate is 26%, but much higher for the wealthy. A large private sector is led by the Trout Farming industry, followed by Automobile Manufacturing and Pizza Delivery.
Crime is moderate, and the police force struggles against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. Popsiclasia's national animal is the stegosaurus, and its currency is the cherry shekel.
"The Issue
In a bid to provide a new revenue stream for Escundya's Beef-Based Agriculture industry, it has been suggested that Doodthings could be added to the menu."
[spoiler]"I am shocked and appalled!" declared SPCA President Anne-Marie Harishchandra. "If anyone needs to be culled, it's us humans. The Doodthings were here first, remember? We need to take this as a sign to get our industry--agriculture in particular--to back off. The Doodthing is part of what makes Escundya a great nation!"
High-income earners pay a 100% tax rate, voting is compulsory, the latest Harry Potter book is a bestseller, and punitive tariffs protect local industry
I also joined the world assembly fuck yeah
someone make a good flag for boyahland
QuoteNational Flag
The Kingdom of Frenzy Pyre
“Blue Comb”
Category: New York Times Democracy
Civil Rights:Some
Political Freedoms:Excellent
Regional Influence: Minnow
Location: Boyahland
Overview • People • Government • Economy • Trend • Analysis
The Kingdom of Frenzy Pyre is a fledgling, environmentally stunning nation, renowned for its burgeoning Wolf population. Its compassionate, hard-working, intelligent population of 5 million enjoy a sensible mix of personal and economic freedoms, while the political process is open and the people's right to vote held sacrosanct.
The small government is effectively ruled by the Department of Religion & Spirituality, with areas such as Social Welfare and Defence receiving almost no funds by comparison. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 16%. A very small private sector is dominated by the Trout Farming industry.
Crime is a serious problem, and the police force struggles against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. Frenzy Pyre's national animal is the Wolf, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the Astra.
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 25, 2012, 08:14:19 AM
"The Issue
In a bid to provide a new revenue stream for Escundya's Beef-Based Agriculture industry, it has been suggested that Doodthings could be added to the menu."
[spoiler]"I am shocked and appalled!" declared SPCA President Anne-Marie Harishchandra. "If anyone needs to be culled, it's us humans. The Doodthings were here first, remember? We need to take this as a sign to get our industry--agriculture in particular--to back off. The Doodthing is part of what makes Escundya a great nation!"
But that sounds tasty
i have 4 nations now.
Fuck yeah I've got the largest publishing industry in Boyahland.
Quote from: applesauce on February 25, 2012, 02:00:59 PM
Fuck yeah I've got the largest publishing industry in Boyahland.
we're actually tied but you somehow got first :(
oh god i am going to get addicted to this
What's a better nation motto:
"If it's Popsiclasia, it's possiblasia!"
"e pluribus delicious"
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on February 25, 2012, 06:59:20 PM
What's a better nation motto:
"If it's Popsiclasia, it's possiblasia!"
"e pluribus delicious"
I like the second
how do i switch to BOYAHLAND?
So I got my sister, mom, uncle, and grandma all to make accounts as well n_u
What the hell Boyah!? How come inside I feel strongly that if anyone starts talking garbage we need to smack em and go back to the good old days of having a decent conversation. And yet, here, with my people before me, totally at my dominion, I refuse to allow such a policy, I opted on the side of more freedom. I don't know why, I do not agree with it, in my gut, but, at that moment, in those circumstances, making a decision for the entire mas of humanity under my authority, I was compelled to vote for expression, as the only responsible and right thing to do. I was actually concerned of giving my artificial minions too little liberty.
Wow. I can totally see how policy makers always make their decisions that from our perspectives we can't understand. It is like a leg complaining that you are walking too much, when it knows nothing beyond that.
Quote from: Socks on February 25, 2012, 08:46:30 PM
how do i switch to BOYAHLAND?
there is a link in this this thread to boyahland. The password is echosentme
now i am among you guys!
what is the name of the government where i am god.
Quote from: N o t S i d on February 25, 2012, 09:32:34 PM
what is the name of the government where i am god.
Institution No.3
The one with the blue padded walls.
Quote from: Socks on February 25, 2012, 09:35:35 PM
Institution No.3
The one with the blue padded walls.
the outside doesn't matter, i control the things that do.
Quote from: N o t S i d on February 25, 2012, 09:39:35 PM
the outside doesn't matter, i control the things that do.
Then this is a cult like government, sort of like the DPRK.
I just joined with Tavono.
Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, college students make ends meet by selling their kidneys.
Today I made it mandatory to harvest bodies of organs after they are dead.
girly tears from sweden for echo
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 26, 2012, 06:12:43 AM
Today I made it mandatory to harvest bodies of organs after they are dead.
I refused such legislation, and made it illegal for the government to enforce racial quotas on private and public functions, productions etc...
Jhut Bolokia was reclassified from "Corrupt Dictatorship" to "Father Knows Best State".
It's beautiful cry;
Quote from: Socks on February 26, 2012, 06:30:40 AM
I refused such legislation, and made it illegal for the government to enforce racial quotas on private and public functions, productions etc...
in my state all private enterprise is illegal
Rejecting just one workers' strike apparently boosts my economy enormously, gives corporations total domination in the country, more than doubled its pro-free market rating (to well above the world average), allows employers to fire workers without reason, resulted in its poorer citizens starving to death, and did not reduce civil rights at all, Changed its classification too. O_0
how do i increase the percentage of people who die by getting lost in the woods.
Quote from: N o t S i d on February 26, 2012, 11:24:38 AM
how do i increase the percentage of people who die by getting lost in the woods.
i would assume that issue will be brought up soon n_u
Following new legislation in Taavet, Cougars are considered a delicacy
Quote from: NPR on February 26, 2012, 12:22:46 PM
Following new legislation in Taavet, Cougars are considered a delicacy
I considered choosing cougars for my national animal too O_0
I'm trying to go from the "inoffensive centrist democracy" I am now, and gradually become more and more corrupt until I'm a straight up totalitarian state.
should be fun
Quote from: NPR on February 26, 2012, 12:22:46 PM
Following new legislation in Taavet, Cougars are considered a delicacy
girl; I bet they are if you know what I mean
minorities wanted to be on tv more, I said YEAH DO THAT and now i hope they put a bunch of minorities on tv in real shitty roles that make them look like assholes
1 day 3 hours ago: Following new legislation in Popsiclasia, Popsiclasia's children are widely acknowledged as the most foul-mouthed in the region.
1 day 3 hours ago: Following new legislation in Popsiclasia, voting is compulsory.
1 day 3 hours ago: Following new legislation in Popsiclasia, scientists regularly clone human beings for research purposes.
3 hours ago: Popsiclasia was reclassified from "Inoffensive Centrist Democracy" to "Left-Leaning College State".
3 hours ago: Following new legislation in Popsiclasia, college students make ends meet by selling their kidneys.
Wait i just realized
Why are college students selling kidneys? I THOUGHT I HAD SET UP A SOCIALIST STATE
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on February 26, 2012, 02:06:12 PM
Wait i just realized
Why are college students selling kidneys? I THOUGHT I HAD SET UP A SOCIALIST STATE
euthanize them.
19% of all Popsiclasians are murdered to death.
I will not rest until that number is in the 90s.
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on February 26, 2012, 02:24:30 PM
19% of all Popsiclasians are murdered to death.
I will not rest until that number is in the 90s.
what percentage dies lost in the woods
Quote from: N o t S i d on February 26, 2012, 02:29:18 PM
what percentage dies lost in the woods
also not nearly high enough
2% of Popsiclasians die of "acts of god"
what does that mean
are they struck by lightning
are they eaten by locusts
what's happening
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on February 26, 2012, 02:38:41 PM
2% of Popsiclasians die of "acts of god"
what does that mean
are they struck by lightning
are they eaten by locusts
what's happening
i am killing them
so echo, since you're our wa representative, how do we get embassies? confuseddood;
Quote from: Dovydas on February 26, 2012, 02:44:55 PM
so echo, since you're our wa representative, how do we get embassies? confuseddood;
I think I just have to go to the region and request an embassy. Why do you have one in mind?
Echo is a part of the WA, but is not our WA delegate. Boyahland has no WA delegate right now.
i don't know how i feel about following the rules of the wa
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on February 26, 2012, 02:47:05 PM
Echo is a part of the WA, but is not our WA delegate. Boyahland has no WA delegate right now.
oh duh lol >_<'
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 26, 2012, 02:46:32 PM
I think I just have to go to the region and request an embassy. Why do you have one in mind?
not at the moment, but i was just wondering out loud n_u
Quote from: N o t S i d on February 26, 2012, 02:47:58 PM
i don't know how i feel about following the rules of the wa
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on February 26, 2012, 02:49:14 PM
me neither, but I joined anyway so we'll see how that goes for me
stats for boyahland
random stats for my nation:
Defense: P$0.00 0%
girl; I have no defence at all.
Exchange Rate: P$4.0350 = $1
Gross Domestic Product: P$29,776,558,080.00
GDP Per Capita: P$4,962.76
Unemployment Rate: 21.11%
Government Waste: P$596,689,920.00
Trade Deficit: P$-297,765,580.80
Exchange Rate: G$1.8950 = $1
Gross Domestic Product: G$67,499,389,440.00
GDP Per Capita: G$11,249.90
Unemployment Rate: 15.55%
Consumption: G$50,184,000,000.00
Government Budget: G$18,036,864,000.00
Government Expenditures: G$17,315,389,440.00
Government Waste: G$721,474,560.00
Imports: G$8,271,984,000.00
Exports: G$8,437,423,680.00
Trade Surplus: G$165,439,680.00
dat economy RUB IT
I don't know what I'm doing
lmao echo's major industry is GAMBLING
that's funny to me
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on February 26, 2012, 04:46:26 PM
lmao echo's major industry is GAMBLING
that's funny to me
ILLEGAL gambling lol
since all private enterprise is illegal n_u
i misread a question and instead of something being individualist anarchy it is actually Corrupt dictatorship. i am very upset about this.
Regional Influence: Eminence Grise
Quote from: silvertoné on February 26, 2012, 05:47:57 PM
i misread a question and instead of something being individualist anarchy it is actually Corrupt dictatorship. i am very upset about this.
perhaps you should read more carefully? hmmm?
I'm getting in on this
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on February 26, 2012, 07:45:25 PM
needs more murder
if you count being "lost" in the wilderness as murder when we send possible criminals into the forest to feed the native doodthing population then we have 5%
wat does nao?
Quote from: ,,,-,,, on February 26, 2012, 08:36:12 PM
wat does nao?
rule on issues
build your nation
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 26, 2012, 08:37:12 PM
rule on issues
build your nation
How long does it take for legislation to pass? A day?
Quote from: ,,,-,,, on February 26, 2012, 08:39:22 PM
How long does it take for legislation to pass? A day?
QuoteFar-right-wing Nazi supporters plan to stage a rally in the city center tomorrow, giving voice to their violent, racist views.
The Debate
"Frankly, I'm appalled that the government can even consider allowing this travesty to go ahead," says prominent Jewish personality Alexander Falopian. "We can't let these animals broadcast their message of hate. Surely NotSid is too civilized for that."
"It's exactly because we're civilized that we must let the demonstration proceed," says free speech campaigner Falala Skeleton. "We may not like what they have to say, but in this society, people have the right to argue whatever political view they want, no matter how hateful, selfish, or stupid it is."
falala skeleton has an interesting name. i want to side with him but his view is way too tolerant, but jewface is a jew and i don't want to help him either because then i would beomce liberal pussy state or whatever.
this makes me mad i just want to kill the,.
Compulsory Organ Harvesting,.. aw yeah :|
In the end though you have to er on the side of freedom, and that means Jew face can stand there and eat it, just like when we watch the 9 billion movies made by Jews yearly--far more intrusive, subversive and effective than a one time crazy rally down a city center. But porch monkies sit and stare, and form opinions from the show presented there, even if they don't know it.
I became a Corrupt Dictatorship giggle;
I just raised the taxes on meat so high no one can afford it, thus banning meat without actually banning meat.
actually, fuck it I just straight up banned meat
ugh i weakened my economy omg i'm crying :'(
I am set to strengthen mine by mining a small part of my rainforest for uranium.
Boyahland contains 17 nations, the 628th most in the world.
My impeccable civil rights dropped because I made it illegal for my ungrateful nomads to kill themselves cry;
Anyone caught complaining will be sentenced to death akudood;
How do I build my mining industry? I want my nation to be a collective of miners, mushroom-growers, brewers, and cavers.
Quote from: applesauce on February 27, 2012, 11:36:24 AM
How do I build my mining industry? I want my nation to be a collective of miners, mushroom-growers, brewers, and cavers.
it's an issue that will probably show up for you
Quote from: applesauce on February 27, 2012, 11:36:24 AM
How do I build my mining industry? I want my nation to be a collective of miners, mushroom-growers, brewers, and cavers.
Yes it all seems very passive-indirect-reactionary, and how do you guys access those fancy graphs and charts etc.?
Quote from: Socks on February 27, 2012, 11:42:36 AM
Yes it all seems very passive-indirect-reactionary, and how do you guys access those fancy graphs and charts etc.?
Go to the nation's page, click the analysis tab, and then there's a drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner.
Quote from: Socks on February 27, 2012, 11:42:36 AM
Yes it all seems very passive-indirect-reactionary, and how do you guys access those fancy graphs and charts etc.?
on the page of your state, click the links beside overview!
I accidentally outlawed elections and promoted Catholics.
I done fucked up
Quote from: applesauce on February 27, 2012, 11:45:48 AM
Go to the nation's page, click the analysis tab, and then there's a drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner.
I didn't know about that!
I am apparently a 16 on the kitten softness scale
180 on income equality which is well above the world average
for nudity I have 162 cheeks per square mile girl;
thanks guys, i am 60/40 public/private sector and i spend 31% of my budget on spirituality! giggle;
Quote from: Socks on February 27, 2012, 11:52:37 AM
thanks guys, i am 60/40 public/private sector and i spend 31% of my budget on spirituality! giggle;
I am 29 public/71 private and there is no spirituality budget.
64% public/34% private for me
I have 73% Public and 38% of my budget goes towards administration
Papa knows best
I'm %50-%50 public/private
Quote from: NPR on February 27, 2012, 12:10:48 PM
I have 73% Public and 38% of my budget goes towards administration
Papa knows best
33% of mine does, but, half my people die of old age, half of violent acts and causes.
Quote from: Socks on February 26, 2012, 07:29:26 PM
perhaps you should read more carefully? hmmm?
i thought they meant no one does elections and everybody does what they want.
Quote from: silvertoné on February 27, 2012, 01:21:14 PM
i thought they meant no one does elections and everybody does what they want.
sometimes life is a series of choices between shit and crap and then what have you got hat comprises your life? certainly not a pretty flower.
The Queendom of Portishead is a fledgling, pleasant nation, notable for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 5 million are ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.
Woo, made a flag... I might want to change the colors around later, but I at least have the basic shape that I want
Construction of embassies with Silverbreed has commenced. Completion expected in 3 days 6 hours.
we have our first embassy being constructed!
"Frankly, I don't see why we need to have elections at all," says your brother, Stephanie Steele, over a late-night malt whiskey. "You always seem to know what's best. Why not scrap the whole political system? It would make things so much simpler."
I don't know what's more intriguing, this idea or that my brother's name is Stephanie.
This game is so slow D:
I wish I could get issues every 6 hrs or something.
Quote from: ,,,-,,, on February 27, 2012, 06:05:33 PM
This game is so slow D:
I wish I could get issues every 6 hrs or something.
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 27, 2012, 02:39:06 PM
Construction of embassies with Silverbreed has commenced. Completion expected in 3 days 6 hours.
we have our first embassy being constructed!
What do embassies do? Also is Silverbreed where Silvertone has all of his nations? :D
Quote from: applesauce on February 27, 2012, 06:08:04 PM
What do embassies do? Also is Silverbreed where Silvertone has all of his nations? :D
we'll find out what they do in three days girl;
and yeah lol
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 27, 2012, 06:11:04 PM
we'll find out what they do in three days girl;
and yeah lol
How did you build it?
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 27, 2012, 02:39:06 PM
Construction of embassies with Silverbreed has commenced. Completion expected in 3 days 6 hours.
we have our first embassy being constructed!
I want an embassy too!
Aren't there better country simulators?
Quote from: ,,,-,,, on February 27, 2012, 06:19:00 PM
Aren't there better country simulators?
outsider played this one for a long time
they had a board dedicated to it
Quote from: ,,,-,,, on February 27, 2012, 06:19:00 PM
Aren't there better country simulators?
I'm sure there are, but there is nothing wrong with this one
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 27, 2012, 06:22:00 PM
I'm sure there are, but there is nothing wrong with this one
except it's really slow
like really slow
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on February 27, 2012, 06:22:55 PM
except it's really slow
like really slow
two issues a day isn't that bad
I mean you don't have to take much time out of your day to do stuff
I want to play this for hours on end sillydood;
QuoteIn a bid to provide a new revenue stream for Tavono's Beef-Based Agriculture industry, it has been suggested that Cats could be added to the menu.
"The fact is, the Cat population is out of control," says Beef-Based Agriculture spokesperson Emily Broadside. "We have to do something about them anyway, so why not market them as tasty snacks? We could have Cat kebabs, Cat pies, Cat-on-a-sticks--the possibilities are endless! Let's not pass up this golden opportunity to provide a feast, if you will, for our economy."
"I agree that something needs to be done about Cat over-population," says random passer-by May Christensen, "but eating them? That's kind of gross. Let's just shoot the ones we have to and shovel their bodies into ditches like normal."
I should kill these people madood;
are those your only options
might as well eat them
Quote"Yeah, good luck with that," says conservative leader and gun enthusiast Jean-Paul Pushkin. "Look, we do need more police, that's clear. But that's not enough. We need real punishments: sentences that will act as a genuine deterrent to people considering a life of crime. Like public floggings."
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on February 27, 2012, 10:51:39 PM
are those your only options
might as well eat them
You can dismiss issues too.
Quote from: bluaki on February 27, 2012, 10:50:20 PM
I should kill these people madood;
I hate when I dismiss an issue because I can't decide either way smithicide;
Such as with cloning... I don't want to prohibit clones but I also don't just want clones to harvest their organs.
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on February 27, 2012, 10:51:39 PM
are those your only options
might as well eat them
No, I picked the third option which probably will have vegan results.
Quote"I am shocked and appalled!" declared SPCA President Buy Plath. "If anyone needs to be culled, it's us humans. The Cats were here first, remember? We need to take this as a sign to get our industry--agriculture in particular--to back off. The Cat is part of what makes Tavono a great nation!"
whoops my economy is in the shitter
also i'm a "Scandinavian Liberal Paradise"
just adopted my spiritual advisor
i am assuming he will advise me on how to become spirit god.
Silvertone has the least dumb people in all of Boyah
Atmanamium is the nation of the self, but it's more about the me.
My citizens are fucking morons.
Quote2 hours ago: Popsiclasia was reclassified from "Scandinavian Liberal Paradise" to "Corrupt Dictatorship".
2 hours ago: Following new legislation in Popsiclasia, thieves are flogged in public for their crimes.
14 hours ago: Popsiclasia was reclassified from "Left-Leaning College State" to "Scandinavian Liberal Paradise".
well that didn't take long
Hm... I feel like my government is going to get reclassified for making nudity compulsory
Quote from: NPR on February 28, 2012, 12:16:34 PM
Hm... I feel like my government is going to get reclassified for making nudity compulsory
i like the way you rule
with my public floggings and your compulsory nudity we could rule with an iron fist
I can't wait to make nudity mandatory
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on February 28, 2012, 12:17:38 PM
i like the way you rule
with my public floggings and your compulsory nudity we could rule with an iron fist
As long as it's not an iron glove on that fist, I concur baddood;
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 28, 2012, 12:17:55 PM
I can't wait to make nudity mandatory
I don't know if given the option whether I should follow this legislation up with a death penalty for obesity or just saying 'fuck it' and making obesity compulsory also
I don't even have any obesity so I don't have to worry about that n_u
Hopefully I stop being a corrupt dictatorship soon
My obesity rate is actually far below the world average.
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on February 28, 2012, 12:59:19 PM
My obesity rate is actually far below the world average.
what are you at?
I am at -86
i use the conservative nationstate skin like a real member would baddood;
Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Communists
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise Gay Marriage State
Echo's nudity rating is simply sensational
what the hell i'm not even that far behind echo for nudity
144 vs. 168
Quote from: NPR on February 27, 2012, 11:45:19 PM
Silvertone has the least dumb people in all of Boyah
socialist genius squad.
Quote from: NPR on February 28, 2012, 01:13:00 PM
Echo's nudity rating is simply sensational
look at applesauce's nudity, he makes the rest of you look like burqas are mandatory
Quote from: Dovydas on February 28, 2012, 01:34:22 PM
look at applesauce's nudity, he makes the rest of you look like burqas are mandatory
everyone's fat there too
sounds like fun
also, 79% of my citizens are dying of old age
Fuck it, I'll try to get people to live as long as possible.
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on February 28, 2012, 01:36:11 PM
everyone's fat there too
sounds like fun
though they have rather long lifespans too lol confuseddood;
Protesting has been outlawed and children can now gamble jackodood;
Where are you guys checking obesity, nudity, etc?
Quote from: Snowy on February 28, 2012, 02:47:58 PM
Protesting has been outlawed and children can now gamble jackodood;
Where are you guys checking obesity, nudity, etc?
The increasingly militant Animal Liberation Front struck again last night, freeing dozens of chickens bound for delicious snack packs.
[spoiler]though i am quite proud of my flag ifeelbetter;[/spoiler]
i voted for david as our WA delegate
Became a Father Knows Best State. Hell yeah
2 hours ago: Following new legislation in Popsiclasia, young children are regularly seen wagering pocket money at blackjack tables.
at least my economy is picking up
Meat eating is now frowned upon?!?!?
What... the... fuck... argh;
QuoteProspecting company Nukes4U has uncovered a large uranium deposit in Taavet's south-west.
i selected the option that allows for environmentally-'friendly' mining as it's a rain forest. i hope this boosts my economy.
also, neat:
Because I made nudity compulsory, 3% of my people die due to sunburn sillydood;
Quote from: Dovydas on February 29, 2012, 10:24:41 PM
i selected the option that allows for environmentally-'friendly' mining as it's a rain forest. i hope this boosts my economy.
I selected that option yesterday and my economy rating didn't change at all
Private Sector: 69%
percentage of people getting dying by getting lost in the woods :9%
i can't wait to hit double digits happydood;
What the hell!? I voted to approve human embryo/stem cell research, next thing I know, they immediately start 'regularly cloning humans'. WTF!? I feel tricked, I would not have supported that.
Quote from: Socks on March 01, 2012, 06:22:10 AM
What the hell!? I voted to approve human embryo/stem cell research, next thing I know, they immediately start 'regularly cloning humans'. WTF!? I feel tricked, I would not have supported that.
Some of the issues have been kinda funky after approval.
I accidentally made elections illegal since I thought it meant people would choose who they want for office.
And now I understand the first post here.
Them bitches tried banning Harry Potter.
Oh what the hell, how come I am a liberal pussy when it comes to actually making a decision but not in terms of how I feel? myface;
[spoiler]I just increased Education and Welfare in response to Crime, instead of adding more police or instituting public flogging. smithicide;[/spoiler]
Quote from: CM Wrench on March 01, 2012, 06:40:41 AM
Some of the issues have been kinda funky after approval.
I accidentally made elections illegal since I thought it meant people would choose who they want for office.
Yes, I try to regulate how animals are killed for meat and all of the sudden meat eating is 'taboo'
Damn hippies argh;
1% to bungee jumping
my next governmental act is to remove the apartheid on television
Quote from: Echo and Hayley on March 01, 2012, 10:15:55 AM
my next governmental act is to remove the apartheid on television
I said producers could hire whoever the fuck they want, quotas be damned
And now the most popular show on television is racist as fuck girl;
Quote from: NDDR on March 01, 2012, 10:17:20 AM
I said producers could hire whoever the fuck they want, quotas be damned
And now the most popular show on television is racist as fuck girl;
I considered giving money to positive portrayals of minorities, but I felt like that'd just have a bunch of people making overly positive portrayals and never having them as a villain to get more money from the state which already provides everything they need
thymia 5thgrade;
[spoiler]pronounced theemia baddood;[/spoiler]
I made it mandatory to call your spouse darling once a day or else face a fine or jail time in order to save dying marriage rates.
I'm a damn retard;
Quote from: Socks on March 01, 2012, 11:33:10 AM
I made it mandatory to call your spouse darling once a day or else face a fine or jail time in order to save dying marriage rates.
I'm a damn retard;
I got a bill similar to that where married couples have to call each other "Darling" at least once a day.
Personally, I would just ban marriage
up to 88% death by old age now baddood;
I think I ended up just dismissing that issue
Quote from: Echo and Hayley on March 01, 2012, 11:41:59 AM
Personally, I would just ban marriage
I didn't have that option, I had the option of allowing gays and whoever wanted to marry whatever, or follow some course where no one has the right to get a divorce, and I would have followed this, were it not espoused by a religious figure in religious terms.
So I chose what I chose.
Also, who the fuck dismisses issues?
Maybe a dictator.
Wouldn't a dictator actually go for total control?
Quote from: Dead End Moon on March 01, 2012, 12:39:40 PM
Wouldn't a dictator actually go for total control?
You might as well by ignoring something.
How so?
Capital punishment and murder on the rise sillydood;
I like the way certain issues end up after I changed my currency unit to cat picture giggle;
Quote"I don't object to the amount of tax, I object to where it's being spent," says social reformer Billy-Bob Lee. "I'd like to see everyone have a choice as to where their cat pictures go every time they fill out a tax return. Everyone would feel a lot better about opening their wallets if they had a say as to where the money went. I think you'd see a lot more public money going to education and a lot less to business."
Also, have any of you selected this option before? What were your results? I'm considering between this and shifting more tax burden to the wealthy.
Quote from: bluaki on March 01, 2012, 02:24:02 PM
Also, have any of you selected this option before? What were your results? I'm considering between this and shifting more tax burden to the wealthy.
Is there a way to select what issues come up for decision? So far it's been pretty random for me. :(
I think that what you get on that day is random. I don't think anything can really influence them.
good lord, hippo, look at your economy goowan
[spoiler]that's us$4.60 for gdp per capita shakingsillydood; [/spoiler]
Quote from: Dovydas on March 01, 2012, 07:46:44 PM
good lord, hippo, look at your economy goowan
[spoiler]that's us$4.60 for gdp per capita shakingsillydood; [/spoiler]
his whole population is philosophy majors 5thgrade;
[spoiler]idk what any of what you posted meant 5thgrade;[/spoiler]
Quote from: Dovydas on March 01, 2012, 07:46:44 PM
good lord, hippo, look at your economy goowan
[spoiler]that's us$4.60 for gdp per capita shakingsillydood; [/spoiler]
I thought mine was bad n_u
>that exchange rate
Quote from: Thyme on March 01, 2012, 07:48:09 PM
his whole population is philosophy majors 5thgrade;
[spoiler]idk what any of what you posted meant 5thgrade;[/spoiler]
that is probably very true
Quote from: Echo and Hayley on March 01, 2012, 07:48:29 PM
I thought mine was bad n_u
>that exchange rate
i'm honest surprised it's not worse befuddlement
i'm jealous of applesauce's exchange rate :'(
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: P$4.9942 = $1
Gross Domestic Product: P$48,592,956,592.80
GDP Per Capita: P$4,049.41
Unemployment Rate: 22.00%
Consumption: P$24,368,976,000.00
Government Budget: P$25,770,192,120.00
Government Expenditures: P$24,223,980,592.80
Government Waste: P$1,546,211,527.20
Imports: P$5,897,203,470.00
Exports: P$5,648,931,203.91
Trade Deficit: P$-248,272,266.09
Quote from: Dovydas on March 01, 2012, 07:51:38 PM
that is probably very true
n_ui'm honest surprised it's not worse befuddlement
i'm jealous of applesauce's exchange rate :'(
what is his exchange rate?
how do you access this information?
Quote from: Echo and Hayley on March 01, 2012, 07:54:26 PM
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: P$4.9942 = $1
Gross Domestic Product: P$48,592,956,592.80
GDP Per Capita: P$4,049.41
Unemployment Rate: 22.00%
Consumption: P$24,368,976,000.00
Government Budget: P$25,770,192,120.00
Government Expenditures: P$24,223,980,592.80
Government Waste: P$1,546,211,527.20
Imports: P$5,897,203,470.00
Exports: P$5,648,931,203.91
Trade Deficit: P$-248,272,266.09
what is his exchange rate?
A$1.1990 = $1
Quote from: Dovydas on March 01, 2012, 07:58:31 PM
A$1.1990 = $1
what an ass awdood;
all his people do is explore
where do I check these stats
I apparently have a strong economy
Quote from: Socks on March 01, 2012, 07:57:47 PM
how do you access this information?
Quote from: Echo and Hayley on March 01, 2012, 07:59:20 PM
what an ass awdood;
all his people do is explore
seriously, bunch of hippies
Exchange Rate: G$2.0754 = $1
Gross Domestic Product: G$112,556,760,750.00
GDP Per Capita: G$9,379.73
Unemployment Rate: 17.10%
Consumption: G$79,236,000,000.00
Government Budget: G$39,200,895,000.00
Government Expenditures: G$33,320,760,750.00
Government Waste: G$5,880,134,250.00
Imports: G$14,069,595,093.75
Exports: G$13,084,723,437.19
Trade Deficit: G$-984,871,656.56
Mr. Numbers David pls help
Exchange Rate: A$4.0418 = $1
Gross Domestic Product: A$49,461,927,623.63
GDP Per Capita: A$4,946.19
Unemployment Rate: 21.13%
Consumption: A$32,475,600,000.00
Government Budget: A$17,511,677,962.50
Government Expenditures: A$16,986,327,623.63
Government Waste: A$525,350,338.88
Imports: A$6,373,959,745.31
Exports: A$5,749,949,086.25
Trade Deficit: A$-624,010,659.07
where do you find this information
also14% of my population dies by getting lost in the woods, 1% from moose attacks 5thgrade;
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: M$2.5872 = $1
Gross Domestic Product: M$96,567,236,812.80
GDP Per Capita: M$8,047.27
Unemployment Rate: 18.26%
Consumption: M$60,203,520,000.00
Government Budget: M$38,684,805,120.00
Government Expenditures: M$36,363,716,812.80
Government Waste: M$2,321,088,307.20
Imports: M$11,606,639,040.00
Exports: M$11,588,068,417.54
Trade Deficit: M$-18,570,622.46
Military Statistics
Total Military: 9,600
Army Details
Army Budget: M$1,745,458,407.01
Total Army: 6,240
Total Army Active: 1,872
Total Army Reserves: 4,368
Total Divisions: 1
Navy Details
Navy Budget: M$290,909,734.50
Total Navy: 960
Total Navy Active: 288
Total Navy Reserves: 672
Total Squadrons: 1
Air Force Details
Air Force Budget: M$872,729,203.51
Total Air: 2,400
Total Air Active: 720
Total Air Reserves: 1,680
Total Air Wings: 1
exchange rate is ok and i have michigan like underemployment with only 18 million trade deficit.
Military Statistics
Total Military: 51.60 thousand
Army Details
Army Budget: G$6.57 billion
Total Army: 33.54 thousand
Total Army Active: 10.06 thousand
Total Army Reserves: 23.48 thousand
Total Divisions: 3
Navy Details
Navy Budget: G$1.10 billion
Total Navy: 5.16 thousand
Total Navy Active: 1.55 thousand
Total Navy Reserves: 3.61 thousand
Total Squadrons: 1
Air Force Details
Air Force Budget: G$3.29 billion
Total Air: 12.90 thousand
Total Air Active: 3.87 thousand
Total Air Reserves: 9.03 thousand
Total Air Wings: 1
i spend 43% of my budget on this? weak
Quote from: N o t S i d on March 01, 2012, 08:06:39 PM
where do you find this information
also14% of my population dies by getting lost in the woods, 1% from moose attacks 5thgrade;
here lol http://tracker.conquestofabsolution.com/
Quote from: Snowy on March 01, 2012, 08:04:36 PM
Exchange Rate: G$2.0754 = $1
Gross Domestic Product: G$112,556,760,750.00
GDP Per Capita: G$9,379.73
Unemployment Rate: 17.10%
Consumption: G$79,236,000,000.00
Government Budget: G$39,200,895,000.00
Government Expenditures: G$33,320,760,750.00
Government Waste: G$5,880,134,250.00
Imports: G$14,069,595,093.75
Exports: G$13,084,723,437.19
Trade Deficit: G$-984,871,656.56
Mr. Numbers David pls help
my god, my gdp/capita is embarrassing lol
what the hell i am so jealous of you david. :(
give me that military now.
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: B$2.1502 = $1
Gross Domestic Product: B$104,856,111,360.00
GDP Per Capita: B$8,738.01
Unemployment Rate: 17.65%
Consumption: B$75,675,600,000.00
Government Budget: B$36,475,639,200.00
Government Expenditures: B$29,180,511,360.00
Government Waste: B$7,295,127,840.00
Imports: B$13,239,408,000.00
Exports: B$11,927,382,667.20
Trade Deficit: B$-1,312,025,332.80
Quote from: Tectrinket on March 01, 2012, 08:13:37 PM
my god, my gdp/capita is embarrassing lol
mine too :(
Quote from: Socks on March 01, 2012, 08:15:33 PM
what the hell i am so jealous of you david. :(
give me that military now.
it should be getting stronger once my recent legislation passes too Reichdood;
Quote from: N o t S i d on March 01, 2012, 08:15:47 PM
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: B$2.1502 = $1
Gross Domestic Product: B$104,856,111,360.00
GDP Per Capita: B$8,738.01
Unemployment Rate: 17.65%
Consumption: B$75,675,600,000.00
Government Budget: B$36,475,639,200.00
Government Expenditures: B$29,180,511,360.00
Government Waste: B$7,295,127,840.00
Imports: B$13,239,408,000.00
Exports: B$11,927,382,667.20
Trade Deficit: B$-1,312,025,332.80
that trade deficit is awful >_<'
Ignoring Echo's friend, I think I just became the country with the best economy AWESOME
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: G$1 = $1.0412
Gross Domestic Product: G$306.61 billion
GDP Per Capita: G$21.90 thousand
Unemployment Rate: 8.38%
Consumption: G$240.70 billion
Government Budget: G$70.11 billion
Government Expenditures: G$65.91 billion
Government Waste: G$4.21 billion
Imports: G$37.57 billion
Exports: G$37.56 billion
Trade Deficit: G$-15.03 million
My trade deficit is getting better too cry;
what how do you find these details
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 02, 2012, 12:25:54 AM
what how do you find these details
easy three posts lol
Exchange Rate: C$3.9960 = $1
Gross Domestic Product: C$60,722,828,985.60
GDP Per Capita: C$5,060.24
Unemployment Rate: 21.02%
Consumption: C$38,543,760,000.00
Government Budget: C$24,107,683,680.00
Government Expenditures: C$22,179,068,985.60
Government Waste: C$1,928,614,694.40
Imports: C$7,441,523,160.00
Exports: C$7,134,932,405.81
Trade Deficit: C$-306,590,754.19
i swear my economy went from great to shit overnight and i've been trying to rectify that without sacrificing civil rights
political rights can get fucked though
I considered banning names in favour of government allotted id numbers, then decided to just let people name their kids fuckshitcunt if they really want to
22.33% of my country is unemployed...
They should be shot for disgracing the good name of Jhut Bolokia
Quote from: NDDR on March 02, 2012, 09:57:25 AM
22.33% of my country is unemployed...
They should be shot for disgracing the good name of Jhut Bolokia
but if they worked, siesta time would be cut down. :'(
Quote from: Dovydas on March 02, 2012, 10:03:50 AM
but if they worked, siesta time would be cut down. :'(
They're too damn busy complaining about too many bicyclists and not enough nudity to have time for siestas akudood;
Quote from: NDDR on March 02, 2012, 10:05:46 AM
They're too damn busy complaining about too many bicyclists and not enough nudity to have time for siestas akudood;
Well, the bicycle question can boost your economy if you went with the option that subsidises the auto industry goowan
Quote from: Dovydas on March 02, 2012, 10:15:16 AM
Well, the bicycle question can boost your economy if you went with the option that subsidises the auto industry goowan
I wanted to increase bicycling but the only way was to ban cars... what the h e double hockey sticks
I banned cars the other day which was really my only industry
I forget what I said for that issue, I think I outlawed cars too befuddlement
But last night I introduced Asabon to "Big Brother" jackodood;
Quote from: Echo and Hayley on March 02, 2012, 10:22:08 AM
I banned cars the other day which was really my only industry
yeah after i did that my country became poor as fuck
i banked too much on tourism saddood;
Quote from: N o t S i d on March 02, 2012, 11:05:26 AM
yeah after i did that my country became poor as fuck
i banked too much on tourism saddood;
at least you have tourism goowan
dumb game thinks the pluralization of "stegosaurus" is "stegosauruss"
eh eating them looks like the best option
but knowing this game they're going to go extinct
yo what the heck is wrong with you why would you fucking eat a dinosaur.
Quote from: silvertoné on March 02, 2012, 01:37:01 PM
yo what the heck is wrong with you why would you fucking eat a dinosaur.
but it's that, kill them for sport and let them die, or go vegan
dead b4 veg
what hte fuck am i reading.
"i want to eat dinaorsuars cos i thikn they should be killed as game, also i dont want ot be vegan. this is completely logical"
Quote from: Echo and Hayley on March 02, 2012, 01:45:37 PM
thank you for the input we are now eating stegosaurus
I should forcefully remove you from Boyahland
tyhe fucking baka
this is total bullshit
"need;e in my vein. neelde of meat ; im dead and gay now " -confuscious.
i got dinorrhea :(
Quote"Unless this government does something, Tavono won't have an auto industry for much longer," says auto industry union boss Abraham Cho, in a rare public appearance alongside management. "These foreign companies employ people for a few cat pictures a day. The only way to level the playing field is to raise tariffs. The government would make more money, too, so it's win-win."
Those poor foreign workers, only getting a few cat pictures a day cry;
I love your currency girl;
Quote from: NDDR on March 02, 2012, 03:03:52 PM
I love your currency girl;
I briefly considered some other silly things for currency like computers, video games, swords, corpses, uranium ores, cars, mansions, water droplets, and dirt particles sillydood;
I wonder if it means "radioactive exposure. befuddlement
Dat murder rate jackodood;
Quote from: Snowy on March 02, 2012, 03:39:29 PM
I wonder if it means "radioactive exposure. befuddlement
Dat murder rate jackodood;
it probably means exposer to cold/hot weather
Quote from: Dovydas on March 02, 2012, 03:41:16 PM
it probably means exposer to cold/hot weather
or sun if there's a lot of nudity
I have "84 cheeks per square mile" sillydood;
how boring
I wish my people were more religious. :(
Quote from: Snowy on March 02, 2012, 03:59:22 PM
I wish my people were more religious. :(
have you appointed a religious adviser yet
My bungee jumping death rate is up to 2% now.
removing all forms of governmental spending on healthcare apparently causes your populace to become too stupid to prevent scurvy
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 02, 2012, 04:10:27 PM
have you appointed a religious adviser yet
I either said "no" or haven't had that issue yet
or I don't have that checked as a setting
"The fact is, the Human population is out of control," says Beef-Based Agriculture spokesperson Mohammed Utopia. "We have to do something about them anyway, so why not market them as tasty snacks? We could have Human kebabs, Human pies, Human-on-a-sticks--the possibilities are endless! Let's not pass up this golden opportunity to provide a feast, if you will, for our economy."
human kebabs sound tasty indeed toothdood;
and this displeases me, greatly (https://boyah.net/forums/Themes/SAF/images/post/angry.gif)
Exchange Rate: G$1 = $1.3029
Gross Domestic Product: G$438.95 billion
GDP Per Capita: G$27.43 thousand
Unemployment Rate: 5.78%
Consumption: G$351.86 billion
Government Budget: G$92.65 billion
Government Expenditures: G$87.09 billion
Government Waste: G$5.56 billion
Imports: G$53.79 billion
Exports: G$53.77 billion
Trade Deficit: G$-21.52 million
plus, nobody is thinking of the children in taavet tomatoes;
'The mining industry is making inroads into environmentally sensitive areas, the automotive industry [glow=black,2,300]soaks up huge government handouts[/glow], punitive tariffs protect local industry, and young children are regularly seen wagering pocket money at blackjack tables. Crime is a problem, and the police force struggles against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. Taavet's national animal is the Cougar, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its currency is the Geld.'
every time you post i'm transfixed by your avatar. it is an incredible human pose from an incredibly attractive lady.
as an asian member would post, doodhuh;
9 hours ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, Doodthing is one of the most popular forenames in Escundya.
Also just shut down a nazi rally
>more free speech
>Thymia's children are widely acknowledged as the most foul-mouthed in the region
Quote from: Thyme on March 03, 2012, 08:24:56 AM
>more free speech
>Thymia's children are widely acknowledged as the most foul-mouthed in the region
va t'faire enculer, pédé :|
Quote from: Socks on March 03, 2012, 06:06:55 AM
every time you post i'm transfixed by your avatar. it is an incredible human pose from an incredibly attractive lady.
as an asian member would post, doodhuh;
also i just set my settings to two new issues a day badass
"Whoa, dude, no need to get, like, you know," says Free Your Mind campaigner Colin Bush, from his parents' basement. "This is, like, a personal choice issue, you know. It's like... whoa, just back off what I want to do with my own body. Don't let the fascists win, man. There are some hot new eckies coming in soon, they should be legal too."
Quote from: Thyme on March 03, 2012, 08:33:56 AM
also i just set my settings to two new issues a day badass
yeah welcome to the level that the rest of boyah is on already
Quote from: N o t S i d on March 03, 2012, 08:40:30 AM
yeah welcome to the level that the rest of boyah is on already
Quote from: Echo and Hayley on March 03, 2012, 07:24:25 AM
9 hours ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, Doodthing is one of the most popular forenames in Escundya.
Also just shut down a nazi rally
every time you post i'm transfixed by your avatar. it is an incredible human pose from an incredibly attractive lady.
as an asian member would post, doodhuh;
"We won't have a future unless we improve police numbers and rebuild the military," says General Anne-Marie Levy. "Oh, it's all well and good to have your fancy education and your nice cars, until some tinpot dictatorship decides to invade. And don't pretend like there aren't any of them in our region. Our number one priority has to be security."
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on March 03, 2012, 11:56:59 AM
"We won't have a future unless we improve police numbers and rebuild the military," says General Anne-Marie Levy. "Oh, it's all well and good to have your fancy education and your nice cars, until some tinpot dictatorship decides to invade. And don't pretend like there aren't any of them in our region. Our number one priority has to be security."
I have the same issue today, except the name in that option is General Jacob Goeth.
It's mentioned in the FAQ that invasions can never happen in this simulator. I chose education.
Quote from: bluaki on March 03, 2012, 12:17:27 PM
I have the same issue today, except the name in that option is General Jacob Goeth.
It's mentioned in the FAQ that invasions can never happen in this simulator. I chose education.
Can I invade other people's regions?
Yes. See: Regions (http://www.nationstates.net/page=faq#regions).
Quote from: The Empire of TaavetElections have been outlawed,... a dictator has seized power and outlawed elections.
You outlawed elections twice? The Eternal Rudeship of Thymia.
rofl ifeelbetter;
Doctors want organ donation to be mandatory.
Fuck no. I respect my people even when they are dead
Quote from: CM Wrench on March 03, 2012, 01:59:12 PM
Doctors want organ donation to be mandatory.
Fuck no. I respect my people even when they are dead
ahhh how cute
respecting dead people who don't need their organs when there are people alive who need them
Quote from: CM Wrench on March 03, 2012, 01:59:12 PM
Doctors want organ donation to be mandatory.
Fuck no. I respect my people even when they are dead
i hope this isn't an actual belief you harbor
Quote from: Travis on March 03, 2012, 02:03:06 PM
i hope this isn't an actual belief you harbor
Whether you like it or not, it is.
If you don't want your organs donated, they shouldn't have to be. Yes, it is selfish, but you shouldn't force people to do it no matter how much it would help.
That said, I am an organ donor.
Quote from: CM Wrench on March 03, 2012, 02:11:01 PM
Whether you like it or not, it is.
If you don't want your organs donated, they shouldn't have to be. Yes, it is selfish, but you shouldn't force people to do it no matter how much it would help.
That said, I am an organ donor.
i agree
Quote from: CM Wrench on March 03, 2012, 02:11:01 PM
Whether you like it or not, it is.
If you don't want your organs donated, they shouldn't have to be. Yes, it is selfish, but you shouldn't force people to do it no matter how much it would help.
That said, I am an organ donor.
yeah but if somebody is dead, they won't know or care that they've been donated!! LOL
Quote from: Travis on March 03, 2012, 02:13:08 PM
yeah but if somebody is dead, they won't know or care that they've been donated!! LOL
In that case, it's just a matter of being respectful of their wishes
Quote from: Travis on March 03, 2012, 02:13:08 PM
yeah but if somebody is dead, they won't know or care that they've been donated!! LOL
Quote from: CM Wrench on March 03, 2012, 02:15:10 PM
In that case, it's just a matter of being respectful of their wishes
being selfish isn't something that should be respected
and imo countries that have it as opt out are p. rude
Quote from: Thyme on March 03, 2012, 02:17:32 PM
and imo countries that have it as opt out are p. rude
how is it rude to automatically assume people are gracious and willing to help others
Quote from: Thyme on March 03, 2012, 02:17:32 PM
and imo countries that have it as opt out are p. rude
i honestly think it should be opt-out here goowan
Quote from: Travis on March 03, 2012, 02:18:38 PM
how is it rude to automatically assume people are gracious and willing to help others
because that assumption is wrong to begin with maps;
this is felt
this is what happens when felt outlaws gambling
don't be like felt
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 03, 2012, 02:20:40 PM
this is felt
this is what happens when felt outlaws gambling
don't be like felt
oh sweet lord n_u poor felt
i lol'd ifeelbetter;
QuoteMy region's WA Delegate is an evil dictator who abuses her power! Make her stop!
Delegates are elected: if you don't like yours, it's up to you to get her unelected! Delegates are free to use or abuse their power as they see fit.
is that some sick joke? :|
wow seriously? this thing is kind of cool except for this enforcing bigoted stereotypes bs
QuoteThe Issue
National marijuana consumption has hit an all-time high, with alarming results, a new poll has found.
The Debate
"My factory's productivity is down ten percent since marijuana was decriminalized," complains employer Jean-Paul Khan. "And the number of thefts from the candy machine is off the scale. This so-called 'pot' needs to be banned in all public places. Let the junkies do what they want at home, but not in my workplace."
"Whoa, dude, no need to get, like, you know," says Free Your Mind campaigner Randy Gutenberg, from his parents' basement. "This is, like, a personal choice issue, you know. It's like... whoa, just back off what I want to do with my own body. Don't let the fascists win, man. There are some hot new eckies coming in soon, they should be legal too."
Yeah, it over-generalizes and stereotypes everything. Literally everything. Everything gets pushed to the extreme with every decision you make. Makes it kind of hilarious IMO.
Quote from: Tectrinket on March 03, 2012, 06:30:54 PM
that's not such a bad thing! decisions like this shouldn't be easy baddood;
i feel like it is not True Democracy Happenin Here . like with the polarized decisions and stereotypes. i am truely a shit bag.
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 03, 2012, 02:20:40 PM
this is felt
this is what happens when felt outlaws gambling
don't be like felt
This is exactly what happened to me a day or two ago cry;
My economy was great, but now it's bad
what the fuck i already outlawed gambling. :'(
Quote from: Socks on March 03, 2012, 08:50:12 PM
what the fuck i already outlawed gambling. :'(
Me too. smithicide;
it's no wonder my economy never took off awdood;
oh wait never mind it appears i somehow in my confusion and awe actually allowed children to gamble! doodella; doodella; doodella;
I outlawed gambling, but said kids can gamble sillydood;
Quote from: silvertoné on March 03, 2012, 06:34:00 PM
i feel like it is not True Democracy Happenin Here . like with the polarized decisions and stereotypes. i am truely a shit bag.
i find myself voting the opposite of what i would do because of the choices they present to me and how.
11 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Popsiclasia, high-income earners pay a 100% tax rate.
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 03, 2012, 09:48:42 PM
11 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Popsiclasia, high-income earners pay a 100% tax rate.
i applaude you sire.
My most recent action is banning private donations to political parties, and now my page says
QuoteThe Republic of Tavono is a tiny, genial nation, renowned for its barren, inhospitable landscape.
How did this happen? huhdoodame;
are you mining for stuff
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 03, 2012, 09:51:32 PM
are you mining for stuff
I think I chose the middle option for that, with something about protecting some forest while mining some.
But that was one of my first issues like a week ago and this detail only just appeared like 20 minutes ago. Until then, it said cats frolic freely in the many lush forests.
Quote from: bluaki on March 03, 2012, 09:50:30 PM
My most recent action is banning private donations to political parties, and now my page says
How did this happen? huhdoodame;
how do you think anything gets done? you think people build stuff on barren, inhospitable landscapes without some pocket lining!?
QuoteIts hard-nosed, hard-working population of 18 million are either ruled by a sleek, efficient government or a conglomerate of multinational corporations; it's difficult to tell which.
Beautiful. giggle;
[spoiler]It would be truly amazing if I could have a series proxy wars with Echo's friend to determine Boyahland's hyperpower :'([/spoiler]
Quote from: Socks on March 03, 2012, 09:41:32 PM
i find myself voting the opposite of what i would do because of the choices they present to me and how.
yeah some of them are worded terribly. especially:
"Whoa, dude, no need to get, like, you know," says Free Your Mind campaigner Konrad Frederickson, from his parents' basement. "This is, like, a personal choice issue, you know. It's like... whoa, just back off what I want to do with my own body. Don't let the fascists win, man. There are some hot new eckies coming in soon, they should be legal too."
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 03, 2012, 09:48:42 PM
11 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Popsiclasia, high-income earners pay a 100% tax rate.
yeah this just happened to me and now i'm labeled a scandanavian liberal paradise or whatever bullshit, and my economy is weaker. i don't like how over-generalizing this game is
"Hold on there, hold on people!" says Abraham Yeats of the Escundya Broadcasting company, "We don't have to take either extreme, all we have to do is make a TV game show out of it! We put deadly obstacles on the border and monitor it with television cameras! Those that make it across win freedom and citizenship, and those who don't, well, lets just say that our buzzards won't starve. We could call it 'Who Wants to be an Immigrant?'!"
what an ass akudood;
I don't know what to do
do I upgrade sports venues so we can have foreigners play?
do I tell them to get money from private places?
do I tell kids to fuck the rules?
what do I do wry
i was bored and annoyed at how the tracker doesn't rank us in a common currency so i just took some [of the more important] data and converted them into us dollars using the conversion rate listed for each country and got:
[spoiler]there might be probably are some errors, i'm only human
and the last imports/exports/balance of trade are all linked that's why the names are dropped[/spoiler]
Quote6 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, sex changes are routinely performed at Asabon's hospitals.
18 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, Harry Potter books are banned.
18 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, citizens can be frequently spotted going about their business stark naked.
1 day 18 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, military spending recently hit a new high.
1 day 18 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, rumours have it that a secret police is responsible for the recent spate of missing persons.
2 days 18 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, the Ocelot is a protected species.
2 days 18 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, employers may fire workers without giving any reason.
2 days 18 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, all major public areas are watched by police surveillance cameras.
2 days 18 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, scientists regularly clone human beings for research purposes.
4 days ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, young children are regularly seen wagering pocket money at blackjack tables.
Quote18 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, Harry Potter books are banned.
looks like i'm stopping all imports of asabonian goods
lmao @ silvertone's GDP
i have 69 and 88. i am grand supreme.
Quote from: Thyme on March 04, 2012, 04:46:36 PM
he knows what it's all about nigga
you need to trash your economy some more homie
Quote from: Thyme on March 04, 2012, 05:02:22 PM
it's too low to be trashable any further nigga
all you have to do is outlaw business when/if that issue comes up tomatoes;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 04, 2012, 05:24:39 PM
all you have to do is outlaw business when/if that issue comes up tomatoes;
they already are tomatoes;
Quote from: Thyme on March 04, 2012, 05:43:52 PM
The Eternal Rudeship of Thymia tomatoes;
You're running a wonderful nation, keep up the good work
It's interesting, my economy is improving, and both my political freedoms and civil rights are taking a hit...
It's interesting how in the us we point to our economy as a sign of our progress and liberty...
It's interesting how this shows a lie.
2 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, the nation's massive battleships are often mistaken for islands.
Quote107 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Popsiclasia, meat-eating is frowned upon.
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 04, 2012, 11:25:09 PM
rofl i love the extreme results in this game
i learned that there is no middle ground the hard way myface;
"As far as I can see, homeless people are already a nuisance," says Violet Wall, a proud citizen. "They're mostly thieves and drug addicts, they make the streets a dangerous place for our children, they make honest people feel guilty for turfing them off their doorsteps and, frankly, they smell bad. They're vermin, plain and simple, and as such I suggest they be destroyed before the infestation gets even more out of hand.
17% of population dies in the woods happydood;
Quote from: N o t S i d on March 05, 2012, 03:46:53 AM
17% of population dies in the woods happydood;
how did you get this I want this. will u be my presidente.
Quote from: vziard on March 05, 2012, 03:50:17 AM
how did you get this I want this. will u be my presidente.
bby ill sign ur treaty right on the dotted line if you know what im saying
"That's what they want! Leverage!" hollers Efthamia de Jong, your Minister of Defence, storming into your office. "Advances in our markets, political favours - they'll do anything to undermine us! They've always hated us, those rats! If you ask me, this brouhaha isn't about drugs - it's a spit in our eye, that's what it is! What kind of people execute kids for having a few ounces on them? We ought to give them a good bombing, then they'll know how a proper country behaves!"
my economy is picking up!
and unanimous votes for bills to pass is now required
35 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, the government is forced to pander to the will of every fruitcake politician.
both my economy and political freedoms are now on the rise
Quote from: The Doctor on March 05, 2012, 07:57:22 AM
my economy is picking up!
Mine dropped from 76 to 29 quite a while ago thanks to the gambling ban and hasn't gone up since cry;
my current issue is about aliens, with options of either wasting ridiculous sums of money on attempting to find them, increasing military to control the skies, or stop wasting cat pictures on searching for aliens. Choosing the latter, I hope its effect on economy is positive.
then you nation will be unprepared for the ultimate coming of the gods.
Quote from: Socks on March 05, 2012, 10:50:43 AM
then you nation will be unprepared for the ultimate coming of the gods.
Quote"Extraterrestrial lifeforms? Alien invaders? I don't know why we even have to listen to such idiocy!" complains prize-winning physicist Abraham Frederickson. "In my opinion, the idea of 'aliens' on another planet is highly unlikely, and even if they did exist, getting from there to here is technically impossible! I say we forget this nonsense and stop spending our tax cat pictures on it. Leave this sort of foolishness to the people who attend those 'trekkie' conventions."
I agree with this baddood;
Quote from: bluaki on March 05, 2012, 10:53:59 AM
I agree with this baddood;
Every single points in it was wrong and incorrect, in fact, we are the aliens, and the fathers are out there watching, one day they will come, as they have been all the time.
I have to choose between trial by jury and trial by combat/dueling... Why can't I make it the choice of the parties involved >_<'
If you don't choose by dueling I will wage war on you. My country of angry nudists will topple your country of civil pussies. Reichdood;
You dare declare war on your fellow nudists? Well thank goodness we started leveling that rainforest for uranium! Now begins the nuclear winter of your discontent Reichdood;
2 hours ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, radio shows frequently feature people denouncing religion.
ugh what, all i did was say that the inquisition had no place in my country akudood;
Please go to war so your refugees can freely join my great nation, furthering my strength
Taavet To Hold The Olympic Torch?
Enthusiastic sports fans have been petitioning the government all week to apply for the much-coveted honour of hosting the next Regional Olympics. While most citizens are excited at the prospect of a Boyahland-wide competition in their own country, some have expressed reservations about the enormous expense hosting would incur.
The Debate
"WAHAAAAY!" screams May Hamilton, captain of Taavet City's premier division ballroom dancing team. "Finally, a chance to show the world exactly how great I am! Everybody's always complaining that Taavet never does well in sports and you know why? It's because we're never in front of the home crowd, that's why! We're going to need a great big stadium! No! TWO stadiums! WHOOP! OL-YM-PICS! OL-YM-PICS!"
"Oh great," mutters Efthamia O'Bannon, spokesperson for the Angry Taxpayer Society. "That's all we need, more things to pour money into for no obvious reason. Surely it would be easier to just let another country host the Olympics and keep the cash? Then maybe it could go to something useful, like, I don't know... my wallet?"
"We'd be missing an amazing opportunity if we pass this up," says Zeke Droit, your Minister of Sports. "But we've got to be in it to win! Simply building new stadia won't be enough, we need to be funding new sports centres and hiring the best coaches for our entrants! You could put more money into public facilities too, like gyms or something. Then no one can accuse you of wasting everyone's tax Gelds, ha ha. Ha."
"There's nothing like a feat of strength to please the dull-witted masses, is there?" sighs Aaron Peters, flipping through 'One Hundred Gambits for Advanced Go Players'. "It's so boring. Why can't more intellectual pursuits be given the spotlight, like chess or debating matches? Ban organised sports and make our dreams come true! I think you'll find it comes at a far lower price than the populist Olympics ever will."
why can't there be one option where i make the other boyahland members pay for it??? cry;
Quote from: NDDR on March 05, 2012, 11:07:13 AM
You dare declare war on your fellow nudists? Well thank goodness we started leveling that rainforest for uranium! Now begins the nuclear winter of your discontent Reichdood;
I've been building arms and my economy is quite good. I'm sure a war wouldn't dent it. Reichdood;
Quote from: Snowy on March 05, 2012, 12:01:05 PM
I've been building arms and my economy is quite good. I'm sure a war wouldn't dent it. Reichdood;
I think nuclear missiles are a pretty good way to ruin your economy n_u
Regardless, I am going with dueling... It is the more nomadic option. Rape cases should be entertaining
Quote from: NDDR on March 05, 2012, 12:02:42 PM
I think nuclear missiles are a pretty good way to ruin your economy n_u
I will be at the field at dawn. Reichdood;
Quote from: Snowy on March 05, 2012, 12:04:05 PM
I will be at the field at dawn. Reichdood;
wow you're not very good at this war thing are you
Quote from: Snowy on March 05, 2012, 12:01:05 PM
I've been building arms and my economy is quite good. I'm sure a war wouldn't dent it. Reichdood;
your economy is just above poverty territory and your government is wasteful beyond imagination
Quote from: The Doctor on March 05, 2012, 12:04:50 PM
wow you're not very good at this war thing are you
It will be a gentleman's war. Reichdood;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 05, 2012, 12:05:38 PM
your economy is just above poverty territory and your government is wasteful beyond imagination
Just as it should n_u
"A large-scale revitalization of the education system is underway, the nation is ravaged by daily union strikes, parents must choose their children's names from a government-mandated master list, and the government is well known for declaring war on other countries for suspected slights. Crime is well under control, thanks to a well-funded police force. Frenzy Pyre's national animal is the Wolf, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its currency is the Astra."
blue is civil rights
red is economy
green is political freedoms baddood;
both are approaching all time highs
It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, liberal, socially-minded government stops and the rest of society begins, but it concentrates mainly on Social Welfare, although Education and Healthcare are secondary priorities. The average income tax rate is 53%, and even higher for the wealthy. Private enterprise is illegal, but for those in the know there is a slick and highly efficient black market in Gambling.
Euthanasia is legal, refugees from other nations are flocking to Escundya's border, glittering new sports stadiums adorn every city and town, and the government is forced to pander to the will of every fruitcake politician. Crime is totally unknown. Escundya's national animal is the Doodthing, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the Pense.
my tax rate is up to 53% now n_u
3 hours ago: Following new legislation in Popsiclasia, political activists are routinely executed.
capital punishment went from 0% to 10% overnight
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 05, 2012, 01:04:59 PM
3 hours ago: Following new legislation in Popsiclasia, political activists are routinely executed.
capital punishment went from 0% to 10% overnight
Mine's stuck at 4% :(
the hearts of my people simply can't contain all the joy my people feel when my military expands cry;
i laughed at scurvy
what's up with your cancer rate?
too much exposure to raw uranium it would seem
Quote from: Dovydas on March 05, 2012, 08:23:36 PM
too much exposure to raw uranium it would seem
uranium causing cancer? Who would have guessed.
Quote11 hours ago: Following new legislation in NotSid, citizens applying for their first jobs face fierce competition from the homeless.
"As far as I can see, homeless people are already a nuisance," says Cooper Woolf, a proud citizen. "They're mostly thieves and drug addicts, they make the streets a dangerous place for our children, they make honest people feel guilty for turfing them off their doorsteps and, frankly, they smell bad. They're vermin, plain and simple, and as such I suggest they be destroyed before the infestation gets even more out of hand."
don't worry sid, i'll avenge you tomatoes;
"There's a simple way to boost the marriage rate," says gay rights activist Jennifer Chicago. "Abolish those archaic laws that discriminate against same-sex marriages. It's obscene to treat people differently because of their sexual preference. Besides, everyone knows gay relationships are more stable than straight ones."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
Oh boy.
inb4 different-sex marriage is made illegal
My current issue is about graffiti. It's somewhat dull and both options seem uninteresting, so I'll just dismiss it >_<'
Quote from: Thyme on March 05, 2012, 10:24:10 PM
Oh boy.
inb4 different-sex marriage is made illegal
Many of us have had that issue before n_u
Your choice results in:
Quote12 hours ago: Following new legislation in Tavono, same-sex marriages are increasingly common.
and I also received 6 points boosted civil rights rating
oh that's cool baddood;
Options regarding developing a space program:
A: Do it! We can show off our scientific prowess to the rest of the world!
B: Sure, but let's sell ad space on the shuttle and auction off the building contract to cut costs
C: Let's make religious education mandatory in schools
Quote from: NDDR on March 05, 2012, 10:30:46 PM
Options regarding developing a space program:
A: Do it! We can show off our scientific prowess to the rest of the world!
B: Sure, but let's sell ad space on the shuttle and auction off the building contract to cut costs
C: Let's make religious education mandatory in schools
obviously you have some scientologist lobbyists working in your government
What's the point in being a WA Delegate? confuseddood;
I just took away all forms of security for airplane travel, oohhhh yeahhh, I'm taking it back to how it was, when people were trusted, had common sense and a care for there life and love.
Back to the days when air travel was LUXURIOUS.
UFOs made my economy jump 6 points
Quote from: Socks on March 06, 2012, 05:57:13 AM
I just took away all forms of security for airplane travel, oohhhh yeahhh, I'm taking it back to how it was, when people were trusted, had common sense and a care for there life and love.
Back to the days when air travel was LUXURIOUS.
29 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Gondwannaland, the wreckages of bombed planes that litter Gondwannaland are highly popular tourist destinations.
Quote from: Socks on March 06, 2012, 10:06:51 AM
29 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Gondwannaland, the wreckages of bombed planes that litter Gondwannaland are highly popular tourist destinations.
n_u well that surely wasn't what you were going for
Quote from: The Doctor on March 06, 2012, 10:07:45 AM
n_u well that surely wasn't what you were going for
my hopes have crashed and burned, you could say.
Also I just noticed at the bottom of every issue there is something like this...
Issue by: The kennedy family
This kind of disturbs me.
"We'd be missing an amazing opportunity if we pass this up," says William Smith, your Minister of Sports. "But we've got to be in it to win! Simply building new stadia won't be enough, we need to be funding new sports centres and hiring the best coaches for our entrants! You could put more money into public facilities too, like gyms or something. Then no one can accuse you of wasting everyone's tax Astras, ha ha. Ha."
Let's see where this takes my failed economy to now
87 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Popsiclasia, citizens who become homeless are immediately executed.
Quote"Private prisons?! Rehabilitation?! How utterly ridiculous!" exclaims Abraham Laine, Popsiclasia's toughest police officer. "Both of these proposals will simply waste resources on the scum of society. I say that we should summarily execute all violent criminals and give their property to their victims."
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 06, 2012, 11:03:49 AM
87 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Popsiclasia, citizens who become homeless are immediately executed.
oh god, that's beautiful
88 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, hundreds of thousands of convicts work as slaves in Taavet's many privately-owned prisons.
"People Request Not So Much Dictatorship, If That's All Right"
People of Thymia, prepare to face the rude of your great leader. ghouldood;
Quote from: Thyme on March 06, 2012, 11:06:26 AM
"People Request Not So Much Dictatorship, If That's All Right"
People of Thymia, prepare to face the rude of your great leader. ghouldood;
Yeah I got that one the other day.
For whatever reason it affects both civil and political rights. Whatever man.
The High Minister for Finance, who also happens to be your brother, dismisses the claim. "What these people fail to realize is that you know what's best for them. The alternative is anarchy! I say stick to your course. And execute these wackos for treason."
whooooooooaaaaaaa no no no no no no no
gonna have to dismiss this one
what have you guys become? :(
Quote from: Thyme on March 06, 2012, 11:07:36 AM
gonna have to dismiss this one
which i admit is in itself p. rude lol sillydood;
Taavet is ranked 21st in Boyahland and 91,261st in the world for Most Dedicated Public Healthcare, scoring -8 on the Theresa-Nightingale Rating.
it was at a -6 earlier today sillydood;
I'm 18th with a 5 score
Gross Regional Product$4 trillion
GRP Per Capita$9.7 thousand
Largest Population View List Xaninthova (26 million)
Regional Average GDP$189.7 billion
Largest GDP View List Taavet ($694.3 billion)
Smallest GDP View List Silverbreed ($1.9 billion)
Largest GDP Per Capita View List Taavet ($30.2 thousand)
Smallest GDP Per Capita View List Silverbreed ($84.2)
Largest Consumption View List Taavet ($553.5 billion)
Smallest Consumption View List Silverbreed ($785.5 million)
Largest Budget View List Popoland ($176.1 billion)
Smallest Budget View List Silverbreed ($1.3 billion)
Largest Waste View List Asabon ($19.5 billion)
Smallest Waste View List Silverbreed ($100 million)
Largest Unemployment View List Silverbreed (26.11%)
Smallest Unemployment View List Taavet (4.77%)
Largest Imports View List Taavet ($82.7 billion)
Smallest Imports View List Silverbreed ($246.9 million)
Largest Exports View List Taavet ($89.4 billion)
Smallest Exports View List Silverbreed ($205.7 million)
it finally updated tomatoes;
silvertone's economy is stalled at a zero n_u
Quote from: The Doctor on March 06, 2012, 02:07:14 PM
silvertone's economy is stalled at a zero n_u
he's our north korea cry;
My nation loves me. Very good civil rights even though political freedoms are rare
QuoteThe average income tax rate is 8%.
oh wow, i should have looked at that more carefully. i gave them another tax break to distract them from the scandal in my government. dittodood;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 06, 2012, 03:07:19 PM
oh wow, i should have looked at that more carefully. i gave them another tax break to distract them from the scandal in my government. dittodood;
The average income tax rate is 58%, and even higher for the wealthy
54% for thymia lol
Quote from: Thyme on March 06, 2012, 03:09:27 PM
54% for thymia lol
Private enterprise is illegal, but for those in the know there is a slick and highly efficient black market in Basket Weaving.
damn that's badass
black market basket weaving n_u
Quote from: The Doctor on March 06, 2012, 03:08:41 PM
The average income tax rate is 58%, and even higher for the wealthy
weak, you need to get it up to 100% baddood;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 06, 2012, 03:12:13 PM
weak, you need to get it up to 100% baddood;
It has been steadily rising. And the rich already pay 100%
Quote from: The Doctor on March 06, 2012, 03:12:59 PM
It has been steadily rising. And the rich already pay 100%
Lol same
So I make gay marriage legal... 3 issues later: a transsexual model was outted to have been born a man. As a result her marriage was nullified and she demands recognition of her true sex.
Wtf mate, I already threw you that bone
The Nomadic Peoples of Jhut Bolokia is a small, genial nation, renowned for its enforced nudity. Its compassionate, hard-working, cynical population of 20 million are ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.
The large government juggles the competing demands of Education, Commerce, and Law & Order. The average income tax rate is 24%. A substantial private sector is dominated by the Automobile Manufacturing industry.
The latest Harry Potter book is a bestseller, the mining industry is making inroads into environmentally sensitive areas, long arduous trials are held for the most trivial of offences, and the nation's first space rocket -- sponsored by Pepsi and shaped like an enormous soda bottle -- is being developed. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is relatively low, thanks to a well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Jhut Bolokia's national animal is the Sand Dollar, and its currency is the Sand Dollar.
god, ypr's nation sounds so cool cry;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 06, 2012, 03:52:13 PM
Jhut Bolokia's national animal is the Sand Dollar, and its currency is the Sand Dollar.
i lol'd ifeelbetter;
We are too focused on cool. I wish to someday emulate the boyahland powerhouse of taavet and it's amazing economy
Quote from: Thyme on March 06, 2012, 03:55:33 PM
i lol'd ifeelbetter;
it is also on the national flag n_u
i wish i could use my economy and military to take out xanintova :(
I just realized that my citizens are the happiest in Boyahland. FUCK YES
I'm building up my military and going to war mothafuckers. baddood;
Too bad you can't do war in this D:
Quote from: ,,,-,,, on March 06, 2012, 08:09:39 PM
Too bad you can't do war in this D:
But my two issues today were about increased spending for military weapons and whether I wanted to prepare to go to war with other countries.
Why would they ask me to do these things if I couldn't go to war? confuseddood;
Quote from: Hippopo on March 06, 2012, 08:12:48 PM
But my two issues today were about increased spending for military weapons and whether I wanted to prepare to go to war with other countries.
Why would they ask me to do these things if I couldn't go to war? confuseddood;
to see how your stats would react lol
Quote from: Thyme on March 06, 2012, 08:13:30 PM
to see how your stats would react lol
Fuck that shit.
If I can't actually GO to war, my stats will suffer.
On second thought, I'll just keep things how they are.
I'm prepared to be a badass military state.
Quote from: The Doctor on March 06, 2012, 03:10:49 PM
Private enterprise is illegal, but for those in the know there is a slick and highly efficient black market in Basket Weaving.
damn that's badass
black market basket weaving n_u
oh my god lol
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on March 06, 2012, 10:31:39 AM
"We'd be missing an amazing opportunity if we pass this up," says William Smith, your Minister of Sports. "But we've got to be in it to win! Simply building new stadia won't be enough, we need to be funding new sports centres and hiring the best coaches for our entrants! You could put more money into public facilities too, like gyms or something. Then no one can accuse you of wasting everyone's tax Astras, ha ha. Ha."
Let's see where this takes my failed economy to now
economy went up
Will Smith, your Minister of Sports
QuoteA brother and sister, Jack and Jill, went to apply for a marriage license today, causing a stir among the populace and many media outlets.
1. "We just want to get married!" Jill yells to a nearby reporter. "What exactly is wrong with a brother and a sister getting married? Who are we hurting?!" adds Jack, defensively. "The government should just butt out of marriage. It's not their business who or what we marry."
4. "Duuude, marriage is like totally outdated", says a hippie, wearing a multi-colored robe and in need of a wash. "They're like, restrictive and they bring down the vibe, man. Why put people in a box; let us roam free and we can all be brothers and sisters! It's what's nature wanted!"
I'm not sure which to pick cry;
The latter option basically means eliminating the idea of marriage, right?
I'm tempted to ban gambling to watch my economy tank since it's my ONLY industry... but I will just let kids gamble instead
Quote from: The Doctor on March 07, 2012, 11:36:47 AM
I'm tempted to ban gambling to watch my economy tank since it's my ONLY industry... but I will just let kids gamble instead
That's what I did. sillydood;
I only let kids gamble because I thought a nation without any gambling is worse than one who allows kids to gamble.
"This 'slippery slope' argument has got me thinking," says Police Minister Thomas Khan. "You know, it would be a lot easier to fight crime if we watched people all the time. Not with cameras, of course. That's clearly an invasion of privacy. But how about a national database of our citizens, coupled with compulsory ID cards and barcoding? It would stop crime dead in its tracks."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
The Rudeship of Thymia is about to get ruder. tomatoes;
ino u jelly of my pizza
Quote22 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, 'Mountain Doobie' is widely regarded as the nation's favourite drink.
I don't remember passing a bill about drinks. befuddlement
what about marijuana
Quote from: The Doctor on March 07, 2012, 11:36:47 AM
I'm tempted to ban gambling to watch my economy tank since it's my ONLY industry... but I will just let kids gamble instead
My only industry was cheese, and I let that tank. By doing so, gambling took it's place and my economy changed from "basket case" to "strong".
Either this simulator likes change or it likes gambling.
for some unknown reason, I am up to 28 weapons per person confuseddood;
Yeah idk how the weapon thing works
is it too late to join you guys in this? what is this?
Quote from: MF Doom on March 07, 2012, 09:18:06 PM
is it too late to join you guys in this? what is this?
Nope, you can hop in any time.
Basically you just create a fictional nation and it gives you some stats to compare with other fictional nations via the decisions you make on the issues it gives you.
Quote19 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Tavono, divorce lawyers are found begging on the streets.
I eliminated the institution of marriage and this is the result giggle;
also, my page still says that same-sex marriages are increasingly common despite marriage itself no longer existing baddood;
QuoteFollowing new legislation in NotSid, the government's only official statement on the burning down of NotSid City was that 'they shouldn't have been so careless'.
If there is one thing I want my people to remember me for, its for my compassion.
Quote from: NDDR on March 07, 2012, 09:20:44 PM
Nope, you can hop in any time.
Basically you just create a fictional nation and it gives you some stats to compare with other fictional nations via the decisions you make on the issues it gives you.
is there like a boyah community or something?
Quote from: MF Doom on March 07, 2012, 11:27:55 PM
is there like a boyah community or something?
Like the first post of the thread says, after registering, go to http://www.nationstates.net/region=boyahland and use the password "echosentme" to join Boyahland.
Also after registering, you may want to, in your settings page, set the issue interval to twice a day (default is once) and customize your flag's appearance.
Mine is actually starting to become my utopia:
"The Nomadic Peoples of Chattieria is a small, socially progressive nation, remarkable for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its hard-working, intelligent population of 29 million enjoy extensive civil freedoms, particularly in social issues, while business tends to be more regulated.
The small, liberal government concentrates mainly on Public Transport, although Education and Commerce are secondary priorities. The average income tax rate is 13%. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Trout Farming, Basket Weaving, and Uranium Mining industries.
The country's famous rainforests are being bulldozed by the mining industry, cars are banned, birds and children's kites are regularly brought down by anti-aircraft fire, and anti-government web sites are springing up. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is a serious problem, and the police force struggles against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. Chattieria's national animal is the Bat, and its currency is the AAA."
my country is fucked beyond repair
The Grand Duchy of Popsiclasia is a small, safe nation, remarkable for its absence of drug laws. Its hard-nosed, cynical population of 26 million are ruled with an iron fist by the dictatorship government, which ensures that no-one outside the party gets too rich. In their personal lives, however, citizens are relatively unoppressed; it remains to be seen whether this is because the government genuinely cares about its people, or if it hasn't gotten around to stamping out civil rights yet.
The enormous government juggles the competing demands of Social Equality, Law & Order, and Healthcare. The average income tax rate is 36%, but much higher for the wealthy. A robust private sector is led by the Automobile Manufacturing, Trout Farming, and Gambling industries.
Citizens who become homeless are immediately executed, criminals are executed and their property seized, leather-clad individuals can be seen walking their slaves in public parks, and citizens are permitted to carry concealed handguns. Crime is totally unknown, thanks to a well-funded police force. Popsiclasia's national animal is the stegosaurus, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its currency is the cherry shekel.
"We happen to express our love differently, with different hobbies and activities," explains BDSM enthusiast George W. Hendrikson, while wearing needle-sharp spiked heels and holding a whip. "Shops exist to cater to the needs of 'normal' people, but do you have ANY idea how hard it is to get a quality whip? A little support for our hobbies would be appreciated!"
My economy picked up even more. I'm up to 60 on the trend
My economy was at 74 this morning when I checked.
But my GDP is still awful. sillydood;
A group of holidaymakers from Gondwannaland have been arrested while visiting the scenic, yet corrupt and totalitarian, nation of Maxtopia on charges of drug trafficking - an offence which carries the maximum sentence of the death penalty. The story has provoked outrage from citizens, many believing the government should intervene to bring the tourists back home.
Snowy is this you!? baddood; baddood; baddood;
Let my people go!
I will tear you to pieces, death will descent upon you land, and slaughter shall be found there.
Also what the fuck, why didn't it give me an option to make all drugs legal in my country. :'(
"Yo, dude, I've got a better idea," says Roxanne Zhu while executing a complicated 360° spin over your head. "What if skateboarding was the only way to get around? Wouldn't that be cool? Skateboarding is cheap, healthy, and fun! Everyone should do it! You could improve, like, the quality of life for everyone by banning vehicles and making skateboarding the only legal way to travel. People'd love you for it, man. Well, apart from the guys who make cars and the like, I guess."
I was really tempted to chose this option just to see what would happen.
QuoteAn old supporter of yours has recently passed on, leaving a quite sizeable plot of land to you in his will - but only under a rather unusual condition: that the site be developed into a colosseum for hosting gladiatorial fights and other bloody spectacles.
Quote"Yes, yes!" cries William Harishchandra, waving a wooden sword enthusiastically. "You've gotta do this, man! Gladiator fights are like the ultimate in spectator sports! And it doesn't just have to be people! We could pit man against stegosaurus! Blade against claw! Nothing to their names but their wits and their stamina! You'd have to pay people a lot to risk their lives doing this but I bet you'd earn a whole lot more from merchandise and wagers and stuff!"
Quote from: Socks on March 08, 2012, 11:43:57 AM
A group of holidaymakers from Gondwannaland have been arrested while visiting the scenic, yet corrupt and totalitarian, nation of Maxtopia on charges of drug trafficking - an offence which carries the maximum sentence of the death penalty. The story has provoked outrage from citizens, many believing the government should intervene to bring the tourists back home.
Snowy is this you!? baddood; baddood; baddood;
Let my people go!
I will tear you to pieces, death will descent upon you land, and slaughter shall be found there.
Also what the fuck, why didn't it give me an option to make all drugs legal in my country. :'(
I had no drug laws when I created my nation. I also legalized recreational drugs with an issue that was over people getting high at work.
QuoteAfter a sixty year old man with psoriasis streaked past cameras and millions of sports fans during the snooker league playoffs, protesters have called for tougher action.
"This can't go on!" says traumatized snooker player Buffy Mistletoe, "Children are watching sports and having them exposed to this lewd behaviour is unacceptable! I demand that these people be locked up for several years and maybe they'll have learnt their lesson!"
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
Ew, nudity ghouldood;
Quote from: Socks on March 08, 2012, 11:43:57 AM
A group of holidaymakers from Gondwannaland have been arrested while visiting the scenic, yet corrupt and totalitarian, nation of Maxtopia on charges of drug trafficking - an offence which carries the maximum sentence of the death penalty. The story has provoked outrage from citizens, many believing the government should intervene to bring the tourists back home.
Snowy is this you!? baddood; baddood; baddood;
Let my people go!
I will tear you to pieces, death will descent upon you land, and slaughter shall be found there.
Also what the fuck, why didn't it give me an option to make all drugs legal in my country. :'(
I am Asabon, but I will never let your people go.
i done fucked up
my civil rights are back to average :(
my economic policies are a model for all of Boyahland.
Quote from: CM Wrench on March 09, 2012, 05:50:04 AM
i done fucked up
my civil rights are back to average :(
I think my Civil Rights are on the higher end, but I know for a fact that Political Freedoms are outlawed. girl;
Huh, my civil rights still dropped after dismissing an issue regarding a strike confuseddood;
That issue sucked, it was either going to kill my civil rights or economy and it made no sense because my car industry is nationalized anyway akudood;
1 minute ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, cheese has become the new icon of political dissent.
The Issue
Scientists have announced they are close to a breakthrough in their quest to revive the feather-bellied Cougar, a species related to Taavet's national animal that has been extinct for more than a century.
The Debate
"I, for one, applaud their work," says scientist Chloe Wu. "And not just because I'm the project leader. This is an example of how Taavet's brains can mix it with the world's best. Can you imagine how wonderful it will be to have feather-bellied Cougars frolicking in the meadows again? I say full steam ahead, and more government funding!"
"This is a sacrilege!", says religious leader Gregory Wong. "These animals are extinct because God wants them dead. Cloning them would merely incur his wrath! If we proceed down this path, it'll be humans, not the feather-bellied Cougar, who will be extinct."
"Now, come on," says William Trax, well-known philosopher. "You don't need to be religious to be unnerved by the top of this particular slippery slope. Today it's Cougars, tomorrow it's dinosaurs, and we all know how that turns out. This research shouldn't be banned, but there must be strict government controls over its use."
The Government Position
The government has yet to formalize a position on this issue.
feather-bellied cougars? ugly;
God Hates Hags
Quote from: The Doctor on March 09, 2012, 09:38:11 AM
1 minute ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, cheese has become the new icon of political dissent.
you had that too? >.<
wow, who would have thought that banning flag burning would cause my political freedoms to drop so much? n_u
3 hours ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, glittering new sports stadiums adorn every city and town.
Quote from: Dovydas on March 09, 2012, 12:54:50 PM
wow, who would have thought that banning flag burning would cause my political freedoms to drop so much? n_u
you make me envious of your lines
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on March 09, 2012, 01:05:00 PM
you make me envious of your lines
your economy line has risen quite steeply recently though baddood;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 09, 2012, 01:19:12 PM
your economy line has risen quite steeply recently though baddood;
Mine has had nearly no chance to increase ever since I banned gambling a week ago and decreased it by like 40 cry;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 09, 2012, 01:19:12 PM
your economy line has risen quite steeply recently though baddood;
It seems like the more money I put into stuff the higher my economy goes up.
taavet is straying from its ideal path :'(
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on March 09, 2012, 01:40:45 PM
It seems like the more money I put into stuff the higher my economy goes up.
yes awdood;
"It's not the AMOUNT of tax, it's where the burden falls," says student activist Faith Suzuki. "And at the moment, far too much of the burden is falling on the poor. People on high incomes still have more money than people on low incomes. I don't think I need to say anything more than that."
No, Faith, no need to say another word. National wage ceiling, welcome to Thymia. tomatoes;
Quote from: Thyme on March 09, 2012, 09:47:59 PM
"It's not the AMOUNT of tax, it's where the burden falls," says student activist Faith Suzuki. "And at the moment, far too much of the burden is falling on the poor. People on high incomes still have more money than people on low incomes. I don't think I need to say anything more than that."
No, Faith, no need to say another word. National wage ceiling, welcome to Thymia. tomatoes;
i did this and now my rich are paying 100% income tax
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 09, 2012, 09:48:35 PM
i did this and now my rich are paying 100% income tax
oh god that's even better tomatoes;
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 09, 2012, 09:48:35 PM
i did this and now my rich are paying 100% income tax
me too
they tricked me. I thought it was just going up a little bit for the rich, instead of 100%.
And fuck my economy for going down because I didn't want to kill my pandas.
5 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, the nation has become a pariah for giving pirates letters of marque.
banned alcohol tomatoes;
This nation is shaping up into my personal little heaven. giggle;
Quote from: Thyme on March 10, 2012, 09:45:36 AM
banned alcohol tomatoes;
This nation is shaping up into my personal little heaven. giggle;
i think everybody's nation is tomatoes;
[spoiler]well, except for a few things... :'( [/spoiler]
10 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, historical fiction has been banned.
speaking of heaven tomatoes;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 10, 2012, 09:47:33 AM
10 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, historical fiction has been banned.
speaking of heaven tomatoes;
David, guardian of Facts THE POWER OF GOD
Quote from: Thyme on March 10, 2012, 09:48:19 AM
David, guardian of Facts THE POWER OF GOD
yes baddood; baddood; baddood;
oh no, my new issue is about corporations' involvement in lobbying :'(
Well I just said there shouldn't be forced registration in order for people to have kids and now half of my child population lives rough lives on the street.
Wtf mate.
Quote from: Thyme on March 10, 2012, 09:50:08 AM
it's beautiful giggle;
Quote from: NDDR on March 10, 2012, 09:52:07 AM
Well I just said there shouldn't be forced registration in order for people to have kids and now half of my child population lives rough lives on the street.
Wtf mate.
lmao that's what you get for allowing unfit parents to have babbys
Quote from: Thyme on March 10, 2012, 09:45:36 AM
banned alcohol tomatoes;
This nation is shaping up into my personal little heaven. giggle;
what kind of monster are you :'(
QuoteA group of concerned parishioners and soccer moms has petitioned the government of Tavono to outlaw heavy metal music, which they fear is a bad influence on youngsters.
"Whoa, man... what's with the, like, censorship and stuff?" asks Xu du Pont, scruffy-haired bassist of the popular speed metal band The Destroyinators. "You can't, like, censor the music, man. That's how we express ourselves! Every bass beat is me baring my soul! Every howl is me complainin' about how my parents tried to kick me out of their basement! Besides, what's wrong with Satan? He's just misunderstood anyway. I say promote the arts, man!"
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
QuoteBesides, what's wrong with Satan? He's just misunderstood anyway.
My country is preparing to destroy its life for satan goowan
Is this the issue that results in having foul-mouthed kids?
lol mine is nowhere close to a personal paradise. it's more like the dystopian world i would write about were i to write about a dystopia.
Quote from: bluaki on March 10, 2012, 12:52:29 PM
My country is preparing to destroy its life for satan goowan
Is this the issue that results in having foul-mouthed kids?
that wasn't the issue that made my children foul mouthed
Following new legislation in JingleTown, the "Underwear of Women in Power" issue of The JingleTown City Times is sold out.
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: G$1 = $1.6375
Gross Domestic Product: G$1.44 trillion
GDP Per Capita: G$36.11 thousand
Unemployment Rate: 3.23%
Consumption: G$1.08 trillion
Government Budget: G$378.60 billion
Government Expenditures: G$367.25 billion
Government Waste: G$11.36 billion
Imports: G$171.95 billion
Exports: G$185.97 billion
Trade Surplus: G$14.01 billion
It's beautiful :'(
Quote3 hours ago: Following new legislation in NotSid, reports of attacks by bright purple sixty-foot high spiders have recently shot up.
they shouldn't have been so careless
QuoteThe Issue
The commercial release of the controversial children's book 'Heather Has Two Mommies' in Asabon has sparked debate over laws concerning the adoption of children by homosexual couples.
The Debate
"I cannot understand for the life of me why anyone could possibly be against this," complains Jacob Kantelberg, showing up at your office wearing a pink feather boa. "Bart and I are good and caring people and will make excellent fathers, so what's the problem? All of the scientific studies have shown that there's no difference in the wellbeing of children raised by gay and straight couples. All that's holding these little darlings back from the happy family life that they deserve is the outdated prejudices of some prudes. All we want is to adopt a child to call our own. It'll be fabulous!"
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
A loose coalition of political activists running the gamut of the political spectrum has started a petition to add 'None of the Above' as an option on every ballot, so that a voter can reject all candidates if he feels none of them represent a viable option. If 'None of the Above' wins the election, a new election with all-new candidates would have to be held.
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on March 11, 2012, 09:26:51 AM
A loose coalition of political activists running the gamut of the political spectrum has started a petition to add 'None of the Above' as an option on every ballot, so that a voter can reject all candidates if he feels none of them represent a viable option. If 'None of the Above' wins the election, a new election with all-new candidates would have to be held.
ugh that's why you have write-ins, you peasants
67 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, graffiti graces every city's streets.
good lord.
the only options were to raise taxes for more police or let it be awdood;
72 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, the government is making attempts at curtailing the flood of spam emails with little progress.
somehow dropped my civil rights by a point confuseddood;
Quote"Nature is hardly a black and white issue," Chastity Lee, a respected scholar, notes. "We should start a breeding program to help these creatures recover their numbers. We can display them in captivity, and gradually release them into the wild. Couple it with limiting, but not abolishing Cougar hunting, and everyone benefits. Of course, Cougars raised in captivity don't generally survive in the wild, but I'm sure we can find a way!"
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
i do hope our captivity-breed cougars learn how to find themselves young men once released in the wild at the rip age of forty cry;
spam is a human right >:(
Quote from: The Doctor on March 11, 2012, 10:48:47 AM
somehow dropped my civil rights by a point confuseddood;
i got that issue as well and imo the game made it pretty clear that this was gonna happen
it was one of the option's arguments; spam is free speech
Quote3 hours ago: Following new legislation in Popsiclasia, Stegosaurus is one of the most popular forenames in Popsiclasia.
I couldn't be more proud cry;
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 11, 2012, 12:58:10 PM
I couldn't be more proud cry;
Your people also eat stegosauri, you monster
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: P$2.5431 = $1
Gross Domestic Product: P$266,527,037,952.00
GDP Per Capita: P$8,328.97
Unemployment Rate: 18.01%
Consumption: P$106,444,800,000.00
Government Budget: P$163,349,222,400.00
Government Expenditures: P$160,082,237,952.00
Government Waste: P$3,266,984,448.00
Imports: P$31,729,409,280.00
Exports: P$31,983,244,554.24
Trade Surplus: P$253,835,274.24
my economy has really picked up
Quote from: applesauce on March 11, 2012, 02:33:11 PM
I don't even know where Maxtopia is. sillydood;
Wait, is Maxtopia not Snowy's country? Damn. I wouldn't have launched retailiatory airstrikes on them if I didn't think they were a boyager nation.
Quote from: applesauce on March 11, 2012, 04:31:18 PM
Wait, is Maxtopia not Snowy's country? Damn. I wouldn't have launched retailiatory airstrikes on them if I didn't think they were a boyager nation.
his country is asabon
Quote from: applesauce on March 11, 2012, 04:31:18 PM
Wait, is Maxtopia not Snowy's country? Damn. I wouldn't have launched retailiatory airstrikes on them if I didn't think they were a boyager nation.
I'm not Maxtopia 5thgrade;
this is actually really horrifying awdood;
Oh no my unemployment is up >.<
so is no one going to edit my country in? awdood;
Quote from: Kefka on March 11, 2012, 07:51:21 PM
so is no one going to edit my country in? awdood;
I'm pretty sure you have to join it yourself. Just click a link that you see on the Boyahland page.
he meant the list on the front page, which i took care of n_u
pfft expecting me to update that first post n_u that's funny
Quote from: Dovydas on March 11, 2012, 08:02:56 PM
he meant the list on the front page, which i took care of n_u
hippo is sandwiched between silvertone and i, i don't know how he would feel about this.
My economy sucks D:
wat does?
QuoteSeconds ago: Following new legislation in Tavono, nude art is becoming wildly popular.
Increased my civil rights to 69 (up 2 points)
Additionally, my economy hasn't changed at all in over a week and I don't think any of the issues I'm getting are giving me any chance to increase it awdood;
lmao just checked my people chart for the first time in a while
Old age: 71%
Capital punishment: 22% !!
Murder: 3% (down quite a bit since I allowed concealed handguns, incidentally)
Cancer: 3% (that's a new one)
Acts of god: 1%
Lost in wilderness (2%) suddenly appeared on my chart like yesterday for no apparent reason
81% old age and 17% murder make up the rest of that chart.
From one of my issue choices today:
QuoteGas prices are six cat pictures per gallon, and rising!
my economy just jumped from 72 to 90 today. Now if I can just raise civil rights and destroy political freedoms...
Following new legislation in JingleTown, cheese has become the new icon of political dissent.
Perseus Veil was ranked in the Top 10% of the region for Largest Basket Weaving Sector.
Perseus Veil is ranked 2nd in Boyahland in the world for Largest Basket Weaving Sector
9 hours ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, conductors wield diamond-encrusted batons to fit in with their freshly gilded surroundings.
The Issue
Taavet's industries have an ever-growing amount of toxic wastes to dispose of, and doing so in safe ways is becoming prohibitively expensive, leading a group of lobbyists to try and pressure the government into changing existing disposal laws.
The Debate
"These waste dumping laws are destroying our businesses!" rants Roxanne de Vries, head of the Taavet Bigger Business Bureau. "We need cheaper ways to eliminate industrial by-products, which really aren't as harmful as people think, such as pouring them into rivers or deep ocean ravines where they're harmless to us. Let's remember that the products we manufacture make your life easier and more fun!"
"A better way to deal with this problem is to convince the public it isn't a problem at all," whispers Anne-Marie Neumann, head of Scamcorp, an industrial think tank. "Fudge some research, declare that the chemical by-products from industrial processing and production actually make one's teeth and bones healthier. Then, sell them to municipalities to add to their drinking water! Yes! This will not only save us the trouble of disposing of the waste correctly, we'll be able to sell it at a profit! I can taste the money already!"
"These corrupt, money-hungry corporations are only looking out for themselves and their bottom line!" says Marleen Spirit, an environmentalist from northern Taavet. "The government needs to enact stricter laws for how these companies can dump their waste safely, and when they poison Taavet's people and environment, the government needs the authority and manpower to enforce harsh penalties! These companies make their messes, they should pay to clean them up!"
The Government Position
The government is preparing to dismiss this issue
nice try, gaggot :|
It is now mandatory to harvest organs in my nation baddood;
In just 10 days I have reduced my unemployment level from the worst in Boyahland to the second best. I should run for the Republican nomination in Pennsylvania.
Largest Administration Budget View List Jhut Bolokia (58.68 billion)
Largest Social Welfare Budget View List Escundya (82.22 billion)
Largest Healthcare Budget View List Escundya (27.41 billion)
Largest Education Budget View List Jhut Bolokia (65.2 billion)
Largest Religion & Spirituality Budget View List Gondwannaland (27.24 billion)
Largest Defense Budget View List Taavet (157.95 billion)
Largest Law & Order Budget View List Xaninthova (80.28 billion)
Largest Commerce Budget View List Taavet (170.76 billion)
Largest Public Transportation Budget View List Chattieria (48.44 billion)
Largest Environmental Budget View List Chattieria (19.81 billion)
Largest Social Equality Budget View List Asabon (75.58 billion)
Yay happydood;
Largest Social Welfare Budget View List Escundya (82.22 billion)
Largest Healthcare Budget View List Escundya (27.41 billion)
awww yeah
I have done the same with my unemployment though, ypr. I dropped from 22% to 15% in a few days
smallest gdp spam;
Quote from: NDDR on March 12, 2012, 03:19:09 PM
In just 10 days I have reduced my unemployment level from the worst in Boyahland to the second best. I should run for the Republican nomination in Pennsylvania.
Largest Administration Budget View List Jhut Bolokia (58.68 billion)
Largest Social Welfare Budget View List Escundya (82.22 billion)
Largest Healthcare Budget View List Escundya (27.41 billion)
Largest Education Budget View List Jhut Bolokia (65.2 billion)
Largest Religion & Spirituality Budget View List Gondwannaland (27.24 billion)
Largest Defense Budget View List Taavet (157.95 billion)
Largest Law & Order Budget View List Xaninthova (80.28 billion)
Largest Commerce Budget View List Taavet (170.76 billion)
Largest Public Transportation Budget View List Chattieria (48.44 billion)
Largest Environmental Budget View List Chattieria (19.81 billion)
Largest Social Equality Budget View List Asabon (75.58 billion)
Yay happydood;
you may have the second lowest unemployment rate, but it's nowhere near mine maps;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 12, 2012, 03:33:42 PM
you may have the second lowest unemployment rate, but it's nowhere near mine maps;
If I can drop from 22.something% I can drop from 6.4% to 3 baddood;
Quote from: NDDR on March 12, 2012, 03:43:54 PM
If I can drop from 22.something% I can drop from 6.4% to 3 baddood;
not before i can get to three point nothing per cent Q('_' Q)
1) The Empire of Taavet$157.95 billion
2) The Dictatorship of Xaninthova$53.52 billion
3) The Nomadic Peoples of Jhut Bolokia$48.9 billion
4) The Holy Empire of Asabon$39.19 billion
5) The Nomadic Peoples of Chattieria$33.02 billion
6) The Confederacy of Popoland$25.18 billion
7) The Democratic Republic of Dustington$11.54 billion
8) The Kingdom of Frenzy Pyre$8.62 billion
9) The Republic of X735$7.38 billion
10) The Grand Duchy of Popsiclasia$5.13 billion
11) The Colony of Perseus Veil$1.96 billion
12) The Theocracy of NotSid$1.47 billion
13) The Holy Empire of Escundya$0
14) The Allied States of Silverbreed$0
15) The Theocracy of Grantarctica$0
16) The Most Serene Republic of Gondwannaland$0
17) The Republic of Tavono$0
18) The Empire of JingleTown$0
19) The Borderlands of Atmanamium$0
20) The Queendom of Portishead$0
David is kind of scary
i'd just like to reiterate that the top five economies, only applesauce and i have trade surpluses, his is us$7.45 billion and mine is us$25.80 billion RUB IT
Quote from: NDDR on March 12, 2012, 03:48:45 PM
1) The Empire of Taavet$157.95 billion
2) The Dictatorship of Xaninthova$53.52 billion
3) The Nomadic Peoples of Jhut Bolokia$48.9 billion
4) The Holy Empire of Asabon$39.19 billion
5) The Nomadic Peoples of Chattieria$33.02 billion
6) The Confederacy of Popoland$25.18 billion
7) The Democratic Republic of Dustington$11.54 billion
8) The Kingdom of Frenzy Pyre$8.62 billion
9) The Republic of X735$7.38 billion
10) The Grand Duchy of Popsiclasia$5.13 billion
11) The Colony of Perseus Veil$1.96 billion
12) The Theocracy of NotSid$1.47 billion
13) The Holy Empire of Escundya$0
14) The Allied States of Silverbreed$0
15) The Theocracy of Grantarctica$0
16) The Most Serene Republic of Gondwannaland$0
17) The Republic of Tavono$0
18) The Empire of JingleTown$0
19) The Borderlands of Atmanamium$0
20) The Queendom of Portishead$0
David is kind of scary
i'm really creating my own ideal of the united states, it seems awdood;
6 hours ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, convicted felons are forced into slavery for their crimes.
And now my economy is up to 51
Quote from: Dovydas on March 12, 2012, 03:51:31 PM
i'd just like to reiterate that the top five economies, only applesauce and i have trade surpluses, his is us$7.45 billion and mine is us$25.80 billion RUB IT
mine is like 86
million 5thgrade;
Quote from: Thyme on March 12, 2012, 04:11:16 PM
mine is like 86 million 5thgrade;
ii'm almost at 500million
Quote from: Thyme on March 12, 2012, 04:11:16 PM
mine is like 86 million 5thgrade;
i bet i could take both echo's friend and ypr on and still win tomatoes;
We are mining uranium and developing satellite missilie technology, just give us 50 years and we'll whoop yo ass madood;
Quote from: NDDR on March 12, 2012, 04:27:44 PM
We are mining uranium and developing satellite missilie technology, just give us 50 years and we'll whoop yo ass madood;
if you're not an autonomous province of taavet by then, that is ifeelbetter;
Oh, autonomy sounds nice 5thgrade;
Do you agree that Jhut Bolokia should become sovereign after having made a formal offer to Taavet for a new economic and political partnership within the scope of the bill respecting the future of Jhut Bolokia and of the agreement signed on March 12th, 2012?
Quote from: NDDR on March 12, 2012, 04:32:12 PM
Oh, autonomy sounds nice 5thgrade;
oh, very jackodood;
oh also forgot to point this out:
18 hours ago: Following new legislation in Thymia, organised sports are frowned upon as frivolous.
Thymia is the bizarro Taavet. tomatoes;
Quote from: Thyme on March 12, 2012, 04:36:44 PM
oh also forgot to point this out:
18 hours ago: Following new legislation in Thymia, organised sports are frowned upon as frivolous.
Thymia is the bizarro Taavet. tomatoes;
lol that question is a bunch of balls and still bothers me. i don't view sports as frivolous but as i rejected the proposal to be qatar and build a bunch of stadiums to 'host the olympics' it thinks i do sdakjfklajfpsdaiofjpiasdjfpjoijoijoijpoij
Quote from: Dovydas on March 12, 2012, 04:39:38 PM
lol that question is a bunch of balls and still bothers me. i don't view sports as frivolous but as i rejected the proposal to be qatar and build a bunch of stadiums to 'host the olympics' it thinks i do sdakjfklajfpsdaiofjpiasdjfpjoijoijoijpoij
there were several options other than "lol let's build a bunch of stadiums" that you could have taken without being against sports confuseddood;
like, wasn't the first one basically just "lol yeah let's host the olympics"?
I'm using this recent fire that swept the country as an excuse to slash taxes instead of giving relief. I doubt it's the best choice, but the taxes in Popsiclasia are too damn high.
Quote from: Thyme on March 12, 2012, 04:41:48 PM
like, wasn't the first one basically just "lol yeah let's host the olympics"?
yes lol
i think i picked the one that said 'let's use government money on something more important' [which i agree with, building stadiums with little thought on the future is awful, just look at the bird's nest in beijing]
i think i am a third world nation
With the way my trend has been for 9 days now, it doesn't look like my economy is ever going to change awdood;
Quote12 hours ago: Following new legislation in Tavono, the government is spending millions on renovating the public transportation system.
Shouldn't at least this affect the economy in some way?
I decided to allow radio stations to talk poorly about my government and my fucking political freedoms jumped from 16 to 43. I'm no longer a Father Knows Best State but an Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 12, 2012, 04:47:18 PMI doubt it's the best choice, but the taxes in Popsiclasia are too damn high.
So is the rent.
Also, why does my economy suck so much? I keep spending but it doesn't get any better!
After watching the movie 'The Fast and the Belligerent', boyracers from all over Frenzy Pyre have been petitioning for the abolition of speed limits.
10 hours ago: Following new legislation in Thymia, most of the nation's wealthy aristocrats are dentists.
why is this so humorous befuddlement
Also, some of you have freighting levels of waste as a percentage of your governments' budgets:
Echo friend: 20%
Not Sid: 20%
Snowy: 20%
Thyme: 20%
Whoever Atmanamium is: 15%
Hippo: 10%
Popsiwopsi: 10%
Silvertone: 8%
YPR: 6%
Felt: 5%
Socks: 5%
JinglejangleTown: 4%
David: 3% smithicide; :'( wry
Dusty: 3%
DP: 3%
Grant: 3%
LotE: 3%
X735: 3%
Tec: 3%
Applesauce: 2%
Bluaki: 2%
Echo: 2%
baddood; 2% waste bitchesss
Quote from: The Doctor on March 13, 2012, 09:02:24 AM
baddood; 2% waste bitchesss
mine used to be super low, i need to contract my government soon again awdood;
i don't understand what that is
do you mean actual garbage
like with the plastic bags and the trucks
wow thyme is that a serious question? srsly
^^rude srsly
Quote from: Thyme on March 13, 2012, 09:10:38 AM
i don't understand what that is
do you mean actual garbage
like with the plastic bags and the trucks
i guess in the simplest of ways, it would be the amount of your government's budget that isn't actually being utilised, it's just going nowhere
that's a nice way of saying it goes right in the pockets of thymia's dentist aristocrats srsly
Quote from: Thyme on March 13, 2012, 09:13:53 AM
^^rude srsly
rude is somebody who can't understand things in context. awdood;
Quote from: Thyme on March 13, 2012, 09:19:26 AM
that's a nice way of saying it goes right in the pockets of thymia's dentist aristocrats srsly
but with your tax rate it would end right back with your government tomatoes;
Quote from: Socks on March 13, 2012, 09:20:19 AM
rude is somebody who can't understand things in context. awdood;
^^still being rude srsly
Quote from: Dovydas on March 13, 2012, 09:20:41 AM
but with your tax rate it would end right back with your government tomatoes;
you're starting to
get thymia tomatoes;
So basically Thyme is p. rich girl;
Quote from: NDDR on March 13, 2012, 09:22:34 AM
So basically Thyme is p. rich girl;
i'm p. sure thymia is the poorest nation of boyahland sillydood;
Quote from: Thyme on March 13, 2012, 09:23:07 AM
i'm p. sure thymia is the poorest nation of boyahland sillydood;
It is okay as long as your personal head is above water sillydood;
Måsstadens Thymias Nationalsång
I decided to leave the world assembly today
Quote from: The Doctor on March 13, 2012, 12:33:50 PM
I decided to leave the world assembly today
be your own boss
welcome to the good life
My economy sucks, but
Fuck yeah.
Quote from: ,,,-,,, on March 13, 2012, 07:34:14 PM
My economy sucks, but
Fuck yeah.
holy balls that is awesome
quick, bulldoze your forests so everyone dies of old age
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 13, 2012, 07:35:03 PM
holy balls that is awesome
quick, bulldoze your forests so everyone dies of old age
Then I'd probably get people dying of pollution D:
i'm p. sure i just outlawed journalism tomatoes;
How did you do that?
Quote from: ,,,-,,, on March 13, 2012, 10:38:49 PM
How did you do that?
the most recent issue i got was about reporters finding out about thymia's politicians using gold-plated toilets and eating expensive food and stuff like that, so the options were to either make all politicians poor or outlaw journalism
i outlawed journalism
You can dismiss issues dawg
Quote from: ,,,-,,, on March 13, 2012, 10:42:49 PM
You can dismiss issues dawg
i know bro
i wanted this
Oh, alright then brah.
Also can you see graphs on the mobile version of NationStates? I tried using Dolphin Browser HD, but it didn't work. Maybe it's just the browser I'm using.
Quote from: ,,,-,,, on March 13, 2012, 10:45:44 PM
Oh, alright then brah.
Also can you see graphs on the mobile version of NationStates? I tried using Dolphin Browser HD, but it didn't work. Maybe it's just the browser I'm using.
it works on iOS safari, yes, even if a bit sluggishly
Quote from: Thyme on March 13, 2012, 10:49:55 PM
it works on iOS safari, yes, even if a bit sluggishly
ffff I want those pie charts.
Quote from: Thyme on March 13, 2012, 10:41:54 PM
the most recent issue i got was about reporters finding out about thymia's politicians using gold-plated toilets and eating expensive food and stuff like that, so the options were to either make all politicians poor or outlaw journalism
i outlawed journalism
Oh hey I just told the newspapers if they can't make enough money to support themselves then they better go the way of the milkman n_u
Quote"The fact is, the penguin population is out of control," says Beef-Based Agriculture spokesperson Anne-Marie Frederickson. "We have to do something about them anyway, so why not market them as tasty snacks? We could have penguin kebabs, penguin pies, penguin-on-a-sticks--the possibilities are endless! Let's not pass up this golden opportunity to provide a feast, if you will, for our economy."
I accepted goodjob;
Quote from: Kefka on March 13, 2012, 11:04:07 PM
I accepted goodjob;
penguins are dumb as shit. i am glad you did this.
QuoteThe Issue
Members of a new weird religious cult, called the Order of Violet, ask for the government to appease their mighty god by offering Her a sacrifice of the human variety.
The Debate
"What have we got to lose?" says religious freedoms advocate Margaret Pushkin. "Just cut up a few homeless folk - it appeases this group's bloodthirsty Goddess, gets rid of unsightly bums that drain welfare, and everybody goes home happy."
"We must go much further than a few beggars!" argues the overzealous High Member of the Order of Violet, Marleen Johnson. "You must pass a law that everyone's first born child must be slaughtered, on live TV if possible. Think of the viewing figures!"
"You aren't going to listen to these whackjob Violetists, are you?" comments Erica Silk while leading a prayer group. "Human sacrifices! Surely we're too civilized to permit such barbaric practices! These lunatic fringe groups should be outlawed, and their leaders should be executed!"
"Who's being a lunatic?" retorts Megan Summers of the Grantarctica Humanitarian Society. "I agree that these practices ought to be outlawed, but instead of sinking to the same level of these fanatics and killing our fellow people, why not simply start a re-education program? Even the worst person can be rehabilitated into a useful member of society, with enough time, care, and lots and lots of funding!"
do it
Quote from: ,,,-,,, on March 13, 2012, 10:45:44 PM
Oh, alright then brah.
Also can you see graphs on the mobile version of NationStates? I tried using Dolphin Browser HD, but it didn't work. Maybe it's just the browser I'm using.
Yeah, it works in mobile IE.
"What are these lunatics on about?!" yells Gretel Yeats, a concerned parent. "Smacking children has been an effective form of punishment since the dawn of mankind! Outlaw it and I guarantee you the next generation will be a disorderly disaster! Children need, nay CRAVE discipline! Sometimes the only language they understand is the cane, and the government has to respect that!"
47 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Thymia, newspapers cannot report anything about politicians without their explicit consent.
nnnnnnn i wanted journalism outlawed :'(
51 minutes ago: Taavet was reclassified from "Capitalist Paradise" to "Capitalizt".
51 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, truth is often impossible to tell from fiction on the evening news.
no, i'm not right of centre any longer
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: G$1 = $1.6528
Gross Domestic Product: G$2.06 trillion
GDP Per Capita: G$36.79 thousand
Unemployment Rate: 3.11%
Consumption: G$1.48 trillion
Government Budget: G$596.43 billion
Government Expenditures: G$578.54 billion
Government Waste: G$17.89 billion
Imports: G$242.94 billion
Exports: G$267.82 billion
Trade Surplus: G$24.88 billion
Jhut Bolokia:
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: S$1 = $1.0433
Gross Domestic Product: S$1.10 trillion
GDP Per Capita: S$21.99 thousand
Unemployment Rate: 8.34%
Consumption: S$713.44 billion
Government Budget: S$410.52 billion
Government Expenditures: S$385.89 billion
Government Waste: S$24.63 billion
Imports: S$132.13 billion
Exports: S$134.67 billion
Trade Surplus: S$2.54 billion
3 hours ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, recent protests against birds flying too low have resulted in bloodshed.
I said that protests are a right
Your aunt's mother's step-sister's best friend's hairstylist, Bianca Dredd, pooh-poohs the entire idea. "You know how to run your country, yes? Why deal with the hassle of elected officials and elections in the first place, yes? Eliminate elections and this entire term limit issue becomes moot, yes?"
no thanks Bianca
Quote from: The Doctor on March 14, 2012, 12:49:55 PM
Your aunt's mother's step-sister's best friend's hairstylist, Bianca Dredd, pooh-poohs the entire idea. "You know how to run your country, yes? Why deal with the hassle of elected officials and elections in the first place, yes? Eliminate elections and this entire term limit issue becomes moot, yes?"
no thanks Bianca
she should move to thymia tomatoes;
Quote from: The Doctor on March 14, 2012, 12:49:55 PM
3 hours ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, recent protests against birds flying too low have resulted in bloodshed.
I said that protests are a right
Your aunt's mother's step-sister's best friend's hairstylist, Bianca Dredd, pooh-poohs the entire idea. "You know how to run your country, yes? Why deal with the hassle of elected officials and elections in the first place, yes? Eliminate elections and this entire term limit issue becomes moot, yes?"
no thanks Bianca
lol why wouldn't it say, 'your grandma's step-sister's bfff's' confuseddood;
QuoteThe Debate
"Do we really have to listen to these nutcases?" asks real estate developer, Jonathon Cogswell. "The fact of the matter is that nature is BORING. Give us permission to build on the greenbelt and you'll have pink hotels, boutiques, and swinging hot spots that'll be the envy of the region and draw tourists from all around! We can always transplant a few trees and put them in a tree museum to keep the tree-huggers happy. Jhut Bolokia stands to make a lot of money from this! Think about it for a moment!"
"I agree with my colleague here, but he doesn't go far enough," says Margaret Smith, a city planner. "These protestors are standing in the path of progress. It slows the growth of our economy and harms my portfolio - er - the future of our nation, I mean. It's unpatriotic and we should increase police funding to deal with these troublemakers. Then we wouldn't have to worry about greenbelts or any other nonsense about keeping the 'environment' safe. Think about it for a moment!"
"I can't believe what I'm hearing!" exclaims environmental activist Marleen Hamilton. "Tree museums? Police funding? Don't it always seem to be the case that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone? We're talking about natural treasures and you're talking about destroying them. Is there anything that you can build that can really be better than nature? We should put a stop to all encroachment into natural areas. Think about it for a moment!"
Hrrrrrg, I want the economy boost, but I can't bring myself to destroy all of nature cry;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 14, 2012, 12:31:11 PM
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: G$1 = $1.6528
Gross Domestic Product: G$2.06 trillion
GDP Per Capita: G$36.79 thousand
Unemployment Rate: 3.11%
Consumption: G$1.48 trillion
Government Budget: G$596.43 billion
Government Expenditures: G$578.54 billion
Government Waste: G$17.89 billion
Imports: G$242.94 billion
Exports: G$267.82 billion
Trade Surplus: G$24.88 billion
Jhut Bolokia:
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: S$1 = $1.0433
Gross Domestic Product: S$1.10 trillion
GDP Per Capita: S$21.99 thousand
Unemployment Rate: 8.34%
Consumption: S$713.44 billion
Government Budget: S$410.52 billion
Government Expenditures: S$385.89 billion
Government Waste: S$24.63 billion
Imports: S$132.13 billion
Exports: S$134.67 billion
Trade Surplus: S$2.54 billion
I nationalized the pharmaceutical companies and apparently that hit my economy hard cry;
But I think my trade surplus has increased?
Quote from: NDDR on March 14, 2012, 02:25:01 PM
I nationalized the pharmaceutical companies and apparently that hit my economy hard cry;
But I think my trade surplus has increased?
oh my, ypr :(
and yes, you had a deficit two days ago giggle;
Quote5 hours ago: Following new legislation in Perseus Veil, penguins are considered a delicacy.
Quote from: Dovydas on March 14, 2012, 12:53:45 PM
lol why wouldn't it say, 'your grandma's step-sister's bfff's' confuseddood;
"aunt's mother" could also be your grandmother's son's mother-in-law
as in that "aunt" is only related to you because she married your uncle
Quote from: bluaki on March 14, 2012, 04:50:58 PM
"aunt's mother" could also be your grandmother's son's mother-in-law
as in that "aunt" is only related to you because she married your uncle
i guess
either way, it's just an eyesore
"Yes, yes!" cries Colleen Zhimo, waving a wooden sword enthusiastically. "You've gotta do this, man! Gladiator fights are like the ultimate in spectator sports! And it doesn't just have to be people! We could pit man against Wolf! Blade against claw! Nothing to their names but their wits and their stamina! You'd have to pay people a lot to risk their lives doing this but I bet you'd earn a whole lot more from merchandise and wagers and stuff!"
QuoteAfter a recent high-profile case of a minority student being refused admission to a traditional, prestigious college, civil rights activists, conservatives, and teachers are up in arms about affirmative action and ethnic equality in education
wait what
>prestigious, costly college
>in thymia
i don't think so awdood;
let's see the options
Quote"This is just another attempt to discriminate against people of color," declares civil-rights activist, former TV commentator and unabashed publicity speaker Bianca Trax. "If people are disadvantaged in their upbringing then they should be given an 'equal' chance to succeed in college."
well, yeah, sure...
Quote"The affirmative action programs aren't necessary at all," rejoins conservative speaker and hair care product salesman Ruby O. "If you really want to treat everyone equally, as you claim, how can you support special treatment for a few so-called minority groups? Besides, it would cost even more money to enforce."
that kinda makes sense as well but that's not exactly what i'm looking for...
"I think you are both looney," says Colleen McAlpin, professor of liberal arts at Thymia National University. "All education should be open to everyone regardless of their grades in high school, economic status or academic prowess. Free college education should be available to every citizen of Thymia, no matter what the cost!"
DING DING DING tomatoes;
"*BLEEP!* that *BLEEP!*" Catherine Gratwick yells at the top of her lungs from the window of her very large pickup truck with a gun rack mounted in the rear window. "The government should just *BLEEP!*ing stay out of our daily *BLEEP!*ing drive! They ought to let us *BLEEP!*ing rushed businesspeople go about our daily *BLEEP!*ing business, no matter what *BLEEP!*ing measures we have to take to get to *BLEEP!*ing work on time!"
My government pie is now split between 9 different issues myface;
Quote from: NDDR on March 15, 2012, 10:45:12 AM
My government pie is now split between 9 different issues myface;
your government is overextending itself. tomatoes;
i had an issue with
six options today
QuoteAll of Thymia has been in an uproar since yesterday when a car exploded in the middle of Thymia City, killing dozens and injuring hundreds. This terrorist act was traced back to a violent minority group known as the Lilliputian Freedom Fighters. A group allegedly supported by an unfriendly regime, despising Thymia for its heathenish ways and political bent, but more particularly for supporting the recent occupation of their homeland by an ally.
i picked this option
"No, that's what those terrorists want us to do!" speculates chairman Miranda Khan of the Patriots' Tea and Biscuits Club. "We don't want to give the Agency any more responsibility, they're the ones who messed up in the first place. What we need is to purge Thymia of these rats who don't respect the laws and traditions of our way of life. We know who they are and where they come from, so the solution is obvious: we just won't let those sorts of people cross our borders and kick out those who are already here. It might seem a bit harsh, but hey, we were here first. Long live Thymia!"
My second issue today was about having a Wikileaks-like event occur, I've decided to accuse the owner of the site with treason. ifeelbetter;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 15, 2012, 11:32:45 AM
My second issue today was about having a Wikileaks-like event occur, I've decided to accuse the owner of the site with treason. ifeelbetter;
mfw this is what you actually believe ifeelbetter;
mfw i actually believe the option i picked for the terrorism issue is something quebec should do ifeelbetter;
[spoiler]ok not rly[/spoiler]
Quote from: Thyme on March 15, 2012, 11:36:30 AM
mfw this is what you actually believe ifeelbetter;
tu as raison jemesensmieux;
also blu should change her screenname to jennifer government y/n
My nation is the most cultured on all of Boyahland baddood;
Quote from: Thyme on March 15, 2012, 02:34:43 PM
also blu should change her screenname to jennifer government y/n
Quote from: bluaki on March 15, 2012, 02:40:59 PM
you weren't supposed to actually reply (http://i.imgur.com/8PZaV.png)
awkward y/n
Quote from: Tectrinket on March 15, 2012, 02:45:15 PM
awkward y/n
n (http://i.imgur.com/8PZaV.png)
[spoiler]inb4 you weren't supposed to actually reply sillydood;[/spoiler]
7 hours ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, a typical fast food menu item could serve a small army.
oh lordy goowan
Oh hey, 3rd most cultured in Boyahland. I think that's the highest up I've been on one of these.
Quote from: Dovydas on March 15, 2012, 05:17:34 PM
7 hours ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, a typical fast food menu item could serve a small army.
oh lordy goowan
lol your obesity is 21. The world average is -68.
[spoiler]Mine is -119 goowan[/spoiler]
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 15, 2012, 06:54:10 PM
lol your obesity is 21. The world average is -68.
[spoiler]Mine is -119 goowan[/spoiler]
don't be hatin' bassir;
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 15, 2012, 06:52:17 PM
Oh hey, 3rd most cultured in Boyahland. I think that's the highest up I've been on one of these.
I am more cultured than you, swine.
None of you have anything on my people pie chart.
Quote from: The Doctor on March 15, 2012, 06:56:46 PM
I am more cultured than you, swine.
Actually we're tied.
idfk why you get 2nd and I get 3rd.
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 15, 2012, 07:01:23 PM
Actually we're tied.
idfk why you get 2nd and I get 3rd.
cause my name starts with an E
ha bitch
more cultured and better lettered
Whatever echo. You know what I'm kicking your ass in?
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 15, 2012, 07:05:23 PM
Whatever echo. You know what I'm kicking your ass in?
I'm pretty sure my negative number is better girl;
you're just jealous of my rudeness
but i'm still not as rude as david awdood;
The government -- a sprawling, bureaucracy-choked morass -- juggles the competing demands of Social Equality, Education, and Healthcare. The average income tax rate is 41%
QuoteThe Holy Empire of Asabon is a large, economically powerful nation, notable for its unlimited-speed roads. Its hard-working, cynical population of 62 million are rabid consumers, partly through choice and partly because the government tells them to and dissenters tend to vanish from their homes at night.
The enormous government juggles the competing demands of Social Equality, Law & Order, and Social Welfare. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 24%. Private enterprise is illegal, but for those in the know there is a slick and highly efficient black market in Gambling.
Eminent domain has been abolished, appendix transplant figures have recently doubled, abortions are routinely performed in Asabon's hospitals, and the nation has become a pariah for giving pirates letters of marque. Crime is a problem, probably because of the country's utter lack of prisons. Asabon's national animal is the Ocelot, and its currency is the Gald.
How are my taxes dropping? :(
2 minutes ago: Taavet was reclassified from "Capitalizt" to "Capitalist Paradise".
2 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, popular websites like NationStates are blocked for "national security".
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 15, 2012, 07:11:11 PM
you're just jealous of my rudeness
but i'm still not as rude as david awdood;
my people are so adorable giggle;
I have bad news.
8% is [spoiler]the percentage of deaths that are people getting lost in the woods[/spoiler]
however this is offset by the 19% [spoiler]of people dying in ritual sacrifices. i.e. destroying their lives for satan.[/spoiler]
46 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, extreme political groups are outlawed.
I don't even remember what I did O_0
50 minutes ago: Taavet was reclassified from "Capitalist Paradise" to "Capitalizt".
50 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, televangelists flaunt their expensive cars when they attend charity events.
51 minutes ago: Popsiclasia was reclassified from "Corrupt Dictatorship" to "Democratic Socialists".
1) The Empire of Taavet $323.8 billion [US $534.01]
2) The Dictatorship of Xaninthova $197.19 billion [US $236.45]
3) The Nomadic Peoples of Jhut Bolokia $154.85 billion [US $158.01]
4) The Holy Empire of Asabon $121.98 billion [US $90.69]
5) The Nomadic Peoples of Chattieria $106.33 billion [US $58.45]
so much exports tomatoes;
Many citizens were recently injured during a violent sand dollar stampede cry;
Quote from: NDDR on March 16, 2012, 11:28:08 AM
Many citizens were recently injured during a violent sand dollar stampede cry;
our zoo-breed cougars are too lazy to stampede :(
. Its compassionate, cynical population of 69 million are ruled with an iron fist by the socialist government
so apparently, this
11 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Thymia, government-run screening operations remove embryos with severe genetic disorders.
made my civil rights go up confuseddood;
hooray eugenics!
QuoteGeneral Ariel Tan says, "We should spend more. But not just on exploration. We should start developing Orbital Weapons! Space Marines! Armed Spacecraft! We would rule the region, and look cool doing it! Just divert some funding from environmental protection, and BAM! Sci-fi goodies!"
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
Quote from: Thyme on March 16, 2012, 09:49:31 PM
so apparently, this
11 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Thymia, government-run screening operations remove embryos with severe genetic disorders.
made my civil rights go up confuseddood;
I don't see a problem with this. Reichdood;
Quote from: Tectrinket on March 16, 2012, 09:58:05 PM
I don't see a problem with this. Reichdood;
i don't see a problem with the position i chose, but idk what it has to do with civil rights >.<
"The problem isn’t cars, it’s drivers", states Chloe Cheswick, founder and spokesperson of Frenzy Pyre Automation Industries. "Remove the human being from the equation, and modern vehicles can be driven at high speed entirely by computer! All we need is some research and retooling money, and a bit of infrastructure assistance to add drive-by-wire nodes to the highways. Not only will we make our own highways safer, we’ll boost Frenzy Pyre’s automotive exports through the roof!"
Also, "The private sector is almost wholly made up of enterprising ten-year-olds selling lemonade on the sidewalk, although the government is looking at stamping this out."
13 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, many newspapers agree that the government's ban on cars to combat reckless driving was "a tad excessive".
tomorrow in Escundya, adultery will be legalised and we'll be all fucking in the streets
23 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, the nation's industries are scrambling to switch to biodegradable plastics.
at least it didn't hurt my industry cry;
Kathleen McAlpin, a cabinet member, would like the government to seize the deposit. "This is an excellent time to boost Taavet's economy and increase our foreign trade with other countries! Who cares about the people that discovered the deposit? They've done their country a great favor and should let us have the money!"
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
kill all hobos y/n
Quote from: Dovydas on March 17, 2012, 10:05:53 AM
"As far as I can see, homeless people are already a nuisance," says Kathleen Jefferson, a proud citizen. "They're mostly thieves and drug addicts, they make the streets a dangerous place for our children, they make honest people feel guilty for turfing them off their doorsteps and, frankly, they smell bad. They're vermin, plain and simple, and as such I suggest they be destroyed before the infestation gets even more out of hand."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
What do you mean I can't make cannibalism compulsory >_<'
Quote from: Thyme on March 17, 2012, 10:06:35 AM
"As far as I can see, homeless people are already a nuisance," says Kathleen Jefferson, a proud citizen. "They're mostly thieves and drug addicts, they make the streets a dangerous place for our children, they make honest people feel guilty for turfing them off their doorsteps and, frankly, they smell bad. They're vermin, plain and simple, and as such I suggest they be destroyed before the infestation gets even more out of hand."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
excellent tomatoes;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 17, 2012, 10:08:40 AM
excellent tomatoes;
soylent green for all thymians tomatoes;
Quote106 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Tavono, the government is a clear-cut case of tyranny by majority.
This is after I set a limit on filibusters
Are filibusters really the only way non-majority groups have any influence on government awdood;
QuoteA recent severe crash in the stock market of Tavono and a plummet of the value of the cat picture has brought the issue of government bailouts to the forefront of the national agenda.
Looks like I finally, after two weeks with no change, have a chance to change my economy level.
Quote from: bluaki on March 17, 2012, 11:24:06 AM
This is after I set a limit on filibusters
Are filibusters really the only way non-majority groups have any influence on government awdood;
Looks like I finally, after two weeks with no change, have a chance to change my economy level.
and will you save the value of your cat pictures? tomatoes;
Quote from: Thyme on March 17, 2012, 10:09:23 AM
soylent green for all thymians tomatoes;
•3 hours ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, crime suspects are forced to submit to blood testing.
Quote from: Dovydas on March 18, 2012, 01:26:55 PM
•3 hours ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, crime suspects are forced to submit to blood testing.
I said it was voluntary but now have a crime problem
The Kingdom of Frenzy Pyre is a large, devout nation, renowned for its unlimited-speed roads. Its compassionate population of 74 million are prohibited from doing almost everything except voting, which they do timidly and conservatively.
It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Religion & Spirituality, Commerce, and Education. The average income tax rate is 48%, but much higher for the wealthy. A substantial private sector is led by the Tourism industry, followed by Automobile Manufacturing and Trout Farming.
Teenagers are sent to jail for being out too late, the government seizes private property for the 'good of the people', cars speed down national highways while drivers sleep at the wheel, and property values in suburbs have nosedived after the middle class were forced to live next door to ethnic minorities. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to a well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Frenzy Pyre's national animal is the Wolf, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its currency is the Astra.
I feel so bad :( ...but my economy is 65 now
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on March 18, 2012, 01:36:35 PM
I feel so bad :( ...but my economy is 65 now
my economy is
1 spam;
Quote from: The Doctor on March 18, 2012, 01:32:50 PM
I said it was voluntary but now have a crime problem
my crime rate doesn't seem to have been changed
Taavet is ranked 1st in Boyahland and 8,428th in the world for Fastest-Growing Economies, scoring 96 on the Krugman-Greenspan Business Outlook Index.
My economy is so beautiful. cry;
come noon tomorrow, porn is legal on tv 24 hours a day
2 hours ago: Popsiclasia was reclassified from "Democratic Socialists" to "Scandinavian Liberal Paradise".
Quote from: Dovydas on March 18, 2012, 01:26:55 PM
I don't think I've ever seen this doodthing.
This is my friend's nationstate:
how does that happen
how is it possible
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 19, 2012, 12:16:48 AM
This is my friend's nationstate:
how does that happen
how is it possible
who cares the economy is reasonable whats the point of living an old age if you're only middle class
Death penalty is the issue and all I get is a simple yes/no choice. I am indifferent. The yes side reminds me that this is a democracy and this is a politcal freedom issue.
Execution is hereby banned 5thgrade;
Quote from: NDDR on March 19, 2012, 11:12:08 AM
Death penalty is the issue and all I get is a simple yes/no choice. I am indifferent. The yes side reminds me that this is a democracy and this is a politcal freedom issue.
Execution is hereby banned 5thgrade;
I like to choose capital punishment whenever it's an option.
I'm a "scandinavian liberal paradise" and a quarter of my population dies from capital punishment 5thgrade;
The recent popularity of a science-fiction TV show has prompted calls for Asabon to develop its own space program.
"Don't tell me space colonies wouldn't be cool," says excited fifth-grade teacher Emily Hernandez, still wearing big Spock ears from his last convention. "Think of how they would galvanize the national population! And there would also be some kind of scientific benefit, probably."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
Asabon is headed to space. doodella;
at this point i've pretty much abandoned my nation to ruin.
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 19, 2012, 11:17:52 AM
I like to choose capital punishment whenever it's an option.
I'm a "scandinavian liberal paradise" and a quarter of my population dies from capital punishment 5thgrade;
I would have loved that option, but I am trying to reassert that we are not a goddamn democracy >_<'
I need more capital punishment deaths saddood;
2 hours ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, the psych wards are overflowing with transsexuals.
whoops lol
"That's rubbish," objects May Hernandez, your Minister of Finance. "Why waste hundreds of thousands of Gelds in bringing those expatriated citizens back to Taavet? They chose to leave our great country; they are no longer our concern! They could have stayed here and been an asset to our workforce! Helped us grow strong! No, they've had their chance. You reap what you sow. We should cut any financial assistance we give to those traitors."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
My pathetic economy is finally picking up. sillydood;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 19, 2012, 12:36:09 PM
2 hours ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, the psych wards are overflowing with transsexuals.
whoops lol
I would go to war with your nation madood;
...if I actually had a chance of winning
Quote from: bluaki on March 19, 2012, 04:25:12 PM
I would go to war with your nation madood;
...if I actually had a chance of winning
I can help you
sounds like you two are volunteering to be my first forays into colonialism tomatoes;
i just made cannibalism legal
I banned inheritance
I am never going to get a damn award, I am finally 2nd in something but I am bumped to 4th somehow because of the tie >_<'
Quote from: NDDR on March 20, 2012, 05:22:04 PM
I am never going to get a damn award, I am finally 2nd in something but I am bumped to 4th somehow because of the tie >_<'
you'll get one soon, aubs cry;
I only have a bad award :(
so ypr now has the second largest gdp, it seems echo's friend's economy ran into some regulation tomatoes;
the fourth spot would be for snowy, if he had a tracker set up. ghouldood;
How do I set up a tracker
Quote from: Snowy on March 20, 2012, 06:09:14 PM
How do I set up a tracker
go down to 'add a tracker'
I added a tracker.
2nd shortest average lifespan spam;
Quote from: Thyme on March 21, 2012, 01:00:48 AM
2nd shortest average lifespan spam;
I'm disappointed that I'm not higher on the list awdood;
Apparently subsidizing artists and poets slightly increased my economy confuseddood;
Quote from: NDDR on March 21, 2012, 10:55:14 AM
Apparently subsidizing artists and poets slightly increased my economy confuseddood;
I haven't had a question pertaining to my economy in days, or my military for that matter.
also i have 0 economy 5thgrade;
Quote from: Thyme on March 21, 2012, 11:00:35 AM
also i have 0 economy 5thgrade;
it's a shame it isn't as weak as silvertone's yet :(
"There is another way, you know..." whispers Naki Longbottom, the Chief of Secret Projects and Shiny Things in Frenzy Pyre's military research department. "What if we started taking children and raising them from birth to fight? We'd be able to make them completely immune to propaganda, psychological warfare, and demoralisation. Not only would that stop the crying new recruits, it'd also give us a powerful military edge. People may not like giving up their kids, but that's why we run the country. We know better."
Here's hoping for a spartan project
I just gave weapon dealers better protection, thus improving my economy and military. giggle;
A random PTA meeting has brought the debate over school uniforms to your attention.
what a meaningful issue
Looks like I'm gonna start regulating human meat for sale and consumption.
Quote"Malaria is a highly dangerous disease with no cure," says Dr Hillary Picture, one of the world's leading epidemiologists. "If we're going to control it then we've got to put money into researching a vaccine and new antimalarial drugs. We should also set out to provide prevention and awareness programmes, the whole caboodle. With a targeted and well-financed approach we can make an attempt to eradicate malaria from the face of Tavono! But we're going to need cat pictures. Lots of them."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
We're going to need cat pictures. Lots of them. sillydood;
48 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, newborns are being raised as mindless killing machines.
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on March 21, 2012, 10:30:29 PM
48 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, newborns are being raised as mindless killing machines.
I just dismissed that one n_u
"Sending assassins to avenge you isn't enough!" argues hawkish talk-show host, Elaine Socks. "The fact that Blackacre is this bold means we haven’t made them fear us yet - and a nation that isn’t feared isn’t respected. We need to do the only thing we CAN do: bomb their cities! Raise a revolution! Salt their fields! It may cost money, but our nation’s honor is priceless."
Where can I marry this woman?
QuoteA group several thousands strong hailing from a remote, isolated corner of Taavet is staging a massive demonstration on the front steps of your capitol. They demand that their local dialect be recognized as an official language.
If it were asking me to make it a recognised regional language, I'd have no problem accepting. awdood;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 22, 2012, 10:19:47 AM
If it were asking me to make it a recognised regional language, I'd have no problem accepting. awdood;
Even then you are capitulating way too much because if you give an inch the Mexicans and French Quebecois will take pride, history and land with a greed and horror that is seldom seen.
Hm, you have a point. I can't wait to see how this hurts my civil rights. n_u
baddood; top 10% of the world for most compassionate
that sounds like my nation
Tied for 3rd as per usual >_<'
14 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, several citizens have complained about scientists abducting their pets for experimentation.
I never asked for this :(
my economy jumped to 90 overnight AWESOME
My economy keeps bouncing around 80 and 90.
i changed my flag lubdoods;
[spoiler]jesus, that trade deficit awdood;[/spoiler]
Quote from: Tectrinket on March 23, 2012, 06:39:34 PM
i changed my flag lubdoods;
[spoiler]jesus, that trade deficit awdood;[/spoiler]
Imports: G$474,685,812,360.00 $170,922,543,840.00
Exports: G$513,372,706,067.34 $169,008,211,348.99
Total Trade: G$38,686,893,707.34 $-1,914,332,491.01
it's not that bad :'(
also, you should call your currency the [glow=black,2,300]amero[/glow]
oh god, i should AWESOME
Quote from: Tectrinket on March 23, 2012, 06:39:34 PM
i changed my flag lubdoods;
lol me2
i think a square is more representative than a tall rectangle
Quote from: Thyme on March 23, 2012, 06:49:53 PM
lol me2
i think a square is more representative than a tall rectangle
because you're fat?
Quote from: Tectrinket on March 23, 2012, 06:49:30 PM
oh god, i should AWESOME
i just wish i could change my economy, it's stuck :'(
i've been trying to straighten out my economy for a week now and it's still poop cry;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 23, 2012, 06:56:20 PM
i just wish i could change my economy, it's stuck :'(
as it starts to tank
Quote from: Tectrinket on March 23, 2012, 06:58:24 PM
i've been trying to straighten out my economy for a week now and it's still poop cry;
Exchange Rate: 255.1803 Units = $1
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on March 23, 2012, 06:58:31 PM
as it starts to tank
also, my exchange rate makes me weep at night
G$1 = $1.6332
Did anyone else not get an issue today? :(
I have it set to 2/day, but so far I've only gotten one. befuddlement
Quote from: Tectrinket on March 24, 2012, 02:38:39 PM
I have it set to 2/day, but so far I've only gotten one. befuddlement
I guess that explains my confusion. I thought I had just forgotten the first confuseddood;
i must have broke nationstates by offering another tax break :( :(
Quote from: Tectrinket on March 24, 2012, 02:38:39 PM
I have it set to 2/day, but so far I've only gotten one. befuddlement
Same, I only got the midnight one cry;
isn't it always just one issue on saturdays and sundays? befuddlement
Quote from: Thyme on March 24, 2012, 04:40:03 PM
isn't it always just one issue on saturdays and sundays? befuddlement
I don't remember it being that way? confuseddood;
yeah, i don't either lol befuddlement
I don't think I pay enough attention.
Well now I suddenly have 2 issues so I guess that works
lol same
and they were both boring awdood;
lol my tax break seemed to have decent results AWESOME
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: GRAPH G$1 = $1.6546
Gross Domestic Product: GRAPH G$4.50 trillion
GDP Per Capita: GRAPH G$36.87 thousand
Unemployment Rate: GRAPH 3.10%
Consumption: GRAPH G$3.71 trillion
Government Budget: GRAPH G$818.33 billion
Government Expenditures: GRAPH G$785.60 billion
Government Waste: GRAPH G$32.73 billion
Imports: GRAPH G$535.47 billion
Exports: GRAPH G$590.35 billion
Trade Surplus: G$54.89 billion
Boyahland contains 23 nations, the 420th most in the world. ifeelbetter;
P$1.0012 = $1
You are all my bishes baddood;
1) The Nomadic Peoples of Jhut Bolokia$401.57 billion
2) The Holy Empire of Escundya$251.93 billion
3) The Empire of JingleTown$132.65 billion
4) The Kingdom of Unistasia$125.67 billion
5) The Theocracy of Grantarctica$100.51 billion
6) The Nomadic Peoples of Chattieria$99.14 billion
7) The Democratic Republic of Dustington$91.34 billion
8) The Dictatorship of Xaninthova$84.33 billion
9) The Empire of Taavet$78.56 billion
10) The Queendom of Portishead$75.23 billion
11) The Most Serene Republic of Gondwannaland$71.61 billion
12) The Republic of Tavono$65.06 billion
13) The Confederacy of Popoland$63.49 billion
14) The Kingdom of Frenzy Pyre$61.49 billion
15) The Holy Empire of Asabon$46.77 billion
16) The Republic of X735$37.83 billion
17) The Theocracy of Famy$31.21 billion
18) The Borderlands of Atmanamium$26.04 billion
19) The Grand Duchy of Popsiclasia$23.01 billion
20) The Theocracy of NotSid$11.85 billion
Quote from: NDDR on March 25, 2012, 09:39:59 AM
You are all my bishes baddood;
1) The Nomadic Peoples of Jhut Bolokia$401.57 billion
2) The Holy Empire of Escundya$251.93 billion
3) The Empire of JingleTown$132.65 billion
4) The Kingdom of Unistasia$125.67 billion
5) The Theocracy of Grantarctica$100.51 billion
6) The Nomadic Peoples of Chattieria$99.14 billion
7) The Democratic Republic of Dustington$91.34 billion
8) The Dictatorship of Xaninthova$84.33 billion
9) The Empire of Taavet$78.56 billion
10) The Queendom of Portishead$75.23 billion
11) The Most Serene Republic of Gondwannaland$71.61 billion
12) The Republic of Tavono$65.06 billion
13) The Confederacy of Popoland$63.49 billion
14) The Kingdom of Frenzy Pyre$61.49 billion
15) The Holy Empire of Asabon$46.77 billion
16) The Republic of X735$37.83 billion
17) The Theocracy of Famy$31.21 billion
18) The Borderlands of Atmanamium$26.04 billion
19) The Grand Duchy of Popsiclasia$23.01 billion
20) The Theocracy of NotSid$11.85 billion
You can't invade a country with education. ifeelbetter;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 25, 2012, 09:43:28 AM
You can't invade a country with education. ifeelbetter;
Can't create fission without education baddood;
Quote from: NDDR on March 25, 2012, 09:57:10 AM
Can't create fission without education baddood;
Why would I need to create it when I can just lure your educated class away with my economy? toothdood;
I can lure people in with promises of gold and nice beaches.
I'll just give people free drugs. So you all lose
QuoteUnistasia is ranked 1st in Boyahland and 4,902nd in the world for Least Corrupt Governments, scoring 11 on the Inverse Mugabe Relativity Rating.
lol at least i'm finally first in something myface;
I'm at -81 for corrupt governments sillydood;
my civil rights keep rising ;_:
political freedoms even rose to a 3. what in the fuck am i doing wrong
55 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, ethnic minorities are often refused admission to some of the nation's best schools.
55 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, elevator music has been replaced by thrash metal played at maximum volume.
i have no idea what to think about the second one
Quote from: N o t S i d on March 25, 2012, 10:29:17 AM
my civil rights keep rising ;_:
political freedoms even rose to a 3. what in the fuck am i doing wrong
you keep subconsciously giving them rights and freedoms
Quote from: Dovydas on March 25, 2012, 10:01:05 AM
Why would I need to create it when I can just lure your educated class away with my economy? toothdood;
plus I think they would qualify as minorities David akudood;
Quote from: NDDR on March 25, 2012, 10:38:51 AM
plus I think they would qualify as minorities David akudood;
just because i refuse to honour the notion of affirmative action does not mean all minorities are turned down :| :|
Quote from: Dovydas on March 25, 2012, 10:34:29 AM
55 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, elevator music has been replaced by thrash metal played at maximum volume.
i have no idea what to think about the second one
Oh my god AWESOME
Quote from: NDDR on March 25, 2012, 09:39:59 AM
You are all my bishes baddood;
1) The Nomadic Peoples of Jhut Bolokia$401.57 billion
2) The Holy Empire of Escundya$251.93 billion
3) The Empire of JingleTown$132.65 billion
4) The Kingdom of Unistasia$125.67 billion
5) The Theocracy of Grantarctica$100.51 billion
6) The Nomadic Peoples of Chattieria$99.14 billion
7) The Democratic Republic of Dustington$91.34 billion
8) The Dictatorship of Xaninthova$84.33 billion
9) The Empire of Taavet$78.56 billion
10) The Queendom of Portishead$75.23 billion
11) The Most Serene Republic of Gondwannaland$71.61 billion
12) The Republic of Tavono$65.06 billion
13) The Confederacy of Popoland$63.49 billion
14) The Kingdom of Frenzy Pyre$61.49 billion
15) The Holy Empire of Asabon$46.77 billion
16) The Republic of X735$37.83 billion
17) The Theocracy of Famy$31.21 billion
18) The Borderlands of Atmanamium$26.04 billion
19) The Grand Duchy of Popsiclasia$23.01 billion
20) The Theocracy of NotSid$11.85 billion
what the fuck
i literally choose to fund education at every opportunity possible
the fuck is this
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 25, 2012, 03:13:41 PM
what the fuck
i literally choose to fund education at every opportunity possible
the fuck is this
it's my priority and i'm not even on there lol
but that's because thymia has no money so of course the budget's gonna be small
largest healthcare budget tomatoes;
my nation is an anarcho-monarchist.
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 25, 2012, 03:13:41 PM
what the fuck
i literally choose to fund education at every opportunity possible
the fuck is this
Quote from: Tectrinket on March 25, 2012, 03:20:34 PM
largest healthcare budget tomatoes;
I wish it took healthcare/death rates into your population growth.
Quote from: NDDR on March 25, 2012, 07:36:23 PM
I wish it took healthcare/death rates into your population growth.
nnnn :(
Quote from: Dovydas on March 25, 2012, 07:37:41 PM
nnnn :(
Yeah, that's right, your population is bullshit akudood;
I have the second highest life expectancy and I'm stuck a day behind lesser nations who started a day sooner cry;
Quote from: NDDR on March 25, 2012, 07:39:20 PM
Yeah, that's right, your population is bullshit akudood;
you're just jealous that we reproduce like rabbits homie
To return the mummy or not to return the mummy to its original homeland confuseddood;
Quote from: NDDR on March 25, 2012, 10:48:50 PM
To return the mummy or not to return the mummy to its original homeland confuseddood;
i would say no tomatoes;
"Abortion has to be legal if we're going to last as a nation," says Jennifer Plath, President of the Society of Bitter Old People. "Have you ever thought that with Popsiclasia's growing population of 121 million, we soon aren't going to be able to squeeze any more people within our borders? If we use abortion to control the population, we'll make great savings and can spend the money elsewhere. One child per family should just about do it I think. Extraneous ones can be sold to other countries."
incredibly tempting
you guys have such boring causes of death
it used to be exciting
there was capital punishment and stegosaurus attack and murder
i don't know what happened awdood;
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 25, 2012, 11:12:38 PM
it used to be exciting
there was capital punishment and stegosaurus attack and murder
i don't know what happened awdood;
i think notsid wins
That is a lot of ritual sacrifice girl;
I am frightened by his voodoo
who do?
did notsid ban clothes? >.<
How dull. awdood;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 25, 2012, 11:21:51 PM
did notsid ban clothes? >.<
holy mother of god
it's beautiful
i spent like 5 minutes trying to edit that goddamn graph in imgur only to have a link posted fuck
Quote from: Dovydas on March 25, 2012, 11:21:51 PM
did notsid ban clothes? >.<
I am beating him by two goowan
Why does the category of the day have to be shortest lifespan again awdood;
Quote from: NDDR on March 25, 2012, 11:32:25 PM
I am beating him by two goowan
Why does the category of the day have to be shortest lifespan again awdood;
nvm i forgot yesterday was about corruption lol
It just changed like an hour ago david
Quote from: NDDR on March 25, 2012, 11:32:25 PM
I am beating him by two goowan
Why does the category of the day have to be shortest lifespan again awdood;
hey this isn't a race but your country is ugly
Quote from: N o t S i d on March 25, 2012, 11:41:34 PM
hey this isn't a race but your country is ugly
Good thing this isn't a race otherwise your slightly less naked nation might stand a chance of winning n_u
The Issue
An organized crowd of leather-clad individuals, some of whom are on leashes, are protesting against discrimination for those who share their interests.
The Debate
"We happen to express our love differently, with different hobbies and activities," explains BDSM enthusiast Lara Yeats, while wearing needle-sharp spiked heels and holding a whip. "Shops exist to cater to the needs of 'normal' people, but do you have ANY idea how hard it is to get a quality whip? A little support for our hobbies would be appreciated!"
"Yeah," exclaims Imogen de Castro, another enthusiast, wearing nothing but a collar, "and like other couples, we want the right to display our affection in public. If Master wants to take me walkies in public, he should be able to."
Margaret Singh dissents wholeheartedly. "This is not about showing affection--this is about moral decency. Think of the children, for God's sake! Think of the children! We must criminalize and eliminate this perversion to keep them safe. Which of course means a special task force to track down and capture these cretins!"
The Government Position
Your government is preparing to dismiss the issue
15 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Popsiclasia, elevator music has been replaced by thrash metal played at maximum volume.
i have voted in favor of ethnic cleansing
Yipper, I think our nudist nations should have an alliance. baddood;
Let us cross swords in the name of friendship n_u
Quote from: NDDR on March 27, 2012, 07:48:15 AM
Let us cross swords in the name of friendship n_u
Tales of Aubreya THE POWER OF GOD
oh and btw guys
lowest crime rate spam;
then again thymia is quite the hippie dictatorship
Quote11 hours ago: Following new legislation in Unistasia, crime is on the rise as DNA sampling has been all but outlawed.
i didn't ask for this awdood;
10 hours ago: Escundya fell out of the regional Top 10% for Lowest Crime Rates.
Quote"Don't Dam Our Rivers, Damnit!" Say Protesters
This is seriously one of my biggest pet peeves because it's so goddamn prevalent. I can't stand it.
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 27, 2012, 11:39:19 AM
This is seriously one of my biggest pet peeves because it's so goddamn prevalent. I can't stand it.
Do you want it to be "dammit" or "damn it"?
Quote from: Thyme on March 27, 2012, 11:40:09 AM
Do you want it to be "dammit" or "damn it"?
Either is correct. I prefer "dammit" by a slim margin. But I'm also the kind of person who says "I dunno."
Don't form some halfway bastardization like "damnit" though. The normal rules of English (hahahahaha HAHAHAHAHA OH GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST SAID THAT) would have the N be pronounced in that case (as in "damnation" or "autumnal") which just sounds silly.
I erected dams on that one
Quote from: NDDR on March 27, 2012, 07:48:15 AM
Let us cross swords in the name of friendship n_u
Quote"They've got it all wrong. Freedom of speech isn't the problem, religion is!" shouts May de Castro, at a local AA (Atheists Anonymous) meeting. "If religion were outlawed, this problem would solve itself. Just send them in for medical treatment. After all, anyone who believes in some big invisible dude who can do anything is clearly nuts."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
Quote from: bluaki on March 27, 2012, 01:37:08 PM
oh god i can't wait to do this RUB IT
unless i already have goowan
Quote from: Thyme on March 27, 2012, 01:44:17 PM
oh god i can't wait to do this RUB IT
unless i already have goowan
The issue and its other choices are:
QuoteSeveral musicians have recently produced songs in which "Violet" sings silly and offensive things, causing outcries of horror from the Order of Violet.
1. "THIS IS BLASPHEMY!" shouts Sophie Plath, Grand High Poobah of the Order of Violet. "Our holy scriptures specifically forbid any portrayal of our prophet's most holy voice. We cannot permit people to slander and mock our prophet and insult all of us. These people are simply doing this to see if we are extremists. Death to the blasphemers!"
2. Speaking anonymously and from hiding, one of the musicians says, "It was just meant to be a joke! I never thought that they'd take it so seriously. I just wanted to give them a little ribbing like I do the other major religions of Pastafarianism and Frisbeetarianism." Renee Bronte glances over their shoulder to see if anyone is watching, "Please don't try to figure out who I am. I'm scared for my safety. The government should protect my freedom to insult whomever I want. Freedom of speech should hold nothing sacred, not even God."
3. "Freedom of speech is important, but so is freedom of religion. Surely we can strike some sort of balance?" says Kathleen Goethe, chief spokesperson for the TSOC (the Tavono Society of Compromisers). "Freedom of speech comes with a responsibility. People must avoid anything that insults another's religion, and if they aren't willing to do it themselves, the government must enforce it."
4. "His Holiness, the Grand High Poobah of Violet, has the right idea, but the wrong religion," says Natalia Zhimo, the Prelate of Primary Public Relations for the fanatical organization Tavono's Concerned Citizens for Our God. "This nation needs an official religion, and not support the Godless heathens who worship the idolotrous Violet. Appoint me as your spiritual adviser an I'll ensure that all people worship God in the correct way."
Option 4 also seems p. rude.
Quote from: bluaki on March 27, 2012, 01:52:32 PM
Option 4 also seems p. rude.
well i'm not going for the rudest, i'm going for "the one i believe in"
that's what i've been doing since the beginning of the game sillydood;
Quote from: Thyme on March 27, 2012, 01:57:08 PM
well i'm not going for the rudest, i'm going for "the one i believe in"
that's what i've been doing since the beginning of the game sillydood;
Quote from: Tectrinket on March 27, 2012, 01:58:45 PM
what :'(
inb4 "and look where that led you goowan" wry
"Don't Dam Our Rivers, Damnit!" Say Protesters [legislation pending]
too bad, i'm going to tomatoes;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 27, 2012, 03:39:03 PM
"Don't Dam Our Rivers, Damnit!" Say Protesters [legislation pending]
too bad, i'm going to tomatoes;
I did too goowan
My last 4 issues have all been about marriage/sex, I cannot tell you how little I care >_<'
Quote from: NDDR on March 27, 2012, 05:21:43 PM
I did too goowan
My last 4 issues have all been about marriage/sex, I cannot tell you how little I care >_<'
Did it give you a boost to your economy when you did?
And yes, I really don't care about those either, unless I can revoke some more civil 'rights' ifeelbetter;
i want more economic issues (http://i.picasion.com/pic49/b88a03eec4fd2fbb5e43cbd66847ae94.gif)(http://i.picasion.com/pic49/8b239897ff98850b635c424814273b7f.gif)(http://i.picasion.com/pic49/428592445fe5987e711fa09deaea806a.gif)
7 hours ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, manufacturers are sued for almost anything not covered in their catalogue-sized manuals.
soon there will be no manufacturers in Escundya it will be all the government's perfect work
Quote from: Dovydas on March 27, 2012, 05:24:49 PM
Did it give you a boost to your economy when you did?
And yes, I really don't care about those either, unless I can revoke some more civil 'rights' ifeelbetter;
Actually I don't think it did despite its promises >_<'
Yeah, polygamy, incest, bestiality, bdsm... just keep it to yerselves, you don't need government funding akudood;
Although I could sympathize with polygamy
i guess
Quote from: Tectrinket on March 27, 2012, 05:27:29 PM
i want more economic issues (http://i.picasion.com/pic49/b88a03eec4fd2fbb5e43cbd66847ae94.gif)(http://i.picasion.com/pic49/8b239897ff98850b635c424814273b7f.gif)(http://i.picasion.com/pic49/428592445fe5987e711fa09deaea806a.gif)
i also need some military issues, i only spend $200 million more than my nearest competitor in us space bucks (http://i.picasion.com/pic49/b88a03eec4fd2fbb5e43cbd66847ae94.gif)(http://i.picasion.com/pic49/8b239897ff98850b635c424814273b7f.gif)(http://i.picasion.com/pic49/428592445fe5987e711fa09deaea806a.gif)
Quote from: NDDR on March 27, 2012, 05:34:10 PM
Actually I don't think it did despite its promises >_<'
Yeah, polygamy, incest, bestiality, bdsm... just keep it to yerselves, you don't need government funding akudood;
Although I could sympathize with polygamy i guess
i got the bdsm one lol
i had to dismiss it because all of the options were awful
i want... i want tec to tell me what he meant with his "goowan" (http://i.picasion.com/pic49/b88a03eec4fd2fbb5e43cbd66847ae94.gif)(http://i.picasion.com/pic49/8b239897ff98850b635c424814273b7f.gif)(http://i.picasion.com/pic49/428592445fe5987e711fa09deaea806a.gif)
i bet it's because he'd like to see religion illegalized irl as well ifeelbetter;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 27, 2012, 05:35:25 PM
i also need some military issues, i only spend $200 million more than my nearest competitor in us space bucks (http://i.picasion.com/pic49/b88a03eec4fd2fbb5e43cbd66847ae94.gif)(http://i.picasion.com/pic49/8b239897ff98850b635c424814273b7f.gif)(http://i.picasion.com/pic49/428592445fe5987e711fa09deaea806a.gif)
Despite the apparent huge gap in spending and soldiers, I am tied with you in arms manufacturing and only one behind in defense forces goowan
Quote from: Dovydas on March 27, 2012, 05:38:14 PM
i got the bdsm one lol
i had to dismiss it because all of the options were awful
Yes, I've dismissed 3 in the past 4 days, it's horrible cry;
i am working to make atheism ilegal in my country
Quote from: NDDR on March 27, 2012, 05:42:54 PM
Despite the apparent huge gap in spending and soldiers, I am tied with you in arms manufacturing and only one behind in defense forces goowanYes, I've dismissed 3 in the past 4 days, it's horrible cry;
yeah. my military is stagnating :'(
and ugh, i hate dismissing them too.
also lol >million, i meant to say billion
Quote from: N o t S i d on March 27, 2012, 05:44:43 PM
i am working to make atheism ilegal in my country
just like santorum~
Quote from: Thyme on March 27, 2012, 05:47:37 PM
just like santorum~
and every other GOOD politician.
Quote from: Thyme on March 27, 2012, 05:47:37 PM
just like santorum~
I have to go back to his state friday myface;
So comparing apples to apples:
GDP US$8.24 trillion
GDP per capita US$61.01 thousand
Unemployment 3.10%
Consumption US$6.8 trillion
Government budget US$1.5 trillion
Waste US$60 billion
Imports US$980.4 billion
Exports US$1.08 trillion
Surplus US$100.48 billion
Total number of military personnel: 405.00 thousand
Jhut Bolokia:
GDP US$4.56 trillion
GDP per capita US$35.35 thousand
Unemployment 5.86%
Consumption US$2.66 trillion
Government budget US$2 trillion
Waste US$100 billion
Imports US$548.03 billion
Exports US$552.86 billion
Surplus US$4.83 billion
Total number of military personnel: 116.10 thousand
such a large budget you have, ypr tomatoes;
Quote from: silvertoné on March 27, 2012, 05:50:09 PM
and every other GOOD politician.
QuoteUnemployment Rate: 3.02%
This is actually really beautiful :'(
Quote from: Thyme on March 27, 2012, 05:47:37 PM
just like santorum~
I am god, my people must believe in me. I am their shining beacon of leadership and protection. I am the only thing they have. I am their beginning and their end. Their whole life is devoted to pleasing me, to earn a spot on my land. If they do not believe in ME they do not believe in my country, and you shouldn't live in a place you don't believe in.
I am the divine light guiding my people to prosperity and happiness and any path that is not walked by me is a path to misery and destruction.
10 hours ago: Escundya was reclassified from "Civil Rights Lovefest" to "Left-wing Utopia".
10 hours ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, the words 'private' and 'enterprise' must never appear in the same sentence.
Quote from: The Doctor on March 28, 2012, 07:50:26 AM
10 hours ago: Escundya was reclassified from "Civil Rights Lovefest" to "Left-wing Utopia".
10 hours ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, the words 'private' and 'enterprise' must never appear in the same sentence.
escundya is so silly n_u
Ugh this is the toughest choice I have had to make...
I can either recognise transgendered people as well as covering their surgeries and medicines which I approve of. Or I can recognise ALL genderqueer folks which is something else I would be all for. I think I am gonna go with all genderqueer because it covers more people but it's tough ;__;
Only if your pockets are green.
Quote from: Socks on March 28, 2012, 08:52:47 AM
Only if your pockets are green.
they arent taking enough initiative
Quote from: Dovydas on March 28, 2012, 08:59:55 AM
dont you have an expensive car to flaunt at a charity event faggot
Quote from: Not Famy on March 28, 2012, 09:05:20 AM
dont you have an expensive car to flaunt at a charity event faggot
the charity event helping your faggot country out? yes.
Quote from: The Doctor on March 28, 2012, 07:54:29 AM
Ugh this is the toughest choice I have had to make...
I can either recognise transgendered people as well as covering their surgeries and medicines which I approve of. Or I can recognise ALL genderqueer folks which is something else I would be all for. I think I am gonna go with all genderqueer because it covers more people but it's tough ;__;
I think I did that one so I didn't have to pay them money n_u
Quote from: NDDR on March 28, 2012, 09:10:41 AM
I think I did that one so I didn't have to pay them money n_u
do you know what it caused?
Quote from: Dovydas on March 28, 2012, 09:06:05 AM
the charity event helping your faggot country out? yes.
my country doesn't recognize faggot help
Quote from: The Doctor on March 28, 2012, 09:11:12 AM
do you know what it caused?
well, i put them in the psych wards and my civil rights improved, i mean went down
Quote from: Not Famy on March 28, 2012, 09:11:13 AM
my country doesn't recognize faggot help
too bad faggot
Quote from: Not Famy on March 28, 2012, 09:05:20 AM
they arent taking enough initiative
i know, like a fish on dry land. but, maybe if you work hard, you will grow legs and flourish.
Quote from: The Doctor on March 28, 2012, 09:11:12 AM
do you know what it caused?
I think civil rights went up a bit or somethign
17 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, programmes of questionable content are shown at peak-hours.
also, my economy has been upgraded to 'frightening' tomatoes;
Making retail stores be open 24/7 lowered my civil rights. I'm trying to increase jobs you heathens argh;
Quote from: NDDR on March 28, 2012, 09:57:28 AM
Making retail stores be open 24/7 lowered my civil rights. I'm trying to increase jobs you heathens argh;
lol so adorable giggle;
QuoteThe conservative Northern-based parents group of "Housewives and Convicts for a Safer Asabon" has put forward a memorandum to ban skateboarding in public.
"Yo, dude, I've got a better idea," says Jessica Woolf while executing a complicated 360° spin over your head. "What if skateboarding was the only way to get around? Wouldn't that be cool? Skateboarding is cheap, healthy, and fun! Everyone should do it! You could improve, like, the quality of life for everyone by banning vehicles and making skateboarding the only legal way to travel. People'd love you for it, man. Well, apart from the guys who make cars and the like, I guess."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
rad as heck
will you guys ever stop playing this
Quote from: Fuck on March 28, 2012, 12:11:27 PM
will you guys ever stop playing this
of course
what a dumb question
this is my most successful thread 5thgrade;
Quote from: The Doctor on March 28, 2012, 12:14:10 PM
this is my most successful thread 5thgrade;
Kicks the shit out of our short-lived Panda Poet fad for sure n_u
Quote from: The Doctor on March 28, 2012, 12:14:10 PM
this is my most successful thread 5thgrade;
Not only that, but as of now it has more replies than any non-chat thread in The Lobby.
This reply I'm submitting now will raise it from being tied with Outsider Refugee Thread for most replies giggle;
>more gay rights issues
UGH, I WANT TO BUILD UP MY ECONOMY awdood; awdood; awdood;
I got hit by the fires
Quote from: Sudoroodo on March 28, 2012, 03:37:52 PM
>more gay rights issues
UGH, I WANT TO BUILD UP MY ECONOMY awdood; awdood; awdood;
I hope you denied each and every 'right' they've requested.
Seriously, NationStates? Cannibalism is in no way a civil rights issue.
I changed my currency.
Quote"That's rubbish," objects Imogen Silk, your Minister of Finance. "Why waste hundreds of thousands of lame puns in bringing those expatriated citizens back to Popsiclasia? They chose to leave our great country; they are no longer our concern! They could have stayed here and been an asset to our workforce! Helped us grow strong! No, they've had their chance. You reap what you sow. We should cut any financial assistance we give to those traitors."
Quote from: Dovydas on March 28, 2012, 10:06:57 PM
I hope you denied each and every 'right' they've requested.
Quote70 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Unistasia, recruitment posters proclaim the army to be both fabulous and fashionable.
this game akudood;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 28, 2012, 10:17:03 PM
Seriously, NationStates? Cannibalism is in no way a civil rights issue.
I am sure mine will drop for not allowing ritualistic sacrifice awdood;
Quote from: NDDR on March 28, 2012, 10:51:10 PM
I am sure mine will drop for not allowing ritualistic sacrifice awdood;
How dumb awdood;
guess who just banned the teaching of Evolution! tomatoes;
you're welcome ifeelbetter;
Following new legislation in New Aztlan, the "Underwear of Women in Power" issue of The New Aztlan City Times is sold out.
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: G$1 = $1.9598
Gross Domestic Product: US$12.68 trillion
GDP Per Capita: US$86.88 thousand
Unemployment Rate: 4.61%
Consumption: US$10.45 trillion
Government Budget: US$2.33 trillion
Government Expenditures: US$2.23 trillion
Imports: US$1.48 trillion
Exports: US$1.68 trillion
Trade Surplus: US$200 billion
my unemployment rate is awful :(
Quote from: Dovydas on March 29, 2012, 12:26:30 AM
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: G$1 = $1.9598
Gross Domestic Product: US$12.68 trillion
GDP Per Capita: US$86.88 thousand
Unemployment Rate: 4.61%
Consumption: US$10.45 trillion
Government Budget: US$2.33 trillion
Government Expenditures: US$2.23 trillion
Imports: US$1.48 trillion
Exports: US$1.68 trillion
Trade Surplus: US$200 billion
my unemployment rate is awful :(
How turrible madood;
"I only wanted to tour Boyahland for a few w-weeks," wails Ruby Falopian, recovering from a particularly vigorous strip search. "I have a right not to be probed and prodded at the whim of some wand-waving monkey with a high school education! For a whole HOUR I might add! They treat us like cattle! In the name of DECENCY, I request, nay DEMAND an end to the disgrace that is airport security! I mean, really, it's like they don't trust me or something!"
QuoteDuring the construction of a new Hyper-Mega-Ultra-Super Mall, construction workers have unearthed what appears to be an ancient temple. A furious debate has arisen between those who wish to preserve it, and those who need their retail therapy.
"This is the perfect opportunity to learn more of our nation's history!" says Professor Agnes Wu, head of the archaeological department of the Asabon History Museum. "All building work must be halted immediately so that my team can study this remarkable piece of our nation's past. To bury these ruins under some concrete eyesore would be criminal!"
"It's all very nice to get to know some more about our past," argues foreman Buffy Rikkard. "But that's just the thing! It's the past! We must think of the future. If you allow those decrepit fossils to take over this place, you put at risk the future of our economy! Today it's archaeological digs, tomorrow it's 'preservation of the environment'. Just let me bulldoze the worthless pile of rubble and bury it under a few hundred tonnes of concrete."
"Behold, the hour has arrived! The Holy Temple of Firefury Amahira has been unearthed!" proclaims Yon-Zhauryg v'Klot, leader of the Cult of the Undead Ocelot. "This land is sacred, and must not be befouled by these corporations! No-one but the enlightened children of Firefury must be allowed to venture inside our rediscovered sanctuary, where we will perform the required rituals to please the Great Goddess and prevent Her from unleashing Her wrath upon the world."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
QuoteThe Honorable Anne-Marie Dimitrov, Minister of Minding Other People's Business, has an idea: "This religion thing is such a great racket, why don't we make it a government monopoly? We'll ban all religions except the Church of NotSid, and make attendance and donations compulsory. I'll start writing the Holy Scriptures right away!"
Quote"You know that no matter what we decide we're going to make people mad," points out Elizabeth Christmas, your Minister of Public Relations. "But the best way to control public opinion is to tell the public what their opinions are. I suggest nationalising all the newspapers and putting them under government control. Then we can tell them whatever we like! After all, we're much more trustworthy than some profit-driven media moguls, right? At least we won't have to issue ANOTHER public statement to tell everyone you're not a hyper-intelligent aubergine."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
Good. Good.
I just agreed to kidnap children to make them into super soldiers tomatoes;
Quote from: NDDR on March 30, 2012, 08:52:33 AM
i hope my unemployment rate has corrected itself :'(
Quote from: NDDR on March 30, 2012, 08:58:33 AM
EXCELLENT baddood; baddood;
Show Full Census Report
Largest Population 7 73,443
Largest Unemployment 23 88,901
Largest GDP 1 44,365
Largest GDP/Capita 1 844Largest Budgets 2 56,608
Largest Consumption 1 33,233
Largest Waste 5 58,523
Largest Imports 1 45,417
Largest Exports 1 42,039
it's beautiful :'(
Mmmm dat budget RUB IT
My spending on education is about to increase and it's already at $435.51 billion girl;
Quote from: NDDR on March 30, 2012, 10:12:10 AM
Mmmm dat budget RUB IT
My spending on education is about to increase and it's already at $435.51 billion girl;
yeah so? your country's babies aren't as cool as mine:
41 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, newborns are being raised as mindless killing machines.
A collection of citizens, civil rights workers, and concerned mothers have signed a petition to stop the manufacturing of the 'BFG-69' (AKA 'the Organ Grinder'), a new rifle planned to be used in the military which works by shredding people's internal organs.
silvertone is thymia's weapon designer
Quote from: Dovydas on March 30, 2012, 10:17:27 AM
yeah so? your countries babies aren't as cool as mine:
41 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, newborns are being raised as mindless killing machines.
You should change your nation's name to Kony Island :|
Quote from: NDDR on March 30, 2012, 10:24:22 AM
You should change your nation's name to Kony Island :|
AWESOME ifeelbetter;
"We still have a military?" questions your Minister of Peace, scratching his unruly hair and smelling none too vaguely of patchouli. "Man, I thought we got rid of those war pigs ages ago. Y'know, if you'd just listen to me and go with flowers instead of firearms, this whole gays-in-the-military thing wouldn't be such a buzzkill all the time. Hey, speaking of buzzes, I just got these mighty strong Bigtopian Blues from a guy I know. I'm on one right now and they are far OUT. You wanna expand your mind with me? No? That's cool too."
My lines are so screwed up
your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to get "suicide while in police custody" up to at least 25 %
Quote from: N o t S i d on March 30, 2012, 01:18:17 PM
your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to get "suicide while in police custody" up to at least 25 %
I want it to be at least 90%. badass
doodthing kills 1% of my people
73 minutes ago: Escundya was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Largest Welfare Programs.
93 minutes ago: Escundya was ranked in the Top 5% of the region for Largest Welfare Programs.
2 hours ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, the nation is constantly threatened with invasion but at least homosexuality in the military isn't a problem.
Quote from: The Doctor on March 30, 2012, 11:58:13 PM
73 minutes ago: Escundya was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Largest Welfare Programs.
93 minutes ago: Escundya was ranked in the Top 5% of the region for Largest Welfare Programs.
2 hours ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, the nation is constantly threatened with invasion but at least homosexuality in the military isn't a problem.
lol for the last one it should have mentioned which boyahland countries were threatening you cry;
Taavet is ranked 23rd in Boyahland and 81,080th in the world for Largest Welfare Programs, scoring -7 on the Safety Net Mesh Density Rating.
Good, good.
Escundya is ranked 1st in Boyahland and 9,062nd in the world for Largest Welfare Programs, scoring 61 on the Safety Net Mesh Density Rating.
QuoteWidening Buttocks Cause Movie Theater Havoc
QuoteAfter the tabloid magazine "The Bun" outed a supermodel to have been born male, the state has anulled her marriage to her husband.
I already answered two issues for legalizing gay marriage, so this shouldn't happen akudood;
My state doesn't listen to me :'(
At least it gives me a chance to fully cover transsexual expenses giggle;
Quote from: bluaki on March 31, 2012, 10:20:27 AM
I already answered two issues for legalizing gay marriage, so this shouldn't happen akudood;
My state doesn't listen to me :'(
At least it gives me a chance to fully cover transsexual expenses giggle;
Yeah that one bothered me too baddood;
Apparently the suggestion of having people pay via blood donation instead of taxes means I send thugs to their house to beat the blood out of them for not paying taxes... Woops girl;
people should send me their shares baddood;
Quote from: The Doctor on March 31, 2012, 05:01:34 PM
people should send me their shares baddood;
in your dreams baddood;
I have 155 shares :(
you can take my shares
The great nation of jhut bolokia is now accepting all shares
All shares will go towards the education of your children
Tracker Census Report
Waste? What waste? Critics have ranked Jhut Bolokia where government waste is concerned as having the 21st smallest sum within Boyahland and the 46740th smallest sum within the World.
So basically I suck goodjob;
Quote from: NDDR on March 31, 2012, 10:13:10 PM
Tracker Census Report
Waste? What waste? Critics have ranked Jhut Bolokia where government waste is concerned as having the 21st smallest sum within Boyahland and the 46740th smallest sum within the World.
So basically I suck goodjob;
but it means that your government is efficient confuseddood;
how is he efficient if he has some of the largest waste in the region
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on April 01, 2012, 02:06:40 AM
how is he efficient if he has some of the largest waste in the region
chut up i thought it said largest when i woke up at three this morning
12 hours ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, airship use has soared while property values beneath their routes have plummeted.
15 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, gun ownership is compulsory.
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on April 01, 2012, 09:52:18 AM
12 hours ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, airship use has soared while property values beneath their routes have plummeted.
Suddenly my 23% capital punishment is back overnight, with an all-new "lost in wilderness" slice
and my economy is going up
i just banned planes
Quote from: Thyme on April 02, 2012, 02:10:28 AM
i just banned planes
expect a huuuuge drop in your economy
i banned cars and shit hit the fan
"Stop torturing Mother Earth!" yells outraged environmental extremist Finlay Lee. "Are we prepared to sacrifice our planet and our souls for the sake of a few extra Penses? If we hope to live in harmony with the environment that nurtures and protects us, we must ban all industries that pollute our world. Let us return to the trees, my brothers!"
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
i decided against subsidizing the failing newspaper business and absolutely totaled my economy
oh my god, my current trade deficit is probably higher than all my surpluses combined awdood;
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 02, 2012, 10:20:55 AM
i decided against subsidizing the failing newspaper business and absolutely totaled my economy
oh my god, my current trade deficit is probably higher than all my surpluses combined awdood;
would you like some 'aid'? toothdood;
"This has got me thinkin'," says General Marleen Neumann, thumbing through a big folder marked 'X'. "If this technology lets us reduce genetic defects, then couldn't it work the other way? We could create ourselves an army of genetically superior soldiers! With our army of Super Soldiers, no nation would dare stand in our way!"
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
And I already have newborns being raises as mindless killing machines
""These companies, they're always willing to sell their ethics for a quick lame pun!"
10 hours ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, Frenzy Pyre's army is full of two-metre tall super-soldiers.
The private sector is almost wholly made up of enterprising ten-year-olds selling lemonade on the sidewalk, although the government is looking at stamping this out.
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on April 03, 2012, 08:18:11 AM
10 hours ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, Frenzy Pyre's army is full of two-metre tall super-soldiers.
Quote from: Dovydas on April 03, 2012, 08:22:28 AM
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on April 02, 2012, 10:53:23 AM
"This has got me thinkin'," says General Marleen Neumann, thumbing through a big folder marked 'X'. "If this technology lets us reduce genetic defects, then couldn't it work the other way? We could create ourselves an army of genetically superior soldiers! With our army of Super Soldiers, no nation would dare stand in our way!"
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
It was something to do with gene therapy on unborn babies, or something like that.
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on April 03, 2012, 08:41:40 AM
It was something to do with gene therapy on unborn babies, or something like that.
why haven't i seen this one yet? ?? awdood;
* "The military is a stain on the peace-loving nature of our nation!" cries Bianca Strange, while sporting a Rastifarian hat. "People should be allowed to choose what they do for a living! Conscription is wrong and I don't see why our tax Penses should go to such a despicable cause! The money should be going to more important places - like our pockets!"
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
from left to right: me, echo's friend and snowy
my military is picking back up tomatoes;
my issue for today
hmm, i would like to bolster my education budget, but i also want to cut taxes befuddlement
2 hours ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, billions of Gelds are being blown on orbital weapons development.
Blown?? I think not, game. madood;
Government Acts
The Issue
An anonymous society of 'cinematic aficionados' have brought the debate over the proposed disposal of the watershed, the hour after which adult material is allowed to be shown on television, to your attention.
The Debate
1. "We don't need a watershed!" scoffs 'romantic-movie' buff, Rochelle du Pont. "I don't see why I should wait 'til way past midnight to watch my preferred film genre. It's high time that parents stopped treating their children like... well, children! If you sugar-coat these kids' lives, they'll just end up seeing everything through rose-tinted glasses - and we can't have a country filled with spoilt brats now, can we?"
2. "This is an endorsement of bad taste if ever I saw it," says Lara Sparkle, a child-care worker. "It's just wrong to subject children to graphic violence and nudity on afternoon television like this: who knows what it might possess them to do? We've all heard stories of kids who have seen some film where someone jumped off a cliff and then gone off to have a shot themselves. We must ban all violent and salacious material from our TV screens. If only to protect the innocence of our progeny!"
Quote23 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, anti-environmentalist protesters are gunned down without mercy.
This is... this is more than I could have ever asked for.
5 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, libraries are now installed with jacuzzis and mini-bars.
fucking library pigs
with their books and their attitudes
My education budget now exceeds David's defense budget :O
Quote from: NDDR on April 05, 2012, 07:28:39 AM
My education budget now exceeds David's defense budget :O
yeah, but my orbital weapons coupled with my probably-disturbed-super-soldiers-that-i-kidnapped will take care of that :|
also i'm super angry with the tracking site, my economy is now 97/100, but the numbers shown on the site are making me cry, they're lower than they were a week ago for some wry
Yeah my trade deficit fell off the face of the planet when I made government safety inspection of products necessary cry;
Damn foreign death products :|
Quote from: NDDR on April 05, 2012, 09:06:15 AM
Yeah my trade deficit fell off the face of the planet when I made government safety inspection of products necessary cry;
Damn foreign death products :|
lol they were probably from my country since i'm a slave to big business and don't require any safety measures :(
i've had a trade deficit for about four days now awdood;
I just realized kaz does not have a nation...
WHY NOT madood;
Quote from: NDDR on April 05, 2012, 09:12:40 AM
I just realized kaz does not have a nation...
WHY NOT madood;
Quote from: NDDR on April 05, 2012, 09:12:40 AM
I just realized kaz does not have a nation...
WHY NOT madood;
he doesn't want to do it :( :(
he doesnt have one bcause this is boring + stpid
The international community has appealed to Taavet to increase humanitarian aid to the world's poorer nations.
"Relief wouldn't hurt us... if we 'relieved' the right countries," suggests government advisor Marleen McAlpin. "We give them a little humanitarian aid, they give us access to their Automobile Manufacturing markets... it's win-win. Nothing wrong with a little quid pro quo, especially for a good cause."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
looks like i'm going to have fun exploiting poor countries like jhut bolokia ifeelbetter;
Second highest economy bitch madood;
Your dumb population couldn't even find us on a map
Quote from: NDDR on April 05, 2012, 11:29:25 AM
Second highest economy bitch madood;
Your dumb population couldn't even find us on a map
all that spending doesn't seem to be getting you far tomatoes;
H-how am I ranked number one in Boyah land if I haven't done anything in weeks? confuseddood;
Quote from: Dovydas on April 05, 2012, 11:33:53 AM
all that spending doesn't seem to be getting you far tomatoes;
Snowy is Asaboner?
Quote from: Dovydas on April 05, 2012, 11:33:53 AM
all that spending doesn't seem to be getting you far tomatoes;
same for your military spending
Game is dumb y/n
Quote from: NDDR on April 05, 2012, 12:59:09 PM
same for your military spending
Game is dumb y/n
well according to the tracking site my military is much more impressive :(
QuoteThe following issues confront Thymia:
- Bring Back The Ballot? [unaddressed]
no ghouldood;
Quote from: Thyme on April 05, 2012, 01:21:02 PM
no ghouldood;
lord knows i caved and gave the people the Power. seppuku was mandatory for all leaders ever.
Quote from: Dovydas on April 05, 2012, 11:33:53 AM
all that spending doesn't seem to be getting you far tomatoes;
one point higher than average bassir;
[spoiler]But yeah, considering the amount of money I've poured into education it should be higher. :|[/spoiler]
Quote from: Dovydas on April 05, 2012, 11:33:53 AM
all that spending doesn't seem to be getting you far tomatoes;
http://www.nationstates.net/page=compare/nations=taavet+jhut_bolokia+thymia?censusid=36 tomatoes;
Well at least david's 22 is comparatively stupid juxtaposed with all the 23s n_u
thymians are educated, but only about maths ifeelbetter;
Quote from: Thyme on April 05, 2012, 03:36:38 PM
thymians are educated, but only about maths ifeelbetter;
all dat culture ifeelbetter;
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 05, 2012, 03:41:13 PM
that is the flag of a cultured state baddood;
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 05, 2012, 03:41:13 PM
My culture is more than double that of Unistasia
you uncultured swine
Quote from: The Doctor on April 05, 2012, 03:48:08 PM
My culture is more than double that of Unistasia
you uncultured swine
good god myface;
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 05, 2012, 03:49:39 PM
good god myface;
Culture is a requirement when you live in trees
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 05, 2012, 03:41:13 PM
im equal .
i just laced my nations water supply with drugs
Quote from: The Doctor on April 05, 2012, 03:48:08 PM
My culture is more than double that of Unistasia
you uncultured swine
How did your culture rise so high
I used to have the highest culture of all of boyahland like a week ago but now you're nearly twice mine cry;
also error with this game: there is no god
i want draconian falcon attacks cry;
that is my National Animal.
Quote from: silvertoné on April 06, 2012, 01:42:52 PM
also error with this game: there is no god
this is also an error irl
Quote from: Thyme on April 06, 2012, 01:47:42 PM
this is also an error irl
it be cool if you could blow up the vatican in the game and it blows p irl
Quote from: silvertoné on April 06, 2012, 01:45:59 PM
that is my National Animal.
my cougars have been getting too fat and lazy to attack :(
Quote from: silvertoné on April 06, 2012, 01:51:14 PM
it be cool if you could blow up the vatican in the game and it blows p irl
no that would be a waste
it should be sold to feed ppl in africa
Quote from: Dovydas on April 06, 2012, 01:52:42 PM
my cougars have been getting too fat and lazy to attack :(
i am going to inject royal blood into your black panthers.
Quote from: Thyme on April 06, 2012, 01:52:48 PM
no that would be a waste
it should be sold to feed ppl in africa
but that implies it has any value :|
Quote from: silvertoné on April 06, 2012, 01:54:11 PM
i am going to inject royal blood into your black panthers.
really? cry;
Quote from: silvertoné on April 06, 2012, 01:54:11 PM
but that implies it has any value :|
all that gold, man baddood;
cant eat gold
what have I become...? I just banned gladiator matches wry
I'm making weapons of mass destruction tomatoes;
QuoteAs you very well know, a masked stranger with a pistol made an attempt on your life but moments ago while you were out on your lunch break. An emergency meeting has been called right here in the middle of the street after the would-be assassin disappeared over a nearby grassy knoll.
"Hah! Like that will work!" snorts Robin Ipsa, Minister of Waste Disposal and Sanitation. "They'll just come after the rest of us and destroy the government from the bottom up! No, we need to go even further - reinforce the Parliament! We'll turn Thymia City into an impenetrable fortress! Robot bodyguards, food tasters... no expense should be spared! We should all do our jobs through a complex network of computers so we never have to leave the safety of our offices again!"
that's... that's what i've been wanting thymia to become all along! :'(
202 million residents RUB IT
was i wrong to sacrifice political freedoms and civil rights for two points of economy awdood;
I think I'll let them own guns to make up for my abusive behavior. y/n
Quote from: Thyme on April 06, 2012, 09:50:22 PM
that's... that's what i've been wanting thymia to become all along! :'(
omg that sounds so beautiful
"If we don't produce these weapons we will be left behind in the arms race," says Doris Cruz, director of the Alliance of Rifles, Grenades, and Handguns. "These weapons are the future and it won't just stop with the BFG-69. We're planning on introducing the Bone-Breaker 195-DX Sonic Rocket Launcher next year along with our anthrax grenade line. If Frenzy Pyre is going to stay ahead of the game then it'll just have to accept that highly destructive weaponry is part of life. We'd also like to sell it commercially to your police force and citizens if you'd just sign here...?"
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
19 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, badminton was recently banned due to 'unacceptable violence' inherent to the game.
Quote from: The Doctor on April 07, 2012, 09:57:49 AM
19 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, badminton was recently banned due to 'unacceptable violence' inherent to the game.
but badminton is so fun :(
Quote from: Dovydas on April 07, 2012, 10:37:28 AM
but badminton is so fun :(
why are you even american
badminton was the only sport i didn't hate and wasn't outrageously terrible at in high school goowan
is badmitten the sport with the birdie
Badminton is horrible and if you like it you should feel horrible.
Badminton is actually ok.
Quote from: N o t S i d on April 07, 2012, 03:49:14 PM
why are you even american
god works in mysterious ways.
Quote from: Snowy on April 07, 2012, 04:57:27 PM
Badminton is horrible and if you like it you should feel horrible.
i thought it was kind of enjoyable cry;
i think it was fun. just wackin me racket 2 some lovely birds
Quote from: silvertoné on April 07, 2012, 04:53:21 PM
is badmitten the sport with the birdie
do you mean the shuttlecock
i'm p. ist
how exactly does increasing gun freedoms lead to this
Quote9 hours ago: Following new legislation in Unistasia, movies and computer games are strictly censored for violence.
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 07, 2012, 06:53:54 PM
i'm p. ist
how exactly does increasing gun freedoms lead to this
lol this game is so silly
now my civil rights will fall even more awdood;
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 07, 2012, 07:17:36 PM
now my civil rights will fall even more awdood;
well, they're still higher than mine girl;
my civil rights are at like 62 s0r something
too high for my people
they must jiuffer
Quote from: Snowy on April 07, 2012, 08:16:55 PM
my civil rights are at like 62 s0r something
too high for my people
they must jiuffer
what's with that huge spike :'(
and for at least seven of the last ten days, i've had a deficit, and all my deficits make my few surpluses look like chump change
today's deficit: over $7 billion, compared to yesterday's surplus of only about $2 billion awdood;
my civil and political rights have gone from "excellent" to "very good", but the change from green to yellow bothers me more than the actual drop in quality lol >.<
and i reduced taxes but they're back up to 48% akudood;
On the plus side, my pathetic economy's finally hit 80. cry;
Quote from: Travis on April 07, 2012, 09:12:21 PM
Top military designers in your secret laboratories have proposed projects to create nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons and are looking to you for government support and funding.
The Debate
1. "This is a necessary step towards the creation of a safer Frenzy Pyre," claims Efthamia Blue, the leading researcher. "Yes, it will mean a large areas of land will become unusable as a result of the testing, and it will cost billions of Astras, but that's the price we must pay for our national security. Just think of the power we will have if we can turn our enemies into plate glass!"
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
2. "Why stop with making weapons for ourselves?" asks Elaine Neumann, CEO of Wendy's Weapons stores. "We can sell them to all sorts of groups and organisations: other nations, the WA, terror- uh - freedom fighters, anyone! And we produce our own for our protection. Think of the money we can make! I'm sure none of our clients would ever even think of trying to use them to influence our government with threats or anything like that!"
3. "You want to bring NUKES into Frenzy Pyre?!" screams anti-nuclear protestor, Heather Sparkle. "This won't make us safer - it will just give the power to destroy everything to a few people! We must hunt down the people who suggested this evil plan and have them hanged! We must protect nature from the horrible influences of science. I say ban all new weapons research!"
I kind of want to go for option 2 though. Just to see what will happen.
66 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, reporters often lose their jobs over fact-checking errors.
Dear god my government waste growth is unstoppable
Quick throw money at it, make it go away :'(
Quote from: NDDR on April 07, 2012, 10:52:11 PM
Dear god my government waste growth is unstoppable
Quick throw money at it, make it go away :'(
whenever something comes up that allows you to cut taxes, that's what you need to do srsly
QuoteThe Issue
An elite group of highly-qualified, well-respected scientists, lawyers, and doctors are campaigning to outlaw the study of the Arts and Humanities in the Universities of Unistasia.
The Debate
"Why should Arts students get to lounge around reading books and watching daytime TV for hours on end, when some of our hard-working youngsters are dedicating themselves to the study of worthwhile and valuable subjects; studies which will benefit the nation as a whole?" asks Robin Broadside, a student engineer. "We should be grooming our young people to help, not sponge off the system. The Arts should be considered a hobby, not a career."
"You can't mean that," gasps Prof. Catherine Gratwick, renowned worldwide for her paintings of trains. "Learning should be done out of love, not duty. The Study of the Arts has been a noble field for many centuries, and learning it is not as easy as you think. I'd rather die than live in a world where creativity is stifled. We should be encouraging young artists, writers, musicians - if only to strengthen Unistasia's cultural reputation."
"What's the point in allowing most young people to continue in further education anyway?" enquires Rosalia Trust, a factory manager. "Surely most students would be better employed in manual and factory work? You should handpick a select few to study medicine, the law, science, and business of course, and utilise the majority of youth to increase the country's productivity in industry. Academic freedom just gets in the way of a functioning society, I've always said."
i think i want to dismiss this issue
the options are awful awdood;
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 07, 2012, 10:57:03 PM
i think i want to dismiss this issue
the options are awful awdood;
well, the first option is the thymia option, if that helps... tomatoes;
But all of my taxes are necessary :'(
I guess education doesn't need an 800 billion dollar budget cry;
Quote from: NDDR on April 07, 2012, 10:59:47 PM
But all of my taxes are necessary :'(
I guess education doesn't need an 800 billion dollar budget cry;
or you could cut some of that welfare tomatoes;
Do I have much welfare? confuseddood;
Also this game taught me that inheritance is taxed. Which is bullshit.
Quote from: NDDR on April 07, 2012, 11:16:26 PM
Do I have much welfare? confuseddood;
Also this game taught me that inheritance is taxed. Which is bullshit.
I would consider your healthcare budget welfare
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 07, 2012, 10:57:03 PM
i think i want to dismiss this issue
the options are awful awdood;
i Did The Second
ii'm pretty sure i've had this issue before madood;
Quote from: Dovydas on April 07, 2012, 10:55:32 PM
whenever something comes up that allows you to cut taxes, that's what you need to do srsly
My annual budget came up today, one option is to cut taxes girl;
Quote from: NDDR on April 08, 2012, 10:11:11 AM
My annual budget came up today, one option is to cut taxes girl;
i just did that 5thgrade;
Quote from: NDDR on April 08, 2012, 10:11:11 AM
My annual budget came up today, one option is to cut taxes girl;
Quote from: Dovydas on April 08, 2012, 10:44:09 AM
If this is a trick I will send my nudists to war and when they get blown up by your superior forces won't you be embarrassed when you have a disembodied penis in your hair baddood;
Quote from: NDDR on April 08, 2012, 11:03:48 AM
If this is a trick I will send my nudists to war and when they get blown up by your superior forces won't you be embarrassed when you have a disembodied penis in your hair baddood;
it's not a joke, please don't do that cry;
8 hours ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, citizens live in superstitious fear of the mysterious glowing clouds that float over Frenzy Pyre.
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on April 08, 2012, 06:18:10 PM
8 hours ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, citizens live in superstitious fear of the mysterious glowing clouds that float over Frenzy Pyre.
i see you chose to develop your weapons too tomatoes;
Quote from: NDDR on April 08, 2012, 11:03:48 AM
If this is a trick I will send my nudists to war and when they get blown up by your superior forces won't you be embarrassed when you have a disembodied penis in your hair baddood;
I would love that.
Because we're a nudist nation too AWESOME
Quote from: Dovydas on April 08, 2012, 06:29:22 PM
i see you chose to develop your weapons too tomatoes;
Yep. I want a more powerful nation.
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on April 08, 2012, 08:26:06 PM
Yep. I want a more powerful nation.
it's a good choice baddood;
Quote"Stop torturing Mother Earth!" yells outraged environmental extremist Prudence de Vries. "Are we prepared to sacrifice our planet and our souls for the sake of a few extra anti-depressants? If we hope to live in harmony with the environment that nurtures and protects us, we must ban all industries that pollute our world. Let us return to the trees, my brothers!"
I want to do this so bad but I finally have a recovering economy ;____________;
12 hours ago: Frenzy Pyre was ranked in the Top 5% of the region for Most Influential.
QuoteSeveral underground organisations in Jhut Bolokia have recently been spreading discontent throughout the populace about not being able to vote.
The Debate
"We demand the power to rule the country the way we want!" cries Heather Harishchandra while being dragged before you in chains. "Too long have you and your dictatorial government been allowed to control our lives! The right to vote in a fair and free election is all we crave! You can take our lives, but you'll never take our souls! Elections for Jhut Bolokia!"
"If you'll take my advice, we should just send these crazies down to the dungeons," murmurs Violet Neumann, one of your political advisors. "If we let them spread this propaganda we'll soon have a revolution on our hands! We should crack down on these groups, and ban non-governmental political organisations to keep the people from getting too frisky with their pitchforks."
"There's no need to be quite so dramatic," assures Efthamia Steele, your minister of Silly Walks as he pinwheels past. "We could let them have their way a little, just to keep them happy, you know? We could give them the right to vote, but not the right to run for office. Then we could just pick out the candidates we wanted and they could choose! We've been doing this for years, we don't want some uppity new bloke trying to tell us what to do."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
I wanted to be more dictatorial but a Monty python reference is too good to pass up
"Drugs by one name, sacred plants by another," intones His High Holiness of a major religion, daubing holy oil on your forehead. "The Church has historically used extracts of consecrated substances to open the vistas of piety and bring oneself closer to the Supreme Being. With modern pharmaceutical techniques, we can easily manufacture enough to infuse the water supply of all of Silverbreed, just like we do with fluoride. Is spiritual transcendence a less worthy cause than cavity prevention? I think not."
we will fuck on the beaches politics of ecstasy
i've ignored three issues to date, two within the last two days
i'm a terrible governor cry;
Quote from: silvertoné on April 09, 2012, 01:28:50 PM
"Drugs by one name, sacred plants by another," intones His High Holiness of a major religion, daubing holy oil on your forehead. "The Church has historically used extracts of consecrated substances to open the vistas of piety and bring oneself closer to the Supreme Being. With modern pharmaceutical techniques, we can easily manufacture enough to infuse the water supply of all of Silverbreed, just like we do with fluoride. Is spiritual transcendence a less worthy cause than cavity prevention? I think not."
we will fuck on the beaches politics of ecstasy
$87.25 GDP per Capita
I think you might want to consider the politics of spraypaint instead girl;
So who all is still active on this game?
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on April 09, 2012, 04:06:02 PM
So who all is still active on this game?
I am!
Free post... yessssss
as am i/posting for luts/quota
Quote from: NDDR on April 09, 2012, 03:36:04 PM
$87.25 GDP per Capita
I think you might want to consider the politics of spraypaint instead girl;
this game wont let me murder all the politicians including myself
i'm active baddood; baddood;
I check my nation daily, so I'm still active.
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: GRAPH G$1 = $1.9274
Gross Domestic Product: GRAPH G$9.30 trillion [US$17.92 trillion]
GDP Per Capita: GRAPH G$42.88 thousand [US$82.65 thousand]
Unemployment Rate: GRAPH 4.17%
Consumption: GRAPH G$7.70 trillion [US$14.84 trillion]
Imports: GRAPH G$1.10 trillion [US$2.12 trillion]
Exports: GRAPH G$1.21 trillion [US$2.33 trillion]
Trade Surplus: G$112.36 billion [US$~210 billion]
get on my level baddood;
My people pie chart is pretty lame these days, but my government expenditure graph has 9 slices.
So that's pretty cool.
another day, another deficit awdood;
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 10, 2012, 01:34:24 AM
another day, another deficit awdood;
i'm sorry i flood your markets with cheap imports cry;
i killed my civil rights by allowing a night police :(
Quote from: Dovydas on April 10, 2012, 12:19:00 AM
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: GRAPH G$1 = $1.9274
Gross Domestic Product: GRAPH G$9.30 trillion [US$17.92 trillion]
GDP Per Capita: GRAPH G$42.88 thousand [US$82.65 thousand]
Unemployment Rate: GRAPH 4.17%
Consumption: GRAPH G$7.70 trillion [US$14.84 trillion]
Imports: GRAPH G$1.10 trillion [US$2.12 trillion]
Exports: GRAPH G$1.21 trillion [US$2.33 trillion]
Trade Surplus: G$112.36 billion [US$~210 billion]
get on my level baddood;
Your unemployment rose girl;
"These murderers took away took away our families and our futures"
"I think we've missed the fact that maybe this teenage pregnancy phenomenon is not such a bad thing," says Peggy O'Bannon, a famous demographer. "We need the population to grow, we need more people of working age, we need more tax for public services, et cetera. There are plenty of sound demographical reasons why we should be encouraging women to have families. By all means educate them about the dangers, but I don't think we ought to discourage teenagers from procreating - it's nature's way you know."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
Quote from: NDDR on April 10, 2012, 06:48:49 AM
Your unemployment rose girl;
still the lowest in boyahland baddood;
why would you want to have more work? that is the dumbest fuckin thing in the world.
i think i have the highest unemployment level because we are smart enough to Not Banally Work.
The average income tax rate is 69%,
QuoteTrade Deficit: A$-11,097,032,297.05
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 11, 2012, 01:35:02 AM
QuoteTrade Surplus: G$141,248,942,749.69
Escundya is ranked 1st in Boyahland and 15,644th in the world for Highest Average Tax Rates, scoring 10 on the Inverse Hayek Index.
72% tax rate fuck yeah
My tax rate is 43% and I'm 12th? Wow boyah n_u
10 hours ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, citizens are expected to be proficient in at least five languages.
try to call my people stupid now, aubs baddood;
also, ugh, another thing that i'm dead last in awdood;
Quote from: Dovydas on April 11, 2012, 08:02:10 AM
also, ugh, another thing that i'm dead last in awdood;
lol we have the same
but i still beat you |:
Two issues dismissed in a row awdood;
Quote from: The Doctor on April 11, 2012, 07:59:52 AM
Escundya is ranked 1st in Boyahland and 15,644th in the world for Highest Average Tax Rates, scoring 10 on the Inverse Hayek Index.
72% tax rate fuck yeah
Asabon is ranked 10th in Boyahland and 38,465th in the world for Highest Average Tax Rates, scoring 7 on the Inverse Hayek Index.
Only 46% smithicide;
Quote15 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, the government funds large training centres to turn Ocelots into functioning members of society.
A spectacular but failed attempt on your life made national news today. Interrogation of captured suspects has pinned the blame on agents of the nation of Blackacre, with which Silverbreed has notoriously chilly relations. Your cabinet is divided as to how to respond.
This is what i want, these people understand me. i want these people be in our country.
16 hours ago: Following new legislation in Silverbreed, ten-year-olds regularly found their own political parties.
is it just me, or does the tracker take forever to update :|
Apparently, putting criminals in gladiator fights decreased my death by murder rate from 12% to 9% but also added a 6% death by cancer that wasn't even in my chart before. huhdoodame;
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 11, 2012, 05:11:29 PM
is it just me, or does the tracker take forever to update :|
If you answer the nighttime question before 02:00 EDT, it should be updated at 03:00 EDT. If not, then it updates in a very long time lol.
Taavet is ranked 23rd in Boyahland and 87,193rd in the world for Nicest Citizens, with -13 Smiles Per Hour (net).
lol again awdood;
my economy's improving lubdoods;
>another deficit
my trade surplus went down :(
at least it's not in the negatives >.<
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 12, 2012, 12:16:00 AM
at least it's not in the negatives >.<
i guess, but $94 billion space bucks isn't a lot of wiggle room :(
christ myface;
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 12, 2012, 12:17:25 AM
christ myface;
your economy will get there soon :( :(
also my military is almost to one million members RUB IT
Dismissed 3 out of the last 4 awdood;
4 minutes ago: Frenzy Pyre fell out of the regional Top 10% for Stupidest Citizens.
And that must mean that somebody else has it now. I wonder who it is this time?
Taavet has the stupidest citizens in Boyah girl;
Although there really is a tiny tiny difference between all the nations
3 hours ago: The Nomadic Peoples of Chattieria ceased to exist.
15 hours ago: The Queendom of Portishead ceased to exist.
I think I read somewhere that you get deleted after 28 days of inactivity, or something like that.
Quote from: http://www.nationstates.net/page=faq#technicalHow do I delete my nation?
You can't. I decided it's better to have people upset because they can't start over with the same nation name than people upset because their nations got accidentally deleted.
If you don't log your nation in, it will be deleted automatically in 28 days.
During the construction of a new Hyper-Mega-Ultra-Super Mall, construction workers have unearthed what appears to be an ancient temple. A furious debate has arisen between those who wish to preserve it, and those who need their retail therapy.
"Behold, the hour has arrived! The Holy Temple of Firefury Amahira has been unearthed!" proclaims Yon-Zhauryg v'Klot, leader of the Cult of the Undead Stegosaurus. "This land is sacred, and must not be befouled by these corporations! No-one but the enlightened children of Firefury must be allowed to venture inside our rediscovered sanctuary, where we will perform the required rituals to please the Great Goddess and prevent Her from unleashing Her wrath upon the world."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
e can't work to support ourselves anymore, and the pensions we get are measly. We need more benefits such as higher standards of living, free bus tickets, and a continuous supply of pisss
2 hours ago: Taavet was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Largest Manufacturing Sector.
3 hours ago: Taavet was ranked in the Top 5% of the region for Largest Manufacturing Sector.
3 hours ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, small businesses are gobbled up almost daily by corporate giants
excellent tomatoes;
I have seventeen badges, Silvertone has thirteen and Echo has twelve confuseddood;
nobody else comes close :(
I am in third place for like everything which mean I get nothing smithicide;
I think I would win in nudism, but alas...
"Doodthing hunting is a cruel and horrible 'sport' for the wealthy," says Robin Anderson of the 'Protect Anything Cute and Furry Society'. "How can you possibly justify it? Oh, they witter on about 'tradition' and 'pest control' and other such nonsense, but really we all know it's because these sadists love to torture poor, innocent animals! Hunting must be banned!"
Suicide While in Police Custody: 1 %
How many possible government expenditures are there? I think I'm getting close to hitting all of them.
61 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, all government facilities are built in the subterranean citadel of Taavetlinn.
by doing this, it caused my tax rate to balloon to twenty-nine per cent. smithicide;
[spoiler]at least i just denied my people public healthcare to fix this little problem though. ifeelbetter; [/spoiler]
20 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, manual labourers must be willing to have cybernetic limbs to get a job.
Also I hit 250 million citizens AWESOME
Quote3 hours ago: Unistasia was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Largest Retail Industry.
3 hours ago: Unistasia was ranked in the Top 5% of the region for Largest Retail Industry.
Quote2 days 3 hours ago: Unistasia was ranked in the Top 10% of the region for Largest Manufacturing Sector.
Quote"Get your hands off my fag!" wheezes long-time smoker Sarah Dovey.
Quote"I can accept and even approve of having a capital city," says Lauren Suzuki, a military strategist. "But we'd be putting all our eggs in one basket if we choose somewhere too vulnerable! Believe me, capitals always get the brunt of the enemy attack because of their political and economic importance. We should put aside a few billion lame puns and build our capital city underground. They'll never bomb us there!"
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
QuoteThe Issue
The recent popularity of a science-fiction TV show has prompted calls for Frenzy Pyre to develop its own space program.
The Debate
1. "Don't tell me space colonies wouldn't be cool," says excited fifth-grade teacher Lauren Dovey, still wearing big Spock ears from his last convention. "Think of how they would galvanize the national population! And there would also be some kind of scientific benefit, probably."
2. "The project certainly is feasible, but very expensive," says Frenzy Pyre Space Agency Head Chastity Wu. "We could make it less of a burden on the taxpayers if we sought funding from private industry -- advertisements on the side of our rockets, selling contracts to the Arms Manufacturing industry, that kind of thing."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
3. "If God had meant Man to fly, he would have given us solid rocket boosters instead of legs," says religious type Robin Cho. "We should not be looking to the stars, but rather inside our own hearts. That's why we should abandon this so-called space program, and instead make the teaching of religion mandatory in all schools."
The Government Position
The government has indicated its intention to follow the recommendations of Option 2.
I was gonna go for option one but option two mentioned arms manufacturing.
91 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, Escundya has designated Doodthopolis as its capital city.
115 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, the nation's first space rocket -- sponsored by Pepsi and shaped like an enormous soda bottle -- is being developed.
Quote"Don't listen to that devil worshipper!" preaches Natalia Utopia, a Jehovah's Witness. "It isn't up to us to decide what should be done, it is God, and only God, who decides what someone should do with their blood. I'd rather die clean and go to Heaven, thank you very much! We must heed this Gospel and ban blood donations now! Of course some people will die, but they will be rewarded in the afterlife for obeying His word."
lmao what
Quote71 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Unistasia, the nation's drinking water tends to glow green at night.
i'm so sorry, the economy was suffering :'(
lol i dismissed yet another issue myface;
98% of my population dies of old age, and 2% get lost in the wilderness. Awww yeah
you guys dismiss a lot of issues
I have dismissed one single issue...
Jhut Bolokia: 4.06%
Taavet: 3.22%
I will catch you David :|
Quote from: The Doctor on April 17, 2012, 06:13:48 AM
you guys dismiss a lot of issues
I have dismissed one single issue...
Quite a few don't have any choices with which I agree myface;
Quote from: NDDR on April 17, 2012, 09:48:31 AM
Jhut Bolokia: 4.06%
Taavet: 3.22%
I will catch you David :|
over my dead ass baddood;
Quote from: Dovydas on April 17, 2012, 10:39:52 AM
over my dead ass baddood;
Given your environment, that day will be soon baddood;
Quote1 day 14 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, gun ownership is compulsory.
And I haven't dismissed any issues yet.
I've dismissed two or three.
What should I name my capital?
Quote from: NDDR on April 17, 2012, 10:49:33 AM
Given your environment, that day will be soon baddood;
i've borrowed a suit from a quarian toothdood;
>mfw my economy dropped from 90 to 75 in a day myface;
last place for most authoritarian wat
3 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, most of the military's funding goes into researching space-age weaponry.
The Issue
Rather than finding them funny, a recent survey shows that most children are actually afraid of clowns. The public is demanding that you do something to stop these terrifying menaces.
oh god this is the best issue yet n_u
"It's not always about the kids", mumbles a red-nosed man in the corner. "Think of us clowns! We have to put up with the kids screaming, and shouting and hurling things at us. How would you feel if you were dressed up like a fool and paraded in front of 8 year olds! The Government needs to create a program to treat us clowns for depression " you don't know what it's like, man. You weren't there!"
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
Quote from: The Doctor on April 18, 2012, 09:46:47 AM
The Issue
Rather than finding them funny, a recent survey shows that most children are actually afraid of clowns. The public is demanding that you do something to stop these terrifying menaces.
oh god this is the best issue yet n_u
"It's not always about the kids", mumbles a red-nosed man in the corner. "Think of us clowns! We have to put up with the kids screaming, and shouting and hurling things at us. How would you feel if you were dressed up like a fool and paraded in front of 8 year olds! The Government needs to create a program to treat us clowns for depression " you don't know what it's like, man. You weren't there!"
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
I had that one a few weeks ago.
Jhut Bolokia unemployment: 3.86%
Taavet unemployment: 3.37%
During the last Tavono Athletics Championship, a massive controversy arose following the revelation that double gold medalist Atlanta Johnson possesses both male and female sexual organs, despite being entirely female in external appearance.
"I think I see a solution to all this," says Xu Fellow, your Minister for Solutions, whilst solving the crossword in your morning newspaper. "We should overhaul the entire sport system in Tavono so that people compete against each other based on skill, not gender. Sure, it might be expensive but it'd be worth it if we want everyone to be happy."
"We can't just stop there!" protests well-known LGBTQQIA activist Faith Strange. "We should completely overhaul Tavono itself to make it less hostile to those like Ms. Johnson! Schools, hospitals, workplaces " they'll all need to be changed! There should be public toilets catered solely for the intersex too! You can't put a price on equality!"
The issue is about the separation of genders and this supposed activist for trans/intersex people suggests separating them even further?
Where's my option to kick her from the LGBTQQIA? madood;
also because of this nitpick I can't decided between these two options saddood;
Quote from: NDDR on April 19, 2012, 01:24:35 PM
Jhut Bolokia unemployment: 3.86%
Taavet unemployment: 3.37%
YOU'RE NOT OVERTAKING ME akudood; akudood; akudood;
My income tax rate is 51%. At this point I don't know if I should be desperately trying to make it go down, or say fuck it and try to get it as high as possible.
I'm going for as high as possible
The average income tax rate is 72%, and even higher for the wealthy.
should i get into this? is it too late?
it's never too late
"They simply crossed the line!" shouts General Thomas O'Bannon. "Far too long have we tolerated these terrorist threats, it's time that they realise they can't mess with us. Send the order to prepare an invasion, and we will show them who is boss! Our brave soldiers are prepared to die for their country, all we need is your signature and a lot of money. But what is the cost of freedom and safety for Frenzy Pyre's peoples?"
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
sup doods
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on April 19, 2012, 03:00:15 PM
My income tax rate is 51%. At this point I don't know if I should be desperately trying to make it go down, or say fuck it and try to get it as high as possible.
My tax seems to fluctuate with my economy. When the economy dips my taxes usually go up.
People have problems with gays in the military? Time to ban the military sillydood;
Quote from: bluaki on April 20, 2012, 07:47:30 AM
People have problems with gays in the military? Time to ban the military sillydood;
how do i ban the military. .
Quote from: silvertoné on April 20, 2012, 01:29:52 PM
how do i ban the military. .
QuoteWith military recruitment numbers down, there's been some discussion in civilian circles of relaxing 'sodomy' regulations in the armed forces in order to allow homosexuals to serve openly. However, with the occasional reports from the field of suspected homosexuals being beaten by their squadmates, some wonder if such measures are really appropriate for the notoriously conservative culture of Tavono's military.
"We still have a military?" questions your Minister of Peace, scratching his unruly hair and smelling none too vaguely of patchouli. "Man, I thought we got rid of those war pigs ages ago. Y'know, if you'd just listen to me and go with flowers instead of firearms, this whole gays-in-the-military thing wouldn't be such a buzzkill all the time. Hey, speaking of buzzes, I just got these mighty strong Bigtopian Blues from a guy I know. I'm on one right now and they are far OUT. You wanna expand your mind with me? No? That's cool too."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
i've dismissed so many issues cry;
QuoteThe Department of Defense has put its case for a substantial increase in funding for the coming financial year.
"These are turbulent times we live in," says Defense Chief Stan Mistletoe. "Turbulent and dangerous. And the only sensible response to that, of course, is to build a lot more weapons. Unless we get the funding we need, I can't promise that we'll be able to defend Tavono's sovereign borders from rogue nations and foreign powers. Or those leaky boatloads of refugees, for that matter."
I just destroyed you guys yesterday and now you're requesting
funding? akudood;
Quote"NO MORE BOMBS," chant the protestors outside Parliament House, in a repetitious and increasingly annoying appeal. Spokesperson Aaron Woolf, speaking through a feedback-afflicted microphone, says, "Tavono needs fewer weapons, not more! Make the world a safer place! Disarm now!"
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
That's more like it nyandood;
I'm nominating a gay activist supreme court judge baddood;
mumpton has made it into boyahland's top 10
does that mean anything
or does mumpton just rule
Quote from: The Doctor on April 21, 2012, 07:03:31 AM
I'm nominating a gay activist supreme court judge baddood;
looks like your nation will be facing sanctions madood;
i named my capital bassir;
Quote from: Dovydas on April 21, 2012, 09:00:06 AM
looks like your nation will be facing sanctions madood;
for being too awesome? baddood;
how do i dismantle the governmebt
lol i'm the least religious in boyahland
3 hours ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, the Supreme Court vehemently protects civil rights and the right to privacy.
3 hours ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, companies struggle to cover for the hordes of employees on parental leave.
Quote from: silvertoné on April 21, 2012, 09:48:20 AM
how do i dismantle the governmebt
destroy everyone in your government until you are the one ruler "the divine one"
Quote from: N o t S i d on April 21, 2012, 02:11:01 PM
destroy everyone in your government until you are the one ruler "the divine one"
then i commit seppuku
Suicide while in police custody is up to 3% AWESOME
QuoteHealth workers are frequently being ignored by people when recommending vaccinations against common illnesses. When these people subsequently become ill they require expensive emergency care. To correct this situation, many health experts are lobbying for mandatory vaccinations.
The Debate
1. Thomas Schultz, a pro-vaccination taxpayer, says "If a doctor thinks a vaccination is good for you then you should have it. All these people turning them down are know-it-alls that are wasting my tax money. Or they're really afraid of needles."
3. Barack Gutenberg, Unistasia's leading expert on health spending, suggests a third way. "Leave vaccines optional but make free health care conditional on having them. That way people get to choose, and it will help ease the load on our national healthcare budget."
i really don't care to validate terrible opinions, but option 3 is tempting befuddlement
this thing is fun
legislation is pending on legalizing public nudity at the moment
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 22, 2012, 10:47:27 AM
i really don't care to validate terrible opinions, but option 3 is tempting befuddlement
that is kind of tempting but I imagine it's gonna shoot your death by disease rate up
12 hours ago: Escundya was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Happiest Citizens.
12 hours ago: Escundya was ranked in the Top 5% of the region for Happiest Citizens.
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 22, 2012, 10:47:27 AM
i really don't care to validate terrible opinions, but option 3 is tempting befuddlement
leave vaccinations optional with nothing tied to them if you do get them :|||
Privacy activist Cooper Dodinas is outraged, as usual. "Tyranny is the natural result of limiting information! Someone, somewhere, will always find something offensive -- mimes for example. Those scare the hell out of me. But should we ban them? No! Free the internet! We have nothing to fear from free information but pop-up advertising!"
yes mimes should be banned awdood; those terrifying monstrosities should have no place in Escundya or any other nation
yeah, healthcare should be free for people who do and don't get vaccinations.
how i feel like rationalizing this: if they disagree with vaccination then they disagree with the science of medicine in general and thus they must also disagree with our science-based healthcare :|
how i know i should be rationalizing this: stupid people need compassion too bla bla bla :|
I think some of it might come more from worry about the safety of the vaccine itself or the necessity for vaccinations against mild diseases
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 22, 2012, 11:07:35 AM
how i feel like rationalizing this: if they disagree with vaccination then they disagree with the science of medicine in general and thus they must also disagree with our science-based healthcare :|
but what if they have worries about the safety of vaccines and not 'LOL GOD SAID NO' confuseddood; confuseddood; confuseddood; confuseddood; confuseddood; confuseddood; confuseddood; confuseddood;
whether their concerns are religion-based or not, what safety issues are there really awdood;
autism ifeelbetter;
i lol'd ifeelbetter;
i hadn't checked out that graph in a while, it's always been around 75/25 before lol ifeelbetter;
basing things on science is just as dumb as basing things on religion
Quote from: N o t S i d on April 22, 2012, 01:54:43 PM
basing things on science is just as dumb as basing things on religion
b-but science is r-real
Not according to the new rules, it isn't. Reichdood;
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 22, 2012, 02:38:32 PM
Not according to the new rules, it isn't. Reichdood;
thank god, let us do way with science
Quote from: N o t S i d on April 22, 2012, 01:54:43 PM
basing things on science is just as dumb as basing things on religion
46 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, Frenzy Pyre has one of the largest offshore wind farms in the world.
46 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, the nation has an international reputation for compassion.
joined the world assembly tomatoes;
most cultured in boyahland, aw yee suck it
QuoteCEO Tobias James of CyberMirage Labs has a different idea. "Let us release SAL9000, our new AI, into the Popsiclasia Network. It'll put a stop to this virus. Nevermind that it's still only an untested beta!"
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
least cultured 5thgrade;
Quote from: Thyme on April 23, 2012, 07:07:11 PM
least cultured 5thgrade;
Embarrassment to francophones everywhere 5thgrade;
#4 in boyahland wadup
if ur not 1st ur last
New Aztlan has joined ye THE POWER OF GOD
My country was abandoned to the wolves of time and entropy.
ypr's gdp is creeping up to mine... i need to be able to slash my taxes soon :(
"Hold on there, hold on people!" says Buffy Leach of the Popsiclasia Broadcasting company, "We don't have to take either extreme, all we have to do is make a TV game show out of it! We put deadly obstacles on the border and monitor it with television cameras! Those that make it across win freedom and citizenship, and those who don't, well, lets just say that our buzzards won't starve. We could call it 'Who Wants to be an Immigrant?'!"
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
...my god, my tax rate awdood;
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 24, 2012, 03:12:58 PM
...my god, my tax rate awdood;
what is it?
i'm at 76% now
it went from 44% to 49% overnight awdood;
public sector 93% tomatoes;
Quote from: Dovydas on April 24, 2012, 07:49:23 PM
absolutely disgusting
we will fuck on the beaches.
QuoteAngry farmers have taken to the streets demanding the government to act after reported sightings of strange Sand Dollar-like dogs eating all the crops in fields.
The Debate
"This unholy union should never have taken place to begin with," comments Billy du Pont, an angry farmer. "The Sand Dollar was never meant to mate with a dog! They eat my crops, they attack my livestock and they're breeding so quickly they're swamping the environment! We can't make a living like this! You've got to give us the funds and manpower to shoot anything that comes within a mile of our property and put an end to these freaks of nature! We must wipe these creatures out now or before you know it all we'll be eating is fish."
"We can't just destroy these creatures!" exclaimed Cooper Cheswick, owner of Jhut Bolokia's biggest safari park. "They may look ugly to you, but I think they're just beautiful. We need to study them and understand them; think of what we could learn! These wonderful beasts may be a little harmful to the environment, but think of the people who will flock to see them! It would be an educational experience! Think of the money!"
"We could always just kill off all the dogs," Beth Sato of the "Keep The Species Pure" foundation whispers to you in a conversation. "The Sand Dollar is one of the many things our country is famous for; any perversion of its image reflects upon us all! We can't have their image spoilt by these ugly abominations! Just get the police to go around and kill them all and we can rest easy knowing our countryside is safe!
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: GRAPH G$1 = $1.8934
Gross Domestic Product: GRAPH G$12.79 trillion
GDP Per Capita: GRAPH G$41.38 thousand
Unemployment Rate: GRAPH 3.77%
Consumption: GRAPH G$8.65 trillion
Government Budget: GRAPH G$4.36 trillion
Government Expenditures: GRAPH G$4.14 trillion
Government Waste: GRAPH G$217.77 billion
Imports: GRAPH G$1.49 trillion
Exports: GRAPH G$1.61 trillion
Trade Surplus: G$120.55 billion
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: GRAPH S$1 = $1.5507
Gross Domestic Product: GRAPH S$9.84 trillion
GDP Per Capita: GRAPH S$32.38 thousand
Unemployment Rate: GRAPH 4.10%
Consumption: GRAPH S$4.83 trillion
Government Budget: GRAPH S$5.23 trillion
Government Expenditures: GRAPH S$5.02 trillion
Government Waste: GRAPH S$209.09 billion
Imports: GRAPH S$1.18 trillion
Exports: GRAPH S$1.18 trillion
Trade Deficit: S$-1.89 billion
my waste is disgusting :'(
Quote from: Dovydas on April 25, 2012, 08:02:42 AM
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: GRAPH G$1 = $1.8934
Gross Domestic Product: GRAPH G$12.79 trillion
GDP Per Capita: GRAPH G$41.38 thousand
Unemployment Rate: GRAPH 3.77%
Consumption: GRAPH G$8.65 trillion
Government Budget: GRAPH G$4.36 trillion
Government Expenditures: GRAPH G$4.14 trillion
Government Waste: GRAPH G$217.77 billion
Imports: GRAPH G$1.49 trillion
Exports: GRAPH G$1.61 trillion
Trade Surplus: G$120.55 billion
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: GRAPH S$1 = $1.5507
Gross Domestic Product: GRAPH S$9.84 trillion
GDP Per Capita: GRAPH S$32.38 thousand
Unemployment Rate: GRAPH 4.10%
Consumption: GRAPH S$4.83 trillion
Government Budget: GRAPH S$5.23 trillion
Government Expenditures: GRAPH S$5.02 trillion
Government Waste: GRAPH S$209.09 billion
Imports: GRAPH S$1.18 trillion
Exports: GRAPH S$1.18 trillion
Trade Deficit: S$-1.89 billion
my waste is disgusting :'(
My trade deficit was +15 billion the other day, idk what happened cry;
QuoteEconomic Details
Exchange Rate: GRAPH A$1 = $1.0497
Gross Domestic Product: GRAPH A$6,232,051,800,870.00
GDP Per Capita: GRAPH A$22,257.33
Unemployment Rate: GRAPH 8.19%
Consumption: GRAPH A$2,908,836,000,000.00
Government Budget: GRAPH A$3,425,995,671,000.00
Government Expenditures: GRAPH A$3,323,215,800,870.00
Government Waste: GRAPH A$102,779,870,130.00
Imports: GRAPH A$741,910,928,675.00
Exports: GRAPH A$755,636,280,855.49
Trade Surplus: A$13,725,352,180.49
i'm human trash
also boyahland's gdp is $4 trillion higher than earth's lol
Exchange Rate: GRAPH P$1.9559 = $1
Gross Domestic Product: GRAPH P$3,178,744,630,992.00
GDP Per Capita: GRAPH P$10,560.61
Unemployment Rate: GRAPH 16.11%
Consumption: GRAPH P$726,915,000,000.00
Government Budget: GRAPH P$2,501,866,970,400.00
Government Expenditures: GRAPH P$2,451,829,630,992.00
Government Waste: GRAPH P$50,037,339,408.00
Imports: GRAPH P$378,421,979,880.00
Exports: GRAPH P$365,555,632,564.08
Trade Deficit: P$-12,866,347,315.92
I think I neeed to waste more
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: GRAPH A$1.3957 = $1
Gross Domestic Product: GRAPH A$4.12 trillion
GDP Per Capita: GRAPH A$13.83 thousand
Unemployment Rate: GRAPH 13.56%
Consumption: GRAPH A$1.08 trillion
Government Budget: GRAPH A$3.14 trillion
Government Expenditures: GRAPH A$3.04 trillion
Government Waste: GRAPH A$94.14 billion
Imports: GRAPH A$515.01 billion
Exports: GRAPH A$442.91 billion
Trade Deficit: A$-72.10 billion
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 25, 2012, 10:12:15 AM
i'm human trash
jesus christ how do you waste that much
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 25, 2012, 10:19:17 AM
also boyahland's gdp is $4 trillion higher than earth's lol
Boyahland is amazing giggle;
"Is terrorism such a terrible thing? Really?" asks Falala Zhu, avant garde journalist, discreetly sliding a pipe bomb under your desk. "These people are simply expressing their political opinion the best way they know how. I think we should legalise terrorism as a legitimate form of political commentary. It'll certainly get people interested, don't you think?"
falala zhu, you are not avant garde. terrorism is PASSé you Idiot Fucker. i will murder your head off.
Quote from: Snowy on April 25, 2012, 12:34:49 PM
jesus christ how do you waste that much
I wish I knew the answer to that. awdood;
Economic Details
Exchange Rate: GRAPH L$2.0048 = $1
Gross Domestic Product: GRAPH L$3,045,581,809,420.80
GDP Per Capita: GRAPH L$10,051.43
Unemployment Rate: GRAPH 16.54%
Consumption: GRAPH L$1,362,578,880,000.00
Government Budget: GRAPH L$1,790,428,648,320.00
Government Expenditures: GRAPH L$1,683,002,929,420.80
Government Waste: GRAPH L$107,425,718,899.20
Imports: GRAPH L$366,055,505,940.00
Exports: GRAPH L$350,241,908,083.39
Trade Deficit: L$-15,813,597,856.61
i've got tec beat sillydood;
howa re you guys finding this lol
Quote from: H.P. Lovecat on April 25, 2012, 02:46:00 PM
howa re you guys finding this lol
lookin good 8)
Quote17 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, army rations are served on silver platters.
17 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, elevator music has been replaced by thrash metal played at maximum volume.
2 days 17 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, inter-species marriages are ignored by the government.
Quote15 hours ago: Unistasia was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Largest Insurance Industry.
16 hours ago: Unistasia was ranked in the Top 10% of the region for Largest Insurance Industry.
Quote10 hours ago: Unistasia was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Most Armed.
10 hours ago: Unistasia was ranked in the Top 10% of the region for Most Armed.
oh god how did this happen goowan
I now have twelve badges. wariodood;
•15 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, the CEO of Laws Incorporated must sign off on all new bills.
How am I supposed to compete economically with an oligarchy madood;
Become part of Taavet and enjoy our riches. wariodood;
54 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, politicians are often seen with soldiers pointing guns at their heads.
1 day 8 hours ago: Thymia was reclassified from "Corrupt Dictatorship" to "Psychotic Dictatorship".
oops girl;
Quote from: Thyme on April 28, 2012, 06:21:50 AM
1 day 8 hours ago: Thymia was reclassified from "Corrupt Dictatorship" to "Psychotic Dictatorship".
oops girl;
Then no one can accuse you of wasting everyone's tax piss, ha ha. Ha."
i don't understand
every time there's a change in my economy it reverts to its previous state in the next time there's an update awdood;
"I have an even better idea," says Prudence Longfellow, a prison officer. "How about we force every healthy prisoner to donate blood? It's about time they gave back to society what they've taken away in the first place. If we do this we won't have to beg the law-abiding citizens of Frenzy Pyre to take time out of their day to give blood. It's not like these thugs are really doing anything for us, so missing a pint or three won't matter, am I right?"
"This. This is a crossroads." states noted avant garde artist Ivan du Pont. "This idea that we can standardize how people look at the world with words, it's a fool's errand. Everything's relative, man. We need to stop trying to control the world and just live. Imagine how happy our nation'd be with no measurements." He pauses to puff on a pipe. "No time like the present, Leader. No time."
i wish he would show himself more often
why oh why is it not giving me something that would allow me to drastically cut taxes
Quote"It's not our war? It's not our war?" cries (in)famous Popsiclasia-born fascist Beth Fellow. "Well maybe it's time it became our war! Popsiclasia should take a more active, and by 'active' I mean 'hostile', role in international politics! This ethnic squabbling will be over when the war is over, and WE can end that war and purge the impure! E pluribus delicious! Sieg Popsiclasia!"
Quote14 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, Animal Liberationists are regularly jailed.
14 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, Asabon successfully hosted the Boyahland Olympics.
4 days ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, the internet has been placed under government control.
5 days ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, army rations are served on silver platters.
QuoteMembers of a new weird religious cult, called the Order of Violet, ask for the government to appease their mighty god by offering Her a sacrifice of the human variety.
The Debate
"What have we got to lose?" says religious freedoms advocate Sophie McGuffin. "Just cut up a few homeless folk - it appeases this group's bloodthirsty Goddess, gets rid of unsightly bums that drain welfare, and everybody goes home happy."
"We must go much further than a few beggars!" argues the overzealous High Member of the Order of Violet, Sue-Ann Cheswick. "You must pass a law that everyone's first born child must be slaughtered, on live TV if possible. Think of the viewing figures!"
so tempting
My economy is getting better according to the tracker RUB IT
Quote from: Dovydas on May 01, 2012, 12:21:48 AM
My economy is getting better according to the tracker RUB IT
as is mine
finallyAlso apparently I now have the highest population in boyahland confuseddood;
my economy hasn't moved in over a week despite me making decisions that should have caused it to move
oh god, i broke it :(
Quote5 hours ago: Unistasia was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Largest Soda Pop Sector.
5 hours ago: Unistasia was ranked in the Top 10% of the region for Largest Soda Pop Sector.
two more badges RUB IT
Quote14 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, students are known to arrive at school in their pyjamas.
jesus christ what
Quote from: Snowy on May 01, 2012, 12:12:54 PM
jesus christ what
do you seriously not know how to spell pyjamas
Quote from: Dovydas on May 01, 2012, 12:15:29 PM
do you seriously not know how to spell pyjamas
Quote from: Snowy on May 01, 2012, 12:42:29 PM
you really need to pay more attention in school
your spelling is atrocious
Quote from: The Doctor on May 01, 2012, 12:44:50 PM
you really need to pay more attention in school
your spelling is atrocious
suck my cock
Quote from: Snowy on May 01, 2012, 12:48:02 PM
suck my cock
I'd rather not commit statutory rape, you twat.
Tony Pajamas
Quote from: The Doctor on May 01, 2012, 12:51:52 PM
I'd rather not commit statutory rape, you twat.
then shut the fuck up and quit your bitching
Seriously though whenever I see it spelled "pyjamas" I die a little.
Seriously though whenever I see it spelled "pajamas" I die a little.
Though I prefer something like "sleepwear" to either
Pajamas are for the old and kinder
QuoteThe Republic of Tavono is a huge, genial nation, renowned for its complete lack of prisons.
Why do I have a complete lack of prisons? huhdoodame;
My murder rate is 0%, by the way. 86% old age, 9% heart disease, 5% lost in wilderness.
Also why does it never pick categories that my nation excels in, like culture, compassion, godlessness, safety, and safety from crime. The only award I have is pacifism :'(
44 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, Escundya's educational system is the envy of many and regarded as a pinnacle of academic achievement.
Quote from: The Doctor on May 02, 2012, 10:22:02 AM
44 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, Escundya's educational system is the envy of many and regarded as a pinnacle of academic achievement.
What issue did you respond to for that?
Quote from: bluaki on May 02, 2012, 10:25:37 AM
What issue did you respond to for that?
something about schools and I made all education free
"Scum is such a harsh word. Everyone has something worthwhile to contribute, as my mother always said." says Agnes Dredd, controversial social theorist and fountain of homespun folk wisdom. "Even if they won't pay their taxes, folks ought to have other ways to pay back into society. They could spend some time with the civil service or military reserve, for example. And goodness knows, blood and organ donation rates aren't as high as they could be. A pint of blood or a good kidney ought to pay a tax bill right proper."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
Quote"If you'll take my advice, we should just send these crazies down to the dungeons," murmurs Mia Plath, one of your political advisors. "If we let them spread this propaganda we'll soon have a revolution on our hands! We should crack down on these groups, and ban non-governmental political organisations to keep the people from getting too frisky with their pitchforks."
I wasn't aware that I had dungeon befuddlement
it's beautiful :'(
QuoteA group of 'concerned compatriots' (Citizens Raging Against the Police) have protested against the enormous numbers of policemen enforcing the law on their daily lives.
QuoteCitizens Raging Against the Police
The Empire of Taavet is a huge, economically powerful nation, renowned for its sprawling nuclear power plants. Its hard-nosed, hard-working population of 353 million enjoy some of the most opulent lifestyles in the region, unless they are unemployed or working-class, in which case they are variously starving to death or crippled by easily preventable diseases.
The Empire of Taavet is a huge, economically powerful nation, remarkable for its parental licensing program.
The Empire of Taavet is a huge, cultured nation, notable for its barren, inhospitable landscape.
The Empire of Taavet is a huge, socially progressive nation, remarkable for its keen interest in outer space.
The Empire of Taavet is a huge, socially progressive nation, notable for its compulsory military service.
all of these are so beautiful :'(
Quote"Of course I should be appointed as the Duke of Popsidopolis," says multi-billionaire Daniel Chandra.
>Duke of Popsidopolis
brb new custom rank
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on May 02, 2012, 02:15:43 PM
it's beautiful :'(
dat ritual sacrifice
the top 15% of the nations in boyahland account for 37.6% of its gdp
the top 25% of the nations in boyahland account for 53.2% of its gdp
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 02, 2012, 04:59:17 PM
the top 15% of the nations in boyahland account for 37.6% of its gdp
the top 25% of the nations in boyahland account for 53.2% of its gdp
did you make those statistics yourself or is there a page for them? :'(
lol i wish there were a stats page myface;
QuoteAfter several reports of pet Sand Dollars violently attacking, injuring, and even killing citizens, there has been growing pressure from public safety activists for the government to take action.
I say this is Darwinism in action
Total Military: 6.66 million
...oh my god
asabon just overtook me as the nation with the third largest gdp smithicide;
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 03, 2012, 04:31:54 AM
...oh my god
asabon just overtook me as the nation with the third largest gdp smithicide;
It has begun. jackodood;
79% taxation
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 03, 2012, 04:31:54 AM
...oh my god
asabon just overtook me as the nation with the third largest gdp smithicide;
tec you must fix it :'(
i know ypr got this one already but
After several reports of pet Draconian Falcons violently attacking, injuring, and even killing citizens, there has been growing pressure from public safety activists for the government to take action.
it's in the name.... c'mon
How could one be stupid enough to try to tame a draconian falcon. I mean really.
QuoteArms Industry Demands Respect
Representatives of Tavono's arms manufacturing industry have expressed outrage over the lack of public and private support for their sector.
The government is preparing to dismiss this issue.
Every possible option for this issue is bad madood;
If I destroy the arms manufacturing industry (which, by the way, is already destroyed and shouldn't even exist), my economy would drop dramatically but there would be no reduction on the already-zero gun use and I doubt I'd gain any pacifism points or anything.
If I accept their requests or go for any compromise, I'd immediately lose the gunlessness and pacifism I've worked toward :'(
accept guns in your life, bluaki ifeelbetter;
guns are god and I hate god
guns are cool because it is possible to blow your brains out w/ them
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on May 03, 2012, 10:17:35 PM
me too
but why awdood;
how about that befuddlement
it's sort of boring how my lines never cross :( :(
What sites are you guys using for the stats?
QuoteThe popular daily cartoon strip "Barry the Cat" has always been highly critical of the political system within Tavono, but in recent weeks the cartoon has depicted the main characters throwing melted cheese at unpopular politicians. Inspired by this, protestors armed with fondue sets stormed a government building, cheesing off several government officials.
"It's just a bit of harmless fun!", says Don Laine, creator of Barry the Cat, while spraying your advisors with melted cheddar. "If the government were doing a better job people wouldn't feel the need to throw cheese at them. We should be free to express our displeasure in any way we choose. Besides, my cartoon books are selling like hot cakes, and that's got to be good for the economy, right?"
"This has got to stop!" insists Sashona Christmas, head of the censorship board. "I spent 3 hours this morning scraping wensleydale out of my hair! Arrest these lunatics! The protestors and the people responsible for this vile cartoon, throw them all into jail!"
"Arrrrrgh!" screams lactose-intolerant Ali Gutenberg, a member of the public safety board, as incoming rounds of mature gouda smash the windows and claim the suits of several nearby advisors. "As I've been saying for many years now, cheese is a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands and should be outlawed. Ban all cheese now, and enforce it!"
...throwing cheese at politicians? doodhuh;
Is this referencing some real cartoon I don't know about?
"This is great!" says General Fanny McAlpin. "These abandoned kids are just what the Frenzy Pyre Armed Forces need. Our current personnel level is pitiful. I doubt we could defend a supermarket! If we take these unwanted rug-rats, teach them the ways of warfare, we could be spittin' out super-soldiers in no time! Just imagine. Our military would be the envy of the world!"
Quote from: bluaki on May 04, 2012, 06:27:29 AM
...throwing cheese at politicians? doodhuh;
Is this referencing some real cartoon I don't know about?
yippees use to Pie politicians.
Quote20 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, criminals are thrown to the Ocelots to repay their debt to society.
All according to plan. appeasement;
12 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, toddlers are wielding machine guns in the name of national defense.
Quote"Is terrorism such a terrible thing? Really?" asks Randy Harishchandra, avant garde journalist, discreetly sliding a pipe bomb under your desk. "These people are simply expressing their political opinion the best way they know how. I think we should legalise terrorism as a legitimate form of political commentary. It'll certainly get people interested, don't you think?"
This is the most batshit tempting thing I've seen as an option ever.
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on May 04, 2012, 10:27:23 PM
This is the most batshit tempting thing I've seen as an option ever.
dew it
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on May 04, 2012, 10:27:23 PM
This is the most batshit tempting thing I've seen as an option ever.
I chose that option when I had that issue
Quote10 hours ago: Thymia was reclassified from "Psychotic Dictatorship" to "Corrupt Dictatorship".
i want to become a corporate bordello :(
I'm nationalising my mail service today
QuoteA coup in a neighbouring country has seen a mercenary force led by retired Frenzy Pyreian general Erica Wall take charge of the peaceful backwater, purging the opposition, and suppressing freedoms. Despite the new leader making a dubious promise to hold elections, the government in exile is demanding that Frenzy Pyre takes action.
The Debate
1. "THIS IS A DISGRACE", bellows Brigadier General Rosalia de Castro, scattering plastic soldiers over the floor. "This traitor must be overthrown! Gather together our forces and sweep the tyrant from power. While we're at it, Frenzy Pyre could do with some more tanks - you never know when the next coup might be."
2. Imogen Cohen, a junior official, puts down "Diplomacy for Dummies" and pipes up. "The best method of solving problems is talking. Send the new regime a strongly worded letter of protest and encourage them to negotiate. On a similar note, perhaps you could take your spouse out for a meal tonight. You've been spending far too much time sorting out this nation's issues lately."
3. Noted realist and tabloid columnist Harry Khan disagrees. "We should give this new regime a chance. After all, they now control a sizeable economy, and they need weapons - we could offer to recognise the new government if they agreed to buy arms from us. Also, I couldn't help but notice some protesters outside your office. We wouldn't want a coup happening here - everyone would feel safer if they were moved on."
4."I don't see what the problem is", a voice strangely like your own whispers in your ear. Your twin, standing far too close for comfort, continues, "this has given me a great idea - why not just declare yourself supreme leader of Frenzy Pyre? After all, the people do love you so very much."
Option 4, does he want to kill me and replace me afterwards?
I have 20 badges now
"Sending assassins to avenge you isn't enough!" argues hawkish talk-show host, Johann Levy. "The fact that Blackacre is this bold means we haven’t made them fear us yet - and a nation that isn’t feared isn’t respected. We need to do the only thing we CAN do: bomb their cities! Raise a revolution! Salt their fields! It may cost money, but our nation’s honor is priceless."
it finally moved
i hope it doesn't revert to 83 when the next issue becomes available again, otherwise the game is truly broken for me and there's nothing i can do to fix it goonish[/spoiler]
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 06, 2012, 12:30:25 AM
it finally moved
i hope it doesn't revert to 83 when the next issue becomes available again, otherwise the game is truly broken for me and there's nothing i can do to fix it goonish[/spoiler]
YES YES YES tomatoes;
i want to make my country a dictatorship again. i want gulags, i want atomic bombs and space programs this is what i am going to do
good luck, silvertone cry;
The nation "perseus_veil" does not exist.
(If this was once your nation, it may have been deleted for inactivity.)
top five percent of the world for nicest citizens
Quote from: Haunter on May 06, 2012, 08:11:39 AM
The nation "perseus_veil" does not exist.
(If this was once your nation, it may have been deleted for inactivity.)
Think of all those millions of people
I'm losing badges. awdood;
i'm up to twenty-eight badges
Woo second badge
God I'm pathetic smithicide;
Quote from: NDDR on May 06, 2012, 11:41:43 AM
Woo second badge
God I'm pathetic smithicide;
I have three badges
I didn't know any of you actually had less than I do
There are quite a few categories that my nation would probably win with, but they never seen to be chosen n_u
the badges are Worthless
I only have 3
Quote"There's nothing like a feat of strength to please the dull-witted masses, is there?" sighs Prudence Schultz, flipping through 'One Hundred Gambits for Advanced Go Players'. "It's so boring. Why can't more intellectual pursuits be given the spotlight, like chess or debating matches? Ban organised sports and make our dreams come true! I think you'll find it comes at a far lower price than the populist Olympics ever will."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
Beautiful. :'(
Quote19 minutes ago: Unistasia was ranked in the Top 5% of the world for Largest Retail Industry (last census: Top 10%).
46 minutes ago: Unistasia was ranked in the Top 10% of the region for Largest Retail Industry (last census: Top 5%).
also, i hate the inconsistency in the tracker's updating :|
The Issue
Due to the explosive population growth in Taavet, coupled with recent droughts, people are beginning to worry about the nation's decreasing water supply, and who should get first dibs on the vital H2O.
The Debate
"We need this water to raise our crops," says incensed farmer Wil Cheswick. "If it wasn't for us farmers, the rest of Taavet would be starving. How about laying the blame where it belongs, and look to those cookie cutter suburban houses with their green lawns and pristinely washed mini-vans!"
"It is my right to have the most beautiful lawn in the neighborhood," says neighborhood spokesman Virginia Barnes. "Our community spends a lot of effort cultivating a nice environment for our kids to grow up in. Why, if they didn't have these nice lawns to play in, they would be hanging out on street corners peddling drugs, or worse! Won't someone please think of the children?"
"Here is a novel idea," proclaims George W. Christensen, spokesperson for radical environmental group Leave Nature Alone. "How about getting rid of all these dams and irrigation projects that are getting in the way of Mother Nature's plans for the water. It is time to allow the rivers to take their natural courses and leave the environment alone. I'm sure things will work out fine if we let Nature take its course."
"Obviously, who gets how much water is only a part of the problem," notes famed population-control advocate Alexander O. "We must try to curtail the rapid growth of our population, whether by limiting the amount of children people may have, or by deporting immigrants and criminals... we must get a handle on our population before we can hope to correct this water supply problem."
The Government Position
why are all of these options such shit
32 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, prosecutors routinely call transplant doctors as 'expert witnesses' in burglary cases.
11 hours ago: Frenzy Pyre fell out of the regional Top 5% for Most Influential.
12 hours ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, the police force is rumoured to be made up of evil shadows with no souls.
Quote1 day 14 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, politicians are often seen with soldiers pointing guns at their heads.
WHAT wry
Quote from: Dovydas on May 08, 2012, 09:53:20 AM
[spoiler]The Issue
Due to the explosive population growth in Taavet, coupled with recent droughts, people are beginning to worry about the nation's decreasing water supply, and who should get first dibs on the vital H2O.
The Debate
"We need this water to raise our crops," says incensed farmer Wil Cheswick. "If it wasn't for us farmers, the rest of Taavet would be starving. How about laying the blame where it belongs, and look to those cookie cutter suburban houses with their green lawns and pristinely washed mini-vans!"
"It is my right to have the most beautiful lawn in the neighborhood," says neighborhood spokesman Virginia Barnes. "Our community spends a lot of effort cultivating a nice environment for our kids to grow up in. Why, if they didn't have these nice lawns to play in, they would be hanging out on street corners peddling drugs, or worse! Won't someone please think of the children?"
"Here is a novel idea," proclaims George W. Christensen, spokesperson for radical environmental group Leave Nature Alone. "How about getting rid of all these dams and irrigation projects that are getting in the way of Mother Nature's plans for the water. It is time to allow the rivers to take their natural courses and leave the environment alone. I'm sure things will work out fine if we let Nature take its course."
"Obviously, who gets how much water is only a part of the problem," notes famed population-control advocate Alexander O. "We must try to curtail the rapid growth of our population, whether by limiting the amount of children people may have, or by deporting immigrants and criminals... we must get a handle on our population before we can hope to correct this water supply problem."
The Government Position[/spoiler]
why are all of these options such shit
dismiss y/n
the 1st one wasn't too bad, putting water where it needs to be First. . .
Quote from: silvertone on May 08, 2012, 02:54:20 PM
the 1st one wasn't too bad, putting water where it needs to be First. . .
that's what it wants you to think. the result would be something like, 'seconds ago following new legislation in taavet, farmers are hoarding water supplies as the rest of the nation dies from thirst'.
Quote from: Dovydas on May 08, 2012, 03:14:30 PM
that's what it wants you to think. the result would be something like, 'seconds ago following new legislation in taavet, farmers are hoarding water supplies as the rest of the nation dies from thirst'.
hows that a bad thing
I was having a drought a few days ago and imported my water from other nations in Boyahland.
David your people are dying of scurvy lol
they've been dying from it. it's not my fault they refuse to buy healthcare
i made a new country 8)
Quote3. "Behold, the hour has arrived! The Holy Temple of Firefury Amahira has been unearthed!" proclaims Yon-Zhauryg v'Klot, leader of the Cult of the Undead Wolf. "This land is sacred, and must not be befouled by these corporations! No-one but the enlightened children of Firefury must be allowed to venture inside our rediscovered sanctuary, where we will perform the required rituals to please the Great Goddess and prevent Her from unleashing Her wrath upon the world."
Should I?
Quote66 minutes ago: Unistasia was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Most Avoided.
81 minutes ago: Unistasia was ranked in the Top 10% of the region for Most Avoided.
wow, what have i done awdood;
Taavet is ranked 2nd in Boyahland and 9,152nd in the world for Most Avoided, scoring 190.75 on the Kardashian Reflex Score.
QuoteThymia is ranked 13th in Boyahland and 74,742nd in the world for Most Avoided, scoring -59.75 on the Kardashian Reflex Score.
Everyone, come to scenic Thymia. Just leave your freedoms and liberties at the door. tomatoes;
I've lately been getting quite a few repeat issues that I've already answered before awdood;
Quote from: bluaki on May 09, 2012, 04:52:23 AM
I've lately been getting quite a few repeat issues that I've already answered before awdood;
23 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, archaeological discoveries are often followed by mysterious hamster abductions.
Fuck this game, I legalize all drugs and put a hefty government tax on them and my economy doesn't raise?
How much more of my environment/morality do I have to destroy to raise it a point akudood;
Quote from: NDDR on May 09, 2012, 11:35:33 AM
Fuck this game, I legalize all drugs and put a hefty government tax on them and my economy doesn't raise?
How much more of my environment/morality do I have to destroy to raise it a point akudood;
i've destroyed my environment and my people's lives for satan in pursuit of a better economy awdood;
Quote14 hours ago: Following new legislation in Asabon, Asabon has been recently classified as an international menace after 'liberating' several nearby territories.
Prepare your nations. jackodood;
i wish the tracker kept a graph of the trade surplus/deficit awdood;
i am the most un-avoided tomatoes;
Quote from: Snowy on May 09, 2012, 12:33:47 PM
Prepare your nations. jackodood;
you were saying? confuseddood;
Quote from: Dovydas on May 09, 2012, 04:05:03 PM
you were saying? confuseddood;
compare mine too? girl;
Quote from: The Doctor on May 09, 2012, 04:10:57 PM
compare mine too? girl;
8 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, the country has been 'going shopping' by annexing nearby nations for their resources.
i think jhut bolokia will be first tomatoes;
Escundya is ranked 1st in Boyahland and 5,576th in the world for Largest Welfare Programs, scoring 82 on the Safety Net Mesh Density Rating.
12 hours ago: Following new legislation in Escundya, the arms industry has been shut down in a surge of pacifism.
Quote from: Dovydas on May 10, 2012, 09:47:25 AM
8 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, the country has been 'going shopping' by annexing nearby nations for their resources.
i think jhut bolokia will be first tomatoes;
I bet I'm still making my own political decisions by dawnbreak madood;
i'm now second in everything important AWESOME
Quote from: NDDR on May 10, 2012, 10:17:18 AM
I bet I'm still making my own political decisions by dawnbreak madood;
you will be the faroe islands to my denmark~~
i joined happydood;
it sux :(
Quote119 minutes ago: Unistasia was ranked in the Top 10% of the region for Shortest Average Lifespan.
I fully expected this. awdood;
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 11, 2012, 12:32:52 AM
I fully expected this. awdood;
somehow i'm only ranked fourth on that list now... awdood;
i dismissed four issues and i keep getting issues that i've already dealt with before
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 11, 2012, 12:32:52 AM
I fully expected this. awdood;
i dropped off that list awdood;
10 hours ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, libraries are now installed with jacuzzis and mini-bars.
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on May 11, 2012, 08:04:37 AM
10 hours ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, libraries are now installed with jacuzzis and mini-bars.
those poor books
Largest Population: 16
Largest Unemployment: 18
(Smallest Unemployment: 2)
Largest GDP: 2
Largest GDP/Capita: 2
Largest Budgets: 4
Largest Consumption: 2
Largest Waste: 6
Largest Imports: 3
Largest Exports: 2
Exchange Rate: GRAPH A$1 = $1.3380
Gross Domestic Product: GRAPH A$10,820,052,777,600.00
GDP Per Capita: GRAPH A$28,930.62
Unemployment Rate: GRAPH 5.20%
Consumption: GRAPH A$6,243,930,000,000.00
Government Budget: GRAPH A$4,766,794,560,000.00
Government Expenditures: GRAPH A$4,576,122,777,600.00
Government Waste: GRAPH A$190,671,782,400.00
Imports: GRAPH A$1,275,949,620,000.00
Exports: GRAPH A$1,352,506,597,200.00
Trade Surplus: A$76,556,977,200.00
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 11, 2012, 09:33:49 AM
Largest Population: 3
Largest Unemployment: 19
[Smallest Unemployment:
Largest GDP:
1Largest GDP/Capita:
1Largest Budgets:
1Largest Consumption:
1Largest Waste: 4
Largest Imports:
1Largest Exports:
1Exchange Rate: GRAPH G$1 = $1.8636
Gross Domestic Product: GRAPH G$16.40 trillion
GDP Per Capita: GRAPH G$40.09 thousand
Unemployment Rate: GRAPH 3.47%
Consumption: GRAPH G$9.46 trillion
Government Budget: GRAPH G$7.22 trillion
Government Expenditures: GRAPH G$6.93 trillion
Government Waste: GRAPH G$288.86 billion
Imports: GRAPH G$1.93 trillion
Exports: GRAPH G$2.03 trillion
Trade Surplus: G$95.52 billion
A violent and rather messy stampede of Cougars during a parade in your honour has brought widespread media attention to the shortage of blood, plasma and platelet donors in Taavet.
... myface;
Quote from: Dovydas on May 11, 2012, 09:40:17 AM
A violent and rather messy stampede of Cougars during a parade in your honour has brought widespread media attention to the shortage of blood, plasma and platelet donors in Taavet.
... myface;
lol i dismissed that one ifeelbetter;
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 11, 2012, 09:40:02 AM
i need something to drastically slash my taxes so my economy can rapidly expand again :(
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 11, 2012, 09:40:51 AM
lol i dismissed that one ifeelbetter;
i just read the choices. i dismissed it too. akudood;
Quote from: Dovydas on May 11, 2012, 09:43:30 AM
i need something to drastically slash my taxes so my economy can rapidly expand again :(
our tax rates are currently the same, but after that education decision i just made, mine are going to explode :(
also jesus snowy what did you do to cut your waste so dramatically
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 11, 2012, 11:06:31 AM
our tax rates are currently the same, but after that education decision i just made, mine are going to explode :(
also jesus snowy what did you do to cut your waste so dramatically
I remember when my tax rate was seven per cent... :(
8 hours ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, bizarre-looking creatures called 'Wolfdogs' dominate wildlife preserves.
Quote2 days 3 hours ago: Popsiclasia was reclassified from "Father Knows Best State" to "Libertarian Police State".
Not exactly what I was aiming for, but I'll take it.
i love this game
i used to play another one just like this
my tax rate is up to 81% for normal folks and 100% for the rich
Quote15 hours ago: Following new legislation in Unistasia, students cut up leftover ameros during Arts and Crafts.
what have i done awdood;
22 hours ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, the populace lives in fear of painful execution for minor offences.
Q('_' Q)
13 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, billions of Astras are being blown on orbital weapons development.
................i've destroyed my economy..........................awdood;............................
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 13, 2012, 02:19:01 AM
................i've destroyed my economy..........................awdood;............................
how do you people destroy your economies so easily n_u
Quote from: Dovydas on May 13, 2012, 05:42:49 AM
how do you people destroy your economies so easily n_u
My economy hasn't moved in 1-2 months akudood;
Quote from: NDDR on May 13, 2012, 09:45:18 AM
My economy hasn't moved in 1-2 months akudood;
my hasn't either Reichdood;
mine has imploded Reichdood;
this is the second time this happens
Quote from: Dovydas on May 13, 2012, 09:57:20 AM
my hasn't either Reichdood;
mine has stayed pretty steady too baddood;
Slacker blogger Robin Clinton, still in pajamas and eating a pizza slice on a ratty couch, sends you a video chat invitation. "Dude, why not just give everybody shorter work weeks? Make flex time, telecommuting, and 35-hour work weeks mandatory for all us working folk. Trust me, the people will love you for it man!"
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt
Quote from: Thyme on May 13, 2012, 10:53:03 AM
mine has imploded Reichdood;
this is the second time this happens
so much underutilisation of your land's resources :(
my economy only seems to move down awdood;
QuoteThe Holy Empire of Asabon is a huge, cultured nation, renowned for its keen interest in outer space. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 420 million
get on my level
Quote from: Snowy on May 13, 2012, 11:15:41 AM
get on my level
The Empire of Taavet is a huge, cultured nation, notable for its unlimited-speed roads. Its hard-nosed, hard-working population of 422 million are either ruled by a sleek, efficient government or a conglomerate of multinational corporations; it's difficult to tell which.
Quote from: Dovydas on May 13, 2012, 11:21:35 AM
The Empire of Taavet is a huge, cultured nation, notable for its unlimited-speed roads. Its hard-nosed, hard-working population of 422 million are either ruled by a sleek, efficient government or a conglomerate of multinational corporations; it's difficult to tell which.
But I have 420 million :(
Where does "get on my level" come from? Because my friend liked that and used it a lot years ago and I have been seeing it at various places on the internet lately.
The Grand Duchy of Popsiclasia is a huge, safe nation, remarkable for its absence of drug laws. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 425 million are proud of their wide-ranging civil freedoms, and those who aren't tend to be dragged off the streets by men in dark suits and hustled into cars with tinted windows.
The Kingdom of Frenzy Pyre is a huge, devout nation, remarkable for its sprawling nuclear power plants. Its compassionate population of 413 million are prohibited from doing almost everything except voting, which they do timidly and conservatively.
It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, moralistic government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Defence, Law & Order, and Education. It meets every day to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Iron Fire City. The average income tax rate is 77%, and even higher for the wealthy. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Tourism industry, followed by Arms Manufacturing and Trout Farming.
The populace lives in fear of painful execution for minor offences, billions of Astras are being blown on orbital weapons development, the nationalized auto industry is adept at making durable little cars nobody wants to drive, and citizens are forced to donate blood once every three months. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Frenzy Pyre's national animal is the Wolf, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its currency is the Astra.
The Holy Empire of Escundya is a huge, safe nation, renowned for its compulsory vegetarianism. Its compassionate, intelligent population of 411 million are free to do what they want with their own bodies, and vote for whoever they like in elections; if they go into business, however, they are regulated to within an inch of their lives.
It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, socially-minded government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Education, Social Welfare, and Healthcare. It meets every day to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Doodthopolis. The average income tax rate is 81%, and even higher for the wealthy. The private sector is almost wholly made up of enterprising ten-year-olds selling lemonade on the sidewalk, although the government is looking at stamping this out.
i giggled at the unexpected findings of today's census report
psychotic dictatorship THE POWER OF GOD
Lara Jamieson, a noted anarchist, is appalled at the whole debate. "Relief fund? Giving money?! Now the government has to choose which social class to favor, and here's the big punch line, there is no right choice! We need to do away with the relief fund altogether, [glow=black,2,300]slash taxes[/glow] and leave the people and businesses to rebuild without government meddling. Yes, there will be some 'I don't have any money' sob stories. Boo-freaking-hoo. It's not the government's job to bail them out because they failed to prepare. "
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
oh thank god, somebody finally listened to my prayers of being able to slash taxes :'(
10 hours ago: Escundya was reclassified from "Left-wing Utopia" to "Liberal Democratic Socialists".
Quote from: The Doctor on May 15, 2012, 08:18:01 AM
10 hours ago: Escundya was reclassified from "Left-wing Utopia" to "Liberal Democratic Socialists".
Thymia is a corrupt dictatorship again cry;
QuoteThe Issue
During the last Jhut Bolokia Athletics Championship, a massive controversy arose following the revelation that double gold medalist Atlanta Johnson possesses both male and female sexual organs, despite being entirely female in external appearance.
The Debate
"How is this difficult to understand?" questions well-known sports commentator Falala Hernandez. "There are sports and competitions just for men, and there are sports and competitions just for women; we don't let men run in a women's race, so what's the difference here? And if it's too difficult to decide whether the athlete is a man or woman, then we shouldn't let them compete at all! Fair is fair is fair."
"I think I see a solution to all this," says Gregory James, your Minister for Solutions, whilst solving the crossword in your morning newspaper. "We should overhaul the entire sport system in Jhut Bolokia so that people compete against each other based on skill, not gender. Sure, it might be expensive but it'd be worth it if we want everyone to be happy."
"We can't just stop there!" protests well-known LGBTQQIA activist Sarah Hamilton. "We should completely overhaul Jhut Bolokia itself to make it less hostile to those like Ms. Johnson! Schools, hospitals, workplaces " they'll all need to be changed! There should be public toilets catered solely for the intersex too! You can't put a price on equality!"
"You're not actually going to listen to that parasite, I hope?" your bald, heavily tattooed cousin says with a raised eyebrow. "You want to actually give these monsters recognition? Not only are they going to make us the laughing stock of the international community, but they, and other freaks like them, are an insult to our race. What we must do is banish such scum from Jhut Bolokia; their lesser blood and DNA are only an impediment to the success and dominance of our race " a master race!"
What do I do
Quote from: NDDR on May 15, 2012, 11:43:00 AM
What do I do
"How is this difficult to understand?" questions well-known sports commentator Falala Hernandez. "There are sports and competitions just for men, and there are sports and competitions just for women; we don't let men run in a women's race, so what's the difference here? And if it's too difficult to decide whether the athlete is a man or woman, then we shouldn't let them compete at all! Fair is fair is fair."
Quote from: Dovydas on May 15, 2012, 11:53:50 AM
"How is this difficult to understand?" questions well-known sports commentator Falala Hernandez. "There are sports and competitions just for men, and there are sports and competitions just for women; we don't let men run in a women's race, so what's the difference here? And if it's too difficult to decide whether the athlete is a man or woman, then we shouldn't let them compete at all! Fair is fair is fair."
That's what I was thinking :O
Or they would have to compete in a men's league and almost by default they wouldn't make the cut
super sexist time with your host ypr
•Seconds ago: Following new legislation in Taavet, the new 'Things We Stole From Other Countries' exhibition at the National Museum of Antiquities is a hit.
Lol I love this
my ritual sacrifice is at 38%
get on my level
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on May 16, 2012, 06:37:46 PM
my ritual sacrifice is at 38%
get on my level
I at least have suicide in police custody. baddood;
My economy was upgraded to "Frightening" and yet it remains at 96 baddood;
Quote from: NDDR on May 17, 2012, 10:18:42 AM
My economy was upgraded to "Frightening" and yet it remains at 96 baddood;
it's nice to see somebody finally challenging me cry;
Quote from: Dovydas on May 17, 2012, 10:25:56 AM
it's nice to see somebody finally challenging me cry;
Damn fucking straight akudood;
Unemployment is at 3.86%, Imma comin'
Quote from: NDDR on May 17, 2012, 10:52:18 AM
Damn fucking straight akudood;
Unemployment is at 3.86%, Imma comin'
i'm going to laugh when it spikes tomorrow tomatoes;
My economy shifts between 95 and 96 constantly.
"Hah! Like that will work!" snorts Xu O'Bannon, Minister of Waste Disposal and Sanitation. "They'll just come after the rest of us and destroy the government from the bottom up! No, we need to go even further - reinforce the Parliament! We'll turn Iron Fire City into an impenetrable fortress! Robot bodyguards, food tasters... no expense should be spared! We should all do our jobs through a complex network of computers so we never have to leave the safety of our offices again!"
lol the gap between the two least safe countries in boyahland [tec's and mine] is ridiculous
Quote from: Thyme on May 19, 2012, 09:55:28 AM
this is horrifying :(
that is Beautiful
Quote3 hours ago: Unistasia was reclassified from "Left-Leaning College State" to "Capitalizt".
.......what have i done....................
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 20, 2012, 12:45:05 PM
.......what have i done....................
if it makes you feel any better
I went from left wing utopia to liberal democratic socialists to new york times democracy to Liberal Democratic Socialists over the course of the last ~4 days
well, all these repeat issues seem to be a nice cue to stop playing 5thgrade;
Quote from: Thyme on May 20, 2012, 12:49:22 PM
well, all these repeat issues seem to be a nice cue to stop playing 5thgrade;
goodbye, thymia cry;
We'll miss you. :'(
>mfw i still keep playing 5thgrade;
I finally start to excel
my unemployment is currently the lowest in boyahland bassir;
i wonder how long this will last before i screw it up goowan
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 21, 2012, 11:53:41 AM
my unemployment is currently the lowest in boyahland bassir;
i wonder how long this will last before i screw it up goowan
at least i still have my gdp :(
Oh hey, now I have 39% ritual sacrifice AND 1% suicide while in police custody
i remember when my trade deficit would be in the negative billions for days at a time
today i have a surplus of about $150 billion bassir;
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 22, 2012, 11:30:09 AM
i remember when my trade deficit would be in the negative billions for days at a time
today i have a surplus of about $150 billion bassir;
RUB IT goowan
QuotePopsiclasia's football fans are outraged after the nation's bid to host an important regional competition was rejected. The reason? Popsiclasia's football fields are slightly shorter than the international standard.
I thought I banned sports, you fuckasses.
This (http://www.broomdces.com/nseconomy/regions.php?region=Boyahland) is neat. befuddlement
Taavet Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Empire
Government Priority: Defence
Economic Rating: Frightening
Civil Rights Rating: Excellent
Political Freedoms: Below Average
Income Tax Rate: 35%
Consumer Confidence Rate: 107%
Worker Enthusiasm Rate: 101%
Major Industry: Uranium Mining
National Animal: Cougar
oh my god, these are beautiful cry;
also this is beautiful
Taavet White Market Statistics ?
Gross Domestic Product: $19,513,500,000,000.00
GDP Per Capita: $41,081.05
Average Salary Per Employee: $71,320.17
Unemployment Rate: 2.62%
Consumption: $11,678,313,873,408.00
Exports: $2,293,337,506,816.00
Imports: $2,277,797,265,408.00
Trade Net: 15,540,241,408.00
well mostly
nice black market, ypr wrench;
Holy shit, my economy is "thriving." That's the best it's ever been.
Quote from: Dovydas on May 22, 2012, 07:14:50 PM
nice black market, ypr wrench;
my country hates me lately saddood;
Quote from: NDDR on May 23, 2012, 02:20:59 PM
my country hates me lately saddood;
but your criminals make an excellent living, at least :(
i am proud to be the most influential psychotic dictatorship in the land
"Where does it end?" asks a notoriously crotchety old man. "We give these foreigners their king back and before you know it people will be coming out of the woodwork demanding their relics back." He pauses to hack something up into a handkerchief. "What we need to do is send a message. A message that will stop anyone else from asking for their artifacts back. We need to publicly destroy the king to let Maxtopia know we won't take any of their guff!"
THE POWER OF GOD Smallest unemployment for Jhut Bolokia THE POWER OF GOD
Quote from: NDDR on May 27, 2012, 02:39:13 PM
THE POWER OF GOD Smallest unemployment for Jhut Bolokia THE POWER OF GOD
Quote from: NDDR on May 27, 2012, 02:39:13 PM
THE POWER OF GOD Smallest unemployment for Jhut Bolokia THE POWER OF GOD
a week ago they were a mere 35% cry;
why are my political freedoms in a tailspin? awdood;
as expected, i've destroyed my unemployment percentage and taxes have skyrocketed, but i now have the highest gdp/capita happydood;
[spoiler]now we'll see how long it takes to ruin this as well myface;[/spoiler]
Largest Administration Budget View List Popsiclasia (1.46 trillion)
QuoteLargest Population 15 58,244
Largest Unemployment 18 95,234
Largest GDP 1 28,489
Largest GDP/Capita 1 1,621
Largest Budgets 2 24,839
Largest Consumption 2 26,367
Largest Waste 9 38,377
Largest Imports 2 29,518
Largest Exports 1 27,329
how did i let this happen
i stopped playing 3 days ago or so
thymia's rudis wasn't so aeternam after all 5thgrade;
Ohhhhhh I used to play this game years ago. It gets pretty tedious and boring after a while, particularly once you join the United Nations. not my cup of tea anymore. Have fun guys. n_u
QuoteThe Issue
A man by the name of &%*\@# Smith hit the headlines yesterday when he had his first name legally changed to 'John', citing the ridicule and stress he suffered because of his given name. Mr Smith publicly commented afterwards that there should be more restrictions on what parents can name their children.
The Debate
"People do so love to be different," says Insert Name Here, with a heavy sigh. "I don't know what my folks were thinking when they named me. Probably about how 'novel' and 'with it' they were being, but I didn't get a say in it did I? Growing up in my neighbourhood with the first name 'Insert' wasn't fun at all I can tell you! The government should set up a registry of recognised names that are clean, sensible, and non-teasable. Kids deserve better."
"It's none of the government's business what I name my daughter," says Follicle Rainbow Gooseknob, cradling [expletive deleted] in her arms. "Are you going to tell us what to think next? Where to go? Who to love? I don't want some grey-faced bureaucrat deciding what name is appropriate for my child! What kind of country hates personal freedom so much you can't even choose your own name?"
"Names? Names are so inefficient!" Says Five-Oh-Three McGoohan, counting beads. "Who can honestly tell one Stan Yeats from another? That name's so popular now, I met three people at the mall with it just last week! Face it! Names are old-hat! Everyone ought to go by a government-allocated ID number instead, much more practical. Who could make fun of a child named Six-Eight-Four?"
Meanwhile in Boyahland, there's only 17 nations left.
my country has quit bullshittin around and is in the process of Transcending Our Physical Forms
I am kicking capitalists out of my country
Quote from: Echo on June 12, 2012, 03:46:51 PM
I am kicking capitalists out of my country
I hope they bring their productivity to Taavet. RUB IT
Echo I will buy your country :O
How much would you like girl;
I hope my tax rate is heading back to the single digits RUB IT
Quote from: NDDR on June 12, 2012, 04:41:16 PM
Echo I will buy your country :O
How much would you like girl;
50 dollars
Quote from: Echo on June 13, 2012, 08:27:57 AM
50 dollars
That's only about 30 sand dollars :O
I'll take it
Quote from: NDDR on June 14, 2012, 01:27:57 AM
That's only about 30 sand dollars :O
I'll take it
what sane country in boyahland would ever accept pitiful sand dollars? tomatoes;
91% tax rate girl;
Average Salary Per Employee: G$88,025.16
Avg Annual Criminal's Income / Savings: G$8,281.36
I'm the opposite of Jhut Bolokia n_u
Quote from: Dovydas on June 15, 2012, 09:33:59 AM
Average Salary Per Employee: G$88,025.16
Avg Annual Criminal's Income / Savings: G$8,281.36
I'm the opposite of Jhut Bolokia n_u
Do my criminals make 88k? n_u
Quote from: NDDR on June 15, 2012, 02:24:43 PM
Do my criminals make 88k? n_u
you did, it's much worse now though lol
Average Salary Per Employee: $45,305.50
Avg Annual Criminal's Income / Savings: ? $131,350.59
also my taxes:
So basically... crime pays n_u
1% of my population dies by "disappearing"
Quote105 minutes ago: Unistasia was reclassified from "Capitalizt" to "Anarchy".
what have i done
Poor, Tec. :(
i had just been catching up too :(
Quote from: Tectite on June 18, 2012, 12:40:54 AM
i had just been catching up too :(
it's nice to have you though, jhut bolokia is just a bric country to us cry;
oh god lol
well, jhut bolokia's been closer to the top in the past and i'm sure it'll rise again, i bet it's just the taxes stifling him n_u
plus, he still has the lowest unemployment angry;
Quote from: Tectite on June 18, 2012, 12:45:53 AM
oh god lol
well, jhut bolokia's been closer to the top in the past and i'm sure it'll rise again, i bet it's just the taxes stifling him n_u
plus, he still has the lowest unemployment angry;
that is probably very true :(
I am back to only social issues that I do not care about myface;
Quote from: N o t S i d on June 16, 2012, 04:36:00 AM
1% of my population dies by "disappearing"
I want to die this way.
whelp, there's no more improving of my country... cry;
the wealthy are trying to emigrate from my country so i'm sealing the borders giggle;
Frenzy Pyre is ranked 7th in Boyahland and 56,792nd in the world for Most Politically Apathetic Citizens, with 0 Whatever.
and 96 economy, the highest it has ever been. It's also been about two weeks since I last checked that place.
Taavet is ranked 1st in Boyahland and 6,156th in the world for Most Politically Apathetic Citizens, with 17 Whatever.
My economy is split exactly 50/50 public and private
it looks like only four countries will make it to boyahland's first anniversary :(
I'm scared >.<
And also, one year anniversary, oh my goodness
maybe i should play this again
we should all buy the new simcity and build our own region
"The government has to step in and do something, for once!" demands tour operator Mia Jamieson, visibly pulling her hair out. "If we'd had proper railings on the marina, that shark would never have gotten into the oil refinery in the first place! The government has to put better regulations in place to make sure disasters of this kind never happen again. And if we want to coax back the tourists we've lost, we need a whole bunch of new state-subsidised hotels, parks and tourist attractions. Shark-proof ones. Our economy will never survive without it!"
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on February 20, 2013, 08:47:31 PM
"The government has to step in and do something, for once!" demands tour operator Mia Jamieson, visibly pulling her hair out. "If we'd had proper railings on the marina, that shark would never have gotten into the oil refinery in the first place! The government has to put better regulations in place to make sure disasters of this kind never happen again. And if we want to coax back the tourists we've lost, we need a whole bunch of new state-subsidised hotels, parks and tourist attractions. Shark-proof ones. Our economy will never survive without it!"
better solution: make sharks the national animal and reopen any places they invade as attractions
Quote from: bluaki on February 20, 2013, 09:42:59 PM
better solution: make sharks the national animal and reopen any places they invade as attractions
if only
I would have really picked one like that
"I only wanted to tour Boyahland for a few w-weeks," wails William Yeats, recovering from a particularly vigorous strip search. "I have a right not to be probed and prodded at the whim of some wand-waving monkey with a high school education! For a whole HOUR I might add! They treat us like cattle! In the name of DECENCY, I request, nay DEMAND an end to the disgrace that is airport security! I mean, really, it's like they don't trust me or something!"
All boyah visitors to be strip-searched y/n
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on March 05, 2013, 10:56:41 PM
"I only wanted to tour Boyahland for a few w-weeks," wails William Yeats, recovering from a particularly vigorous strip search. "I have a right not to be probed and prodded at the whim of some wand-waving monkey with a high school education! For a whole HOUR I might add! They treat us like cattle! In the name of DECENCY, I request, nay DEMAND an end to the disgrace that is airport security! I mean, really, it's like they don't trust me or something!"
I finally got my economy back on track
"Holy cow, is this gonna be great!" hollers BUBL President and sports nut Hack Aspera, waving a fashionable giant foam finger. "Baseball is just what Frenzy Pyre needs right now! Think about it: soda, popcorn, hot dogs... oh, and I'm sure the economy will benefit somehow, too! All we need is the government funding to build stadiums and teams, and we'll be on every TV and in every city in the country!"
"This is a very important step to securing the rights and lives of our families and controlling the government," urges noted gun ownership proponent Sashona Winters. "Not only would it significantly decrease crime, but it would also effectively stop government tyranny in its tracks. Of course, this also means that every wacko and their cousin will have a gun, but don't worry, you'll have a gun to defend yourself from them, so it will all work out."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
[Quote]Boyahland contains 4 nations.[/quote]
Back to the fantastic four it seems :(
CEO Steffan Taffs of CyberMirage Labs has a different idea. "Let us release SAL9000, our new AI, into the Frenzy Pyre Network. It'll put a stop to this virus. Never mind that it's still only an untested beta!"
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on August 07, 2013, 06:25:12 PM
CEO Steffan Taffs of CyberMirage Labs has a different idea. "Let us release SAL9000, our new AI, into the Frenzy Pyre Network. It'll put a stop to this virus. Never mind that it's still only an untested beta!"
good luck :'(
here's hoping
Boyahland contains 3 nations.
Tovaslavian city profiles
Tovaseca: Capital of People's Glorious Nation of Tovaslavia. It is comprised mostly of postmodern architecture and financial buildings. Most of the residential buildings are over 50 floors high and have populations higher than small towns. Tovaseca is the second densest city in the world, only behind Hong Kong.
Typical Resident: Dude wearing a toga holding a business suitcase in his hand.
Kampanadas: Southernmost point of Tovaslavia. The city is actually based on many small islands. There's nightclubs everywhere, as well as a shitload of foreign restaurants. It is the Las Vegas of Tovaslavia.
Typical Resident: Due to the constant interracial mixing, people look like a mixture of everything. Typical residents walk around in swimming trunks and half-naked due to the extremely high temperatures.
Xariz: City famous for dance halls and culture. Very few tall buildings; most are built in French and Spanish colonial architecture.
Typical Resident: Dark haired woman with tight red clothes.
Sevrogradziek: Northernmost point of Tovaslavia, hence the name. Home to the stoner culture, it has weed shops on every corner and a ton of starving artists who survive only on pot brownies. Architecturally it is similar to London.
Typical Resident: White liberal with a beanie and Bob Marley T-shirt. Almost everyone wears skinny jeans, and almost everyone has a guitar and coffee.
Przgrjadko: Used to be an industrial powerhouse, until Tovaslavia switched to renewable energy. Now it is home to industrial parks and skater types shredding down abandoned warehouse roofs. It is the unofficial Gritty Capital of Tovaslavia.
Typical Resident: Dude or chick with 80's hair style and goth clothes and a skateboard.
tec bests me in so many categories cry;
But not in largest overall GDP. :'(
Quote from: #rektron on September 20, 2013, 04:05:36 PM
But not in largest overall GDP. :'(
you were for awhile iirc :(
Tec is viewing this thread because he let his country fail
I feel so alone :(
2 days 20 hours ago: Frenzy Pyre's influence in Boyahland rose from "Dominator" to "Hermit".
4 days ago: Frenzy Pyre's influence in Boyahland rose from "Superpower" to "Dominator".
Seconds ago: The Empire of Taavet arrived from Balder.
2 hours ago: The Empire of Unistasia arrived from Balder.
26 days of inactivity
lol i must have imagined getting on the other day
4 hours ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, most citizens in Frenzy Pyre are abject pyrophobes after extremely graphic pamphlets were mailed nationwide by the government.
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on January 14, 2014, 02:15:29 PM
4 hours ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, most citizens in Frenzy Pyre are abject pyrophobes after extremely graphic pamphlets were mailed nationwide by the government.
that's one way to trick the masses
17 days ago: The Empire of Taavet ceased to exist.
2 hours ago: Following new legislation in Frenzy Pyre, soldiers are equipped with multi-million Astra battlesuits.
- 10 days ago: The Empire of Unistasia ceased to exist.
- 61 days ago: The Empire of Taavet ceased to exist.
I'm calling you out
The Kingdom of Frenzy Pyre is a massive, cultured nation, ruled by Veritas with a fair hand, and notable for its unlimited-speed roads. Its compassionate, intelligent population of 4.921 billion enjoy a sensible mix of personal and economic freedoms, while the political process is open and the people's right to vote held sacrosanct.
It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Defence, Law & Order, and Education. It meets every day to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Iron Fire City. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 87%. The private sector is almost wholly made up of enterprising ten-year-olds selling lemonade on the sidewalk, although the government is looking at stamping this out.
Citizens receive notices of disenfranchisement along with their parking tickets, anti-government political posters adorn every building like wallpaper, rioting during the nation's hosting of ORDER caused one million Astras of property damage, and soldiers are equipped with multi-million Astra battlesuits. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Frenzy Pyre's national animal is the Wolf, which is also the nation's favorite main course, its national religion is a major religion, and its currency is the Astra.
Frenzy Pyre is ranked 1st in Boyahland and 27,168th in the world for Nicest Citizens, with 13 Smiles Per Hour (net).