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Super Smash Bros. Melee

Started by strongbad, January 27, 2011, 04:55:32 PM

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And Twister was designed to be good clean fun, but look how that turned out akudood;


Quote from: Panty on January 28, 2011, 01:43:35 AM
i really don't see how smash bros. is designed to be anything but a party game

Just about any game with multiplayer that doesn't suck has a decent competitive scene behind it. It is what you make of it. When I play Melee I see a ton of depth that I don't see in many other games. That's just me, but I really enjoy exploring new techniques and getting better. It's just about the only game that I can think of where I actually want to get better for the sake of getting better.


Samus Aran

not really, Strongbad's feelings are perfectly legitimate

the whole reason I obsess over Mirror's Edge is that I've gotten really good at it - most other people would think it's a mediocre game at best

we get better at something, we like it more, and we like to prove how good we are.


January 28, 2011, 10:41:29 AM #34 Last Edit: January 28, 2011, 10:46:50 AM by Volvagia
I played Smash Bros. for about 5 years or so competitively, I mained Cpt.Falcon. The scene around Europe is very weak now-a-days though and has been since around the release of Brawl.

I've been to around 9-10 European Tournaments, 9 British ones and 3 American ones. Even though I've won a few Euro tournaments and was one of the best in the UK; I wasn't exactly one of the world's best players (America's Scene has always been dominant in the game, far too strong of a scene over there for any other country to really compete to be amazing.)  but I'm knowledgeable of the game and how it works though.

People don't seem to understand just how deep Smash is as a game, especially Melee. Prediction in that game is so diverse at a high level play that it's almost impossible to fully read someone.

It's all about option selects (what would be the safest thing to do until you have a chance to get momentum flowing along with baiting a reaction out of people.) and having good reactions for Directional Influence. Wavedashing has never been needed (look up Aniki for proof, one of Japan's best players who mained Link (Low tier) and could take Ken in his prime.) but L-Cancelling was always needed, it just made the game so fast paced in terms of what the programmers had anticipated that it unlocked a lot of combo potential in a lot of characters. Especially Marth, Sheik and Cpt.Falcon. JCG (Jump Cancel Grabs) are a must also, I always overlook JCG when talking about adv. techs in the game due to it being a natural reflex once you learn it. Moonwalk with some characters is also a must, especially Falcon and Mewtwo. (See Taj videos on Youtube for mewtwo.) I think the thing I had the hardest time learning was power shielding (shield 3 frames before impact, I think it's 3 frames, correct me if I'm wrong.) and Edge Teching, like JCG though it becomes natural reflex after you learn it.

D.I is probably the most difficult thing to learn and get good at just because you have to think about it, it's a huge mindgame factor.

I'm not really sure how "competitive" you are as in if you've looked into finding people around you who are amazing and could teach you - but if you're interested in playing in tournaments etc look up people on Smash Boards in your region, the Smash community is renowned for being one of the friendliest in competitive fighting game scenes, being one higher than Street Fighter.

Last tournament I watched before quitting because of the scene in Europe falling apart:[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INgI5BEbjNk[/youtube]




SPOILERS: none of these "advanced techs" (which aren't even supposed to be in the game) are necessary to enjoy or play smash bros.

Samus Aran

i don't think they're arguing against that, nyerp


we weren't, but half of them are actually put into the game by the designers. The only ones that aren't supposed to be in the games are: Wavedashing and Moonwalking and JCG. The rest all existed in 64, and I think still exist in Brawl even if it's not in the same concept.



nyerp you are such a lifeless fuck


and you're the baby who can't stop pestering me cjlubdoods;


Quote from: Panty on January 28, 2011, 09:52:35 PM
and you're the baby who can't stop pestering me cjlubdoods;
dont get ur pantys in a knott



Going to my first tournament this Saturday. I'm really excited and i feel pretty prepared.
I've gotten significantly better over the last month. I really wish I had a capture card so I could take gameplay videos and get critiqued, but oh well. Right now my friend and I are dabbling in directional influence and crouch canceling and shit they're fucking hard to impliment correctly. But we're at a good spot, we've mastered just about every other kind of technique.
My only worry for the tournament is that I have very limited experience playing against most characters, simply because my friend Danny is my only competition, so unless I'm playing against Samus, Link or CF (Danny's best characters, emphasis on Samus since 80% of our games are Samus vs. Marth) I'll be fucked. That means that any Fox, Marth, Shiek or Falco player will fuck me over, considering they're popular characters that I have virtually no experience against.

Regardless I am excited hocuspocus;


April 02, 2011, 05:29:56 PM #43 Last Edit: April 02, 2011, 05:36:59 PM by Volvagia
Quote from: MF Doom on March 31, 2011, 12:09:21 PM
Going to my first tournament this Saturday. I'm really excited and i feel pretty prepared.
I've gotten significantly better over the last month. I really wish I had a capture card so I could take gameplay videos and get critiqued, but oh well. Right now my friend and I are dabbling in directional influence and crouch canceling and shit they're fucking hard to impliment correctly. But we're at a good spot, we've mastered just about every other kind of technique.
My only worry for the tournament is that I have very limited experience playing against most characters, simply because my friend Danny is my only competition, so unless I'm playing against Samus, Link or CF (Danny's best characters, emphasis on Samus since 80% of our games are Samus vs. Marth) I'll be fucked. That means that any Fox, Marth, Shiek or Falco player will fuck me over, considering they're popular characters that I have virtually no experience against.

Regardless I am excited hocuspocus;

The characters you don't have any experience against are the characters that occur the most in tournament. ESPECIALLY the space animals. Marth has a good matchup against them though, take a tip from Ken (King of Smash) and use Counter on really agressive Falco's when you know they just wanna go crazy on yo' ass.

First tournaments are a critical point, especially if you get beat badly and lose in pools. Your seeds will decimate you most likley, but it'll be good for you to understand what top level play is like, even then, Washington isn't that strong of a scene unless the NorCal/SoCal boys are visiting. (or at least it never used to be when I played.)

If you get beat badly, look back at the matches in your mind and figure out what you're doing wrong. If you come across another Marth, play it safe, space your tippers and pivot whenever you can. Light shield the edge also (so you tumble off and grab it before the Marth can), really really works on Marth, especially in NTSC. This is coming from a Falcon player, and that's our ONLY way to deal with Marth's recovery other than kneeing him in the face before he does dolphin slash, so learn it.

If you get the chance in future, go to NorCal and play SS. He's such a fucking bro for teaching people it's unreal. One of the main reason's he's good to learn from (which I'm sure you already know though.) is that he was taught by Isai, and Isai was a fucking beast in his prime and always teamed with Ken, or at least, 99% of the time they teamed.

Also I bet when you get home you'll feel the "SMASH CRASH" from being up nearly all hours of being at the tournament and when you do sleep, being uncomfortable as fuck and being in a room full of 16-30 year olds, it's a horrible oder.



^^^^^this is why i hate fighting games

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