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The sorry state of the Wii U

Started by ME##, January 17, 2015, 12:58:22 PM

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truth be told, what can nintendo do about that?  other than porting old games, every consoles suffers droughts after the first glut of rushed launch games comes out. befuddlement

my only guess would be giving developers dev kits even earlier in the cycle but all that does is further the gap that consoles face in comparison to pcs.

Kalahari Inkantation

while that's true, it particularly affects nintendo because they get no third party support, so they can sometimes go for significant lengths of time with absolutely no games to look forward to

whereas sony and microsoft might at least get some third party scraps during their downtime

just looking at the ps4's noteworthy releases during the typical drought months (january-august) in 2014 and 2015: tomb raider, rayman legends, thief, ground zeroes, infamy, ffxiv, wolfenstein, destiny, bloodborne, dark souls 2, shovel knight, the witcher 3, batman: arkham knight

the xbox's lineup looks similar

i mean not all of those are stellar (or even good) but it's certainly better than a mario spinoff in june and a zelda in november and nothing else


Wii U's summer drought could have been much shorter if they decided to actually release Yoshi's Wooly World when it was ready (like right now; Europe is getting it next week), but instead they're delaying it four months to release in October, presumably just for the holiday season. I'm particularly sad because, since even before E3 2014, it's been my most anticipated 2015 game.

Unless you count DLC, VC, or (purely 3rd-party) garbage like last week's LEGO Jurassic World, Wii U is getting no new US games this year between May 29's Splatoon and September 11's (odd choice of date) Mario Maker. Nothing at all in the entire quarter-year span of June, July, and August.

To be fair, Earthbound Beginnings does kind of count as a new game for English regions. So that's exactly one kinda-new release during all of the summer months.

Quote from: David on June 18, 2015, 01:51:50 PM
other than porting old games
That is indeed something they could do that people would eat up. So far, Wii U has had exactly one remake: Wind Waker HD. 3DS, on the other hand, has: OoT3D, MM3D, Star Fox 64 3D, DKCR3D, Xenoblade 3D, Hyrule Warriors, MGS3 3D, Tales of the Abyss 3D, Splinter Cell 3D, and maybe some others I forgot.

I can't count the number of times I've seen posts online begging for F-Zero GX HD, Mario Sunshine HD, Mario Galaxy HD, Twilight Princess HD, Paper Mario HD, or Kirby Air Ride HD.

Remakes may not be the best use of development resources, but they do at least take less work, reduce the release droughts, and attract the same kind of people who say FF7 Remake is the reason Sony and Square "won" E3.

Quote from: Tectron on June 18, 2015, 02:12:13 PM
rayman legends, shovel knight
Also available on Wii U, albeit released much earlier and so not falling inside the drought range.


Reggie pretty much "confirmed" the NX to be the next home console. I'm not sure if it was unintentional though.

QuoteWe’ve also said publicly that we are already hard at work on our next home console and that’s another element we’ll be talking about much later

I agree with the comments on the page though.
3DS is showing its age and Reggie has been inconsistent with final decisions.

Kalahari Inkantation

metroid prime's producer also heavily implied that it's a home console

which isn't surprising as the 3ds is still somewhat viable (or at least way more than the wii u is)

we're in the skyward sword phase of the wii u's life cycle now, except zelda won't even be wii u exclusive rofl


Zelda Wii U will be another Twilight Princess.

Kalahari Inkantation

oh yes it will

and that's a best-case scenario, too, i could just as easily see them cancelling the wii u version entirely



Kalahari Inkantation

June 21, 2015, 10:17:19 AM #159 Last Edit: June 21, 2015, 10:24:02 AM by Tectron

Quote from: ReggieIt goes back to the statement i made earlier about how we view E3. We just fundamentally don’t believe in showing content at E3 that is going to be a long term proposition. We like to show content that typically will launch in the upcoming Holiday and maybe extending into the first half of the following year.

i think nintendo is overestimating the stupidity of its fans (which you would think is impossible considering what nintendo fans are like)

does nintendo honestly believe fans have completely forgotten about how skyward sword and twilight princess were present at every e3 since their respective reveals despite not actually launching until years later

or how brawl was announced before even one line of code had been written for it

and then to come out and act like only demoing games that are within months of release has always been the norm for nintendo on a """fundamental""" level, lol

pls nintendo, we know there's nothing left in development for the wii u aside from maybe zelda if we're lucky but if you're going to try to hide that fact at least try to be a little less insultingly transparent about it

Quote from: fuchsmanguste on June 19, 2015, 01:14:56 PM
Quote from: on June 19, 2015, 01:13:43 PM
Quote from: Classic on June 19, 2015, 10:53:04 AM
Zelda Wii U will be another Twilight Princess.

good, i loved TP 5thgrade;


me irl

Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: miyamotoI think with Wii U, our challenge was that perhaps people didn't understand the system.

this is nobody's fault but nintendo's

what he should be saying is 'we tried deceitfully to ride the coattails of the wii into victory in the 8th gen, but due to a complete abortion of marketing and branding we failed to adequately communicate that it was a new device at all'

they have nobody but themselves to blame for being so arrogant as to think that they could just slap the wii name onto anything in such an unstrategic manner and expect it to sell billions

Quote from: cont.So I don't think it's just price, because if the system is appealing enough, people will buy it even if the price is a little bit high

i mean this is the antithesis of the philosophy that made the wii so successful

the wii u, with its technology based in the early 2000s, had no excuse to launch at $350 in 2012, nor does it have any reason to still be $300 today

these are the same sorts of mistakes born of sheer complacency that got sony into such a mess with the ps3

Quote from: cont.I think unfortunately what ended up happening was that tablets themselves appeared in the marketplace and evolved very, very rapidly, and unfortunately the Wii system launched at a time where the uniqueness of those features were perhaps not as strong as they were when we had first begun developing them

not to mention the fact that there is still not a single wii u game, not even from nintendo itself, that demonstrates the value of having a second screen beyond shitty proof-of-concept tech demos

not that nintendo's """innovative""" ideas have ever evolved beyond shitty proof-of-concept tech demos, only to be completely abandoned within a year

i mean i can't imagine what they could possibly have had in mind that proved to be such a compelling gameplay idea that they deemed it necessary to package every single wii u with a tablet controller, because whatever that brilliant idea was it has yet to appear in any game, and at this point with the nx on the horizon, it never will

the wii u truly deserves no more than its dreamcast-level sales

what an absolute waste of potential lol


those first couple of quotes are what I have been saying about the wii u's marketing strategy since the damn thing launched.
Maybe me and tec should work at nintendo and tell them how they're fucking up

Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: Jojo on June 23, 2015, 12:30:48 PM
those first couple of quotes are what I have been saying about the wii u's marketing strategy since the damn thing launched.
Maybe me and tec should work at nintendo and tell them how they're fucking up

a couple of know-it-all pig gaijin wouldn't survive for five minutes in the overly bureaucratic and hierarchical labyrinth of stagnation that is kyoto, let alone nintendo hq

not even nintendo of america is allowed to backtalk papa miwatamoto lol, no matter how utterly oblivious nintendo jp is being to their consumers and market trends


Quote from: Tectron on June 23, 2015, 12:43:56 PM
Quote from: Jojo on June 23, 2015, 12:30:48 PM
those first couple of quotes are what I have been saying about the wii u's marketing strategy since the damn thing launched.
Maybe me and tec should work at nintendo and tell them how they're fucking up

a couple of know-it-all pig gaijin wouldn't survive for five minutes in the overly bureaucratic and hierarchical labyrinth of stagnation that is kyoto, let alone nintendo hq

not even nintendo of america is allowed to backtalk papa miwatamoto lol, no matter how utterly oblivious nintendo jp is being to their consumers and market trends
i'll overthrow them.
the new sengoku era where weebs rule

Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: Tectron on February 18, 2015, 06:01:54 PM

new super mario bros. will save the wii u
wind waker hd will save the wii u
donkey kong country will save the wii u
mario kart will save the wii u
bayonetta will save the wii u
smash bros. will save the wii u
amiibo will save the wii u
kirby will save the wii u

next up: yoshi's woolly whyevenbother

yoshi's wooled boxers will save the wii u

also, forgot one: spl@oon will save the wii u

next up: star fox [glow=black,2,300]LOL[/glow]

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