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The Village of the Boyagers

Started by Ringo, June 16, 2008, 11:32:22 PM

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Steal surveyed the entrance to the lair, a barely visible hole concealed beneath a gnarled root. It was mid-morning and Ringo still hadnâ,,,t shown. The group heâ,,,d been assigned to was agitated, as was he. Rather than stall the entire operation, Steal had let the others go on ahead while he waited. His stomach tightened into knots, knowing Sam was out there with relative strangers, hunting a century spanning carnivore made him queasy. Not to mention the overall moral of the strike team with him was low at best. Houdini and Andrewâ,,,s eyes were affixed in silent unison upon the bleak entrance. Was he scared? Terrified, but they didnâ,,,t have to know. He silenced his fears and faced oblivion with no second thoughts.
The hole reeked of death, the stench of the rotting flesh of countless generations hung about it like a creeping mist, matching the dead interior of the long decaying tree from which it came. Everything within him screamed to run, to run as far and as fast from this bottomless graveyard as his legs would allow. But Sam was in there, and he would have followed her to places much worse than this, if there were any.
From what theyâ,,,d gone over, the beast had confined itself to this place. This worried him; if the creature had known to hide itself it must have known they were coming. This meant they had not only lost the element of surprise, but possibly more members if they continued. Three other parties had blocked the exits and were slowly rooting their way downwards through the hellish gnarled labyrinth.
Steal spun to meet the confident gaze of Ringo, something was different about him this time. His smile sure, his eyes bright and his stance casual. It felt, wrong. Ringo stepped through the brush and met the attention of Houdini and Andrew with a knowing nod. Steal addressed him with a growl
â,"What? Did you have to do your hair?â,
Ringoâ,,,s smile never faltered as he brushed the quip off with a shrug and turned his attention to the strike team.
â,Gentlemen, Carello needs your attentions elsewhere. Steal and I shall deal with this pest alone.â,
â,"My instructions were to follow you two down into that hellhole and kill whateverâ,,,s down there. Unless you can prove Carello sent you, I go nowhere.â, Andrew growled defiantly.
With a deft flick of the wrist Ringo produced a single folded note from between his forefingers. Bowing slightly, he handed the note off.
Steal watched the two as Andrew read, his lips moving silently as he read. Removing the backup strike team was an extreme tactical blunder; would Carello be so foolish as to remove their only reinforcements within six-miles?
Andrew shoved the note back into Ringoâ,,,s hands and walked away with a dismissive shrug, followed shortly by Houdini.
â,"What was that about?â, Steal inquired, watching as the note disappeared as quickly as it had arrived.
â,"Carello needed them back at Outsider, somethingâ,,,s come up.â,
â,"Should we head back then?â,
â,"No.â, Ringoâ,,,s voice echoed panic â,"No, we only need to accomplish our mission. Then weâ,,,re done.â,

Entering the lair, Steal suppressed a gag. The smell was bad outside, inside it was revolting. Like something had crawled down there and died, alongside its family. Steal lit the torch with a small lighter and lifted it high above his head, careful not to ignite his surroundings. Small beady eyes scampered out of the torches light into the unending darkness, he knew they were here.
Matted fur and stinking feces had been packed around the tunnels walls, giving the floor an uncomfortable squish whenever heâ,,,d step. Behind him, Ringo could be heard softly following like a stalking panther.
Stealâ,,,s progress was halted by a quick jerk from his right shoulder. Ringo had taken a grip of his shoulder and was holding him back.
â,"Careful, wouldnâ,,,t want you to fall.â, He laughed
Below him, a vast chasm spread out, a gnarled tangle of roots providing a downward path into the abyss.
â,"How far down do you think it goes?â, Steal asked aloud, part to himself and part to his present company
â,Throw your torch down.â,
Steal let the flame fall into the chasm, and waited. A faint light, like a star from another galaxy, shined from the enveloping darkness before slowly fading into nothing.
Ringo loomed ominously beside Steal,
â,"Quite the dropâ,
Steal brushed the comment off
â,"Whatever. We need to get down there. How sturdy do you think those roots are?â,
Steal waited for a response, when he didnâ,,,t get one he stopped. Ringo was at home in the darkness, blending in like a drop of water amongst the ocean. Heâ,,,d wanted him to drop the torch. Without light he was in his element.
Steal inquired again, hoping to incite some reaction from his follower. â,"Ringo?â,
Stealâ,,,s head erupted into white light, rendering him oblivious to his surroundings as his assailant readied himself for another strike. Stealâ,,,s spun in a daze and drew the blade, hoping to meet his assassin head on. This was what it had come to; he knew he couldnâ,,,t murder him openly, so he had decided to kill in secret. Lunging forward he swung the blade in a wide arc, narrowly missing Ringo and dislodging a mat of hair from the wall below. Ringo rolled forward and swept across Steals leg with his left leg, following through with a palm strike to his diaphragm that left Steal breathless. Steal scrambled desperately to get to his feet. Carefully examining his foe, Ringo casually sidestepped a second swing.
â,"You know, an Nsider and I had a bet as to whether you black out before, or right as you hit the ground.â, Ringo mused
Steal felt slowly towards the dagger at his hilt, hoping to keep him occupied
â,"Who won?â,  He gasped
â,"I donâ,,,t know, he never survived the first fall. Goodbye, Steal.â,
Stealâ,,,s footing gave way as Ringoâ,,,s foot impacted against the back of his calf, plunging Steal into a freefall. Everything swam around him in these lightless depths until all that was sure were shrill panicked screams. When the ground came, he could hear bone snapping, but nothing more.


Why haven't you started writing a book yet


That was fast.

What would I write about?





Quote from: JohnnyRingo2 on April 03, 2009, 07:31:57 PM
That was fast.

What would I write about?
I don't know... something similar to this? I mean I generally am not much of a reader, but this stuff is exciting


...................... :O
How could you?



Quote from: JohnnyRingo2 on April 03, 2009, 07:48:26 PM

It was an accident. >_>

[spoiler]jk i luv you  :3[/spoiler]


1.8mb is too huge for a sig nigga


1.8mb is too huge for a sig nigga




Cool so I was only mentioned once in the second part  :(
But yeah epic story
Quote from: ncba93ivyase on April 04, 2014, 10:31:27 PM
geno i swear to fucking god silvertone and i are going to board you up in your house and have the world's greatest goddamn boyager meetup right next door and put burning bags of dog shit in front of all of your windows and doors and your house will smell like dog shit but you won't be able to extinguish the flames and you'll choke and die on dog shit fumes. what made you will also kill you.

i am throwing down 5 god DAMN dollars geno i will go out and collect the dog shit myself this is fucking happening jesus fucking christ

i'll give you an upperdecker with dog shit and don't you fucking doubt it for one little second you fat bastard


Quote from: Geno on April 04, 2009, 02:59:47 PM
Cool so I was only mentioned once in the second part  :(

At least you were mentioned... Some people haven't been in at all n_u

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