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The Village of the Boyagers

Started by Ringo, June 16, 2008, 11:32:22 PM

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October 14, 2008, 01:31:55 AM #240 Last Edit: October 14, 2008, 01:37:12 AM by Ringo
Nightfall's veil had descended upon Labor and Production Post 31 leaving it's inhabitants in hellish fiery darkness. LPP31, recently christened Raven's Smelter, had been set up as a work camp. Prisoners were sent to one of the camps based upon their location. Raven's Smelter was a frontier outpost, thrust deep into nomadic territories as a staging ground for further assaults. Official word from higher up's was that LPP31 was placed were it was so that it could harvest from the resource rich desert surroundings.
In reality, Raven had seen the nomad's a problem from day one. Establishing a foothold in their territory meant easy deployment when the time came to attack. Normally, transportation in the desert was done by animal or large caravans of people. Raven's particular monopoly on resources allowed him another luxury so other few enjoyed, oil. Where there was oil, there was gas.

Through the desert, the roar of the diesel truck booned across the desert sands. Over worn road and sand the beast screamed into the night with a deafening cry. For those inside, it carried death.
Hiro's body swayed with the truck's movement. Occasionally, they'd hit a rough spot and he'd be jolted awake to the nightmare. He'd wanted it to be a nightmare, a horrible dream from which he'd awaken to find himself secure beneath his covers. Six hours into the drive and his head still pounded from the beating he'd received and his restraints still chafed. Another prisoner had complained about the travelling arrangements to one of the guards, moments before having his nose shattered. Hiro decided against drawing too much attention to himself while he surveyed his surroundings. The face of the man two seats down was contorted into what could only be described as a mixture of complete fear and agony. His jaw clenched with every bump on the desert road. Upon closer examination Hiro discovered a deep burn mark running up the side of his face. Charred flesh covered the majority of his right side while gangrenous tissue was beginning to travel farther out. Hiro remembered him, he'd seen him a few years back at Nsider. Nice guy, overall. Hiro would later count LRH lucky to have died so soon after being shipped out.
Black billows of smoke curled upwards  obscuring the horizon in a deathly black smog. What few bitter rays of light penetrated the toxic smoke shone crimson. The smell, the smell was overpowing. Hiro gasped, filling his lungs with the foul air and leaving the taste of burnt rubber at the back of his throat There was no relief, no end. Again he buckled against the restraints as he expelled the smoke from his lungs in a violent coughing spasm. From the front seat Hiro could see driver's head roll loosely to his far right from behind the metal grating.
"Y'gonna wanna get used t' it" he shouted over the roar of the engine. The portly man had a demeanor of perpetual irritation to him. His face scrunched inwards to the point that his lower lip and nose nearly touched. His overall's were a grimy blue stained throughout with spots of brown tobacco juice. Lifting his nose high into the air the driver filled his lungs with the pungent air around him.
"Home, sweet home."
Distantly, Hiro could hear a harsh metallic grinding of a garbage truck releasing it's contents into the a landifll. Cascading down the dead came, malnourished, maimed, lifeless shells of their former selves. Their eyes had sunken deep into their sockets giving them a skeletal visage. Like him, they were Nsiders, worked to the point that they could no longer function. And when exhaustion set in, safety would be ignored, accidents would happen. Hiro was exhausted himself, yet it was determination that kept him awake now. Clair, Socks, Ringo and Steal were alive. Boyah still depended on him and he wasn't about to give up. Clenching his hand into a fist Hiro examined his hand before loosening his grip. If he was going to escape he was going to have to adapt to using his right arm.
Around him the other prisoners sat limply in their seats, oblivious to their surroundings in their sound slumber.
As the bus began to slow a sloppily put together sign could be seen hung overhead. On it read
"Welcome to the Smelter. You'll come for the scenery but you'll stay for the people."
Hiro ignored the guards jeers from the front as they pulled into the loading bay. From behind he could feel the feel the truck lurch forward, then back. How badly he wanted to wake up now. Hiro could hear voices outside, yelling, laughing or talking about this and that. Their speech was thick and garbled, but discernable nontheless. Then and there Hiro made a promise to himself that whatever happened here, hewould be the one to put Raven's war dog down.
From the back, a beacon of light silhouetted the two brown clad figures entering from the backdoor.
Whatever happened.




Oh, here and there.

Working mostly.


I wanna be in it.
its so well written I want to cry


Kalahari Inkantation


I have missed this soooooooo much. :(
Glad to see it back. thumbup;
What am I in for now?


Soft rays of sunlight pierced the silent night in pastel ribbons of pink and purple, bringing about the dawn of a new day. From behind the blinds, you could just catch a glimpse of the rising sun struggling to overcome the concrete wall surrounding the forum. Raven had often slept in his office, as he often did, when troubled by recent events. Tonight was no exception.
Amidst office clutter and trash the administrator lay sprawled upon the executive office chair in troubled slumber whilst the world outside began to stretch its wings.
Piercing the stillness, a harsh tone reverberated through the room, knocking the leader from his cushioned perch.
Raven took several seconds to pinpoint the sound before fumbling half-awake with the remote setting on his desk. Seconds passed until weary groping finally yielded way to success. Exhaling a groggy sigh, Raven activated the large screen television.
The black screen shone a brilliant fluorescent blue, bathing the room in bright light.
Still worn, Raven flipped through recent inbound messages before throwing a narrow glance to the desk clock. Who could be calling at this hour?
Raven waited from the chair for the signal to catch up while he combed his fingers through his hair, muttering obscenities he barely remembered learning.
When the signal patched through, the first thing he noticed from behind the webcam was the face. It was world weary and worn with shrewd eyes that looked both at and through you. Even at these hours the countenance was unmistakable, and unwanted.
â,"Carello!â, Raven feigned a smile â,"Burning the midnight oil I see.â,
Carello, shrugged the greeting off with a disgusted glance across the room.
â,"Maid take the week off?â,
Ravenâ,,,s face pinched against the contrasting glare
â,"I hadnâ,,,t expected company. Kind of early isnâ,,,t it? What do I owe this visit to?â,
â,"I know where the Boyagers are heading.â,
Ravenâ,,,s heart skipped a beat. Careful not to show his interest, Raven leaned back and forced a yawn before continuing
â,Well, um, why donâ,,,t you tell me what you know? And if the information proves worthwhile we can discuss a reward.â,
â,"Iâ,,,d appreciate it if you didnâ,,,t think I was stupid.â,
â,"Well help me decide Carello, you said there was a group of three?â,
â,"I never said anything about how many, and there are five here with us.â,
So far it looked like he was telling the truth. Raven weighed his options in silence while he prepared the next question.
â,"Now how do I know these are the Nsiders Iâ,,,m looking for? For all I know they could already be dead.â,
â,"Their names are Socks, Ringo, Clair, Steal and Sam. Now unless you plan on paying for the rest of it, youâ,,,ll get nothing else from me.â,
â,"Tell me this though, why would you betray them to us? Theyâ,,,re your own kin of sorts.â,
â,"Theyâ,,,re competition, the less forums the more food, plain and simple.â,
Raven examined the other administrator for any signs of deception. When none showed, he took the plunge.
â,"Very well, whatâ,,,s your price.â,
â,"I know thereâ,,,s crude beneath their forums. When you raze it to the ground, I want Five-Hundred barrels.â,
â,"Oil, Carello?â, Raven scoffed â,"You want oil? And you have no concern over members. There are Seven-Hundred members and rising. Thatâ,,,s quite the addition to any forum.â,
â,"Kill them all. Theyâ,,,re not my concern.â, 
Carelloâ,,,s answer took Raven by surprise. It was so out of character. Had Carello changed so much or had Raven simply mistaken his integrity? Raven tilted his head in contemplation while he gnawed his lower lip.
â,"Alright then Carello. Youâ,,,ll get your oil when Boyah is gone. Now where are they headed?â,
â,"Old Nsiderâ, Carello explained intently â,"They plan on finding refuge there until this has all blown over. You catch them before that and theyâ,,,ll be flat on their backs.â,
Ravenâ,,,s grin tightened as he punched the switch, silencing his guest prematurely before finishing the conversation in solitude.

â,"Youâ,,,ve been a tremendous help Carello. I sincerely hope you donâ,,,t expect me to be as accommodatingâ,

From across the sands, forests and mountain ranges, hundreds of miles from Ravenâ,,,s tight fisted rule, Carello sat comfortably within the confines of his forum. His eyes hadnâ,,,t adjusted from the abrupt end to conversation and he was still struggling to make out shapes. Behind him, mere feet from where he sat, a silent shadow stood, silhouetted by the morning skyâ,,,s. Carello let out a sharp exhale before addressing his new guest.
â,"Ringo, had I known I had visitors, I would have put on some tea.â,




Please, take this and run far away, far away from me. The two of us were never meant to be.






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