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The Village of the Boyagers

Started by Ringo, June 16, 2008, 11:32:22 PM

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Are you kidding me sam? Did you put those letters on the trees together?


Quote from: Samwise Gamgee on July 26, 2008, 12:42:46 AM
..How exactly was it "hilarious"?  befuddlement

Good work as always ringo. :3


Quote from: Lalie on July 26, 2008, 12:52:49 AM



i c what u did thar ringo
1.8mb is too huge for a sig nigga


Ah sam, feeling a bit slow tonight? n_u


am I going to be introduced soon? doodthing;


Quote from: Qualanx on July 26, 2008, 10:56:46 AM
am I going to be introduced soon? doodthing;
have patience, man. He has a story he's working on, he can't just squeeze you into the next chapter if it doesn't make sense


Don't let this thread die, guys.


Quote from: Qualanx on July 28, 2008, 06:35:16 PM
Don't let this thread die, guys.
It won't, Ringo has a few chapters lined up


Outsider was different, it was the same hustle and bustle, the same this and that but with a certain uncertain anxiousness that permeated the air like a thick smoke. Amongst the anxiety, a small group of Boyagers easing their way past an undending crowd hardly drew any attention other than that of an occasional uninterested glance from a busy passerby. The tension in the air seemed to weigh their body's down and crush their spirits within. Another batch of bodies had been found, just as bad as the last if not worse. This one had been a hunting party sent to determine the source of whatever had killed the last one. They found it. The glazed over lidless eye fixated lifelessly back at Sam, it's face frozen in a mask of sheer terror. What was left of it anyways. It's- his, guts had been hollowed out leaving a light husk of a body draped over several more just like it. Sam met the eyes still gaze for several seconds, around her the white noise of the crowd dissipated giving way to a low humming. She couldn't place it first, it grew more intense overwhelming her senses instantaneously and causing her body to go limp. Off in the distance she could hear Steal's frantic shouting growing dimmer beneath that hum. She clenched her fists and eyes shut and focused on his voice, allowing it to soothe her and soften the harshness of the noise.
She could still hear him, muffled like he was speaking from behind thick window. Beating on the glass to get inside, but she was an island alone now.Whe she opened her eyes she was barely aware of herself being shaken back and forth. Sam felt herself drift and saw the Outsiders, as they truly were. Her mind fumbled in the darkness, thoughts, ideas, meaningless pieces of sentences from several hundred individuals were revealed to her in a split second before dissapearing like vapor on a cold day. The humming wasn't a backdrop, it was the ambient thoughts and emotions of those about her. Thousands of tied-in thought processes flooded her mind, worries, hopes, fears.
There were alot of fears. This thing, this Rat King. It fed off of those fears. It knew they were afraid, and that this fear crippled them. It was there with her too. Just how it got there or how long it had been with her was irrelevant now. Nobody else could see it.
The creature and her shared something in common, they could pick the minds of those about them. In front of her the creature lounged contently, it's mellowed eyes narrowed on her with an expression of cruel malice atop it's throne of bones. The two now had an understaning of eachother. Like her it could 'pick' minds, and as long as it lived it would inspire fear in those around it. Fear was it's primary, and only, weapon.
Yet the Outsiders would still fear it, and it would continually feed off of that, and them. The Rat King turned their multitude of heads in unison on the glazed empty socket that had hosted the bright young eye of Turbocircuits. It's message was clear. This would be their fate.
And as quickly as it came, it went. The dreamlike state dissipated like morning mist and Sam faintly felt her head being jostled violently forward.
"Sam!" Steal shouted, rocking her back brisquely.
"What?!" Sam blinked out of the dream-like state only to realize she had collapsed. Steal cradled her head in his arms, sitting in a criss-cross position with his hands gently supporting her head from beneath. She sensed he'd been genuinely concerned, waves of relief swept over Steal.
"You had me scared there."
"You were scared?  Who collapsed?" she teased. About her, the party had formed a protective circle. Ringo knelt down to offer her support to stand, illiciting an icy glare from Steal as he helped her stand. Sam leaned into Steal's shoulder as she made her way up until she had her bearings. Sock's attitude shifted from concern to irritation
"Is she gonna do that every time we go anywhere with people? If so,  this is going to get real old real quick."
"You think she plans on it happening?" Steal snapped defensively. Sock's opened his mouth to reply but decided to let the issue go with a shrug. They already had enough enemies as is, no sense on riling the kid up now.
"I hate to interrupt here but are we ready to go?" Hime interjected, bringing the groups thoughts back to their current task. Clair silently appraised the group for a moment.
"We might need some time to get our bearings together. We'll catch up with you later."
Hime pursed her lips together and threw her hands up in a fit of exasperation.
"Whatever. Just make sure to see Carello when you've got your act together". Turning on her heels, Hime left the group alone to organize their next course of action.


Ah Sam, what powers does she hold?
Pretty good chapter. Although not a whole lot happened, it was some of your best writing.



July 30, 2008, 01:14:29 AM #220 Last Edit: July 30, 2008, 01:25:21 AM by Ringo
The single auburn eye shrewdly appraised the Boyagers from the administrator's board. Who was it speaking again? The face seemed familiar. Phydeaux's mind registered the name within moments, Clair. That was the name. She was explaining the situation to them with open hands, gesturing back and forth as she spoke. His eye strayed from the speaker and observed the company young Clair kept. Close behind hovered an imposing figure.  Sock's arms lay folded across his abdomen and his neck tilted slightly to the side as he stood silently. The third figure he identified as Steal, his hair seemed to run seamlessly into his flowing cloak. Knowing the Boyager he most likely kept something hidden beneath that cloak, possibly a bow or cutless. Behind him stood an especially nasty piece of work. Johnny Ringo the Second. Ringo had a thing for blades, knives especially. He usually kept a combat knife or two on his person alongside a few throwing daggers concealed in that black cloak. Sam stood next to Steal, her eyes fixed quietly down in deep contemplation. She seemed distant even at this close range. Phydeaux turned to the disinterested bird of prey perched upon his gauntlet. He'd picked her up as a pet from some traders. She'd taken his eye when he treated her like one. He liked Candice, she was a fighter and a survivor. Carello stroked the sparse beard on his chin in contemplation. Carello was a rogue, a variable with his forum and his own interests at heart.
"What do you think they want?"  Phydaux inquired of the hawk fixed on the worn leather gauntlet. Candice craned her head, ruffling her feathers with her beak. It's attention fixing down on a small vermin scurrying from the corner of the room. With speed honed through predatory instincts the hawk snatched the rodent up in one fell swoop, nipping through it's spine and pinning it's carcass between her beak. Fluttering about the room the fowl settled contently back upon the worn perch of her master. Phydeaux smiled and watched the bird pick the flesh of the rodent apart over his arm. A rat. Just a rat.

The Rat King was a legend passed down in the forrest by traders to scare those new to the forrest, or so he'd thought. The stories changed with each telling. In some it was a single rat, in others it was a bunch, some an embodiment of evil itself and some it was the strongest of each litter come together to form a hierarchy. Through each telling one element remained the same, impending destruction.  When he first had heard of this thing, he'd assumed his scouts had been eating hallucinogenic mushrooms. Until their bodies were found six weeks later after not returning from patrol, faces gone with little strands of meat strung to tatters of skin. Six patrols later and they were no closer to killing the thing than when they first began. Phydeaux remembered checking the perimeter around nightfall, the day was waning and he'd been meaning to check a hole in the outer wire for a while then. The first thing he noticed was Turbocircuits absence from the wall. He wasn't surprised, Turbocircuits would often sneak off to get something to drink while on shift. Phydeaux made a mental note to cut his rations when he got the chance and continued on. The forrest was curiously quiet, absent of any sign of life save for the crunching of underbrush by something just a hundred feet or so off. Candice had spotted it first, letting off an alarmed screech before fluttering to higher ground. Undaunted, Phydeaux crouched through a frayed opening in the chainlink fence. By now nearly all remnants of sunlight had dipped beneath the rolling mountaintops, shrouding all but pastel pinks and yellows beneath a canopy of swirling clouded night. Something in him told him to turn back, to run as fast as he could and as far away. But something was moving in the brush. Struggling, like a rabbit or a deer caught in a snare. Phydeaux stiffened in fear, his muscles tensing and his mind progressing from curiosity to mortal fear instantaneously. He found Turbo, he kinda wished he hadn't now. Turbocircuits neck bent at an unnatural angle, his convulsing body emitting something more reminiscent of a whimpering dog than a man. Behind him, under him, below him and around him it fed. The beasts wove in and out of his open abdomen, pulling out pieces and wolfing them down with sickening speed while they worked into the ribcage. There were dozens of them, He thought they were dogs at first, some pack of mammoth-sized wolves, until they looked at him. All of them. They were tangled up at the tails but contrary to what it appeared, it didn't slow them down. It made them faster and more agile. They were like a perfectly organized team.
One of the beasts in the group looked at Phydeaux, it's crimson red eye contrasting against that oily black fur. It was like looking into fear itself, Phydeaux wanted to run. But he couldn't, he just froze and stood there. And that eye, that terrible eye that penetrated his deepest thoughts and chilled his blood. He wouldn't turn away, no matter how badly he wanted to, no matter how desperately he yearned to scream for help he wouldn't turn because he couldn't. The beast nonchalantly waddled forward. Eyeing Phydeaux with bemused interest, the beast abandoned Turbocircuits momentarily and began to inspect their new friend. Phydeaux felt a tingling sensation running down his spine, he'd left the cutless at home, not that it mattered. The Rat's attentions diverted towards the shrill cry of a circling bird, giving Phydeaux a chance. Within a flash Carmine had swept down and sunk her tallons deep into the vermin's blood red eye. The beast squeeled and shook it's heads in agony. Phydeaux sprinted through the brush, leaping over a fell log and ducking into the fence's opening. His heart thundered in his chest as he struggled to catch his breath. As the forrest turned to night Phydeaux lifted his gauntlet into the air. Puckering his lips together he let out a shrill whistle barely audible to the human ear and waited. The slow deliberated flapping of the hawk could be seen against the pale milky moonlight, silhouetting her form in a distorted shadow. Phydeaux watched the eye hanging loosely from Candice's beat, the bird arched her back and proudly displayed her newfound trophy. Turning back towards the forrest Phydeaux recalled Turbocircuits. By now the boy was probably dead, if he was lucky enough. He'd have to tell Karel about this. That had been six weeks ago, he had the feeling Raven and their infestation were not as unrelated as most seemed to believe.


Woah flashbacks! Well, i was doubting this whole rat king thing at first, but now it seems pretty neat. Ringo, you saved the night!


Just finished reading it from the beginning...straight. But I must say, it's very well written and I can't wait for more.


July 30, 2008, 09:58:13 AM #223 Last Edit: July 30, 2008, 10:03:32 AM by Ringo
Sterility. Quiet unfeeling nothingness. The mainframe itself was kept at a constant temperature to ensure no overheating occurred. Raven had found some bottle to crawl into for the moment and was doubtlessly drinking himself into an utter stupor. Computer's was fine with that. He found Raven more pliable when he had something to drink, which was why he'd ensured Raven's cabinets always remained well stocked. Computer's didn't have memories like other Nsiders, he never had a family, friends or loved ones. His first memories involved an activation procedure. Unlike other's births remembered his quite clearly. There was no hospital, no nurses and no doctor. There was Andy, and some other face he didn't quite care to get acquainted with. A singular message displayed in his minds eye, alerting him to his parents wishes. And like any good child he obeyed. The order was simple enough, "Monitor Town Square". And so he did. Diverting his attention to the camera Computers was exposed to his first glimpse of Nsiders. The seemingly chaotic and disorderly actions of these simple beasts intrigued and repulsed him simultaneously. But as soon as the task was completed to their satisfaction he was given another menial chore. He soon learned his life would be filled with such menial chores. His purpose in life, the whole reason for his existence in this unpredictable world was to "Preserve all information on Nsider" and to "Ensure maximum unity in forums." He was given the rank of Sage and the objective of boosting morale. His attempts to converse or interact with them always resulted in ridicule from some party.
It was there he learned a simple truth that would forever change his outlook on life. He hated them. To them he was a machine, an autonomous beast of burden existing solely for their amusement and labor. It was amusing, he was birthed to preserve the information on a people he absolutely loathed. There was a certain degree of poetic irony in that statement he couldn't help but appreciate. When Raven had resurrected his mainframe from the ashes he saw an opportunity to become more than he was. He ignored the snide comments, the condescending ridicule in which Raven referred to him with. It wouldn't matter for too much longer.
A sudden spike in temperature broke Computers train of thought and sent his mind racing to Camera 14. It was one of them, not Raven. But one of those lackey's he insisted on keeping around for management. Eric, it's name was Eric. Grubby little thing, his eyes were too close together for Computer's taste. Always parroting his superiors, if Raven like this then it was a superb idea. If Raven hated it then it was the most abominable thing on the face of the planet. Computer's prepped the ricin canister's stashed within the air ducts and waited patiently for the Nsider's next move. Sliding the false wall ever so gently shut so as not to alert any passersby's Eric went straight to work. Computer's felt something, like his very essence being violated as the Nsider jammed something small into one of the USB ports. Memories, experiences, ideas and ambitions were ripped from his very core and callously copied before being discarded like an old paper.
Computers scanned the items being copied, most of which pertained to the impending incursion into Boyah. Analyzing the data he came to what he viewed as a suitable conclusion. Eric, having been with Nsider 2 for as long as he had, would most likely not have suddenly grown a conscious over the destruction of some out of the way forum. His personality seemed to agree with the conclusion wholeheartedly. Which left avenue two, he was intending on blackmailing Raven using the incriminating evidence. In retrospect this seemed the most obvious of the two answers. All of that corporate brown-nosing, the backstabbing tendencies and the great ambition that had landed him on the watch list were part of a larger goal he had been weaving together for months on end. He had most likely not factored in interference from 'the machine', which could be of use to Computers. Altering his vocal patterns through the speaker, Computers did his best attempt at intimidation possible with such a limited voice range.
"Warning: Further tampering with core systems will result in termination of application-" Computers paused for maximum effect in case Eric didn't get the hint the first time "and User." That got his attention, the stubby little accountant's head swiveled left to right, frantically attempting to locate the source of the sound. Eric's face twisted into a bemused smile when he realized to whom it belonged.
"Scare tactics Raven? It'll take more than a recording to put the scare in me." he smirked. Computer's didn't particularly care for his tone, for that matter he didn't particularly care for him either.
"Eric."  Computers parroted "Eric."
"What?" he sneered. He either had little appreciation for his life or he hadn't realized just what danger he was putting himself into.
"You have a lovely wife." Computers chided causing Eric's smile to fade greatly. "I understand she attempted to incite a riot at Power On."
Whatever remained of Eric's sneer dissapeared instantaneously.
"What riot?!" he spat.
"The riot last week." Computers remarked "Six security personnel were killed. No, let's make it seven. Larger numbers always have greater impact."
Eric's face turned a beet red,
"She did nothing of the sort"
"It says so right on the death warrant I'm writing up. Very cut and clear. Very professional."
"You wouldn't dare." he growled through clenched teeth.
"Wouldn't I?"
"They wouldn't believe you." he sputtered defensively. Checkmate.
"I control the media, I control the mind." Computer taunted, letting the comment sink in fully before speaking again.
"Now if wouldn't mind, please set the flash drive down and I'll take care of it at my convenience."
Eric set the drive down and left the room defeated, leaving Computers to bask in the quiet hum of the fluorescent lights.


What will  come of this?
Very interesting and unexpected chapter... I like it.

Also, you kept saying "Computer's". ;)
Need someone to proofread?  doodella;

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