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The Village of the Boyagers

Started by Ringo, June 16, 2008, 11:32:22 PM

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1.8mb is too huge for a sig nigga


Dude for a second there I would have never forgiven you if had you killed of my character via a pack of rats.  :'(


Quote from: Socks on July 04, 2008, 04:00:39 AM
Dude for a second there I would have never forgiven you if had you killed of my character via a pack of rats.  :'(



Hey guys, I'm coming at a sort of impass here. I've got two rather good story branches but I can't particularly decide on just one. So here's the scoop. Boyah's got to convince Carello to help them by one of two means.

Taking a hunting party of roughly twelve or more Outsiders to the Rat King's lair and killing the beast.

Or proving their worth by engaging several members from Outsider blacklist in pitched gladiatorial combat.


Quote from: Ringo on July 04, 2008, 10:06:40 AM
Or proving their worth by engaging several members from Outsider blacklist in pitched gladiatorial combat.

We fight or we die, with honor and glory in triumph or defeat, but we fight either way.  baddood;


The cool air conditioned office lent EJ some measure of relief from the scorching heat, the summer had grown hotter and the evenings more humid. No expense had been too high in lining his office with whatever he felt like having. A solid oak desk lay firmly beneath his folded hands, a twenty thousand dollar pull out bar had been installed behind a hidden wall, filling it cost doubly as much. Behind that pastel blue door, a multi-billion dollar artificial intelligence scraped out of Nsider in its waning days. COMPUTERS, an artificial strategist designed by the former administrators to promote loyalty amongst the ranks. His attempts at actually doing so sold like a lead balloon. But EJ soon learned, his talents lay not solely in selling cheap game consoles. The machine had a knack for odds. Flip a coin and  COMPUTERS would be able to tell you what the odds of it landing heads was before it hit carpet. Granted some modifications had to be made, but with each augmentation EJ felt a little more attachment to his toy, but not much. COMPUTERS had informed him of the vast resources under Boyah as well as the strategic value of Boyah, but it was Raven who had taken the initiative. It was about mid-day, he'd assumed. His mind had been fixed on a trivial piece of news. His terrier had successfully found and captured the Boyagers expedition party's leader. After a few hours of 'convincing' he'd told Meta they were seeking help from some forrest bandit camp. Really of no concern to him. In fact, he felt like something to drink. Yes, something to whet his whistle, then he'd get back to looking over those financial reports he'd been meaning to get to.  Idely leaning back in his chair EJ slid the faux wall behind to the side uncovering a trove of bourbons, whiskeys, and just about anything else EJ felt he might want to drink. Gripping a bottle of Scotch he poured the steady amber stream into a crystal glass. Something about that name, Outsider. He shook the thought away as he sampled the stinging beverage, letting its effects gradually overtake him. Where had he heard that name?
"Computers." he shouted " What are my chances of overtaking Boyah without Outsider aiding Boyah?"
Computers turned his attention on the administrator through the unblinking eye of the camera lense, simeultaneously correcting a financial error, adjusting the food distributors output amount, investigating D-Sectors camera records on a recent vandalism and monitering the re-education of new members. Pausing for a split second Computers answered through the amplifiers set within his office.
"11.6 percent in their favor. 86.4 percent in your favor. 2.0 percent chance of neither sides success." he droned.
EJ took a sip of the scotch
"What are the chances of Nsider overtaking Boyah with Outsiders aiding Boyah?"
"38.3 percent in their favor. 60.0 percent in your favor. 1.7 percent chance of neither sides success."
Way too high. EJ shook his head and set the scotch down on the table, contemplating his next step.
"Computers. Suggestions." EJ barked.
"With their leader removed. The boyagers should fall into dissaray. Their behavior does not reflect this. Conclusion: Hiro was not their leader. "
"We know that." EJ growled, spilling some of the scotch onto the carpet "Tell me something I don't know!"
"86 percent chance of Boyagers reaching Outsider with Meta's interference. Exterminate the nomadic tribes before the expedition can reach them and the Boyagers will be short one ally. Such action would increase our chances of success by 65 percent."
"Our percentages?" EJ cackled. . "My chances, Computers. Do you know the difference between you and me Computers?"  Computers began to list off several elements before being interrupted
"You are a piece of machinery. A worthless automation, like a windup toy. I tell you to speak and you speak, I tell you to think and you think. Nobody values you Computers. Nobody loves you. When you're gone no one will remember you. " The machine kept silent. Any other of his subordinates would have left sobbing by that last flurry, but the most he could hear was the humming of the mainframe from the next room. He wasn't particularly fond of the machine, the fact that he couldn't be hurt or intimidated by threats irritated EJ.
"A soul, Computers. I have a soul " he finished triumphantly.
"Do you have a soul?" The statement sounded less like a question and more like a challenge. EJ's hands spasmed with hatred. Breaking the crystal glass in several shards on the stained carpet.
"You answer to me!" a singular vein popped out in the middle of his forehead as he spat venemously "I own you!"
There was no answer. Moments passed before the familiar subserviant tone returned
"Next query?"
EJ ran his hands through his hair, letting out a sigh he hung his head. Just a machine. It didn't know what it was doing, but he did. He'd have to call Meta, there was work to be done.


The forrest foliage crunched crisply beneath the heals of Meta's combat boots alerting the vermin to his presence, it mattered little. The monster had known he was coming the second he'd set foot in this forrest. It's children watched him with beaded black eyes, discerning his intentions and alerting their master to his coming. Meta could see the entrance to its lair  nestled deeply in an old gnarled tree. From it proceeded the abomination, the Rat King. A series of rasped voices proceeded from the knotted clump of tails. Legend had it the Rat King was borne of the ignorance and malice of Nsiders, mirroring their cruel deeds in its own actions. In itself an embodiment of hatred, formed into that of a simple litter of rats. With their tails adhered together they grew larger and larger over the centuried, breeding birthing and dying in a singular being all connected at their ropelike tails. When one would die or grow sick the rats simply ate the weak and a young rat would fulfill its place. They moved, thought and spoke in one accord. To them, charge over all rats had been given. They were its scouts and emmisaries, as well as their food.
"Greetings, friend" it hissed with sarcastic emphasis on the last word. "The hunt went succesfull I take it?"
Tossing the dog tags of his deceased riders Meta's focus narrowed on the center of the creatures mass.
"You're abilities are waning, that or your subjects have lost their touch. They were alerted to our presence long before we were in position".
The beasts hissed, some with anger, others with confusion until finally a consesus was decided upon.
"We are millenia ancient. Before your progenerators were conceived, we existed. Are abilities remain as sharp as ever before. She alerted them to your presence. Their seer told them of your approach."
"Their seer?" Meta scoffed with visible disdain in his voice "Frankly 'vermin' I've become skeptical of your kins discernment." Signalling with a subtle hand gesture Meta summoned two riders to his side. An arm in each grasp they carried the beaten limp form of Hiro. His eyes swollen shut and face bludgeoned beyond recognition Hiro's barely conciouss form hung silently.
"Tell me, their 'Leader'. Does he always come unarmed?" Meta gestured towards the exhausted navigator "Does that look like anyones leader to you?"
The rats pondered the bloodied form with mild disinterest
"I said he was a leader. Not their leader." The rats commented dismissively with clarifying unison. Meta unsheathed his katana rapidly and stepped forward, sending the vermin hissing back
"And I suppose she's not 'their seer' she's just 'a seer.' Now before you get any more of my men killed I strongly suggest in the future that your young bring back an accurate report on the Boyagers. They're going to Outsider, I found that out through a good old fashioned interrogation. Tell me what they're discussing." Meta took several steps forward causing the beasts shoulders to bunch
"If you err, I'll be sure it's not the vendors rat trap that puts an end to your pitiful existance".
The Rat King shrunk back
"We shall not make the same error in our judgements." it hissed retractingly
Slowly turning his back on the beast Meta sheathed his blade and straddled the cycle.
"I'd hope so, for your sakes. I'd hate to have to burn down your home just to make a point."


Fog, mist, swirling smoke obscured Hiro's view through the slits of meat puffed about his eyes. Faces, shapes, voices and memories contorted together ran seamlessly into an ethereal flow. He knew not where he was, or where he was going. He was simply there. Struggling to widen his eyes and pry back the swollen flesh Hiro could make out the looming figurehead of death waiting over him. Hiro was dead, surely he was dead. He could feel a faint tugging at his arm, like that of a child persistantly pulling at the hem of a garment. When he remembered what had happened, his friends, the riders, he wished he was dead. Oh he knew he wasn't, he was quite alive. And the distorted face that loomed ominously above was not that of death, but a bringer of it. Even through the numbing agent he could see the monster's profile well enough. They'd drugged him, they'd drugged him up and let him sleep after they'd beaten him senseless. He hated them. Meta's face twisted in and out of focus as he spoke
"Hiro. Hiro, that is your name is it not?" He mocked, savoring his defeated foes helpless estate. Hiro glared back defiantly from what must have seemed to be nothing more than an animated cadavar. Meta lowered his voice to a sinister whisper as he sat himself down at the food of his bed.
"Well Hiro, you've caused me alot of trouble." Hiro could make out the faint smacking of lips to his left, behind it that incessant tugging at his arm. What was that? Hiro swooned to the left. Meta adeptly gripped Hiro's chin with his hand and leveled his gaze with the beaten Boyager's.
"Don't look to the left." he warned before continuing on "Now understand this, you've dissapointed me. I consulted EJ on what should be done with you... " his voice trailed off as he looked to Hiro's left. Wincing in disgust his gaze pulled back towards the tent entrance. Hiro felt the tugging again, this time pulling up his arm and shoulder with increasing vigor.
"He insisted you were to be moved to a labor camp." Hiro struggled to tilt his head if not only to catch a glimpse at whatever might be lurking. "Don't look" Meta instructed sternly before continuing.
"But this presented a dilemna."
The tugging was increasing.
"You see, we needed a manner in which to transport you without you presenting a problem. My pets helped there"
What was that?
"Don't look Hiro. At first we considered drugging you up, but it wasn't nearly enough to incapacitate you to the degree we needed. "
Slurping, he could hear slurping.
"I said don't look Hiro. You see, the job you'll be doing is fairly simple. You'll be making signatures. Do you know how to make a signature Hiro? Of course not. But that doesn't matter. See, all you'll be doing is pulling a lever. " Meta stood up and imitated what appeared to be an engineer pulling on a whistle cord.
"Up, down. Up, down. Up, down. All day long. And when you're done you'll sleep so you can wake up and do it again. Very simple work. The way I figured it Hiro, you only need one arm to pull a lever. "
His arm?! What had he done to his arm?! By now the pulling was so intense it had moved him several inches.
"You can look now"
Overcome with dread Hiro swooned to his left coming face to face with the doberman pinscher. It's paws pushed against his side and the beast seemed indifferent to his presence as it used it's massive legs as leverage. Bright red tissue rolled across that crimson tongue as it lapped up the pulsating numb pieces of muscle and marrow that broke away with every yanking. Hiro's anguished scream came out as little more than a grief ridden sob as the war-dog ate on contently. Content with his work Meta turned and walked off, pausing once before dissapearing into the blinding dessert light.
"Make sure to get some rest, Hiro. You'll need it for tommorrow"
Meta let out a laugh, a harsh guttural sound that caused Hiro's very spirit to collapse inside him as the animal gnawed at his bloodied stump. There would be no escape, no peace. No hope.



Thank you for waiting for me, but I've been back a while.  powerofone;

[spoiler]OH yay I'm alive.

NOT MY ARM!!!!  :(
lol at the signature factory
I love you, amazing chapter
maybe I can be a badass and lead a rebellion that breaks out of the camp and we go to victory  powerofone;[/spoiler]


ok I read the first part and just want to know.

Am I in this at all
Quote from: ncba93ivyase on April 04, 2014, 10:31:27 PM
geno i swear to fucking god silvertone and i are going to board you up in your house and have the world's greatest goddamn boyager meetup right next door and put burning bags of dog shit in front of all of your windows and doors and your house will smell like dog shit but you won't be able to extinguish the flames and you'll choke and die on dog shit fumes. what made you will also kill you.

i am throwing down 5 god DAMN dollars geno i will go out and collect the dog shit myself this is fucking happening jesus fucking christ

i'll give you an upperdecker with dog shit and don't you fucking doubt it for one little second you fat bastard


Wow geno, pretty late to the game. Not yet you aren't, but I'm sure he could put you in later.


Quote from: Geno on July 25, 2008, 01:46:57 AM
ok I read the first part and just want to know.

Am I in this at all
I'd like to be in it as well... Unfortunately I don't think any of my monikers would make a good name for a character


Ringo is a talented writer.

May I be in the story? As a sniper/lurker type character who's always seemed to be there, but out of sight until a certain point?


Quote from: Qualanx on July 25, 2008, 09:59:19 AM
Ringo is a talented writer.

May I be in the story? As a sniper/lurker type character who's always seemed to be there, but out of sight until a certain point?
You might not be with this particular party but I think I can fit you in.


Quote from: Ringo on July 25, 2008, 11:04:21 AM
You might not be with this particular party but I think I can fit you in.

I'm fine if I'm not in any party. I did say that I wanted to be a lurker/sniper, after all. Because I am a lurker.

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