list of """vegetables""" that are nutritionally worthless to average westerners

Started by Kalahari Inkantation, August 28, 2018, 12:24:53 AM

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Kalahari Inkantation

  • lettuce (esp. iceberg)
  • onions
  • potatoes and basically all other starchy tuber-like things
  • cucumbers
  • generic bloated supermarket tomato (but other varieties are better)

gee, what an interesting coincidence that these happen to be the most common """vegetables""" found in fast food............................................

Mando Pandango

you will take my tubers when you take them from my cold, dead, bloated hands
Quote from: Magyarorszag on August 22, 2018, 10:27:46 PMjesus absolute shitdicking christ, nu-boyah

Kalahari Inkantation

nutritionally worthless != entirely worthless/bad lol

i like potatoes and tubers but they're almost pure starch and barely qualify as "vegetables" at all


Cucumbers are a nice source of water if you smash their asses in a juicer

Eggplants are trash tho


I will play devil's advocate and say that even nutrition devoid foods like lettuce and cucumber provide needed hydration, fiber, and a sense of fullness devoid of calories.

But I do generally avoid iceberg lettuce

I love cucumbers and potatoes though idc

Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: C.Mongler on August 28, 2018, 06:45:18 AMEggplants are trash tho

i like eggplants but they too are nutritionally weak

they're great at absorbing flavor though lol

perhaps unsurprisingly, eggplants, (bell) peppers, potatoes, tomatoes and tobacco are all members of the nightshade family, and they're all nutritionally questionable, to say the least lol

Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: YPrrrr on August 28, 2018, 06:56:57 AMI will play devil's advocate and say that even nutrition devoid foods like lettuce and cucumber provide needed hydration, fiber, and a sense of fullness devoid of calories.

But I do generally avoid iceberg lettuce

I love cucumbers and potatoes though idc

and fried potatoes provide needed carbs, and gummy bears provide such an essential nutrient as sugar, without which we'd all be dead sillydood;

nothing on my list of poor vegetables is truly worthless, only relatively so lol

i mean if there were one food you'd want with you after the apocalypse, it's probably potatoes

but average westerners already have an abundance of the nutrients potatoes provide elsewhere in their diets, and, of course, the massive surplus leads to the alarming increase in obesity we've witnessed over the past ~40 years

Quote from: YPrrrr on August 28, 2018, 06:56:57 AMI love cucumbers and potatoes though idc

but despite knowing these are weak vegetables i love them too lol

i even made a thread dedicated to the pickle the other day

but (and i'm not saying you or anyone in particular on boyah does this (although i'm sure at least a few do)) to treat a container of french fries and the single thin slices of generic bloated supermarket tomato and iceberg lettuce you'd find in a large McUltra meal as 'servings of """vegetables"""' is to delude oneself and to obesify oneself

these are nutritionally the absolute worst vegetables that could be called vegetables lol

a lot of people just don't know that there's an enormous difference between a potato and a head of broccoli, or between iceberg lettuce and spinach, despite the fact that they're all "vegetables" lol


Most of the severely obese people I know pick off those questionable vegetables anyway sillydood;

Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: YPrrrr on August 28, 2018, 08:08:07 AMMost of the severely obese people I know pick off those questionable vegetables anyway sillydood;


oh, and an extra large diet coke


The artist formally known

Quote from: Magyarorszag on August 28, 2018, 12:24:53 AM
  • lettuce (esp. iceberg)
  • onions
  • potatoes and basically all other starchy tuber-like things
  • cucumbers
  • generic bloated supermarket tomato (but other varieties are better)

gee, what an interesting coincidence that these happen to be the most common """vegetables""" found in fast food............................................
my tortoise cannot eat iceberg lettuce because it’s basically water. I heard of you try feeding them it they will not eat the other better lettuces (since they like iceberg so much) and therefore basically not gain the nutrients they need.




Quote from: YPrrrr on August 29, 2018, 05:20:05 AM
Quote from: Thyme on August 29, 2018, 04:56:00 AM
Quote from: YPrrrr on August 28, 2018, 08:08:07 AMMost of the severely obese people I know pick off those questionable vegetables anyway sillydood;

i don't 5thgrade;
You dont look severely obese huhdoodame;

idk according to this article i'm severely obese and at the edge of very severely obese

and real talk on that pic i moved my face forward a bit so i wouldn't have too much of a double chin sillydood;


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