Because I don't know anything about TVs...

Started by Samus Aran, August 17, 2009, 09:11:40 PM

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Samus Aran

Okay, I'm looking into getting a new TV eventually because mine is old and decrepid. Like, seriously, it has no ports other than a cable jack. Anyway I don't want an HDTV because I don't want to deal with de-syncing issues with video games and I don't want to pay for the extra quality in picture/sound anyway. I'm quite fine with a fairly nice, normal television with a flat screen.

However, I'm completely retarded when it comes to these things, so help me out with this example:

Since it doesn't explicitely state it's HD in the name, it's not HD, right? I mean, I don't really even know the advantage of LCD screens, and I don't know how common it is to have LCD screens without HD, hell I don't even know exactly what makes a screen "HD."

But yeah idk help me find something nice and not too expensive and flat screened and something around 19 inches because I don't want something very big (don't have much room). And not HD. And preferably as little extra bullshit as possible.

And keep in mind that up there is just an example, someone was having me look at it. I wouldn't buy that thing, its volume apparently sucks and I don't want a built-in DVD player.



720p, 1080i, and 1080p are all HD.

480p should be fine. That's the resolution the Gamecube used for the component cables.

The artist formally known

De-syncing issues with video games? What are you talking about?

I think $275 is too much for a 19 inch tv.

Samus Aran

Quote from: reefer on August 17, 2009, 09:19:22 PM
De-syncing issues with video games? What are you talking about?

I think $275 is too much for a 19 inch tv.

I was under the impression that games that are heavy in synchronization, namely rhythm games (which I play frequently), have the tendency to de-sync.

HOWEVER, I just remembered that I've only seen the problem for myself on a Wii version of GH it might just be that it's due to the Wii itself not supporting HD? I dunno, but GHIII tells me that these things happen with HDTVs because there's an option to re-calibrate for HDTVs. I'm confused.

Samus Aran

Also wouldn't all my old consoles not support HD...and what does it even mean by "not support," would like the display not work at all on an HDTV or would it just not be HD quality or what? Would there be some sort of converter cables I'd have to buy, etc.?


Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: Kaz on August 17, 2009, 09:40:46 PM
Also wouldn't all my old consoles not support HD...and what does it even mean by "not support," would like the display not work at all on an HDTV or would it just not be HD quality or what? Would there be some sort of converter cables I'd have to buy, etc.?

they'd work on an hdtv, they just wouldn't look good
and in most cases you can use the same old composite cables n_u

Samus Aran

Quote from: Tc on August 17, 2009, 09:46:38 PM
they'd work on an hdtv, they just wouldn't look good
and in most cases you can use the same old composite cables n_u

i'm assuming they'd look no better than they would on your average old tv, right?

just fine, but not hd quality

by "not good" i hope you don't mean absolutely terrible n_u

The artist formally known

August 17, 2009, 10:17:28 PM #7 Last Edit: August 17, 2009, 10:21:15 PM by reefer
I hear that SNES games look bad on HDTV compared to a standard definition tv at the same size but I don't really notice. I play my SNES on my 32 inch 1080p tv all the time. My friend's standard definition tv's audio was out of sync while my HDTV wasn't while playing Rock Band.

Most of the games have sync options if you find it out of sync.

Personally I'd only stay away from HDTV if I wasn't looking to spend that much but $300-400 gets you a 32 inch 1080i HDTV now-a-days. Another note is that light gun games like Duck Hunt will NOT play on LCD or Plasma screans.

19 inch for $180 (720p)

32 inch for $340 (720p, pretty decent but there are better deals out there)

Samus Aran

Hmm, well, I guess I might as well take the risk of of rhythm games possibly desyncing (it says some HDTVs do it, not all) and just go with a cheap HD then, because it seems that non-HD screens are more expensive anyway, really.

The artist formally known

Quote from: Kaz on August 17, 2009, 10:28:12 PM
Hmm, well, I guess I might as well take the risk of of rhythm games possibly desyncing (it says some HDTVs do it, not all) and just go with a cheap HD then, because it seems that non-HD screens are more expensive anyway, really.

I just don't suggest Westinghouse. I had one and the LCD screen started separate from the front panel and created a shadow. Luckily I had a warranty and they gave me almost all the money back.

I have a Sharp and it kicks ass.

Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: Kaz on August 17, 2009, 09:49:10 PM
i'm assuming they'd look no better than they would on your average old tv, right?

just fine, but not hd quality

by "not good" i hope you don't mean absolutely terrible n_u
really large TVs make the image look stretched, but at 19" i don't think you'll have any issues n_u
just make sure your TV of choice has all of the connections necessary for you before you buy baddood;

The artist formally known

Quote from: Tc on August 17, 2009, 10:35:13 PM
really large TVs make the image look stretched, but at 19" i don't think you'll have any issues n_u
just make sure your TV of choice has all of the connections necessary for you before you buy baddood;
Indeed, make sure you have one or two HDMI cables, you won't regret it.

Maybe a DVI or VGA cable for your computer so you can use it as a monitor just in case too.


Of course your old stuff works on an HD tv. And desyncing isn't really a problem. All you needed to do was calibrate your controller on guitar hero. that said, at least get progressive scan and a digital tuner, and probably widescreen would be good.

Samus Aran

Quote from: Hïro on August 17, 2009, 10:54:28 PM
Of course your old stuff works on an HD tv. And desyncing isn't really a problem. All you needed to do was calibrate your controller on guitar hero. that said, at least get progressive scan and a digital tuner, and probably widescreen would be good.

what's progressive scan lol

why digital tuner lol and what is it


Progressive scan means the whole image is much more clear. A digital tuner is the tv tuner, for the channels. Remember the whole big digital tv switch that happened a few months ago?

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