So I decided to go around and ask criminal justice 1 students about capital

Started by ncba93ivyase, February 06, 2009, 04:20:15 PM

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In case you guys don't remember, I'm a CJ3 student that just does independent work in a class full of mostly sophomores and juniors that make up the CJ1 class.

Only one guy in the entire class truly supported the death penalty, and another guy said it may be okay for those that absolutely can't change and continue to constantly commit horrid crimes; the others simply said it's never acceptable.

However, only one female said the death penalty shouldn't exist, but not because the state shouldn't kill, but only because everyone has a right to live. She thinks if someone is paid to kill another, they're not a killer because it's "just their job," although she feels bad for victims of this "worker." Every other woman supported it.

just telling you guys why southern women suck ;)

Quote from: ncba93ivyase on June 18, 2014, 07:58:34 PMthis isa great post i will use it in my sig



your story's message was nice and all but where it failed was the supporting detail and the followthrough also the plot was everywhere and i couldn't really feel attached to the characters

overall i give it a C+ maybe a B- on a good day

p.s. i really don't like the use of the classroom as a plot device i mean the resolution seemed really farfetched even for a lawlz post


I love how so many kids here are blindly democrat supporters yet are really conservative.

I hate politically apathetic people.


Quote from: ncba93ivyase on June 18, 2014, 07:58:34 PMthis isa great post i will use it in my sig

Lance Corporal Atlas

The death penalty should only be used on people who can still manipulate things while in prison and may very well be busted out(I read a book called Wise Guy about the mafia, and in it I saw how easy it was to buy your way out of jail). Taking the life of someone pointlessly is foolish.

The artist formally known

I never really knew where I stood on it. I was mostly for it because the churches were against.



Quote from: Raekewn on February 07, 2009, 06:01:59 AM
most churches do oppose capital punishment

however, most "religious" folks don't know what the hell their church even preaches so they blindly support it

Quote from: ncba93ivyase on June 18, 2014, 07:58:34 PMthis isa great post i will use it in my sig

Lance Corporal Atlas

February 07, 2009, 07:11:14 AM #9 Last Edit: February 07, 2009, 07:27:28 AM by ø Lance * Corporal * Atlas ø
Quote from: Pancake Persona on February 07, 2009, 06:29:06 AM
most churches do oppose capital punishment

however, most "religious" folks don't know what the hell their church even preaches so they blindly support it

Perhaps he wasn't questioning the fact that the church opposes it but the fact that refeer is blindly disagreeing with the church?ââ,¬Â¦Or I'm just over estimating JMV. And most religious fanatics know what they're supporting even if it's stupid, so your entire post doesn't make very much sense.


Quote from: Pancake Persona on February 07, 2009, 06:29:06 AM
most churches do oppose capital punishment

however, most "religious" folks don't know what the hell their church even preaches so they blindly support it
The Bible itself supports capital punishment(though Jesus didn't, but we all know Christians don't know what Jesus supported otherwise they'd call him a commie too)throughout the book.
Adultery? Capital Punishment
Any sex out of a heterosexual marriage? Capital Punishment
Murder? Capital Punishment
Cursing your parents? Capital Punishment
Worshipping other gods or blasphemy? Yes, capital punishment.

Most religious people only read the old testament though and therefore never know anything Jesus said--otherwise the country wouldn't suck.
Quote from: ø Lance * Corporal * Atlas ø on February 07, 2009, 07:11:14 AM
Perhaps he wasn't questioning the fact that the church opposes it but the fact that refeer is blindly disagreeing with the church?
This too.
Though I disagree with most of the church's positions, that's because they're retarded and not because they're the church.

Also, I'm against the death penalty in all situations EXCEPT and only in a situation where a military/political leader commits or authorizes war crimes or genocide.


I'm against it because killing them is finally giving them peace. They need to be tortured.



Quote from: Tri4se on February 07, 2009, 10:38:54 AM
I'm against it because killing them is finally giving them peace. They need to be tortured.


No.  We make them read every post on that archived Oldsider.



Quote from: guff on February 07, 2009, 11:07:43 AM
hey lawlz ain't you that one feller that said .999... != 1  n_u

I never understood how .999... = 1 until someone posted a diagram of it.

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