ITT suggest a game that you loved that many people never played

Started by The artist formally known, December 31, 2007, 06:03:03 AM

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The artist formally known

Odin Sphere for the PS2 is awesome, but only because it's 2D and the art is fucking awesome but other than that the games just alright. I really thing it is the best looking 2D game ever made ever. RPG of course.

Condemned for 360/PC, one of the best survival horror games that is actually scary. Scared me almost as much as Silent Hill 2 did.

E.V.O.: The Search for Eden for SNES. Yet to find a copy of this game but I've played it many many times. Real-time RPG. Game is just fucking hard later on but for the first 2/3 of the game, it's awesome.

Pshyconauts for the PS2. Games not so underrated anymore but you can get it on Steam, PS2, PC, Xbox, Xbox original downloads on Xbox Live, Gametap, or just pirate it. It doesn't matter, just fucking play this game. It's a bit aged since it first came out but it was an awesome ass game. If you don't like well done cinematics, voice acting, and humor than pass it because thats the best part of this game.

Jet Force Gemini for N64. It was a decent game, awesome when it was out but more than likely you can skip it. If you find it and don't mind aged N64 graphics pick it up. I never saw this game above $3.

Yoshi's Island for SNES. Not really underrated, just really unheard of. If you played this game when it first came out you knew how awesome it was and really I've asked many people if they've played it with every one of them saying they haven't and most of them saying they've never ever heard of it. You owe it to play the original, not the crappy DS sequel or the crappy N64 version.

Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath for Xbox. The visuals were top notch and the animations from running on two legs to four were very solid. The game was pretty good, not amazing or ground breaking, just very solid. The Bosses sometimes were very hard to capture them (you could either capture or defeat them, capturing gives you more money.) Much better than Munch's Odyssey.

And my overrated underrated games list is: Earth Bound, ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (not a bad game, just jesus christ it's not that fucking underrated anymore.)

The Oggmonster

Yeah I agree with Pshyconauts. I love the game. but I think more people play it now since its a download for the 360 now.  And I agree with Jet Force Gemini and Yoshi's island.
"And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. "



StarTropics/ Zoda's Revenge
Jet Force Gemini
Rocket: Robot on Wheels




Bomberman Land Touch (although a sequel to both Wii and DS are due in 2008).
Chibi-Robo (although Park Patrol did better then the GCN version).
Dewy's Adventure
Kirby Canvas Curse
Katamari Demacy (after 2 was released, it caught on a little bit...)
Zak and Wiki

And there are probably more, but I forgot them.  caterpie;


Chameleon Twist on the N64. Though I was like 10 when i played it so it probably sucked.


...What? Everyone on the internet praises Odin Sphere and Yoshi's Island. I happen to think Yoshi's Island is ass compared to the true Mario games, but then everyone has to wahhhhh.

Also, I doubt anyone here owns Metal Storm. You all need to buy it you filthy Jews. :|

Quote from: ncba93ivyase on June 18, 2014, 07:58:34 PMthis isa great post i will use it in my sig


Quote from: Lawlz on December 31, 2007, 10:04:50 AM
...What? Everyone on the internet praises Odin Sphere and Yoshi's Island. I happen to think Yoshi's Island is ass compared to the true Mario games, but then everyone has to wahhhhh.

Also, I doubt anyone here owns Metal Storm. You all need to buy it you filthy Jews. :|

I don't have a NES, and I still have to get my uncle's Saturn. One console at a time my good sir.  :|

Commander Fuckass

Shadow Hearts series for PS2
Soul Nomad & The World Eaters for PS2
Grim Grimoire for PS2][/URL]3DS Friend Code: 5086-5790-7151

Commander Fuckass][/URL]3DS Friend Code: 5086-5790-7151


Stunt Race FX for the SNES. Cars with eyes and the Super FX chip. wub;

Wild ARMs 2 for the PS

The Misadventures of Tron Bonne for the PS (and while we're at it, MegaMan 64)

Brave Fencer Musashi for the PS

Tales of Destiny II for the PS. Yeah, I know, it's a "Tales" game, but when you mention it people are like "um wut thats not TOS or TOTA :|"

Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon for the N64

XIII, multiplatform, I had the GC version. I'm kind of biased, though, since my first language is French and the French version of that game is excellent. Way better than the English version.

Second Sight for the GC

Bomberman Pocket for the GameBoy Color

Hot Wheels Turbo Racing for the N64. Go figure. It actually was a great racing game.

Cool Spot for the SNES. And to think it was an ad for 7-Up. psyduck;

And some more I'm forgetting. Also, yeah, Jet Force Gemini.


Jet Grind Radio, Jet Set radio future, Shenmue and Shenmue 2.


Quote from: Thyme on December 31, 2007, 03:29:06 PM
Hot Wheels Turbo Racing for the N64. Go figure. It actually was a great racing game.

I think I played that at my friends house. We played for hours.

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