but the tumblrites do have one point: """man""'spreaders, why do you do it

Started by Kalahari Inkantation, June 04, 2017, 03:24:33 PM

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sitting legs apart in shared seating areas:

legitimate complaint
1 (25%)
no, you're dumb
3 (75%)

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Kalahari Inkantation

stumbled across this bit of absolute idiocy:

Quote from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manspreading#cite_note-star-14The CAFE has argued that it is "physically painful for men to close their legs"

this is complete bullsh@ and you all know it

who do you people think you're kidding

joint inflexibility that impedes crossing or let alone merely closing of the legs is most certainly not a problem inherent to male anatomy


Quote from: Majorana's Mask on June 11, 2017, 10:36:05 AM
stumbled across this bit of absolute idiocy:

Quote from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manspreading#cite_note-star-14The CAFE has argued that it is "physically painful for men to close their legs"

this is complete bullsh@ and you all know it

who do you people think you're kidding

joint inflexibility that impedes crossing or let alone merely closing of the legs is most certainly not a problem inherent to male anatomy
why does this bother you so much lol

Kalahari Inkantation

i'm just annoyed by the fact that it's obvious, literal dick-waving hidden behind as weak an excuse as that moronic, demonstrably false """biotruth"""


I mean why do you care about manspreading so much it's like the smallest of things


Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: YPargh on June 11, 2017, 04:19:53 PM
I mean why do you care about manspreading so much it's like the smallest of things

i am profoundly disturbed by the implications of the nonsense argument that males have some sort of inherent limitation that prevents them from doing something as basic as sitting 'like a woman'

an intelligent feminist could turn that argument right back around and say something like 'are men also inherently biologically incapable of staying out of jail' or 'are women biologically incapable of working outside the kitchen', just to demonstrate how absurd that reasoning is

the very mras who justify their own dumb stereotypical behavior by making a phony biological argument don't quite realize just how counterproductive an argument it is for them

Quote from: wawi on June 11, 2017, 05:56:39 PM
Quote from: YPargh on June 11, 2017, 04:19:53 PM
it's like the smallest of things



It actually is the smallest of things in most cases. I understand now that, unless it's a true medical condition, it's a matter of insecure spreaders projecting their psychological and physiological insecurities onto innocents. srsly[/spoiler]

Kalahari Inkantation

also i would bet that if indeed there is a statistically significant number of men who can't sit closed or cross-legged due to a lack of flexibility, it's simply because they were socialized not to sit 'like a woman', whether deliberately or inadvertently


Kalahari Inkantation

ew lol myface;

that would be giving them exactly what they want (which is merely to provoke a response of any kind so they can feel indignant and shitpost on reddit about how some feminist assaulted them merely for being male)


Kalahari Inkantation

same difference tbqh

feminists, new yorkers, and feminist new yorkers all have to deal with spreaders on public transportation


Kalahari Inkantation

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