but the tumblrites do have one point: """man""'spreaders, why do you do it

Started by Kalahari Inkantation, June 04, 2017, 03:24:33 PM

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sitting legs apart in shared seating areas:

legitimate complaint
1 (25%)
no, you're dumb
3 (75%)

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Kalahari Inkantation

exaggerated """manspreading""" is genuinely intimidating and wholly inconsiderate, even if the spreader in question doesn't necessarily intend for it to be

and now you see a bunch of jerks doing it deliberately to elicit a response because they heard about it in the news, but claiming 'but it's cooomfortable' for implausible deniability

of, course the term """manspreading""" is completely moronic

but for the aggressive, boorish spread-leggers of boyah, if indeed there are any:

why do you do it

it isn't exactly difficult to simply cross one's legs in shared seating areas, if only for the purpose of maximizing space available for other people


because i have a dick and balls and i'd rather not squish them together with my thighs


Quote from: Travis on June 04, 2017, 03:26:13 PM
because i have a dick and balls and i'd rather not squish them together with my thighs
this is where u and me differ


i have big balls and frequently crush them. so in a non crowded space you better believe im gonna spread those legs


Just ask them to move if you want to sit.

I see women put bags on the seat on a crowded train way more often than I see people not being able to sit because of a guy spreading his legs, and even then most have the curtesy to move their shit if you ask. People are so passive they sneak a picture while not even asking for a seat.

Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: wawi on June 04, 2017, 05:20:52 PM
Just ask them to move if you want to sit.

i would rather just stand than sit next to a spreader

Mando Pandango

i make a point not to do it

of course my natural position is to have my legs spread but it's honestly not a problem to sit with my legs together closed-crossed.

y'all can grow up
Quote from: Magyarorszag on August 22, 2018, 10:27:46 PMjesus absolute shitdicking christ, nu-boyah

Mando Pandango

that said, """manspreading""" is honestly not that big an issue because just about any reasonable man will allow someone room if they're simply ask "Excuse me, could I sit here?"

Manners, people.
Quote from: Magyarorszag on August 22, 2018, 10:27:46 PMjesus absolute shitdicking christ, nu-boyah

The Hand That Fisted Everyone

not only do i spread my legs but i also put my backpack in the seat next to me

and my backpack is filled with loose nails in case they try to sit on my bag


Define spreading

because i've seen some tumblr users and buzzfeed get upset if someone's legs are parallel to one another (i.e. not even taking up more space than ones shoulders already do)

Unless your knees actually extend past your shoulders it's a nonissue to anyone who doesn't have some weird personal issues regarding leg distance (but not shoulder distance?)

i only do it really on an empty subway car to discourage someone from sitting next to me because the mbta seats are more narrow orj ust as wide as my shoulders and i dont want some large person fucking touching me.

i'll stand otherwise even if there's empty seats because i dont like them touching me

why do fat people fatspread on the neighboring chairs

Mando Pandango

Quote from: Khadafi on June 04, 2017, 09:06:32 PM
i'll stand otherwise even if there's empty seats because i dont like them touching me

the mbta is so fuckin weird tho like the seats are so narrow but there are so few of them



[spoiler]i'm mainly talking about the green line here. i guess the other lines are more like normal subways but i just


fuck the green line[/spoiler]
Quote from: Magyarorszag on August 22, 2018, 10:27:46 PMjesus absolute shitdicking christ, nu-boyah

Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: Khadafi on June 04, 2017, 09:06:32 PM
Define spreading

because i've seen some tumblr users and buzzfeed get upset if someone's legs are parallel to one another (i.e. not even taking up more space than ones shoulders already do)

i'm talking about the sort of needless spreading that reasonable people would find inconsiderate, not literal retards on tumblr

Kalahari Inkantation

i will say that sitting with the knees even at the same width as the shoulders still seems unnecessary

are you incapable of keeping your knees together

you can always lean slightly forward or backward to avoid another person's shoulders in an extremely cramped seating area, but there's no avoiding their legs, however they may be positioned, so it's necessary to keep them crossed or with knees as close together as possible when crowded


Quote from: Popï½"iclï½...!Popï½"iclï½...!Popï½"iclï½...! on June 04, 2017, 09:11:09 PM
Quote from: Khadafi on June 04, 2017, 09:06:32 PM
i'll stand otherwise even if there's empty seats because i dont like them touching me

the mbta is so fuckin weird tho like the seats are so narrow but there are so few of them



[spoiler]i'm mainly talking about the green line here. i guess the other lines are more like normal subways but i just


fuck the green line[/spoiler]
mbta: transit line on the fatest country on earth yet more narrow seats than the transit in china; something literally designed for tiny asian people


Quote from: Majorana's Mask on June 04, 2017, 09:17:25 PM
i will say that sitting with the knees even at the same width as the shoulders still seems unnecessary

are you incapable of keeping your knees together

you can always lean slightly forward or backward to avoid another person's shoulders in an extremely cramped seating area, but there's no avoiding their legs, however they may be positioned, so it's necessary to keep them crossed or with knees as close together as possible when crowded
i legitimately don't understand this

how do your legs not naturally spread apart when you sit, at least somewhat

sitting with my knees together is ridiculously uncomfortable and not even possible unless i'm focusing on keeping my knees together

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