Boyahcraft Server: (New Map, 13w39b, Whitelist)

Started by silvertone, February 22, 2012, 01:41:37 PM

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Boogus Epirus Aurelius

NotSid and I went in search of the island that had gone missing, the one he had crash landed on so many months back.
We set off at at skydock, sure of ourselves and our direction. Our boats crashlanded in some swampland after sheer minutes of sailing.

I spotted a mountain range in the distance and we decided to traverse it for a unique vantage point.

After scaling the peak, we looked down to see the roof of skybase, an incredibly disorienting experience. We still can't ficure our how our straight path led us back to skydock.

We set off in a different direction afterwards and after a few hours of sailing and renavigating, we discovered the land of the lost, island adrift, the tomb of god her/himself.

Here's some photos of the journey.





Minecraft login servers are tanked. Right now everything is single player only.





Because Blaze Rods burn 12 items per unit, the maximum number of items you can put into a furnace using Rods at one time is 60. With Blaze Rods in stacks of 60, this means you can cook exactly 5 sets of 60 items. If it were stacks of 64, you would be able to cook 5.333... sets of 60 items and that's not a nice, even number.

No need to be so goddamned rude, Mobius. goonish


Thanks man, sometimes I get caught up in the heat of crafting and little things bother me.

Notsid, come play. I miss you on the server.



Hidden in plain sight, in a northern desert lies the Mobius Sun Temple. It is a temple that honors the absurdly short days in Minecraft, and offers protection from the seemingly three-times-as-long night time.

Find this temple, find it's door switch and gain access

Enter, and fear not for you will find no traps here, only treasure. At noon time the location of the ancient switch is best viewed. While this switch may not be what you expect, it leads only to treasure.

That said, please be kind and do not break parts of my temple trying to unearth the treasure, that's rude. There is a legit way to access it, and I will give hints if needed, though this should be quite straightforward.

First one to get to the treasure tell me how you found it, and feel free to take all the loot that lies hidden.

huhdoodame; a hint as to the location of the temple: To the South, a row of peaking towers rise over the mountainside. To the North, the souls of three brave dogs rest peacefully.




Quote from: silvertone on June 16, 2012, 01:10:31 PM
I will be online and wait for you then we can go to The End.

I am on now preparing our armor, weapons and potions. Once we touch down in the End I will warp a chest with us and fill it with protective blocks against the evil Ender Dragon.

Shit will get real.


Are you all having such amazingly fun summers that you are not crafting? The server has been so empty recently... I had hoped somebody screen shotted that one time that we had six, count 'em SIX, people on at once.


lol 6 people.  Yeah I haven't played in a while. Will make up for that maybe next week.
Quote from: reefer on November 29, 2007, 11:32:08 PM
No offense to her but she kinda doesn't know crap about shit

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