ITT I talk about how I played Duke Nukem Forever and am better than you all

Started by strongbad, September 06, 2010, 02:04:55 PM

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Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 06, 2010, 05:22:03 PM
well fuck, this looks more like the REAL PAX like you've been talking about.

Damn straight.
Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 06, 2010, 05:22:03 PM
So uh, for the swag did you just walk in the area and they gave you the roids and shirt or how does that work exactly (never been to a con/expo of any kind) for DNF and GT5 (what did this shirt look like btw).

The roids they handed out in line while we waited since it was FUCKING long but we also got some when we finished the demo (hence how I got two). For the shirt, in this instance they made you play the demo before you got one. Some booths just hand them out (BETHESDA I FUCKING LOVE YOU I GOT 4 AWESOME DIFFERENT SHIRTS FROM THEM) but yeah this one was a bitch. Usually mediums are gone since they're the most popular size, but I lucked out since I met some guy from gearbox at a minimart before I stood in line that morning and he was like "oh yeah dude just come by and I'll let you in, don't worry about the line" but when i got there he was like "yeah people would be pissed if you just got in, so I'll just set a shirt aside for you if you stand in line" so i did that. And they didn't hand out GT5 shirts unfortunately.

Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 06, 2010, 05:22:03 PM
From the picture of you and louie looks like both of you went with flashcarts, nice idea, I wouldn't bring 5 ds carts with me the whole weekend, of course, I already knew you had a flashcart, not sure why I am pointing this out.. Oh and are those passes from your lanyards around you guys' necks required? Louie's says media, is he a special guy or is that standard? Do you live close to the area and just had a short drive/walk or whatever? How did you even meet louie, just saw him in line and asked to play mario kart?

Louie is actually playing my friend's DS who dropped by and said he wasn't going to use it for the next few hours. But yeah flashcarts are awesome for PAX (although I was scared a Nintendo person by their booth would call me out for it :(). Yeah you need them to get in, mine just says "3 Day Pass" on it. I'll upload a picture maybe. Louie is a camera man for some small website and he did interviews or something so yeah he had a media pass. My goal for next year is to get one. But yeah I he lined up behind me, and we just started talking. I actually became good friends (for the couple hours in line) with Louie and the two people in front of me.
Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 06, 2010, 05:22:03 PM
For DNF: when you use the urinal was there a penis or was it just urine from duke's POV, no dick?

Just a urinal with a stream of piss. I could control the stream with the left stick but no penis. Duke's POV. You can probably find a video online or something.

Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 06, 2010, 05:22:03 PM
How long did you get to play all of the games, could you just take as much time as you wanted until the demo ended or was it timed and you were timed, or what?

Most games just have a set demo you can play through. I think that's what DNF had, but I didn't finish it in the 15 minute time limit since I died on the huge monster guy once. It needed the time limit since the line was so fucking long, otherwise they probably would have let you play through the whole demo.

Oh yeah unrelated, but my friend is the luckiest little bitch ever. PAX 2008: He wins a $250 Nvidia GPU. PAX 2009: He wins a $1000+ Toshiba Laptop. PAX 2010: He wins a $1000 i7 Processor. I won an Intel Sweatshirt though so that was cool. I should just take pictures of all my swag to make you guys jealous  doodella;


What contest did your friend enter to consistently win stuff? A random drawing? Did he walk out with that stuff or did they send it to his house?

What gearbox guy did you meet? How'd you know he was with gearbox at the mini mart, or was it just blind luck? What shirts did you get from bethesda?

what do the roids taste like? Mints?

Did nintendo pass out any stuff? How about the concerts you went to, were they good, pass out anything? Also curious if the concerts cost you anything, seeing as you paid to even get in would they charge for the concerts if they were on the grounds?

Were there any like dedicated gaming lounges where there were just people sitting and play DS games? Or was that just pretty much any hotel lobby in the area? Did you stay in a hotel?

Samus Aran



Quote from: Lain on September 06, 2010, 05:57:29 PM
why did you ask if you can see Duke's penis, kono doodthing;

seems like one of those "edgy" games. I mean, mafia 2 had playboy spreads uncensored, dante's inferno had all types of fucked up shit. Gay Tony had a penis in it, why not DNF? It would be cool as all hell to actually see him whip it out, no other game has done that.

ALSO: Why didn't you play New Vegas at PAX? I see on /v/ you can make potions now, holy shit, New Vegas would have been a priority.edit: Oh right you said you were at the bethesda booth, I think.

Did you play Rage? I think that was there, I don't know.

Did you have a plan going in, about what booths you wanted to visit or was it just, whatever I can do and see in three days? You played like 5 games in 3 days, what? Are the lines that big or did you not have enough time to play everything? edit: Oh wait those are just the games you "reviewed", POST MORE IMPRESSIONS and whatever else you played.



Holy shit Kono it's like I'm writing you a damn essay  baddood;
But it's okay because I love talking about PAX lol

Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 06, 2010, 05:54:04 PM
What contest did your friend enter to consistently win stuff? A random drawing? Did he walk out with that stuff or did they send it to his house?

For the graphics card, he got it there, but for the other things he won it through an intel contest and those were mailed i think. Basically if an Intel person sees you with one of their Intel badges, they give you a ticket that is redeemable for a prize. Usually it's a tshirt or a hat, but I got lucky and got a sweatshirt. We are like 90% sure that the tickets aren't random though, since we were talking to some other people, and they said that what prize you win depends on the 2nd digit under the bar code. Like if it's an "S" you get a shirt and a "C" you get a processor. That's what the told us before Austin redeemed his tickets, and he had an "S" and a "C" and got a shirt and the processor, so yeah. Austin is also an enforcer (volunteer pretty much, he's been trying to get me to do it too) so he knows all the Intel guys, so he thinks that they rigged it so he got the processor, since the guy specifically gave him a ticket with the corner bent, which turned out to be the processor. But yeah.

Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 06, 2010, 05:54:04 PM
What gearbox guy did you meet? How'd you know he was with gearbox at the mini mart, or was it just blind luck? What shirts did you get from bethesda?

Some guy who worked at the booth. Nobody major. We were buying breakfast at noon (I was up until 5am the night before with a girl ;)) and I had a hostess pie and some juice, and I made some joke about how healthy I was, and the guy turned around and laughed, and he had a gearbox shirt and an exhibitor badge, so I talked to him and made friends I guess.
From Bethesda I got two shirts from Brink (one that says "riot" and has a gun and other graphic stuff on it and the other is a Molotov cocktail that says "note in a bottle" on it), one from New Vegas (which I am wearing now, and it has a bear with two heads on it and says "New California Republic". It's my favorite bethesda one) and one from The Hunted or something that has a logo with a skull on it or something.
Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 06, 2010, 05:54:04 PM
what do the roids taste like? Mints?

Yeah, they are pretty much altoids. It was an awesome piece of swag.

Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 06, 2010, 05:54:04 PM
Did nintendo pass out any stuff? How about the concerts you went to, were they good, pass out anything? Also curious if the concerts cost you anything, seeing as you paid to even get in would they charge for the concerts if they were on the grounds?

Nintendo had awesome DQ9 drawstring bags that were light blue and had a white slime on them. I got one of those for playing the DQ9 demo (but you could also get one if you showed them that you had the game, which i was tempted to do on my flashcart lol). I heard they were also giving out Metroid: Other M Shirts as well.

I ended up not going to the concerts (Friday night, the one I wanted to go to, I was tired as fuck, and Saturday night, we ended up having girls stay in our hotel for the night so we hung with them and a bunch of drunk canadian pax atendees in the hotel pool lol. But yeah you can get free wristbands and I think the first couple thousand people with the wrist bands get in. But they are free, and from previous year's concerts I can tell you that they are solid.

Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 06, 2010, 05:54:04 PM
Were there any like dedicated gaming lounges where there were just people sitting and play DS games? Or was that just pretty much any hotel lobby in the area? Did you stay in a hotel?

There are handheld lounges all over the place which are just a bunch of sumo bean bag chairs, so yeah you can nap or play DS or whatever. They also have console freeplay, where they have a shit load of TVs and consoles and you can play whatever you want (you check out games). And PC freeplay which is my favorite thing to do when I have spare time, where they have a couple hundred gaming PCs lanned up and you can play just about every Valve game over LAN, or UT or something. It's fucking awesome.
And yeah we stayed at the Sheritan Hotel which was right next to the convention center, since my friend got a fat discount from his dad. It was a blast, definitely worth the money (even though we live like 45 minutes away regardless).

Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 06, 2010, 06:00:51 PM
seems like one of those "edgy" games. I mean, mafia 2 had playboy spreads uncensored, dante's inferno had all types of fucked up shit. Gay Tony had a penis in it, why not DNF? It would be cool as all hell to actually see him whip it out, no other game has done that.

There were lots of titties and a scene with Duke getting a blowjob (no nudity though, you just see the girl's heads).

Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 06, 2010, 06:00:51 PM
ALSO: Why didn't you play New Vegas at PAX? I see on /v/ you can make potions now, holy shit, New Vegas would have been a priority.edit: Oh right you said you were at the bethesda booth, I think.

Did you play Rage? I think that was there, I don't know.

I didn't play it since I'm not a huge fallout fan and I didn't want to wait in line for a game I wasn't interested in. And I think it was there, but I didn't play Rage. Again, not interested.

Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 06, 2010, 06:00:51 PM
Did you have a plan going in, about what booths you wanted to visit or was it just, whatever I can do and see in three days? You played like 5 games in 3 days, what? Are the lines that big or did you not have enough time to play everything? edit: Oh wait those are just the games you "reviewed", POST MORE IMPRESSIONS and whatever else you played.

We had a plan going in, like rush to the Bethesda booths (since my friend, being an enforcer who helped set up, knew they had lots of shirts) to grab shirts, but aside from that not really. If we had a lot of free time we'd go in the giant lines (portal 2, duke nukem) but I was able to play everything that I wanted to play. Epic Mickey had a huge line since one of the guys who did art work for the game was doing sketches (you could ask him for a pirate mickey, or a astronaut mickey, etc) for anybody who waited.

Which games do you want more to hear about? I don't feel like going over all of them again.

Also, something that I did a lot of that I haven't mentioned is going to panels. On Friday I went to "How to become a Videogame journalist," "How to compete with the big sites like IGN," (because I am working on a small gaming blog, so I can get a media pass next year  hocuspocus;) which had Jim Sterling from Dtoid, which was fucking awesome since i love him and had a conversation with him after the panel. Then on Saturday I went to "Destructoid Live" which was fucking awesome and I'm in their group picture this year, but sadly they haven't posted it yet. I also went to "How to get into marketing in the videogame industry" on Saturday, which is exactly what I want to get into, which was great and I got a few business cards for summer internships, and I met a senior at my university at that panel and he gave me some tips on that area in college, and invited me to be in his gaming club at WWU which was awesome.



Quote from: Nyerp on September 06, 2010, 06:59:45 PM
i am not reading that!

Yeah when I clicked preview I couldn't believe how much i just typed. Kono, you better be satisfied with that.

Samus Aran


Oh my god that's awesome! I figured only big press driven events like E3 had panels, that's really cool! Did you have to wait in a line or something to talk to the Destructoid journalist? Sounds as though you are really forging a path inside, imo, which is really cool. Gaming advertisement sounds like a nice field too. How long were the panels, about an hour? Were they pretty much free entry until they were full? Did you ask any questions at any of the panels? I would have liked the Dtoid one, then again, what would they talk about? What DID they discuss at the Dtoid panel?How is the Dtoid picture organized, just whoever wants shows up at whatever time and gets in the shot or what?

That's a cool story about the minimart although I'd be creeped out if some random guy turned around and laughed at a joke I made, lol.Still pretty awesome.

Try and get a picture of that DQIX bag and those shirts! And I'm sure showing that nintendo guy DQIX on your cart would have made for an awesome story, how the person reacted, lol. They would either not know what was going on, or would know it was a flashcart and refuse to give you a bag lol

I would have definitely tried to get a custom drawing of mickey, that would have been cool to hang up on the wall. Did they have to pay for the images (that'd be a dick move) or was it free for whoever waited? I'd wait 2 hours for Duke, 5 for a mickey drawing, but that's just me lol

How early do you have to be in the pax prime area to be an "enforcer"? That sounds like a lot of fun setting up, and getting secret perks like your friend, why wouldn't you do this?! This enforcer question you probably can't answer since it's you never did participated.

So were there signs pointing to the different areas, like the sort of different lounges and stuff? Did anyone really nap in the center? That'd be weird to just sleep right there. Cool that there's the option though. And never heard about the LAN'd PCs and free-consoles, more cool ways to meet awesome people.

Did you go to the Kinect booth?! That would be awesome to play with it before anyone else (well before most commoners) and have a first hand impression! Did PS Move have a booth?
I imagine the Microsoft area would be filled to the brim, their lines and all, so not sure, but how about Gears 3 or Fable 3? You played super meat boy, so how about Comic jumper, another XBLA game?

Thanks for answering btw, much appreciated.

Baron von Narwhal

Quote from: Strongbob on September 06, 2010, 06:58:26 PM
We are like 90% sure that the tickets aren't random though, since we were talking to some other people, and they said that what prize you win depends on the 2nd digit under the bar code. Like if it's an "S" you get a shirt and a "C" you get a processor.

I was the one who told you that, give credit  madood;


Yeah just post pictures of all the stuff. I don't want to read all of konos text lol.


Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 06, 2010, 07:29:28 PM
Oh my god that's awesome! I figured only big press driven events like E3 had panels, that's really cool! Did you have to wait in a line or something to talk to the Destructoid journalist? Sounds as though you are really forging a path inside, imo, which is really cool. Gaming advertisement sounds like a nice field too. How long were the panels, about an hour? Were they pretty much free entry until they were full? Did you ask any questions at any of the panels? I would have liked the Dtoid one, then again, what would they talk about? What DID they discuss at the Dtoid panel?How is the Dtoid picture organized, just whoever wants shows up at whatever time and gets in the shot or what?

The one where I talked to Sterling was a really small panel (probably about 30 people showed up) and I was in the front row, right next to the speakers, so right when they finished, I stood up and walked over to Jim and told him how much I loved their old podcasts, and how he was awesome, and he told me about The Electric Hydra, which is pretty much their new podcast, which I hadn't heard of, so that was cool.

Yeah all the panels I went to were an hour. They're all free entry, and the enforcers will count the people in the line, and will let people in until the line cap fills up, which sucks when people cut in line, since because of that I didn't make it into the Dtoid panel last year. I was first in line this year lol.

Dtoid spent a lot of time circlejerking about how awesome their community was. I didn't ask any questions at any panels, but I would have if I had any good ones. The Dtoid panel also had a world wide debut announcement of the new bit.trip game, and a debut trailer for it.

The Dtoid picture pissed me off. Last year it was on the big stairs inside the convention center, so we all go down there, and I am lucky enough to be right next to Jim Sterling AND Niero right in the front, but then when all of the 100+ people are in position and we were literally 30 seconds away from taking the picture, the enforcers kick us off the stairs since we are blocking traffic, so we go outside, and I get stuck on the outside of the picture :( but oh well it was still cool.

Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 06, 2010, 07:29:28 PM
That's a cool story about the minimart although I'd be creeped out if some random guy turned around and laughed at a joke I made, lol.Still pretty awesome.

Pics of all my shirts (aside from DNF) and DQ9 bag:
Mortal Kombat, Front

Mortal Kombat, Back

Brink Shirts

Fallout New Vegas

The Gig (I forgot about this one)

DQ9 Bag

And I can't find my shirt for the other Bethesda game, but it's not too amazing.

Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 06, 2010, 07:29:28 PM
I would have definitely tried to get a custom drawing of mickey, that would have been cool to hang up on the wall. Did they have to pay for the images (that'd be a dick move) or was it free for whoever waited? I'd wait 2 hours for Duke, 5 for a mickey drawing, but that's just me lol

Ah yeah I think they mickey line was about 2 hours or so but I didn't have enough time for it, and Duke Nukem was a higher priority. Yeah they were free haha.

Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 06, 2010, 07:29:28 PM
How early do you have to be in the pax prime area to be an "enforcer"? That sounds like a lot of fun setting up, and getting secret perks like your friend, why wouldn't you do this?! This enforcer question you probably can't answer since it's you never did participated.

You apply a few months before pax. They have some application online from what my friend told me. Yeah, it would be awesome for the perks (enforcers each got a free sumo bean bag chair since they were getting rid of them ahhhh i am jealous), but I would be angry if I had to work in a line or something during a panel I wanted to go. I told my friend that I'd be one if I can't get a media badge next year (I'd probably get the position since I have three years of PAX under my belt, as well as a few connections).

Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 06, 2010, 07:29:28 PM
So were there signs pointing to the different areas, like the sort of different lounges and stuff? Did anyone really nap in the center? That'd be weird to just sleep right there. Cool that there's the option though. And never heard about the LAN'd PCs and free-consoles, more cool ways to meet awesome people.

There are signs, and you also have a map of the whole convention center in the packet that they give you during arrival. And yeah I saw plenty of people napping lol. The LAN'd PCs and freeplay in general is fucking awesome. The guy who I mentioned that I met who goes to my college invited me to some table top gaming freeplay (they have this too) but I couldn't make it since I was in line for DNF :(

Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 06, 2010, 07:29:28 PM
Did you go to the Kinect booth?! That would be awesome to play with it before anyone else (well before most commoners) and have a first hand impression! Did PS Move have a booth?
I imagine the Microsoft area would be filled to the brim, their lines and all, so not sure, but how about Gears 3 or Fable 3? You played super meat boy, so how about Comic jumper, another XBLA game?

I wasn't able to try out Kinect (but I did try Move on a shitty LoTR game and it was shit from what I played) because I'm not going to buy it and the lines for Kinect games were over half an hour by estimation. Yeah, Gears 3, Reach, and Fable all had huge lines, that I didn't really think were worth it. I was only able to play SMB but I did see some people playing Comic Jumper, if that helps lol.

But yeah no problem, hopefully I've inspired you to go to PAX one of these years lol.


What does it say on the arm of the New Vegas shirt? On the brink shirts is there like BRINK on the back of it or is it just the front image?

That DQIX bag is cool but damn that color is bright. I would have preferred black with a dark blue outlining for the slime, that would have been awesome.

And the Mortal Kombat shirt is also really cool looking maybe slightly overdesigned with the heart on the shirt (why?) and the MK emblem on BOTH shoulders and the back. Less is more, for a Tshirt, like Brink's and New Vegas'.

Might be random, but did they have any posters? Did PAX sell anything, more tshirts or bags or something, outside of free swag and I guess food? Is there a food court in the center?

I know other media people were there, did you see any kotaku or g4 (xplay) there?

Well, that's about all the questions I can think of. Looks like pax prime gets bigger every year, DNF was a shocker, a new Bit trip game also (I never played any of the series, but I hear good things), really cool stuff. The lines would get annoying  (main reason why amusement parks are a bitch) but hey, you get to play games before anyone else and sometimes get free stuff so the payoff is a hell of a lot better lol.

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