ITT I talk about how I played Duke Nukem Forever and am better than you all

Started by strongbad, September 06, 2010, 02:04:55 PM

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So I'm sure you've all heard that Duke Nukem Forever was at PAX, and it's a pretty big deal. When we first walked into the expo hall and saw the booth, just about everybody around us was like "wtf is this real." It was a big enough line to make it the longest line in the whole fucking expo hall. I waited in line for 2.5 hours.
Here's the booth:

The line wasn't too bad, since I met some awesome people and was with a couple friends of mine and we all played Mario Kart for about an hour and a half.
They also had cool pictures like this:

But yeah when I finally played it, it was fucking awesome. You start out at a urinal and you hold down one of the triggers to pee, then you go out and battle this fucking giant monster thing with some rocket launcher gun and then after that you start a driving mission with pretty solid vehicle controls, and then my 15 minutes was up. I honestly enjoyed it a lot and even though I've barely played the original Duke Nukem games, I'll probably give this a buy.

We also got fucking awesome swag from that booth:

The "Steroids" are pretty much just altoids, but THERE ARE 1000 IN EACH CONTAINER. That is a lot of fucking altoids.

But yeah I am one of the first people ever to play DNF fuck yeah




Oh and I don't want to make a new topic so I'm just going to throw out that I also played the new Kirby Game, the new Donkey Kong Country, the new Goldeneye, the new Mortal Kombat (i got a shirt for this one fuck yeah) and GT5 with a fucking awesome racing setup. There are probably more that I'm forgetting.

Commander Fuckass][/URL]3DS Friend Code: 5086-5790-7151


Quote from: Strongbob on September 06, 2010, 02:25:09 PM
Oh and I don't want to make a new topic so I'm just going to throw out that I also played the new Kirby Game, the new Donkey Kong Country, the new Goldeneye, the new Mortal Kombat (i got a shirt for this one fuck yeah) and GT5 with a fucking awesome racing setup. There are probably more that I'm forgetting.

What would be your impressions on these games? baddood;


Quote from: Strongbob on September 06, 2010, 02:21:37 PM
here i am playing mario kart in line next to my new friend Louie giggle;

your eyes are very blue  O_0
Quote from: Thyme on September 06, 2010, 02:32:09 PM
What would be your impressions on these games? baddood;

Particularly GT5


Quote from: Thyme on September 06, 2010, 02:32:09 PM
What would be your impressions on these games? baddood;

Kirby: Really adorable, but from what I played (co-op mind you) it was easy as hell, which isn't unusual for a kirby game I guess.
Donkey Kong: Fucking awesome. Played co-op and it was just about as challenging as the older games. We had something like 10 lives (both players shared the lives) and we ended up losing all of them and my friend finished without me. Will get on launch for sure.
Goldeneye: Played with 3 other people and we all used the classic controllers. There was only one gun but I was oddjob lol. Graphics sucked dick but it felt exactly like playing the old goldeneye with refreshed controls (like the perfect dark remake pretty much) and was very enjoyable. Probably will buy.
GT5: Fuck. The racing seat and wheel were amazing. The wheel offered extremely similar feedback to driving a normal car, and the vibrations in the seat felt incredibly realistic. Unfortunately the driving was also realistic as fuck and I sucked at it and probably looked like an idiot. I think I'll stick to Forza 3.
Mortal Kombat: Very enjoyable but I've never gotten into MK games so I sucked dick and got smashed on by this little asian kid. So idk

I also played the new motorstorm which was pretty awesome, LEGO universe which was boring, some other MMO that felt like WoW and was stupid, some Endwar game that was stupid, and some LotR game that was stupid.


Quote from: Strongbob on September 06, 2010, 02:46:42 PM
GT5: Fuck. The racing seat and wheel were amazing. The wheel offered extremely similar feedback to driving a normal car, and the vibrations in the seat felt incredibly realistic. Unfortunately the driving was also realistic as fuck and I sucked at it and probably looked like an idiot. I think I'll stick to Forza 3.

I can't waaaaaiiiiittttt. girl;


Just a little under two months now. goowan
Quote from: Strongbob on September 06, 2010, 02:46:42 PM
Kirby: Really adorable, but from what I played (co-op mind you) it was easy as hell, which isn't unusual for a kirby game I guess.

Not surprised there.




Quote from: Nyerp on September 06, 2010, 04:33:48 PM
don't care about duke nukem but those other games are cook

Yeah I think my personal favorite game was Donkey Kong.

OH I also played Super Meat Boy which is fucking awesome and I have been anticipating it for a long time, so that was good.


1.8mb is too huge for a sig nigga


well fuck, this looks more like the REAL PAX like you've been talking about.

So uh, for the swag did you just walk in the area and they gave you the roids and shirt or how does that work exactly (never been to a con/expo of any kind) for DNF and GT5 (what did this shirt look like btw).

From the picture of you and louie looks like both of you went with flashcarts, nice idea, I wouldn't bring 5 ds carts with me the whole weekend, of course, I already knew you had a flashcart, not sure why I am pointing this out.. Oh and are those passes from your lanyards around you guys' necks required? Louie's says media, is he a special guy or is that standard? Do you live close to the area and just had a short drive/walk or whatever? How did you even meet louie, just saw him in line and asked to play mario kart?

For DNF: when you use the urinal was there a penis or was it just urine from duke's POV, no dick?

How long did you get to play all of the games, could you just take as much time as you wanted until the demo ended or was it timed and you were timed, or what?

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