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Started by j o e i n c, December 11, 2008, 05:50:19 PM

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Quote from: Kazmopolitan on December 12, 2008, 05:05:15 AM
Cement...what a weird fetish.
well the fetish was presumably having liquids put in your bum (klismaphilia) not specifically concrete

Bolivian Army

Donate now to the Guff Is Great foundation. baddood;

Samus Aran

Quote from: Brooks on December 12, 2008, 06:56:28 AM
have you ever met link332  baddood;


but i'm pretty sure he never mentioned cement fetishes

Quote from: Commodore Guff on December 12, 2008, 05:59:33 AM
well the fetish was presumably having liquids put in your bum (klismaphilia) not specifically concrete

oh okay


Quote from: Kazmopolitan on December 12, 2008, 10:29:01 AM

but i'm pretty sure he never mentioned cement fetishes

He got high and fucked a concrete floor.

Samus Aran

Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: Angry Kewn Fruit on December 12, 2008, 10:29:56 AM
He got high and fucked a concrete floor.
what the fuck
Details please. baddood;

Bolivian Army

Quote from: TECTRINKET on December 12, 2008, 12:58:07 PM
what the fuck
Details please. baddood;

There was a hole in his basement floor and he like to smoke marijuana.  baddood;

Donate now to the Guff Is Great foundation. baddood;


oh and there's of course:;u=27;id=507

[spoiler]SnakesOnALink332 (2:21:42 AM): dude
SnakesOnALink332 (2:21:46 AM): im so high
kredmond51 (2:20:46 AM): how the hell did you know i just got back
SnakesOnALink332 (2:21:52 AM): are you going to carsons party
kredmond51 (2:20:48 AM): and youre black
kredmond51 (2:20:51 AM): of course youre high
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:01 AM): yeah
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:06 AM): i know dude omg
kredmond51 (2:21:01 AM): are you really?
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:11 AM): yeah
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:16 AM): are you going to carsons party?
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:22 AM): im bringing like 4 grams.
kredmond51 (2:21:22 AM): whos carson?
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:29 AM): albert did get the fucking acid
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:32 AM): that girl
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:38 AM): i dont know her either
kredmond51 (2:21:37 AM): dude
kredmond51 (2:21:39 AM): i dont live near you
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:51 AM): I got an invite but you dont need one to get in
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:53 AM): what?
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:55 AM): ho is this??
kredmond51 (2:21:52 AM): uhhh
kredmond51 (2:21:57 AM): i live in connecticut man
SnakesOnALink332 (2:23:08 AM): what the fuck
kredmond51 (2:22:06 AM): hahaha
kredmond51 (2:22:45 AM): you are so high
SnakesOnALink332 (2:23:58 AM): yeah I know ddue
kredmond51 (2:23:05 AM): youre freaking in 9th grade
SnakesOnALink332 (2:24:12 AM): but carsons party yay
kredmond51 (2:23:08 AM): chill
SnakesOnALink332 (2:24:16 AM): yeah
SnakesOnALink332 (2:24:22 AM): stfu you dont tell me what to do
SnakesOnALink332 (2:24:28 AM): but um
kredmond51 (2:23:23 AM): haha youre so black
SnakesOnALink332 (2:24:37 AM): that one girl is going to suck oon my penis.
kredmond51 (2:23:41 AM): ok now youre just being rapid
SnakesOnALink332 (2:24:48 AM): i bet shes estatic
SnakesOnALink332 (2:24:55 AM): wtf is rapid mean
kredmond51 (2:23:56 AM): this is getting outsider'd
SnakesOnALink332 (2:25:07 AM): wtf
SnakesOnALink332 (2:25:09 AM): no
SnakesOnALink332 (2:25:11 AM): stop
kredmond51 (2:24:10 AM): sorry cant
SnakesOnALink332 (2:25:20 AM): why not
SnakesOnALink332 (2:25:23 AM): you fucking asshole
SnakesOnALink332 (2:25:36 AM): i bet your ancestors were my ancestors owners
kredmond51 (2:24:30 AM): because youre being a rapid
SnakesOnALink332 (2:25:42 AM): what the fuck is rapid
SnakesOnALink332 (2:25:52 AM): rapidrapidrapid just tell me what that means
kredmond51 (2:24:46 AM): massive lulz
SnakesOnALink332 (2:25:58 AM): this is not epic lulz
kredmond51 (2:24:58 AM): "im so drunk right now"
SnakesOnALink332 (2:26:07 AM): im over at twizz's place do
SnakesOnALink332 (2:26:10 AM): m not drunk
kredmond51 (2:25:08 AM): dude
kredmond51 (2:25:10 AM): i dont know you
kredmond51 (2:25:15 AM): other than that you have an afro
SnakesOnALink332 (2:26:24 AM): yes you do
kredmond51 (2:25:19 AM): your name is sebastian
SnakesOnALink332 (2:26:28 AM): yeah i do
kredmond51 (2:25:22 AM): and that youre black
SnakesOnALink332 (2:26:32 AM): i keep my weed in my afro
SnakesOnALink332 (2:26:58 AM): im probably going to that party
SnakesOnALink332 (2:27:03 AM): im so going to that party
kredmond51 (2:26:00 AM): gogogogogogo
SnakesOnALink332 (2:27:20 AM): its at 6
SnakesOnALink332 (2:27:23 AM): i tihn
SnakesOnALink332 (2:27:24 AM): 6-11?
SnakesOnALink332 (2:27:36 AM): check the invitation
SnakesOnALink332 (2:27:39 AM): oh wait
SnakesOnALink332 (2:27:45 AM): did you get an invitation
SnakesOnALink332 (2:27:51 AM): people were just handing them out
SnakesOnALink332 (2:28:02 AM): she lives in like pittstown
SnakesOnALink332 (2:28:12 AM): shes like 5 miles away but ive never been there before
SnakesOnALink332 (2:28:24 AM): she probably has like some mansion house
kredmond51 (2:27:16 AM): dude what are you talking about
SnakesOnALink332 (2:28:28 AM): I know she has a pool
kredmond51 (2:27:21 AM): i dont know where you live
SnakesOnALink332 (2:28:31 AM): carsons party
kredmond51 (2:27:23 AM): what town
kredmond51 (2:27:24 AM): what state
SnakesOnALink332 (2:28:41 AM): pittstown!! i told you like 4 times
kredmond51 (2:27:33 AM): dude you know me from a website
SnakesOnALink332 (2:28:47 AM): new jerz
SnakesOnALink332 (2:28:52 AM): from outsider yeah
kredmond51 (2:27:48 AM): ok well why would i get an invite
SnakesOnALink332 (2:28:59 AM): we're blood brothers
SnakesOnALink332 (2:29:10 AM): i dont know
SnakesOnALink332 (2:29:16 AM): maybe one of those girls lieks you.
SnakesOnALink332 (2:29:30 AM): theres a bunch who love me thats why I got so many invites.
kredmond51 (2:28:25 AM): how would i know them
SnakesOnALink332 (2:29:34 AM): i got like 7
SnakesOnALink332 (2:29:40 AM): oh
SnakesOnALink332 (2:29:44 AM): haha!
SnakesOnALink332 (2:29:47 AM): thats right
SnakesOnALink332 (2:29:53 AM): you wouldn't know them
kredmond51 (2:28:50 AM): no, no i wouldnt
SnakesOnALink332 (2:30:02 AM): because you live hampshire?
kredmond51 (2:28:56 AM): nor would i know about this party
kredmond51 (2:28:59 AM): connecticut
SnakesOnALink332 (2:30:14 AM): I just todlyouabout this party
kredmond51 (2:29:13 AM): i know
kredmond51 (2:29:14 AM): just
kredmond51 (2:29:15 AM): nevermind
SnakesOnALink332 (2:30:50 AM): umm
SnakesOnALink332 (2:30:51 AM): ok
SnakesOnALink332 (2:30:55 AM): sketchball
kredmond51 (2:29:54 AM): kk?
SnakesOnALink332 (2:31:20 AM): im so hungryy
SnakesOnALink332 (2:31:23 AM): theres no one on aim
SnakesOnALink332 (2:31:30 AM): theres like 39 people
SnakesOnALink332 (2:31:35 AM): but they're all away
kredmond51 (2:30:35 AM): its like 2:30
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:23 AM): what
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:25 AM): dont tell guff
kredmond51 (2:32:27 AM): ill make a blog
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:37 AM): dont tell
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:41 AM): what blog
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:45 AM): you have a blog
kredmond51 (2:32:37 AM): exactly
kredmond51 (2:32:39 AM): why yes
kredmond51 (2:32:40 AM): yes i do
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:53 AM): turn your fucking blog off
kredmond51 (2:32:49 AM): nah
SnakesOnALink332 (2:36:03 AM): im so hungry
kredmond51 (2:35:19 AM): eat food
SnakesOnALink332 (2:37:15 AM): im at my friends house
SnakesOnALink332 (2:37:20 AM): he has no food
SnakesOnALink332 (2:37:24 AM): i smell like pot
SnakesOnALink332 (2:37:30 AM): "|
kredmond51 (2:36:30 AM): you dont get high with no food
SnakesOnALink332 signed off at 2:36:39 AM.
SnakesOnALink332 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.

Samus Aran


SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:23 AM): what
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:25 AM): dont tell guff
kredmond51 (2:32:27 AM): ill make a blog
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:37 AM): dont tell
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:41 AM): what blog
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:45 AM): you have a blog
kredmond51 (2:32:37 AM): exactly
kredmond51 (2:32:39 AM): why yes
kredmond51 (2:32:40 AM): yes i do
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:53 AM): turn your fucking blog off

I fucking lol'd


I do not have HIV/AIDS.


Why did it take me this long to get the pun? ;_;



Samus Aran

Quote from: Lotos on December 12, 2008, 06:59:23 PM
Why did it take me this long to get the pun? ;_;

Quote from: Selkie224 on December 12, 2008, 07:16:37 PM

lol wow you guys



My girlfriend's mother is a nurse. I've heard dozens of stories like this, but concrete in the bum? That takes the fucking cake. Game-fucking-over.

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