So, that daggone "Twilight" movie that all the fangirls are screaming over

Started by Sam, November 21, 2008, 12:28:32 AM

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Was actually pretty good. I went and saw the midnight showing toonight that all my friends wanted me to see, and.. I didn't dislike it. It was sexy and now I just want someone hot to have hardcore sex with who will protect me forevers. :(

And apparently I learned that I jhave worse taste in guys than I thought... because I was drooling over the guy that all my friends thought was ugly (Jacob) and they were drooling over the guy who looked creepy as fuck to me (James).

And furthermore, they were all dressed as vampires from the movie. After watching the movie, I realized I would have been better than all of them, as I'm the only one white enough for the part.

But noo, no, I was dressed as Harry Potter. And I do not regret this.

Anyone else get to see it?

also oh god I haven't slept in 2 days and I'm running on monsters.
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Samus Aran


Quote from: Kazmopolitan on November 21, 2008, 12:40:05 AM
fucking go to sleep doodthing;

and no, i'm not going to see it

I'm doing homework, taking a shower, and playing zelda til school.

I probably won't even finish the homework, I'll have to stop for my shower and get no zelda in. :(

And I'm really wide awake right now. I've passed the tired phase. It's funny because I'm usually like.. a borderline narcoleptic. I usually sleep 10-14 hours a day due to depression or just.. whatever. And it makes it so I'm tired ALL the time. But now I'm wide awake. I'm embracing it.
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I was going to make a thread about it's terrible book series of which it were based on.

I have not seen the movie yet but seeing as the source material is shit, I doubt the film adaption will be any better. Why the hell do girls like that book so much?

And I am sick of seeing the Twilight/Harry Potter comparison, they are nothing alike. HP has global appeal, Twilight is just some shitty romance novel with an uninteresting plot and static characters. HP was actually GOOD (the first 4 books, amazing).


Quote from: KonohaShinobi on November 21, 2008, 04:53:08 AM
I was going to make a thread about it's terrible book series of which it were based on.

I have not seen the movie yet but seeing as the source material is shit, I doubt the film adaption will be any better. Why the hell do girls like that book so much?

And I am sick of seeing the Twilight/Harry Potter comparison, they are nothing alike. HP has global appeal, Twilight is just some shitty romance novel with an uninteresting plot and static characters. HP was actually GOOD (the first 4 books, amazing).

I am not defending Twilight but (unless I misunderstand what you mean by "Global Appeal") you cannot say that it doesn't have a global appeal. The books aren't really that fantastic I cannot understand so much why girls get obsessed with them the way that they do but I wouldn't consider them horrible or even that badly written (along the lines of MOST modern literature IMO but that could just be a personal taste issue) and I really would not say that Harry Potter is written that much better.
I don't know but really liking it and really disliking it both seem a bit silly but if people are happy I'm fine.
the book of right on


Quote from: ncba93ivyase on April 04, 2014, 10:31:27 PM
geno i swear to fucking god silvertone and i are going to board you up in your house and have the world's greatest goddamn boyager meetup right next door and put burning bags of dog shit in front of all of your windows and doors and your house will smell like dog shit but you won't be able to extinguish the flames and you'll choke and die on dog shit fumes. what made you will also kill you.

i am throwing down 5 god DAMN dollars geno i will go out and collect the dog shit myself this is fucking happening jesus fucking christ

i'll give you an upperdecker with dog shit and don't you fucking doubt it for one little second you fat bastard




Quote from: ncba93ivyase on April 04, 2014, 10:31:27 PM
geno i swear to fucking god silvertone and i are going to board you up in your house and have the world's greatest goddamn boyager meetup right next door and put burning bags of dog shit in front of all of your windows and doors and your house will smell like dog shit but you won't be able to extinguish the flames and you'll choke and die on dog shit fumes. what made you will also kill you.

i am throwing down 5 god DAMN dollars geno i will go out and collect the dog shit myself this is fucking happening jesus fucking christ

i'll give you an upperdecker with dog shit and don't you fucking doubt it for one little second you fat bastard


Quote from: KonohaShinobi on November 21, 2008, 04:53:08 AM
And I am sick of seeing the Twilight/Harry Potter comparison, they are nothing alike. HP has global appeal, Twilight is just some shitty romance novel with an uninteresting plot and static characters. HP was actually GOOD (the first 4 books, amazing).

Well, I only read the first four Harry Potter books.  I forgot most of the details though akudood;  I don't even want to bother with Twilight.  My friend compared the popularity to males and WoW.  I respect WoW a lot more than Twilight, and that doesn't say much.


Quote from: Hiro on November 21, 2008, 02:20:24 PM

Who's also badass.

okay, thing with me is from what I hear about Twilight, It sounded like one GIANT vampire fanfiction. And fanfictions scare me.

upomn seeing it, I realized it was one giant fanfiction. But the male characters are just so... perfect that I don't see how it would not attract a girl or gay's attention.

There's a big enough variety that no matter what kinda guy you go for, he's available.

personally I'll settle for Edward, Jacob, or Eric. Preferably Edward only because werewolves scare me.
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I didn't notice it existed until like a month ago.  goonish

I don't see what's so interesting about it.


Quote from: Selkie224 on November 21, 2008, 11:41:11 AM
No Jake is definitely hotter than James don't worry about that.

Thanks, I feel so much better now.  cjlubdoods;

Also, I editted my second most recent post with more info, somewhere up there ^^^^
1.8mb is too huge for a sig nigga


Quote from: Sam on November 21, 2008, 05:36:19 PM
Thanks, I feel so much better now.  cjlubdoods;

Also, I editted my second most recent post with more info, somewhere up there ^^^^

Im a boy, just keep that in mind, it may not make you feel as much better knowing that lol


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