Boyah Gets Lost: Dictator MF gets a taste of his own medicine... Which is cum.

Started by Andrew1911, May 10, 2007, 06:59:15 PM

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Andrew1911 was punching a baby for making too much damn noise when he realized the time. Andrew said, "Listen up, you punk ass baby. You dick around one more time and I will kill you. Right now, I got a place to be so if you fuck with me one more time, your rattle is going to be inserted into your anus." The baby became quiet. Andrew ran to his car and inspected his Colt .45. Andrew thought to himself, "I can finally kill all those fucking retards, once and for all. They are too stupid to live in the world."

Andrew1911 hid the gun in the only place he could: His tight, badass asshole. Once Andrew inserted the gun inside his asshole, he drove to the airport to begin his attack. He had to wait till the plane took off to kill all the Boyaholics, though. Can't risk one of them getting away. They all have to die. All of them. Andrew exited his car and walked to check in. The check in man asked, "Do you have any luggage, sir?" Andrew1911 said, "No, you toupee wearing fucktart. Give me my ticket before I decide to ram your head into the bench over there."

The check in man whimpered and gave Andrew1911 his ticket. Andrew got through security with ease because no one wants to mess with Andrew. No one. He walked onto the plane and found Mariomaniac in his seat. MM said, "You..." Andrew whispered, "Get the fuck out of my seat before I rip your fucking intestines out and make you eat them." MM got out of Andrew's seat and muttered, "Stupid rebeller..." Andrew screamed, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY?" MM said with a whimper, "Uh... I love you?" Andrew1911 yelled, "THAT BETTER BE WHAT YOU FUCKING SAID!"

Andrew1911 put on his Creative Zen and listened to Phil Collins' "Something In The Air". All would hopefully go according to plan. The Boyaholics would die painfully... Back in the baggage room, Silverhawk was thinking he was doing pretty damn well on the game. So far, he got to level 44. Could he make it all the way to level 69?





Andrew1911 was punching a baby for making too much damn noise when he realized the time. Andrew said, "Listen up, you punk ass baby. You dick around one more time and I will kill you. Right now, I got a place to be so if you fuck with me one more time, your rattle is going to be inserted into your anus."

I lol'd seriously.



Riosan was eating a Twix bar, posting on Boyah, and while masturbating in his boudiere. It was awkward to masturbate with sticky fingers since your hands stick to the cock when trying masturbate. It's difficult to do. Anyway, Rio was a master of masturbation. He did not have any trouble masturbating in any climate or situation. If a bomb was about to go off in twenty seconds, Rio could squeeze one out with thirteen seconds to spare. He was a chronic masturbater.

As he squeezed one off into his tissue, Rio noticed a news bullentin on Boyah he had never noticed before. [Editor's Note: It had been on Boyah in bold for several weeks.] Rio decided to go on the trip just for the chance to fuck a Japanese girl and a chance to put his penis somewhere else besides his hands (He's ambivalent). Rio packed his suitcases with his hand in his boxers. Rio told his dad to get the fuck up and drive him to the airport with his hands in his jean pockets.

Rio's dad got the fuck up and drove him to the airport while Rio moaned in the back seat. Rio shot his load and it went on the back of his father's head. Rio's dad screamed, "USE THE FUCKING CUP, YOU GOD DAMN ASSHOLE!" He used his moisture wipes to clean the back of his head as Rio still went back to working the shaft. They finally reached the airport and the cup was to the brim.

As he let his son off, Rio's father wondered how the hell that boy had so much cum in him. Rio checked in and saw Andrew1911. He knew he was in trouble if Andrew caught him masturbating. Rio had to stop masturbating... For a day. Rio cried and thought to himself how he could possibly not touch that wonder shaft for a whole day. Rio had no choice in the matter and went on the airplane. Hopefully, they don't have any porn on the flight...


May 10, 2007, 09:31:55 PM #64 Last Edit: May 10, 2007, 09:34:00 PM by Andrew1911

Jack Bauer stared at Andrew1911, holding his weapon, not making a move. Andrew held Zack777 hostage. Andrew just stared back at Bauer. Bauer thought to himself on how this had never happened before. Bauer finally said, "Usually, when I stare at people, they die. But, not you. You're different." Andrew smiled an evil grin and said, "I'm Andrew1911... And you're going to die."


"Uh, this is your captain speaking. Uh, it appears... Uh... That we'll be... Uh... Taking off shortly. Uh... Clear weather and... Uh... A chance for some sex... Is also... Uh... Clear," The captain spoke. The Oggmonster was trying to get over the traumatic acid trip he had in the bathroom. That was when he noticed crap on his shoulder. At first, he shrugged it off and said it was his own. Than, he noticed Mariofreak55 looking over him and eyefucking him several times. That was when Ogg noticed corn in the crap on his shoulder... The Oggmonster didn't eat corn.

The plane took off and everything was going to go down in several minutes. Andrew1911 checked his Mickey Mouse watch. He had five minutes to take a hostage and take down this bitch motherfucker. Several more minutes passed and Andrew saw Zack777, slutting himself up in a corner of the plane with Lozal. Andrew knew this was his chance. He took out his pistol and walked over to Zack777 and pulled him away from Lozal. Lozal said, "Hey, what the f- Oh, it's Andrew1911! Hey, buddy, how you doing?"

Andrew1911 screamed, "IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO DIE,  LOZAL! ALONG WITH YOU FUCKING DISGRACES FOR HUMAN BEINGS! I'M GOING TO TAKE THIS PLANE DOWN! YOU WON'T EVER BE ABLE TO MAKE THE GENE POOL WORSE THAN IT ALREADY IS!"  Paperback Writer saw it going down and he knew he had only one choice to make. He called the number. Paperback Writer got up out of his seat and walked over to Fizzee. Booster said, "Andrew... I called Jack Bauer... You're not going to win, Andrew." Andrew1911 knew this meant a problem with his plan. In anger, he shot Paperback Writer in the head.

Andrew1911 screamed to the cockpit, "LET ME THE FUCK IN OR I FIRE!" They did not open the door. Right before Andrew shot the door, he heard the sound of a rapidly approaching airplane. It was soft, at first... But, it was becoming louder... It now sounded like train coming directly at them. The Oggmonster shit his shit stained pants. All of a sudden, a large object crashed right into the plane, killing secondary characters no one cared about such as fox127, Clair, and others to be named at a later time when people ask for a cameo.

Emerging from the large object was...


Jack Bauer smiled. Jack said, "Listen, Andrew1911, I knew you're not going to kill me because you're too much of a puss-" Mariofreak55 interrupted, "Dude, he just shot the guy who called you in the head." Jack frowned, "Oh... Well, it appears we will have to engage in a stare fight, Andrew. Are you man enough?" Andrew1911 laughed, "My show doesn't suck now, you little bitch. I'm going to kick your ass."

The stare fight was on. They stared at each other for hours. Andrew1911 realized he could just shoot Bauer in the face right now so he grabbed his gun and since Bauer's eyes were so tired, he couldn't see the move coming. Bauer was killed on Thursday, May 18th, 2008 by Andrew1911. Andrew screamed, "Now, you're all going to die, you fuckers! MWHA, HA, HA! MW-" The plane jolted upwards and Andrew1911 hit his head on the top of the plane. He was bleeding badly.

Cut to the bottom of the plane where Silverhawk had been playing with his "DS" and he finally had reached Level 69. Silver triumphed and saw the sign that said "DESTROYING ALL ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT IN VICINITY!!!" Silver said, "What?" A loud screeching sound was heard as it sent out a signal that would destroy the plane's engine support. Silver said, "Fuckballs..."

Back to the action, Andrew1911 said, "Well... That hurt... But, I'm not dead yet, you fucks!" As soon as he said that, the plane was going in a downward spiral. Andrew fell to the back of the plane when he was at the door of the cockpit. Andrew hit several seats and Boyaholics on his way to his death. Andrew finally ended his life by landing on a jagged spork. Andrew1911 muttered, "I tried, God... I tried..." Andrew1911 shed a tear as he coughed up his lungs.

The plane continued it's spiral. In the cockpit, the pilot screamed, "WHERE ARE WE LANDING?" The co-pilot hollered, "IN-" As soon as he was about to say the location, the plane broke in half over an island and crashed. It was about to begin.



This is nice.  Very well written.  Your doing a great job.  flower;


Quote from: Andrew1911 on May 10, 2007, 09:40:25 PM
Opinions plz  gonk;

Awesome. thumbup;

Needs moar V.

Did Zach777 die? *crosses fingers for good luck* Did he?


Quote from: Captain Planet on May 10, 2007, 09:42:13 PM
Quote from: Andrew1911 on May 10, 2007, 09:40:25 PM
Opinions plz  gonk;

Awesome. thumbup;

Needs moar V.

Did Zach777 die? *crosses fingers for good luck* Did he?

Yeah, pretty much. It was better to give him an off screen death than giving him the pleasure of an actual description. In the next chapter, we'll see the entire crash site...


You asked me once, what was in Room 101. I told you that you knew the answer already. Everyone knows it. The thing that is in Room 101 is Necro


Quote from: Andrew1911 on May 10, 2007, 09:43:57 PM
Quote from: Captain Planet on May 10, 2007, 09:42:13 PM
Quote from: Andrew1911 on May 10, 2007, 09:40:25 PM
Opinions plz  gonk;

Awesome. thumbup;

Needs moar V.

Did Zach777 die? *crosses fingers for good luck* Did he?

Yeah, pretty much. It was better to give him an off screen death than giving him the pleasure of an actual description. In the next chapter, we'll see the entire crash site...

Zach doesn't even get a description as to how he died. lol

Can't wait for the rest. thumbup;


Chapter 2: Stoned Eyes Closed Open

Two stoned eyes barely open. The Oggmonster awakens from the terrible crash. He looks around his surroundings. He's in a forested area. He sees his shoes on a branch above him. Ogg is too stoned to jump up for them and just moves away. He hears the strange sound of an engine whirring. He stumbles towards the sound and finally finds what he's been looking for. The plane. Unfortunately for Ogg, it's pretty fucked up. Most of the front half of the plane is scattered across the beach.


The Oggmonster shived a tranny in a back alley on Thursday night. Ogg whispered into his/her's ear, "Don't whore yourself in my street, bitchard." Ogg strutted his stuff when he walked back on the street, trying to make a buck. He was in the middle of 110th Street, whoring himself out for money... And for fun. Finally, a car approached. Ogg said, "Looking for a good time?" The man inside said, "Somewhat." Ogg got in the car and listed the menu, "Alright, for twenty bucks, we have the blowjob. Affordable but excellent. For thirty, we have the anal course. For fourty, we can go all the way up to a rim job." The man asked, "What do you suggest?" Ogg said, "The blowjob is fucking awesome." The man answered, "I'll take the blowjob." The Oggmonster smiled, "Great choice, connoseiur."

They parked in an empty parking garage. The Oggmonster said, "Here's the deal. Put up this newspaper and pretend you're reading. That way, if a cop comes up to you, you'll just say, 'Look, man, I'm just checking out the sports page." The man put up the newspaper and Ogg got to work on the shaft. The man screamed in ectasy as Ogg had performed his best blowjob ever on the man. A few moments later, the man had reached his climax. Ogg got up in time and grabbed a cup to catch the cum. Ogg said, "Man, I've doing this for several years. I know my shit. Want it as a souveniur?" The man said, "No. Here's your money. It was all worth it." Ogg said, "Well, thank you, Mr..." The man told him, "V. Mr. V."


As Ogg walks towards the crash site, he steps on something gooey. He sees he's stepped on Zack777's head. He's dead. Ogg shrugs and moves on to the plane in search of his magical mushrooms. Ogg sees something hilarous as one dude is running around the beach and gets sucked up into the plane. The plane finally stops turning and Ogg sees the man who is leading the Boyaholics in their time of need... Mariofreak55.

Mariofreak55 shouted, "BROTHERS! SISTERS! IT IS TIME FOR US TO BRING OURSELVES TOGETHER AND GET RESCUED! IF WE DON'T LIVE TOGETHER, WE'RE GOING TO DIE ALONE!" The Boyaholics shouted in agreement and set up camp near the dead plane. Silver hid in the baggage room in the plane as Reaper came for the luggage under Dictator MF's orders. As Reaper saw Silver, Reaper shouted, "OMGZORZ DICTATZ MF!1!!! GAY DUDEZ UNDERNEATHZ TEH PLANEZ11!! IT BEZ BANT MANZ!1!1!" Dictator MF shouted, "BRING HIM FORTH TO ME!"

Reaper brought Silver to Dictator MF and Dictator MF spoke, "Silver, you are cleared of your charges for this present time. You are no longer banned from Boyah. We need all the help we can get... Brother." Silver smiled and said, "Do not worry, Dictator MF! I will do all for the glorious site of Boyah!" They finally set up camp with tents and their luggages and everything. Now, it was time for their first meal. They found some delicious mushrooms in Ogg's luggage. As they ate the mushrooms, they began to feel tired and decided to take their first rest. It would be their worst night.


Was the flashback the best part of the story? Did anyone like the Zack777 joke?


Quote from: Pennywise on May 10, 2007, 10:09:02 PM
Quote from: Andrew1911 on May 10, 2007, 10:01:09 PM
Was the flashback the best part of the story? Did anyone like the Zack777 joke?
I liked the Dictator MF best, so are you planning on doing this like Lord of the Flies or more of a survival thing?

It will be both. It's like Lost. Season 1 is more of the survival stuff. Than, we get into the hatch in Season 2 where the shit starts to fly. SUPERNATURAL SHIT.


Quote from: Pennywise on May 10, 2007, 10:11:46 PM
Quote from: Andrew1911 on May 10, 2007, 10:10:01 PM
Quote from: Pennywise on May 10, 2007, 10:09:02 PM
Quote from: Andrew1911 on May 10, 2007, 10:01:09 PM
Was the flashback the best part of the story? Did anyone like the Zack777 joke?
I liked the Dictator MF best, so are you planning on doing this like Lord of the Flies or more of a survival thing?

It will be both. It's like Lost. Season 1 is more of the survival stuff. Than, we get into the hatch in Season 2 where the shit starts to fly. SUPERNATURAL SHIT.
So will we split into camps and kill eachother for glasses?

Porn. Lots of porn.

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