Started by ncba93ivyase, September 01, 2007, 08:12:51 PM

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Quote from: ncba93ivyase on June 18, 2014, 07:58:34 PMthis isa great post i will use it in my sig



My next review will be either Metroid Prime 3, or Halo 3.

Or better yet, A DOUBLE REVIEW.  burned;


Can I review stuff when I feel inspired? I can write when I'm inspired, but if I feel crabby I can't really put anything up.


Quote from: miladmaaan on September 03, 2007, 10:59:45 PM
Can I review stuff when I feel inspired? I can write when I'm inspired, but if I feel crabby I can't really put anything up.



Quote from: Guava on September 04, 2007, 04:19:44 PM
I suddenly feel inspired. Can I review something?
Of course.

Assuming you don't also submit it to Outsider. caterpie;

Quote from: ncba93ivyase on June 18, 2014, 07:58:34 PMthis isa great post i will use it in my sig


Quote from: Lawlz on September 04, 2007, 04:26:28 PM
Of course.

Assuming you don't also submit it to Outsider. caterpie;
Don't worry. Even if I did, they wouldn't post it.

The artist formally known


QuoteMetroid Prime 3: Corruption

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption begins unlike any other Metroid game, you begin with the morph ball, charge beam, spring ball, and bomb. Along with these power-ups there are many others throughout the game, some old, many new.  Some of the new power-ups include power-ups for your ship, multi-targeting missile upgrade.

Compared to the first two of the Prime series (Hunters and Pinball are considered a spin-off in my opinion) the game is more first-person shooter and less first-person adventure but still forces you to explore. The game tells you exactly what to do next like the two GBA Metroid games (Fusion and Zero mission) and uses the stack weapon ability like Super Metroid. The fire beam and the normal beam are stacked while the ice beam and the missiles are stacked, unlike the first two Prime games. This calls for less tinkering with changing your canon which saves a few seconds. The game is a tiny bit harder than the first two Prime games and you can put the game on normal or veteran mode, and once you?ve beaten the game, hyper mode.

The graphics are a lot like the first two games, a lot nicer on the Wii though. It is defiantly one of the best Wii games graphically so far, not saying much since there are only a handful of Wii games. The game will look nice even at the end of the Wii?s life time. I wasn?t incredibly impressed with the graphics but they?re a step up from anything Nintendo has produced so far.

The controls help you more then they bother you and make the game more appealing then the first two Primes in my opinion, but with this change the game plays more like a first person shooter in some areas. The Wii-mote is a bit confusing since the controller is new to me and I would occasionally press the wrong button but like most games, it?s my fault and not the game?s fault. Sometimes the game would get caught up in a corner like most Wii games do but not for long. The only controls that bothered me was when you have to press buttons, or turn objects. The Wii-mote isn?t as precious as I?d like it to be but there isn?t much of this in the game and flinging the Wii-mote around like an idiot will usually do the trick.

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption starts out pretty calm but a few seconds into the game and you?ll have beaten Ridley and a Berserker Lord, both of the bosses are pretty easy but it?s just the beginning. Later in the game the bosses get a bit harder but you won?t have too much to stress over unless you?re in veteran or hyper mode. There are many new power-ups, some attach to your ship as well. The grappling beam is split up into three different pieces as well, one to swing with, one to rip objects from their original spot, and one for your ship later in the game. The game is based around a hyper beam, it decreases health every time you fire it and only lets you enter it for a few seconds, it?s a pretty easy beam to use as long as you don?t abuse it. If you stay in hyper mode for too long you become corrupted and have to use all of the hyper beams you have. Just enter hyper mode for a few seconds and exit it as soon as you?re done and you?ll be fine. The game seems to not bring anything too original to the table, besides the controls but we all knew it was coming, the game play is solid and fun but nothing amazing. The part that made me the most excited was the 100% voice acting. Samus doesn?t say a word in the game but I was very impressed already so I didn?t want to complain too much.

The game is about ten to fifteen hours long (the only part Retro seemed to throw in to make the game longer without much effort was the fetch quest near the end), and great for those who love to collect and scan everything, the game maybe a lot shorter for those who skip the scanning and miss the energy and missile expansions. I don?t recommend playing the game this way, I suggest you enjoy it because Retro isn?t making another Metroid game for a while; which doesn?t mean there won?t be another Metroid game, because in the game if you scan a certain computer it will say that a certain Metroid project ?Dread? is nearing completion. Metroid Dread was the supposedly canceled 2.5D Metroid game.

There are a few things you can also do outside of the game, including swapping friend vouchers you receive much like achievements through the game. You trade them with other people to receive tokens which can be traded for things such as bumper stickers for your ship and Mii bobble heads. It?s just an extra to keep people from trading in their copy, after they get tired of it.

The game is great and worth the $50 for those who have a Wii but not worth buying a Wii for. In the future the game will drop its price to $10 or so, Metroid game?s prices never hold and drop very quickly so if you don?t have a Wii, just wait it out.

Graphics: 8.5
Controls: 9
Game play: 8
Total (Not an average): 8.5

The artist formally known

Here are my older reviews if you wish to post them somewhere as well

The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap
QuoteThe Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap
Game Boy Advance

This game is great; however it is very short. If you have not played this game, you might think its kiddy looking. It's not but I did find the game to be pretty easy for the most part. I think this is one of the only Zelda games so far that I always had a clue on what to do (Besides Wind Waker).

When you start up a new game, you are treated to nice stained glass pictures just like the ones in Wind Waker. The graphics are great for a 2D Zelda game. The graphics of this game are better than those of Link to the Past yet I still prefer Link to the Past?s graphics because this game?s graphics seem to include more yellow than green (in the over world) and also the trees are a weird green color; Just my personal preference. Yet I still love the graphic style, it?s totally new, it reminds me of Golden Sun graphics. Yet this is not the best graphic game for the GBA.

The controls are standard 2D Zelda no different. You press the R button to roll which is new to the 2D Zelda games. I never had controls get in the way of playing the game.

Although the graphics are nice and the controls are great what is the actual game play like? Well the game play is just dandy! It?s the same old Zelda game, true to the Zelda series, although as I said before it?s very short. Same old baddies, as well as a very awesome addition of the darknuts from Wind Waker. Some other familiar baddies from all of the Zelda?s. New items are a very nice addition; I won?t ruin the small surprise.

?What is the Minish Cap? you ask? It?s headgear that talks to you much like your boat in the Wind Waker, that lets you shrink down to ?Minish? size! Now I bet you?re asking ?what?s a Minish?? Well a Minish is a small race of intelligent (some people may say cute) rodent like race in which only children can see. When you are Minish size, you can talk to animals as well.

In this game, if you have noticed, it?s made by the same developers of the other Game Boy Zelda titles. So it must have a lot in common right? Of course it does! They layout each dungeon much like the other dungeons of any 2D Zelda game. There is always one main item you must get in each, which you get about half way through the dungeon. Somewhere around that item you will fight a mini boss which will allow you to warp to the beginning of the dungeon. And of course the bosses. There are new bosses and familiar bosses to the Zelda series, which is always neat.

I would suggest this game to any true 2D Zelda fan, as long as the price is right, please take in to consideration the only flaw! This is a very short game!

Graphics: 8
Controls: 9
Game play: 9
Total (Not an average): 9

Mario Golf: Advance Tour
QuoteMario Golf: Advance Tour
Game Boy Advance

Although you might not have played this game because you threw it off as a mediocre Mario spin-off, I suggest you pick it up of you like RPGs. You might ask yourself why I say RPGs, well this game is a golf RPG. You might then ask yourself how in the world this could include golf and a RPG, well you truly have to play to find out.

If you played Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour then forget what you know about it because Mario Golf: Advance Tour is nothing like it. You start off as a Neil or Ella (depending on what gender you decided on becoming). You will have a partner which will be the opposite of you (Neil or Ella). You will have to beat other competitors to advance to new courses. There are many mini games as well as different golf clubs you will collect along the way. Like any RPG, after you defeat a foe you will gain experience points, enough points and you will level up.

The controls were fine, which never got in the way which is always what I want to hear. You need to get used to the golf controls and it will help to know a little about golf but like me, you can learn all of that in this game without ever playing nor watching golf before. There is a built-in game dictionary if you forget any golf terms.

The game play is nothing like any golf game I?ve played, bringing an RPG feel to it as well as rivals makes it actually interesting. I seriously never have liked any golf game I?ve played before. You will need to find ?Custom Tickets? throughout the game hidden in barrels. Finding ?Custom Tickets? is fun at first but tedious later. There are many modes including the story-mode by you, or with a computer partner, or a quick game to pass some time. You can also play against a friend with one console (Whether it be GBA, GBA SP, or the Nintendo DS) or with two, during this mode, each person can choose from the Nintendo characters as long as you accessed them in story-mode, as well as the clubs. There aren?t many flaws with this game except minor ones, this game did get kind of hard for those mini games for me (There are many mini-games to be played during the story-mode.) This game does get harder later, although you could cheat the game by saving after each of your golf swings to resort back. For the most part, this is a true golf game, mixed with RPG elements.

The graphics in this game very pleasant, they look like Zelda: Minish Cap because it is made from the same people, they also remind me of the Golden Sun series. This game is 3D which is a very nice. The graphics are just dandy, they never get in the way.

As you can tell from my last review and this one, I like to review games that were underrated. I suggest this game to anyone who likes RPGs or anyone who has a long plane trip or a long drive. I never really got stuck in the game, which is always good for a car trip. You can get this game for only $19.99 as of now.

Graphics: 9
Controls: 8
Game play: 10
Total (Not an average): 9

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
QuoteCastlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Nintendo DS

Playing this game, on my shiny new Nintendo DS Lite, is just awesome. This game plays just like Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, the previous Nintendo DS release from the Castlevania series. You do not play as Soma nor do you collect souls, instead you play as two different characters, at the same time. Jonathan and Charlotte are the main characters this time around, I really haven't played many Castlevania games and I assume you haven't either otherwise you would already own this game. Jonathan is the bare strength character while Charlotte is your magic character. You don't actually capture souls in this game like Dawn of Sorrow but instead you collect parts of creatures and some creatures drop spells, making up for the lost soul system.

When you start up the game, you choose your user name and draw an emblem, which you can edit at anytime later in the game. Surprisingly the game offers five game saves, usually only three are available. The game picks up quickly from the start and isn't a huge challenge, at least until you get to the bosses, which are by far the best part of this game.

The graphics are pretty standard with some 2.5D characters (Two and a half dimensions, 3D visuals, but 2D game play). The graphics are improved from Dawn of Sorrow but not a whole lot. Personally, the game has a better look than Dawn of Sorrow and the bosses are just as gorgeous as ever, defiantly one of the best looking Castlevania games ever, just behind Symphony of the Nights of course.

The controls are a little funky since you need to control two characters at once, it takes a little getting use but after that it doesn't get in the way. Konami really cut out the use of the touch screen, which I am more than happy with. There are no more ice bricks nor soul breakers after bosses, thank god. You can pretty much play the game without using the touch screen. Once you beat the game you unlock some extras which require you to use the touch screen though.

You're probably wondering what I'm talking about if you've never touched a Castlevania game before, think of this game as Metroid meets a real time RPG all combined into one. If you've never picked up one Castlevania game before then it's time you start. I was not disappointed at all after picking up this game. If you're wondering if this game competes with Dawn of Sorrow, the truth is, Dawn of Sorrow is a much better game; this game?s double characters make the game a little annoying. I?ve never heard the two names Jonathan and Charlotte more times in my life before.

You're also probably wondering what the hell can be Wi-fi about this game. Wi-fi really isn't a huge factor at all, in fact it never has to do with the story mode, just a little time waster they added. I can't really go into detail because I haven't checked them out myself but there are two modes you can enter on Wi-fi, Shop Mode and co-op Boss Rush. Then there is level design hasn't improved much and really never caught my interested and didn't change my mind this time around.

Overall this game is worth it if you like any of the Castlevania games, but do not get this game just to play on Wi-fi, you will be disappointed. If you're new to the Castlevania series this is a great game to start off of. Truly one of the best hand-held Castlevania games and one of the most beautiful Castlevania games ever, be sure to pick it up, right after you picked up Dawn of Sorrow that is.

Graphics: 8
Controls: 7
Game play: 9
Total (Not an average): 8.5


Quote from: Charles A. Reiss on September 04, 2007, 10:49:56 PM

Metroid prime 3, only an 8.5? Fuck you.

I'll slap it up after school and make you your own little directory.

Quote from: ncba93ivyase on June 18, 2014, 07:58:34 PMthis isa great post i will use it in my sig

The artist formally known

Quote from: Lawlz on September 05, 2007, 03:19:07 AM
Metroid prime 3, only an 8.5? Fuck you.

I'll slap it up after school and make you your own little directory.
Change the 8.5 to a 9. I just noticed the other games I reviewed scores.  caterpie;


Reaper, hold on. I'll add them.

Does anyone have pictures to include for those reviews?


Quote from: JMV290 on September 05, 2007, 11:11:32 AM
Reaper, hold on. I'll add them.

Does anyone have pictures to include for those reviews?
We don't need pictures for everything.

Quote from: ncba93ivyase on June 18, 2014, 07:58:34 PMthis isa great post i will use it in my sig

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