your family/friends' knowledge of boyah/boyagers and their reactions???

Started by 6M69I69B9, July 24, 2020, 02:00:45 AM

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uhhh i remember how my mom one time was actually distracted from her filipino soaps bc she saw me posting on the boy and she was like "is tht a toot?" (referring to all the doodthings)
"y-yes mom" or smth
and she was like "...oh my god...." (like wtf is my son doing????)
and she reclined back ready to be immersed in her soap operas once more as it was then

then my immediate family refers to coreyboy as the friend from portland, i think they were kinda paranoid of me getting fked over somehow considering i never talk about any friends that aren't irl. but i hype that 3 1/2 day stay there every fucking time.  once in a blue moon they ask me about how hes doing

i have not shown a pic of him though
but i prob will show that mt fuckem pic if i ever discuss that trip again (i kinda do every few months lol)

im so sheltered tfw
and that homeless goth scene i saw downtown was a flavor of ghetto i never ever would have come across here
Quote from: Travis on April 03, 2015, 10:52:52 PM
gotta eat the booty like groceries

Quote from: Travis on March 01, 2018, 08:44:39 PM
Quote from: reefer on March 01, 2018, 06:15:08 PM
Technology and globalism go hand and hand. If you want to be on the forefront of technology then you gotta be global

the earth is flat you globecuck

Mando Pandango

Honestly, I've always considered my online social life a private sanctuary. I only really tell anyone about the details if we're particularly close. If I mention any of you to someone else, it's usually "my friend from (wherever)." I've always kept it hidden from my family.

In the last few years I've felt particularly weird about having this private side of my life that's lasted for so long, especially since it's not particularly harmful. I knew my parents wouldn't like that I was socializing online at 13 so I kept it hidden then, and it's just stayed that way. Especially now that I'm getting older, and I'm getting to know my parents and other family as fellow people rather than adults and authority, I feel guilty about hiding something so big. But it feels like a separate life to me. I'm not sure how to describe it. Now that I think about it, I never really talk about my family on boyah either. Maybe because they're not the source of my general flavor of self-loathing.

You know, I've thought about this a lot, but I've never had a way to voice it.

Quote from: 6M69I69B9 on July 24, 2020, 02:00:45 AMand that homeless goth scene i saw downtown was a flavor of ghetto i never ever would have come across here
I think I missed this story but it sounds like fun
Quote from: Magyarorszag on August 22, 2018, 10:27:46 PMjesus absolute shitdicking christ, nu-boyah


I try to keep it vague; I've told my family I talk to some "internet friends" and that I've met up with some of them. I've sort of told some girlfriends I guess but since one decided to make an account here to stalk me and see what I'm up to I guess I probably won't be as specific with that in the future.

I don't feel like most people would get it and I don't want to waste time answering their questions or enduring their jokes.

Plus I definitely do not want any of them invading.

Though it would be pretty funny if this whole time the invite I got to join here was just my parents pulling me into a forum they could moderate themselves like some sort of Truman Show forum


my parents met lawlz lol. and not sid too.

my mom would pray for both of them


my wife knows that i have a group of "internet friends" that i've been chattin' with for over a decade that spawned from some nintendo nerd shit, but that's about it. she's definitely heard me use the word "boyah" but probably couldn't pull the name out of her brain herself lol

my parents don't know shit about my online life lol


anyone I met online I refer as SWIM when I talk about something they did


Quote from: ?????? on August 17, 2020, 10:30:05 PManyone I met online I refer as SWIM when I talk about something they did
do you hang out on drug forums lol

Samus Aran

My family, or at least my mom, knows I have online friends that I've had for a long time. That's about it. When I randomly flew out to Phoenix to hang out with Hiro for a few days and go to a Boris show together (I still can't believe I did that, looking back on it), my Mom wasn't particularly thrilled. Being protective and all, online boogeymen etc. But it's not like she tried to stop me, she just thought it was really irresponsible of me lol. And then when I was recovering from my car accident and fractured hip, I got sent something by...shit, I feel bad for not remembering for sure, but I think it was YPR? And my Mom was not very happy that someone online knew my home address (but really HER home address - since I was still currently stuck at her place recovering). But again this passed pretty quickly lol.

I think my Mom just thinks I share too much with people online. If only she knew how much I really share, and how I see my online life as more of my real life than my actual real life.


we're a pretty insular bunch at this point, there's only a couple of u i wouldnt trust to not shoot me if i gave u a gun irl


Quote from: C.Mongler on August 18, 2020, 01:19:57 PMwe're a pretty insular bunch at this point, there's only a couple of u i wouldnt trust to not shoot me if i gave u a gun irl


Quote from: Samus Aran on August 18, 2020, 10:52:56 AMMy family, or at least my mom, knows I have online friends that I've had for a long time. That's about it. When I randomly flew out to Phoenix to hang out with Hiro for a few days and go to a Boris show together (I still can't believe I did that, looking back on it), my Mom wasn't particularly thrilled. Being protective and all, online boogeymen etc. But it's not like she tried to stop me, she just thought it was really irresponsible of me lol.
this is pretty much exactly my family's reaction when I asked them if you could come lmao
That was really fun still, although I'm sorry we couldn't really get out of the house much  goodjob;

I think my mom and sisters at least know about you guys in general, and my sisters definitely know Boyah by name. Obviously I've told a few others as well, like kettu and skylark. Usually when people ask me about my doodthing tattoo I tell them it's a squid and not a tooth, and that one of my friends drew it a long time ago. I don't try to keep you guys secret, although like Popsi I definitely did when I was younger. Usually I just say my friend in x state, or a friend online if I refer to anything specific in conversation. My mom thought it was a little odd at first and reminded me to be safe online but no more than that, and one of my sisters makes jokes about it sometimes, mostly just that the words "boyah" and "doodthing" are silly.


Quote from: Hiro on August 20, 2020, 08:51:16 PMUsually when people ask me about my doodthing tattoo I tell them it's a squid and not a tooth, and that one of my friends drew it a long time ago

same lol

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