People This is what the liberal's want fighting on facebook and everybody gettin

Started by The Hand That Fisted Everyone, August 10, 2012, 02:08:12 PM

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The Hand That Fisted Everyone

from here as well WATCH FOX NEWS DAMMIT!!!!! It don't take a scholar to see what that dam rag head Kenyan has done to destroy your very freedoms. You think you got free speech wrong big brother Obama is watching every post on facebook. He wants this to be your only news source because this is like it or not a Damacrat site now controlled by the Fed. O bama killed jobs, killed the economy outsourced all major business to China After Bill Clinton sold us out to the Chines, He has 3 members of the Muslem Brotherhood working in our White House, and by the way ain't we at war with terrorist!!! Sold weapons to the Mexican Cartels, allowed un numbered amounts of illigal immagrants in and gave all a check and welfare guarantee'd for 7 years. But if you get hungry go and try to get you some food stamps YOU WILL GET TURNED DOWN!!!! He all for 3rd trimester abortion, euthinizing the old and the sick, he's backed by Hollywood and they can all kiss my ass too!!!! especially that dam Rosanne Barr, and them dam women on the view and OPRAH GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! Tim e to go i am a mad American and I approve this message.. Oh yea don't git me started on Health Care He is a socialist Pig and a Muslem and he' has got to go. All you idiots fall for your change hope it is good to ya, OH YEA GO AHEAD AND DRINK THE COOL AID!!! IF YOU DARE..... VOTE REPUBLICAN!!!!! ROMNEY IN 2013 WE ARE TIRED OF FEEDING THEM MEXICANS TOO!!!!!!!!!!!


This is what real witches did back in the old days to lure men...Thats what music is still used for today...Why do you think obama and the government took such in interest in the media
I love [you]


don't let's

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