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Metroid Prime 3 Corruption Review!

Started by Meta Ridley, August 30, 2007, 02:22:26 AM

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Meta Ridley

I have it. I beat it. My final was 11 hours and 30 minutes with 85% completion. Does the game I was so skeptical about become a nightmare, or paradise? Find out here.

Graphics: 9.5/10
^^^^^^ Thats what I thought when I saw MP3's graphics. Sure, they are not terribly better then the GC versions, but omg the art style!!! All the worlds are beautiful. Smoke effects are amazing. The best on Wii so far. Bright, colorful worlds, amazing and breathtaking could stand at one place in a world for at least 10 minutes just looking at the amazing detail.

Sound: 9.5/10
I wasn't really scared about all the voice acting to begin with, and I am glad I wasn't. The voice acting is amazing. Whether it be the admiral of the GF, the hunters, or just some random GF trooper, its all great and well done. Samus retains her voiceless self, which is great. Although, her grunts, yelps, moans, and cries have been a bit revamped. The music is also great. reaching from hard tecno rock to smooth orchestrated tracks. But, sadly to say, the soundtrack is not near as good as the first two. But its still great.

Story: 9/10
The trilogy ends!!!! I won't spoil anything here. The only reason I score it a 9 is because I don't feel they explained enough about phazon and its origin. Still, very good. ALSO, unless they appear in the 100% ending, IGN has lied about MPH hunters making an debut on the wii :(

Controls: 10/10 Thats all I can say. Superb controls. You'll all want to do advanced. Beginer and intermediate are for wusses. And it doesn't work as well imo. The ONLY slight flaw is that to use missiles, you have to press down on the control pad, and even then it just fires, it doesn't open up like the other two games. This isn't bad at all persay, but it feels a tad weird. Everything else, from scanning to turning into morph ball, works like a dream. I never, EVER want to play any sort of FPS on stupid dual analog sticks again. Halo 3 has already failed in one subject. Nothing on any other system can ever feel so right. It even counters mouse and keyboard :O

Gameplay: 8.5/10
For the most part, everything is amazing. Boss fights are epic and amazing, the upgrades, while not many, are great. The lack of beams is made up for by the stack feature. Level design is good. And, traveling bewtween worlds is much more fun in this then MPH, with each world having different areas. The problems that MP3 has, while not many, some are annoying. First off, it is waaay to easy. I didn't die once, and I played on Veteran mode first. Normal must be a cakewalk. Hyper mode, while very cool and helpful in some boss fights, obviously hurts the easy factor. The upgrades, also are much easier to find. You saw my % done, and I didn't even explore to much. Some people may not care, but others who liked the Prime Series for what it was will slightly. There are still some hard to get items, crafty puzzles, and great morph ball times, but not as much as the first two. Loading is a PAIN. It takes anywheres from 1 second to 10 for a door to open. When its 4 and above, it can get very annoying, since sometimes you will have enemies chasing and shooting at you. Backtracking has also been toned down, so don't expect to get lost as often. You still can, and backtracking is still there, just not as much. Thankfully, Retro still considers the old MP die hard fans, and included the infamous search and find mission from the past two prime games. This time, you search for energy cells. I found 5 of them before I even started looking, so its much easier, but its still fun to explore and not know where the thing you want is. One or two of them even have great puzzles to get to them. The ship involvement of MP3 is also great. You can call down your ship when you find new landing zones to save, use it to fire missiles at stuff(there are even missile expansions for your ship in the game), and, later on, is able to lift heavy objects around. Its a very fun and neat thing to do, and it adds more exploration and puzzle solving, as you may have to pick up something, then drop it somewhere else to get an upgrade. AI isn't exactly Einstein, but it is better then most games I have seen in awhile. And there are many interesting enemies that are completely new. I would say about 80% of the enemies are brand new in this game. Old favorites like Space Pirates, Pulses, Metroids, and Ridley return, obviously. Also, at one point in the game, it gets kinda creepy, which was a nice change in pace. And it even has a, "poor mans" achievement system. When you scan bosses, enemies, lore, kills many things, find secrets, earn medals, which can be used to purchase sound tracks, concept art, and cool stuff like bumper stickers for your ship, A mii bobble head, and a sweet Snap shot taker. It is cool, and makes this game better.

Length: 9/10
I would say this game is about 15 hours or more in story mode. And then, you have 2 more difficulties, more medals to get, things to scan, and upgrades to find. Like I have stated, exploring is not as big as the other two, but going back to each planet and looking is still good fun. The medals help more as well. It may make people who never scanned before scan.

Final Score: 9.5/10
I was VERY skeptical about this game when IGN and gametrailers both said its an FPS more then FPA, or that exploration was a LOT less. And to some extent, they were right. Its a blend of FPS/FPA. This is good..and bad. FPS fans will find good fun in its amazing controls, and generic FPS moments, like protect this from point A to point B, or Protect the soldiers until you reach point A(there are only 1 of those in the game xD), but they may not like the times when you jump a lot, trying to figure out a puzzle, or all the scanning involved. And they certainly will not like the last mission before the end. To all FPA fans, you will like the exploration of each world, the multiple paths, the great puzzles and unique morph ball scenarios, but you may not like all the actiony moments. That said, I would say there is more exploration and puzzle solving then combat. They are much easier, but there is still more, and that is why, once again, Retro has amazed me with not only appealing to the greater audience of gamers, but at the same time, capturing the heart of what it truly means to be a Metroid game. Kudos to Retro. They have made Samus' last Prime game an epic, amazingly done masterpiece that can not be missed. This is what you bought your wii for. This is its Killer APP. Never again will you question the wii for graphics, control, or just plain out having great games. The only thing that holds this gaming gem from perfection is its not many, but annoying load times, and easier difficulty. If you consider yourself a gamer, love to play masterpieces, or just hate fun and good times, there is NO reason you should not BUY this game ASAP. The end in the amazing trilogy is a game that can not be missed by anyone with a wii.


IGN gave it 20 hours also you didn't beat it all the way if you only got 85%

Placebo Headwound


Quote from: Thief888 on August 30, 2007, 04:19:22 AM
Controls need a lower score.
I don't really think the controls for the game are bad; the problem is that the Wii itself often loses track of where the remote is. It's not something you can blame on the game. psyduck;

Quote from: ncba93ivyase on June 18, 2014, 07:58:34 PMthis isa great post i will use it in my sig


Quote from: Lawlz on August 30, 2007, 04:26:39 AM
I don't really think the controls for the game are bad; the problem is that the Wii itself often loses track of where the remote is. It's not something you can blame on the game. psyduck;
Never experienced that problem...

The artist formally known

Quote from: Lawlz on August 30, 2007, 04:26:39 AM
I don't really think the controls for the game are bad; the problem is that the Wii itself often loses track of where the remote is. It's not something you can blame on the game. psyduck;
I just lay my right hand on a pillow because I play the Wii on my bed and the fucking blankets and stuff get between the sensor and Wii-mote. Just keep the pointer on screen, it doesn't do it to me too much.

I guess I'm close to beating it then.

Commander Fuckass

Quote from: xXTheHaunted on August 30, 2007, 02:50:57 AM
IGN gave it 20 hours also you didn't beat it all the way if you only got 85%
The percentage is the Item collection, not the game play completion.][/URL]3DS Friend Code: 5086-5790-7151

Meta Ridley

Oh btw, I lied. I got the 100% looks as if one certain MPH hunter has indeed returned :O

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