Would it be wildly inappropriate of me to give an attractive young former profes

Started by Kalahari Inkantation, July 23, 2018, 02:22:00 PM

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no you idiot there's probably a better way
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Kalahari Inkantation

professor of mine a phone call y/n

I was supposed to have taken a class with her (among others) back last Fall, but then, well, you probably know the story. >.<

but tl;dr medical and familial issues made that completely impossible and i never showed up for even a single session lol

My problem now is that I have to put in a request with administration to retroactively withdraw from that semester (otherwise i'm liable for >$2000 for classes that i never actually attended lol), and I need clear evidence that I was a total noshow for every course. Under normal circumstances I could easily send an email (although i feel like it would be extremely rude of me to send an email out of the blue after months of unexplained silence that basically said 'hey remember me yeah sorry for totally blowing you off COULD YOU DO ME THIS HUGE FAVOR'), but she left the university after that semester, so now I'm stuck. smithicide;

even if her old school email address is still active (which it probably isn't), she pretty much has no reason to check it as she's no longer an employee there

now i have taken several courses with her in the past so she certainly knows me well enough (and omg she's just the sweetest thing ever how could i be so rude and awful smithicide;)

but she has never given me her personal phone number (i found it on her resume lol), so it would be, at the very least, a little strange for me to give a call out of the blue begging for a favor

What do? awdood;


I mean you may as well you have nothing to lose aside from momentary shame


i understand your reasoning but i'd still go with an email

it's more professional nowadays (your profession being "student")

Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: YPargh on July 23, 2018, 02:35:14 PMI mean you may as well you have nothing to lose aside from momentary shame

i do run the risk of eliminating whatever little respect she might or might not still have for me, if ever she had any smithicide;

i mean, i had to search for the number i found, which i'm assuming is her personal cell phone lol

Quote from: Thyme on July 23, 2018, 02:38:35 PMi understand your reasoning but i'd still go with an email

it's more professional nowadays (your profession being "student")

But then what address do I use? myface;


Kalahari Inkantation

oh, well yeah, her personal email address is, but she never made that public either and i feel like that would be about as awkward a method (but maybe for different reasons), esp. because it's hard to communicate emotion over text and i SERIOUSLY owe her explanations and apologies lol

it would just feel so stiff and selfish of me to say smth like:

QuoteHi Professor,

*insert life story and list of excuses here*

So may I please ask you to confirm in writing that I was never present?

Thank you.


Kalahari Inkantation

i just want to reiterate that neither the email address nor the phone number i found on her resume were ever made publicly available lol

these are both her personal contact details

i guess ultimately i agree that email is the more "professional" option but i simply can't imagine that it wouldn't come off as rude and demanding

jesus christ neither of these are good options lol

but i kinda have to do this or i'm yet another $2000 in debt smithicide;

Nonetheless, I'm probably going to put it off until the last second because this whole situation is just incredibly awkward. goodjob;

don't let's

Can/will the school give you any contact information? Or contact her themselves?

Kalahari Inkantation

maybe i'll try that route lol

at the same time, having someone contact her on my behalf would still be rude

but maybe they have some contact options that i don't know about

don't let's

Quote from: Magyarorszag on July 23, 2018, 04:58:15 PMmaybe i'll try that route lol

at the same time, having someone contact her on my behalf would still be rude

but maybe they have some contact options that i don't know about
At least that way it would be coming through an official source.

But if you have no other way, you just have to do what you have to do.

Kalahari Inkantation


he's a fun excerpt:

QuoteI was tempted to begin this email with yet another "Sorry...", but at a certain point that word becomes completely meaningless. You can only give a person so many excuses and sob stories for being an unreliable flake and a terrible communicator before they begin to roll their eyes.

was i a little too heavy on the melodrama y/n

and that's not even the worst of it LOL


It sounds like you're trying to get back with an exgirlfriend or something

Kalahari Inkantation

Upon rereading it, yeah, you're right. smithicide;

and yet i'm not sure how else i could have expressed the inner torment


You're not supposed to do that you're supposed to impose your will and seize the Rheinland Reichdood;

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