so i met some guy who browses 4chan's /b/ and is a frequent redditor some days ago.
he lives in the upper west side, where a lot of people loaded with dough live at.
he lived a couple of blocks away from a fairway market, my favorite market from having isles stacked high with vibrant organics and artificially brightened produce.
his home was lovely, the bathroom was what made it cool. two sterile elongated bulbs drowned the bathroom in an eerie blue glow. nothing in his medicine cabinet, except some dust bunnies.
his kitchen was decorated with small 3x5 inch prints of various pictures, all somehow linked to internet culture.
silvertone's avatar was even there, and various other anime cartoons and 4chan memes.
"who would print these out?"
it was a real life tumblr ink-jet collage and pasted onto someone's kitchen wall, somewhere in manhattan.
he made me gin and tonic, handed me some pistachios
we spoke about gender and sexuality
he liked me
i was indifferent, i thought the gin was too strong and soured badly with the tonic, whatever it could have been. not sprite, but i wish it was.
we spoke some more, autism, 'reddit', things i didn't really particularly cared about but had experiences with them.
he took out a jar from underneath his white-polished counters.
it was a very large piece of fine bud, i was somewhat curious.
but not really.
the printed photos of reaction images pinned to his wall in some sort of artistic college stirred more of my attention.
it even had cracky-chan on there.
"do you know who this girl is? she looks kinda young"
"that's cracky-chan, from '05 or something. she has bad teeth"
we went into his living room, velvet carpet padded down the floors, thick canvas cascaded down his tall windows, and a very sensual chair in the middle of it all.
of course, i've sat on the chair, placing my drink near its foot and eating more pistachios, even if i didn't really like them.
and we spoke, while he brought out his bong
it was glassy, with a chamber stuffed with ice shavings
and he warned me that people usually choke
so he threw me a stripped patten pillow to snuffle out my wheezing
but it never happened
3 tokes, and i was sky high
we watched car videos, some car series that aired in the UK
i tried to introject and understand how he found cars so visually appealing, what hid in their curvature that excited him
but i couldn't find anything
so i gave mirrored smiles and waned interest
fast forward, we departed
and suddenly he planted his mouth on mine
my eyes rolled to the left, staring at silvertone's anime girl picture while he did so
"who the hell does this, especially in a rich area like this? i can't remember her goddamn name, i wonder if that shit bluaki knows"
and we've departed, where i spent the night at fairway market at 12:49 am finding some pomegrante keifer and avocados to take home to the west village
now he's texting me wanted to 'take it further'
and i don't really want to
because it's weird
what do i do?!?
i'm afraid he'd hate me but i don't want that to happen
i never met someone who browses 4chan in their 30s
his nervousness repulses me lol
u found the Internet Marquess
Quote from: silvertone on March 26, 2013, 04:38:45 PM
u found the Internet Marquess
lol YES
he was exactly i would have pictured someone that frequents reddit
also i just visited him for the free drugs
i didn't know he was "bi-curious" as he said when we spoke about gender and sexuality lolol
do i like him as a person, or do i just like his
how can i reject him and not 'friend-zone' him even though this is exactly what i'm doing
i feel so guilty and bad because he's
someone from the internetunlike normal people since they can get over a rejection fairly quick
be careful. he might make a rage comic out of U
btw clucky, the girl in silvertone's avatar is mugi from k-on!
maybe this wouldn't happen if you didn't use 30-somethings for drugs
Quote from: Clucky on March 26, 2013, 04:22:55 PM
my eyes rolled to the left, staring at silvertone's anime girl picture while he did so
"who the hell does this, especially in a rich area like this? i can't remember her goddamn name, i wonder if that shit bluaki knows"
the current one is kotobuki tsumugi (or just "mugi") from k-on!
or if you were thinking of silvertone's previous avatar (one with brown hair), that was hirasawa yui, also from k-on!
and yes, I remember their full names
did he have a neckbeard and hate women and wear fedorae
not related but i met scissor chan in asheville she was a who ore
Quote from: Khadafi on March 26, 2013, 07:03:27 PM
did he have a neckbeard and hate women and wear fedorae
jim v you really need to stay away from s
rs and all related subs
any points they make in their non-circlejerking subs only seem "valid" because they invisibly delete any posts that are contrary to their own
4chan sucks but reddit sucks a lot more
Quote from: silvertone on March 26, 2013, 04:47:00 PM
be careful. he might make a rage comic out of U
Worst nIghetmare
Quote from: Khadafi on March 26, 2013, 07:03:27 PM
did he have a neckbeard and hate women and wear fedorae
he hated women and was borderline misogynist and i really really hoped he doesn't have a fedora hidden somewhere
but i have met those type of people before
he had a neckbeard, used phrases like 'tsundere" in real life, and thought fedoras were cool
except he was skinny as fuck
he ~hated~ me so much <3
Quote from: Pancake Persona on March 27, 2013, 05:33:58 AM
jim v you really need to stay away from srs and all related subs
any points they make in their non-circlejerking subs only seem "valid" because they invisibly delete any posts that are contrary to their own
user banned for this post
saying 'tsundere' irl is cool
Quote from: silvertone on March 27, 2013, 12:15:41 PM
saying 'tsundere' irl is cool
only if U r cool 2 begin with
when did he spread your buttcheeks and go balls deep
Quote from: Clucky on March 27, 2013, 12:16:49 PM
only if U r cool 2 begin with
yeah. a lot of things is that way. this guy sounds like he could be really cool though.
cos printing out a bunch of things from the internet and mantling them around your house is a lot cooler than just peppering Ur vocabulary w/ memes. this guy is the Real Deal. i wanna meet him but i dont thnik i would like him tho. but he could be cool. could be.
Quote from: silvertone on March 27, 2013, 12:20:30 PM
yeah. a lot of things is that way. this guy sounds like he could be really cool though.
cos printing out a bunch of things from the internet and mantling them around your house is a lot cooler than just peppering Ur vocabulary w/ memes. this guy is the Real Deal. i wanna meet him but i dont thnik i would like him tho. but he could be cool. could be.
he could be cool
but he is a redditor
so all hope is lost
also he is really nervous by nature
i don't like nervous people, they get so entangled in their head
he could be a geeky tao lin
Quote from: silvertone on March 27, 2013, 12:28:47 PM
he could be a geeky tao lin
i fucking hate tao lin
mainly because he had the balls 2 copy & paste some boring 16 year old's tumblr account into a book and got famous for it
yes it reflects current 'life'
yes it gives off small memorabilia of the 2004s-2007s like whole foods and instant messenger
but it's so
bad irl he's aspie as FUCK
Quote from: Clucky on March 27, 2013, 12:34:21 PM
i fucking hate tao lin
mainly because he had the balls 2 copy & paste some boring 16 year old's tumblr account into a book and got famous for it
yes it reflects current 'life'
yes it gives off small memorabilia of the 2004s-2007s like whole foods and instant messenger
but it's so bad
irl he's aspie as FUCK
i like that one sentence he wrote "I am an agoraphobic hitler" but i never read any of his books.
Quote from: silvertone on March 27, 2013, 12:36:29 PM
i like that one sentence he wrote "I am an agoraphobic hitler" but i never read any of his books.
my autistic friend had a copy of his novel
signature signed by tao lin, but i can't remember which one it was
i think it was 'shop lifting from american apparel'
he made me pissed off by continuously saying i was the main character in the book
he also was so autistic he didn't know when he was insulting someone
he'd say incredibly racist things
also i'd bring him into my therapy sessions because we shared the same therapist
i purposely made the sessions much more sadder and emotionally-invoking, reciting stolen ideas from camus
i considered a day well done if he cried in our sessions, because the joke was that he was more psychologically crippled than i will ever be giggle;
wow a autistic??? wow
time 2 insinuate mass killings of the Autistics
Gulags filled w/ Redditors
what an interesting thread
You should write a picture book with graphic pop-ups.
Quote from: Boognish-Redux- on March 27, 2013, 05:55:30 PM
You should write a picture book with graphic pop-ups.
i thought of starting a comic
because my life is so colorful and weird
it'd be a quirky, 7.99 alternative fiction coming-to-age novel underneath the 'action' section in borders
Quote from: silvertone on March 27, 2013, 06:38:56 PM
i hope barnes and nobles is next
i don't know why
but book stores are more pleasant to browse and sit down and read
what makes them more enjoyable than public libraries?
eye-popping book covers that captures attention?
is it the intimacy of seeing other people read make it more enjoyable?
the fact that it's not a library but a store?
excessive lightening?
book stores are more pleasant than libraries because of the sexual gratification one gets from buying
now if only they didn't overcharge......
Quote from: N o t S i d on March 27, 2013, 09:18:54 PM
book stores are more pleasant than libraries because of the sexual gratification one gets from buying
the book is easily the phallus symbol. also most cashiers at bookstores are women. i mean iti s fairly obvious what is going on here. they have 1 effeminate male to keep the women and homosexuals receiving the sexual impulses from purchasing
Quote from: Clucky on March 27, 2013, 09:17:14 PM
i hope barnes and nobles is next
i don't know why
but book stores are more pleasant to browse and sit down and read
what makes them more enjoyable than public libraries?
eye-popping book covers that captures attention?
is it the intimacy of seeing other people read make it more enjoyable?
the fact that it's not a library but a store?
excessive lightening?
most of my bookstore expierences have been Uncomfortable. barnes and nobles suck , and i was in an overcrowded small store which also sucked. but there was a cool time when a buddhist monk came up 2 me in barnes and nobles and started talking to me about clayvioance and went through Be Here Now
what if they made a book store
with memes printed out all over the walls and copies of classic novels
hip, rad teens would go shopping there and then accidentally learn stuff
Quote from: Ace on March 28, 2013, 04:01:24 PM
what if they made a book store
with memes printed out all over the walls and copies of classic novels
hip, rad teens would go shopping there and then accidentally learn stuff
nothing could compel them to actually open the books, though
Quote from: Pancake Persona on March 28, 2013, 04:38:35 PM
nothing could compel them to actually open the books, though
well the sales would still support authors who want to say something meaningful, even if the cover is a meme
okay maybe I didn't think this through shhhhhh
writers don't deserve money. they only know how to Produce evil.
scientist becomes the first meme online
i took a huge shit in barnes and noble one time i was grinning from ear to ear when i left the bathroom and made eye contact with this lady and you could cut the tension with a knife
Quote from: N o t S i d on March 28, 2013, 08:56:58 PM
i took a huge shit in barnes and noble one time i was grinning from ear to ear when i left the bathroom and made eye contact with this lady and you could cut the tension with a knife
Eyes locked over a lingering odor, lightly brushing book-covers and cheap department store purses. A wide berth is forming in a semicircle, from the contemporary religious shelf to the dime-store horror section. I'd just finished the final draft of my own smack-horror piece, my last great work, penned on a different type of leaf. Lady's not a fan of the genre, I guess.
There's hints of a blush under that thick coat of foundation. Trying to bury her nose in a Danielle Steele novel, but her eyes just aren't into it. Only thing left is to take credit. Own it. Never was a fan of pen-names. I'd kicked dignity out the door years ago anyhow.
Me:You know I know everything about the internet.
Idiot: Whats my ip code
Me:541.3 *grins*
Me: Travis, what is the code to the internet?
Travis: Why do you ask, child?
Me: Because I forgot it.
Travis: The code is, "[spoiler][/spoiler]"
TIL how to use flair on reddit
now I have a cool ass 8bit Rocket Raccoon near my name when I post
Quote from: Pancake Persona on March 28, 2013, 04:38:35 PM
nothing could compel them to actually open the books, though
maybe if the book was super condensed, easily digestible and carries 'inherited' value of sorts
101 Fun Facts About Boyah.NetQuote from: silvertone on March 28, 2013, 05:04:29 PM
writers don't deserve money. they only know how to Produce evil.
Emily Brontë's the evilest author