I feel like talking about myself and clearing up any confusion or whatever else has happened since my last thread about this, almost four years ago, so I decided to make a thread.
Ask me absolutely anything. Even if you feel like you might be asking the obvious, saying something offensive, or too personal, I prefer for it to be asked than to not be (also more posts are always good). Even if I might not seem like it to some of you, I like personal discussions. giggle;
As is probably boyager common knowledge by now, I'm a mtf (male-to-female) trans, meaning I'm physically male but prefer to be treated as female and would prefer to be physically female. Though I've been sure about this for at least five years now, I currently don't actively do anything about it, currently none of my classmates know, I'm fully treated as male irl, and I don't otherwise have any close friends to trust and tell. Until the aforementioned thread I posted in April 2008, I hid it here too, instead seeming like a regular girl to you guys.
Oh, and ask me about anything else, too. Being trans just happens to be my most unusual trait and one that is likely to confuse others.
Do you think it will take you long to get off your butt and become a pretty girl on the outside too? giggle;
how long did you have any inkling of knowledge of your trans status? was it late in life? or did you know since you were a child?
do your parents/any siblings know?
non trans related:
how are you so cutely naive of things?
what's your favourite colour?
what is bluaki?
Do you like me Blu :(
how many cups of sugar does it take to get to the moon.
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 19, 2012, 08:30:21 PM
Do you think it will take you long to get off your butt and become a pretty girl on the outside too? giggle;
Probably very long. By nature, I have an excessive fear of doing anything that gives me negative reactions from others irl and gives me a bad reputation >_<'
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 19, 2012, 08:30:21 PM
how long did you have any inkling of knowledge of your trans status? was it late in life? or did you know since you were a child?
I have an absolutely horrid personal memory, so I can't clearly answer this.
I said "at least five years" earlier only because I know that my oldest concrete indication of trans thoughts is from then: simply selecting a female gender and name in a game, despite it possibly seeming odd to others I played with. It might not seem like much, but to me, that means I was very sure of trans feelings and I wanted a female indication even if only in a game.
I've probably had slight trans feelings for much longer without seriously thinking about them and while not having any idea that transgenderism existed.
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 19, 2012, 08:30:21 PM
do your parents/any siblings know?
I told my mom exactly one week before my 17th birthday, during the last weekend of April 2010. I told her I wanted a counselor, but it ended up taking until half a year later until she could set up an appointment, then I decided to stop seeing that counselor only a couple months later when feeling like I wouldn't make any progress with her. I haven't really talked about it any more with my mom and I'm still not sure if she even knows how serious I am about it.
Through my mom telling her in some way, my grandmother also knows. Her role in my life is similar to that of a parent because I've always lived in the same house.
There's no way my father would know. Not only do I not live with him, my family hasn't even had contact with him since I was like one year old.
My sister doesn't truly know and I'm sure nobody has told her, but I have several times felt like she probably strongly suspects it for some reason and that she has hinted at it.
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 19, 2012, 08:30:21 PM
how are you so cutely naive of things?
It mostly stems from my complete social ineptness, I suppose.
I believe that I didn't even know what sex was until like the first year of high school, mostly due to "sex ed" classes that didn't even mention what sex is, having a parent who effectively kept me away from sexual things as a child, and ignoring rather than dwelling on hints of it from media that I didn't understand.
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 19, 2012, 08:30:21 PM
what's your favourite colour?
I like both blueish and purple colors; I'd probably go for something like indigo.
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 19, 2012, 08:30:21 PM
For what? With most foodthings that have either crunchy or smooth variants, I tend to go with smooth.
Quote from: Kefka on February 19, 2012, 08:36:30 PM
Do you like me Blu :(
idk you're alright
[spoiler]It... It's not like I like you or anything, baka[/spoiler]
Quote from: Snowy on February 19, 2012, 08:48:20 PM
favorite season and why? I see you liking winter or fall for some reason
In Florida, the only place I've lived to experience the seasons, I absolutely like winter the best. It's the only season with comfortably cool temperatures that aren't too hot.
Actually, it's not even comfortably cool all the time in winter here. Today, it was 82F when I went to eat dinner saddood;
I imagine that I'd prefer autumn in more northern places which I feel like I'd prefer to live in.
Also, "aki" actually means autumn. I don't remember why exactly I chose it for my screenname, but that's what that half of my name does come from. The other half being one of my favorite colors with a trailing letter removed.
Quote from: vziard on February 19, 2012, 08:46:08 PM
how many cups of sugar does it take to get to the moon.
Depends on many things, but I'll use basic assumptions:
Sugar is stacked in cup-sized cubes (~237mL or 6cm cubed) of infinite durability and maintaining constant density
A perfectly straight stack is extended from the surface of the earth to the moon, without being knocked over for the countless reasons it could be nor burning up and also sticking together despite very low gravity
The moon is around its average distance from the earth of about 380 Megametres
380Mm / 6cm = about
6144018965 cubes (6 billion)
Quote from: bluaki on February 19, 2012, 09:15:23 PM
Depends on many things, but I'll use basic assumptions:
Sugar is stacked in cup-sized cubes (~237mL or 6cm cubed) of infinite durability and maintaining constant density
A perfectly straight stack is extended from the surface of the earth to the moon, without being knocked over for the countless reasons it could be nor burning up and also sticking together despite very low gravity
The moon is around its average distance from the earth of about 380 Megametres
380Mm / 6cm = about 6144018965 cubes (6 billion)
that is excellent and exactly the answer I was looking for. thank you. Do you enjoy sweets?
Quote from: vziard on February 19, 2012, 09:27:33 PM
Do you enjoy sweets?
In general, yes, although I haven't actually eaten much variety at all.
If I gave you fifty dollars right now, what would you do with it?
Quote from: N o t S i d on February 19, 2012, 09:32:31 PM
If I gave you fifty dollars right now, what would you do with it?
I'd just deposit it and eventually use some of it to buy things online, probably.
I never immediately buy something just when I have the money to do so. I even tend to be more frugal about spending than I should be.
Quote from: Snowy on February 19, 2012, 09:42:33 PM
What's your favorite sweet that you've eaten?
For some reason, it's difficult for me to even think of what things I've eaten are considered sweets
Probably just white chocolate
If we were to meet up, could I give you an anal creampie? cmongler;
do you have pets
Quote from: Pancake Persona on February 19, 2012, 10:12:09 PM
If we were to meet up, could I give you an anal creampie? cmongler;
I am jealous I didn't think of a question that good
Quote from: Pancake Persona on February 19, 2012, 10:12:09 PM
If we were to meet up, could I give you an anal creampie? cmongler;
For many reasons, no.
I'm not honestly attracted to guys and, both pre- and post-op, I wouldn't seriously have sexual interaction with one.
I'm also probably not the type of person who would have sexual interaction without being in a close relationship for some time.
I don't find anal sex particularly appealing.
or maybe I should have responded with a sarcastic yes RUB IT
Quote from: bluaki on February 19, 2012, 10:18:28 PM
For many reasons, no.
I'm not honestly attracted to guys and, both pre- and post-op, I wouldn't seriously have sexual interaction with one.
I'm also probably not the type of person who would have sexual interaction without being in a close relationship for some time.
I don't find anal sex particularly appealing.
or maybe I should have responded with a sarcastic yes RUB IT
so you wouldn't have sex with me even though i could easily shave off my very small amount of facial hair, grow out my hair, and look like a convincing woman? :'(
Quote from: ikanaide on February 19, 2012, 10:12:40 PM
do you have pets
Very many. I've never even kept track of how many pets I have.
The current ones include:
one cat
numerous sugar gliders
three chinchillas
a degu
various fish
some other aquatic things I haven't kept track of, like maybe turtles
a parrot
two ducks
Past pets include:
several raccoons
two other cats
more sugar gliders
more degus
various other aquatic things, including seahorses
a hedgehog
naked mole rats
two squirrels
a chick
a ferret
a guinea pig
and some others I probably forgot to list
My mom has mentioned owning, in the past from before I was born, a skunk and a horse.
My mom likes animals way too much and all of these pets were her choice to own. I like cats quite a bit so, whenever I live in my own permanent residence and am capable of managing them, I might get one or two cats, but that's it.
Quote from: Pancake Persona on February 19, 2012, 10:20:27 PM
so you wouldn't have sex with me even though i could easily shave off my very small amount of facial hair, grow out my hair, and look like a convincing woman? :'(
I'm actually not entirely sure of my orientation when it gets to things like that, but it is indeed based on masculinity/femininity rather than lacking or having a penis n_n
But regardless, with you, I wouldn't be interested >_<'
Do you have any trans friends outside of the internet?
Quote from: the shortest route to the sea on February 19, 2012, 11:06:42 PM
Do you have any trans friends outside of the internet?
Like I mentioned in my first post of this thread, I don't have friends that I can trust of any kind outside the internet.
I also haven't, as far as I know, met any other transperson.
Quote from: bluaki on February 19, 2012, 11:19:47 PM
Like I mentioned in my first post of this thread, I don't have friends that I can trust of any kind outside the internet.
I also haven't, as far as I know, met any other transperson.
we are well hidden
we walk among them
Quote from: the shortest route to the sea on February 19, 2012, 11:26:24 PM
we are well hidden
we walk among them
Which is why I added the "as far as I know" comment to my post
Also, although I say that, I have seen crossdressing in the form of cosplay at anime conventions. Those crossplayers have a relatively high probability of being cis, so I can't be sure even that any of them were trans.
what do you think of glitterbombing in trans activism against known gay rights advocates like dan savage
Quote from: Edina Monsoon on February 19, 2012, 11:33:09 PM
what do you think of glitterbombing in trans activism against known gay rights advocates like dan savage
I feel like you've asked me the same exact thing before
and outside of both of these times, I haven't seen any other mention of glitterbombing anywhere. I don't keep up with this sort of thing.
Possibly related to being detached from news articles and whatever that have mentioned glitterbombing, my general feelings toward it are apathy. I somewhat doubt something like that would lead to worthwhile benefits for transgender people.
what are your favorite movies
did you ever play chibi-robo
are you interested in fashion at all
what non-video game music do you like
what nationalities are in your ancestry
how often do you shave
Quote from: Hiroglyph on February 20, 2012, 12:07:53 AM
what are your favorite movies
I'm not sure, but probably some animated one.
Perhaps some Pixar thing, like maybe Wall-E.
Quote from: Hiroglyph on February 20, 2012, 12:07:53 AM
did you ever play chibi-robo
No. I intended to, though.
Quote from: Hiroglyph on February 20, 2012, 12:07:53 AM
are you interested in fashion at all
I don't really know anything at all about fashion, so I can't say.
Quote from: Hiroglyph on February 20, 2012, 12:07:53 AM
what non-video game music do you like
There's also the BGM in other things like anime, but other than those, pretty much none. I can't think of anything else I've enjoyed.
Quote from: Hiroglyph on February 20, 2012, 12:07:53 AM
what nationalities are in your ancestry
There was just a thread about this recently which I did reply to. English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, and German are what my mom has told me she's found in her ancestry.
Quote from: Hiroglyph on February 20, 2012, 12:07:53 AM
how often do you shave
I shave my face and arms every single day, without any exception, shortly after waking up and during my shower. My face feels pretty bad only a few hours later like it needs shaving again, but I never bother shaving it again in one day, although I hate this and really will appreciate the relief I get from this (and from the time it does take to shave my face closely and carefully every day) when I get permanent hair removal for my face. I shave my chest and navel area whenever there's noticeable hair there. Though I do shave my legs, it's not nearly as much and I often go like a month without shaving them, occasionally even closer to two months.
Quote from: bluaki on February 20, 2012, 12:51:22 AM
I'm not sure, but probably some animated one.
Perhaps some Pixar thing, like maybe Wall-E.
Quote from: bluaki on February 20, 2012, 12:51:22 AM
No. I intended to, though.
it's so fucking addicting and great
Quote from: bluaki on February 20, 2012, 12:51:22 AM
I don't really know anything at all about fashion, so I can't say.
you don't need to know anything about fashion or whatever's "in style" and whatnot, i'm just asking if you like to dress a certain way or if you like certain looks or anything.
Quote from: Hiroglyph on February 20, 2012, 01:03:42 AM
you don't need to know anything about fashion or whatever's "in style" and whatnot, i'm just asking if you like to dress a certain way or if you like certain looks or anything.
Well, still, I haven't really tried so I don't really know if I'd care much about it
but right now I, quite the opposite, dress almost entirely in stuff that's chosen mostly for comfort from the things my family has bought me. I'm also, in some strange way, very hesitant to change that within the male appearance I have to maintain while closeted. To me, I guess changing my clothing to look "better" within the male gender is something like solidifying my male image. That's not entirely it, as my feelings about this don't really even have a conscious reasoning like that, but it's just a close enough explanation I made up just now.
what is ur absolute fav anime
Quote from: Nyerp on February 20, 2012, 01:39:03 AM
what is ur absolute fav anime
I have Angel Beats indicated as my top favorite on MAL, though I like it about as much as the next two: Haruhi and Steins;Gate
Wait, how have you never seen an openly trans person in public ever? Also, how have you never heard of glitter bombing outside of Boyah?
I never thought of Florida as a particularly conservative place, and Tampa is a city, right?
do you think I will succeed in life
sugar gliders are nasty looking myface;
Quote from: applesauce on February 20, 2012, 06:22:08 AM
Wait, how have you never seen an openly trans person in public ever? Also, how have you never heard of glitter bombing outside of Boyah?
I never thought of Florida as a particularly conservative place, and Tampa is a city, right?
It's not because of where I live, I think, but rather because I have no social life and don't go out too often.
Though, at least for seeing an openly trans person in public, I really don't think that's common enough to be surprised that I haven't seen any.
Quote from: Kefka on February 20, 2012, 07:53:15 AM
do you think I will succeed in life
At least, you don't seem like a failure yet, unlike some of us giggle;
Quote from: Snowy on February 20, 2012, 08:45:18 AM
Where do you keep all these pets? befuddlement
the cat stays pretty much wherever he feels like, but isn't allowed outside
The sugar gliders have a large wooden cage of sorts outdoors. It's large enough that there's a person-sized door for it.
The degu, fishtanks, and parrot are kept in the back porch
The ducks mostly wander around our back yard, but also have a small fenced area they're sometimes put in
The chinchillas have an indoor cage with four floors that they jump between
Quote from: Kefka on February 20, 2012, 08:52:18 AM
sugar gliders are nasty looking myface;
I do think they smell bad, but they're not very ugly confuseddood;
I have 10+ of them, not sure of the exact number.
can you take a picture of your degu and sugar gliders?
Quote from: bluaki on February 20, 2012, 11:18:29 AM
Though, at least for seeing an openly trans person in public, I really don't think that's common enough to be surprised that I haven't seen any.
Yeah nope, I think it is far more common than you imagine.
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 20, 2012, 11:21:28 AM
can you take a picture of your degu and sugar gliders?
I'm at college on the Atlantic coast of Florida now, while they exist at my house at Tampa.
Though, in a few hours, I can browse through the pictures on my mom's computer and see if she's taken and saved any.
Quote from: bluaki on February 20, 2012, 11:26:01 AM
I'm at college on the Atlantic coast of Florida now, while they exist at my house at Tampa.
Though, in a few hours, I can browse through the pictures on my mom's computer and see if she's taken and saved any.
yes plz
Can you post a picture of a girl that you would consider hot/pretty/attractive?
Quote from: applesauce on February 20, 2012, 11:24:53 AM
Yeah nope, I think it is far more common than you imagine.
Crowded places I've gone often include...
amusement parks (usually Busch Gardens, Adventure Island, Sea World) a couple times a year
Aquarium and zoo
various independence day celebration events around the city my mom takes me to
anime conventions, though at these, plenty of cis people crossdress so transpeople aren't really distinguishable
I've never seen one at these places.
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 20, 2012, 11:27:00 AM
yes plz
I somewhat doubt I'll find any pictures of them, though. I'll definitely see cat pictures and I'm also more likely to find pictures of our chinchillas, ducks, and parrot.
Quote from: NPR on February 20, 2012, 11:31:47 AM
Can you post a picture of a girl that you would consider hot/pretty/attractive?
I don't have any names of famous people I actually know of that come to mind and I otherwise don't know where to suddenly get a picture like this >_<'
How often do you laugh in a single day?
Quote from: bluaki on February 20, 2012, 11:39:14 AM
I don't have any names of famous people I actually know of that come to mind and I otherwise don't know where to suddenly get a picture like this >_<'
Could you just give a rough description then of what you would find cute or whatevs happydood;
I cannot for the life of me bring myself to find out of another in such a crude and direct way--by asking them!? It is not perfect and not true, I cannot do it. My whole sense of being prevents me from asking anything serious.
Quote from: NPR on February 20, 2012, 12:00:24 PM
Could you just give a rough description then of what you would find cute or whatevs happydood;
light/pale skin
long dark hair
somewhat smooth/round face shape
smallish figure
are the traits that come to mind right now
Also, the traits I would wish for with my own body are almost completely shared with what I find particularly cute/attractive in others
Will I ever find true love? giggle;
Have you ever had a serious crush on someone?
what's your favourite thing about boyah?
Quote from: Hippopo on February 20, 2012, 11:56:05 AM
How often do you laugh in a single day?
Not even once a day, I think
In general for me, emotional expressions visible to others don't occur often at all >_<'
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 20, 2012, 12:27:07 PM
Have you ever had a serious crush on someone?
No, never.
I might not even be able to have that feeling without being in a close friendship for some time; enough to grow attached.
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 20, 2012, 12:27:07 PM
what's your favourite thing about boyah?
Being an accepting community in which users treat each other as close friends rather than "strangers on the internet", I guess
why are you so roboit?
I've essentially been suppressing my emotions for years thanks to this trans stuff, with both my outward emotions and depressing feelings.
I haven't had any real physical social interaction in a very long time.
I'm simply by nature very serious about everything.
are all factors toward me seeming emotionless or robotic
who is your favorite Tales character wariodood;
I think I already know this answer though
Quote from: Kefka on February 20, 2012, 02:37:49 PM
who is your favorite Tales character wariodood;
I think I already know this answer though
I'm only familiar with Abyss at all, really.
Of its characters, Tear Grants.
Exactly what does a Do Wah Diddy Diddy Dum Diddy do?
r u gay
what do you hate most?
Quote from: Clara Listensprechen on February 20, 2012, 02:52:04 PM
Exactly what does a Do Wah Diddy Diddy Dum Diddy do?
I have no idea.
Quote from: Snowy on February 20, 2012, 02:53:23 PM
What's your favorite anime?
Quote from: bluaki on February 20, 2012, 01:43:24 AM
I have Angel Beats indicated as my top favorite on MAL, though I like it about as much as the next two: Haruhi and Steins;Gate
Quote from: Kefka on February 20, 2012, 03:11:19 PM
r u gay
So gay that I'd be more straight if I liked guys
Do you cringe when strangers touch you? I mean this in a purely acceptable manner.
Quote from: FAMY2 on February 20, 2012, 03:43:40 PM
Do you cringe when strangers touch you? I mean this in a purely acceptable manner.
I can't remember the last time I've been touched at all, actually.
But I probably wouldn't
Quote from: ikanaide on February 20, 2012, 03:37:34 PM
what do you hate most?
Resistance to progress in general for society and whatnot. Plenty of out-of-date things and ideas that are worse and should be deprecated are maintained for a very long time, with religion being a very large contributor to this
this includes cultural views on homosexuality and transgenderism >_<'
Quote from: FAMY2 on February 20, 2012, 03:43:40 PM
Do you cringe when strangers touch you? I mean this in a purely acceptable manner.
i'm not blu, but this is actually a big problem for me, although i don't cringe, i jump. and it's not just with strangers. it was particularly bad when i was with hensa, because i didn't want to seem like i was uncomfortable, but since i would unconsciously jump when she'd touch me, i would give the wrong impression. it made me feel bad. i'm not sure where it stems from...it might be something as simple as the fact that i've had very little close contact over my life. or it might not.
anyway, blu. is luka your favorite vocaloid as far as voices go, as well? or is it just the character you care about? if you like vocaloid music, do you have a favorite song?
Quote from: Kaz on February 20, 2012, 03:56:00 PM
i'm not blu, but this is actually a big problem for me, although i don't cringe, i jump. and it's not just with strangers. it was particularly bad when i was with hensa, because i didn't want to seem like i was uncomfortable, but since i would unconsciously jump when she'd touch me, i would give the wrong impression. it made me feel bad. i'm not sure where it stems from...it might be something as simple as the fact that i've had very little close contact over my life. or it might not.
anyway, blu. is luka your favorite vocaloid as far as voices go, as well? or is it just the character you care about? if you like vocaloid music, do you have a favorite song?
Unless I know the touch is coming I do that too. It looks like I am completely on edge all the time, but it's really just a subconscious reaction to an unexpected touch stimulus. It's a pretty visible jump too and kind of embarrassing.
Quote from: Kaz on February 20, 2012, 03:56:00 PM
anyway, blu. is luka your favorite vocaloid as far as voices go, as well? or is it just the character you care about? if you like vocaloid music, do you have a favorite song?
Yes, I like her voice better than the others that I've heard as well. Something about the typical vocal pitch being lower or something like that makes it seem more like a natural and appealing female voice to me than other female Vocaloids I've heard like Miku and Rin. Bilingual capability would be a bonus too, but I don't think I've actually heard any English Vocaloid songs.
I don't really listen to it enough to have a favorite song.
Quote from: bluaki on February 20, 2012, 04:07:18 PM
Yes, I like her voice better than the others that I've heard as well. Something about the typical vocal pitch being lower or something like that makes it seem more like a natural and appealing female voice to me than other female Vocaloids I've heard like Miku and Rin. Bilingual capability would be a bonus too, but I don't think I've actually heard any English Vocaloid songs.
I don't really listen to it enough to have a favorite song.
"Just Be Friends" is my favorite Luka song, and it's bilingual...chorus in English, the rest in Japanese.
so blu
what's your favorite Zelda game
Quote from: Kaz on February 20, 2012, 04:25:33 PM
"Just Be Friends" is my favorite Luka song, and it's bilingual...chorus in English, the rest in Japanese.
Oh yeah, I didn't think about songs that include both languages, because that's pretty typical in Japanese songs, though I guess Luka handles it much less engrishy than Miku and others. I have heard that song several times before.
Quote from: Kaz on February 20, 2012, 04:25:33 PM
so blu
what's your favorite Zelda game
Wind Waker
I actually still haven't played every Zelda game. I've never touched Link's Awakening or Spirit Tracks, barely started the Oracle games and Zelda II, only played about halfway through MM and Phantom Hourglass, and stopped not very far from the end in LttP and Zelda I.
Even if I haven't finished it, LttP probably would be my favorite 2D one.
Quote from: bluaki on February 20, 2012, 11:26:01 AM
Though, in a few hours, I can browse through the pictures on my mom's computer and see if she's taken and saved any.
I could only find a couple pictures of a sugar glider:
and I just remembered, while looking at these pictures, that the list I gave earlier was wrong in a couple ways:
We have two rabbits as well.
As of the beginning of last August, yes, I believe we did have only one degu left. But a wild snake somehow entered the porch, crawled through the thin space between bars in its cage, ate it, then was stuck in the cage because the bulge left it too big to escape. I did see saved pictures of that snake, but not of any degus. I might still be slightly wrong; we might have another degu in a different cage that is still alive, I don't remember.
I'll post the other pictures I found too:
could you please identify the snake for me?
I will have to guess it was a rat snake. What's your opinion on this?
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 20, 2012, 05:40:03 PM
could you please identify the snake for me?
I will have to guess it was a rat snake. What's your opinion on this?
I'm not as familiar with stuff like this as I once was and as my mom is
I think she probably did call it a rat snake, but I don't quite remember.
She released this snake into a nearby park after discovering it.
a few of these questions are annoying me from how vague/avoidant they are idk lol
Quote from: Hiroglyph on February 21, 2012, 12:18:55 AM
a few of these questions are annoying me from how vague/avoidant they are idk lol
Questions? Do you mean answers?
Quote from: Hiroglyph on February 21, 2012, 12:48:02 AM
Which answers were too vague/avoidant?
I felt like I answered everything as much as I know, although those asking something related to my experiences are somewhat less fulfilled because I lack many experiences >_<'
and for some things I'm unsure about, I both showed that unsureness and answered with my best guess, like your question about my favorite movie.
Bluaki, do you think you'll ever end up turning into a full-on lady?
Quote from: Super on February 21, 2012, 02:06:29 AM
Bluaki, do you think you'll ever end up turning into a full-on lady?
I tend to doubt it :(
Although I'm sure I want to
Quote from: bluaki on February 20, 2012, 11:36:26 AM
Crowded places I've gone often include...
amusement parks (usually Busch Gardens, Adventure Island, Sea World) a couple times a year
Aquarium and zoo
various independence day celebration events around the city my mom takes me to
anime conventions, though at these, plenty of cis people crossdress so transpeople aren't really distinguishable
I've never seen one at these places.
What about like restaurants or offices or on the street or at a mall or a store??????
Quote from: applesauce on February 21, 2012, 03:06:11 PM
What about like restaurants or offices or on the street or at a mall or a store??????
I don't think I've ever been to a regular office
I don't wander around the streets
I have been to restaurants, a mall, and stores, though they just didn't come to mind in that list because they're not as crowded.
I still have never seen anybody who outwardly looks clearly trans.
what did you score on the ACT bassir;
Quote from: bluaki on February 21, 2012, 03:36:31 PM
I still have never seen anybody who outwardly looks clearly trans.
you should move to asheville bassir;
Quote from: Kefka on February 21, 2012, 04:16:30 PM
what did you score on the ACT bassir;
Composite: 29
English: 25
Math: 35
Reading: 28
Science: 26
My science score in particular was lowered dramatically because I actually read the articles in that section, which I'm apparently not supposed to do, because the given time was only enough to do what felt like about half of the problems. I've also never taken any other remotely similar science test as far as I remember, while the other sections' problems were pretty similar what my teachers repeatedly gave throughout like middle school.
but I took the SAT as well and got better results for it:
Math: 800
Reading: 640
Writing: 640
you need to go to California. Yo uwill find Trans peeps there
Quote from: eeeeeee on February 21, 2012, 05:07:45 PM
you need to go to California. Yo uwill find Trans peeps there
this is a great quote.
Or just move down to South Florida. I also believe Orlando is a very GLBT friendly city.
Quote from: Edina Monsoon on February 21, 2012, 05:16:28 PM
Or just move down to South Florida. I also believe Orlando is a very GLBT friendly city.
I'm never sure what exactly "South Florida" means, partially thanks to having the "University of South Florida" near the geographic center of the state and in the city I live in. bassir;
I did just go to Orlando this previous Saturday for an anime convention, but otherwise, I've only ever been there either because of passing through or for Sea World.
Regardless whether it's to a different city or a different state, it's not like moving is an option for me, anyways. Nor is simply traveling on a whim for whatever reason.
what do you think of me?
from first impressions to now
Quote from: bluaki on February 21, 2012, 05:38:34 PM
I'm never sure what exactly "South Florida" means, partially thanks to having the "University of South Florida" near the geographic center of the state and in the city I live in. bassir;
Fort Lauderdale/Palm Beach/Miami
If you move to NYC, Medicade would pay for your expenses to transition.
Would you be more happier being pre, or post-trans?
What ghostly thoughts pirouette themselves whenever you're presented with stoic mirror? A mirror that sharply makes you conscious of body you've never wanted? Do you silently slide your soften fingers down your supple waist and fantasize of the "What ifs" and "If maybes"? What do you think after coming out right after you're done showering and seeing yourself, hidden beneath your wet, clumped hair?
Do you wonder about periods?
When will you ever take steps in overcoming your paralyzed emotions that just simmer beneath your orchestrated behavior?
Do you harbor secret hatred for your mother for over-protecting you?
Do you really have a low libido, or do you think it's a defense mechanism to prevent experiencing an overload of new emotions and experiences?
What do you do if you don't have Internet access, school work or reading material (or your pets or your mother)?
How many times have you thought of death this month?
Have you ever frightened yourself from learning something new about yourself?
Have you ever felt ecstatic? What things send a burst of loving tingles throughout your whole body?
What do you think of the hyperfeminized post-op trannies?
What do you think of the FtMs?
Quote from: Clucky on February 21, 2012, 07:33:51 PM
If you move to NYC, Medicade would pay for your expenses to transition.
That surprises me O_0
Are you sure this is actually true?
Quote from: Clucky on February 21, 2012, 07:33:51 PM
Would you be more happier being pre, or post-trans?
What do you mean? I would be happier as a full female than as male; that's the point of even having a trans identity
Quote from: Clucky on February 21, 2012, 07:33:51 PM
What ghostly thoughts pirouette themselves whenever you're presented with stoic mirror? A mirror that sharply makes you conscious of body you've never wanted? Do you silently slide your soften fingers down your supple waist and fantasize of the "What ifs" and "If maybes"? What do you think after coming out right after you're done showering and seeing yourself, hidden beneath your wet, clumped hair?
This question is detailed in rather strange ways.
Simply put, yes, I do have feelings somewhat like what you're describing of wishfully wondering what my body could be like whenever looking at myself.
In a similar note to this, I sometimes wish I had artist friend(s) who would draw pictures of me as female and giving me a rigid image of sorts for myself.
My "wet, clumped hair" isn't that bad at all after a shower. It might be heavy and dripping water, but it remains straight behind my head and doesn't really clump much.
Quote from: Clucky on February 21, 2012, 07:33:51 PM
Do you wonder about periods?
Even if it's a detail of living as female that I can never have, this is one thing that I'm actually glad I can't have. If I were given the choice between being a fertile female and one that doesn't have periods, I would surely choose the latter. But it's not like I want fertility anyways.
Quote from: Clucky on February 21, 2012, 07:33:51 PM
When will you ever take steps in overcoming your paralyzed emotions that just simmer beneath your orchestrated behavior?
I don't really know, but I hope I will. I probably will be prompted to if I ever actually manage to have close friends.
Quote from: Clucky on February 21, 2012, 07:33:51 PM
Do you harbor secret hatred for your mother for over-protecting you?
No, not at all.
Quote from: Clucky on February 21, 2012, 07:33:51 PM
Do you really have a low libido, or do you think it's a defense mechanism to prevent experiencing an overload of new emotions and experiences?
I really do have a low libido.
I don't know what overload of new emotions and experiences you're referring to. Just having sex? It's not like I specifically avoid that or anything.
Quote from: Clucky on February 21, 2012, 07:33:51 PM
What do you do if you don't have Internet access, school work or reading material (or your pets or your mother)?
Thanks to tethering and whatnot, I'm doubly protected against losing Internet access altogether. n_u
Even without Internet access, I still have virtually unlimited things to do with my computer in stuff like programming by myself. I also have a ton of console games in a backlog. There's also some downloaded anime I haven't watched yet.
but I have no idea how I'd waste my time if I lost electricity
Quote from: Clucky on February 21, 2012, 07:33:51 PM
How many times have you thought of death this month?
Probably none
I don't tend to think about things like death or suicide or whatever you're implying
Quote from: Clucky on February 21, 2012, 07:33:51 PM
Have you ever frightened yourself from learning something new about yourself?
As far as I remember, no.
Quote from: Clucky on February 21, 2012, 07:33:51 PM
Have you ever felt ecstatic? What things send a burst of loving tingles throughout your whole body?
I don't remember any time I have :(
These questions seem to have been added after I first quoted that previous post, though it did take me a long time to actually finish that reply after I started.
Quote from: Clucky on February 21, 2012, 07:33:51 PM
What do you think of the hyperfeminized post-op trannies?
I feel like I just recently mentioned this in another post, but I'm actually slightly annoyed by many of them. Especially the ones that do things like brag about their femininity, consider themselves "more trans" than other mtfs, and/or enforce negative trans stereotypes.
Quote from: Clucky on February 21, 2012, 07:33:51 PM
What do you think of the FtMs?
The desire to actually desire masculinity is of course foreign to me, but I'm accepting and whatever of them. I don't think much about them.
lol yes
A lot of trannies come running to NYC so their expenses can be done and taken care of.
I think they get facial re-construction as well.
And some trannies enjoy being pre-op because they somehow like their dick, but want the rest of their bodies to be very 'feminine'
lol the wet hair thing came from me staring at the mirror with my wet hair--it makes me look different n_u
Quote from: Clucky on February 21, 2012, 09:10:15 PM
And some trannies enjoy being pre-op because they somehow like their dick, but want the rest of their bodies to be very 'feminine'
Oh, I guess I see why you brought it up then, especially considering that I consider myself a trans lesbian.
Ignoring the fact that it's required for legal "sex change", I guess losing the penis would be one of my lowest priority trans changes and I don't want that as much as other aspects of feminizing, but I am sure that I would prefer a fully female body to one with a penis.
but my low libido might be related to these feelings
do u have Hatred in your Heart for me. i do not hate you at all. i think you are Wonderful.
What hair products do you use? You have nice hair.
Quote from: silvertoné on February 22, 2012, 01:46:26 PM
do u have Hatred in your Heart for me. i do not hate you at all. i think you are Wonderful.
No, I have none.
Quote from: FAMY2 on February 22, 2012, 03:00:34 PM
What hair products do you use? You have nice hair.
I use Pantene shampoo, but nothing else. I don't use conditioner, straightening, coloring, or anything else.
Why do you hate Echo?
Who is your favorite famous role model? It can be anyone in history.
what is your real first name akudood;
Quote from: Kefka on February 22, 2012, 07:17:31 PM
what is your real first name akudood;
we already know this
Quote from: Hippopo on February 22, 2012, 07:16:32 PM
Why do you hate Echo?
because he's way too great madood;
[spoiler]I don't hate him at all and don't know why you'd think so[/spoiler]
Quote from: Hippopo on February 22, 2012, 07:16:32 PM
Who is your favorite famous role model? It can be anyone in history.
I don't have one at all. I had this topic for my SAT writing prompt and just wrote about the famous person that I at the time knew the most specific details about, though I forget who it was.
Quote from: Kefka on February 22, 2012, 07:17:31 PM
what is your real first name akudood;
My real first name is Jennifer
the first name that I'm legally known as is Joseph
the first name that my classmates and family call me is Joey
I asked about Echo because you ignored his question.
And you admire every famous person equally? There isn't someone that inspires you? No one? Maybe not the person, but the work they produce?
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 21, 2012, 05:39:16 PM
what do you think of me?
from first impressions to now
You're a fabulous user who seems friendly to everyone giggle;
[spoiler]and cuter than I am >_<'[/spoiler]
Quote from: Hippopo on February 22, 2012, 07:33:37 PM
I asked about Echo because you ignored his question.
How did I miss that >_<'
Quote from: Hippopo on February 22, 2012, 07:33:37 PM
And you admire every famous person equally? There isn't someone that inspires you? No one? Maybe not the person, but the work they produce?
I guess some famous people in science and whatever, then? Like Newton, Euler, Turing, Knuth, and Dennis Ritchie.
What do you think of Chaz Bono? Maybe more what have you learned from his experiences?
what would you do if you are leader of world for one week?
do you have a tight butthole
Quote from: FAMY2 on February 23, 2012, 08:09:27 AM
What do you think of Chaz Bono? Maybe more what have you learned from his experiences?
I've never heard of him before.
Similarly, I haven't learned anything from his experiences and a skim of the Wikipedia article doesn't seem to have anything surprising to learn from.
Quote from: ikanaide on February 23, 2012, 09:48:31 AM
what would you do if you are leader of world for one week?
Destroy Korea y/n
[spoiler]In seriousness, I don't have anything in particular I'd do with an unspecific seat of power like that[/spoiler]
Quote from: Kefka on February 23, 2012, 12:41:23 PM
do you have a tight butthole
what is the area enclosed by the lines y= x^2 - 2x - 3 , y= 0 , x= -3 and x= 3?
if you were a boat, would you carry passengers or cargo.
Quote from: ikanaide on February 23, 2012, 04:32:28 PM
what is the area enclosed by the lines y= x^2 - 2x - 3 , y= 0 , x= -3 and x= 3?
With two different regions split by the lines:
Between x=-3 and x=-1, the area is 32/3 (above y=0)
Between x=-1 and x=3, the area is 32/3 (below y=0)
Their sum is 64/3 (21.333)
Quote from: N o t S i d on February 23, 2012, 04:35:31 PM
if you were a boat, would you carry passengers or cargo.
Probably cargo, because passengers are troublesome and loud.
can i see said tight butthole
There were surprisingly few sexual questions: only Lawlz's and that last one from dp, pretty much.
Is this thread practically dead already?
I blame Hiro awdood;
what boyager would you fuck
what boyager would you suck
Quote from: N o t S i d on February 23, 2012, 11:38:11 PM
what boyager would you fuck
fuck or be fucked by? toothdood;
In total seriousness, there's of course none of you that I would upon meeting or whatever
But removing several layers of seriousness to produce a more interesting answer, I'll list a few that come to mind: hensa, hime, kougraducky, echo, and kaz
Quote from: Kaz on February 23, 2012, 11:51:08 PM
what boyager would you suck
Similar to the previous answer, you and echo giggle;
you could suck kougraducky you know
also do you know any jokes
Quote from: N o t S i d on February 24, 2012, 12:03:15 AM
you could suck kougraducky you know
It's not nearly as exciting when detachable sillydood;
Quote from: N o t S i d on February 24, 2012, 12:03:15 AM
also do you know any jokes
No >_<'
can you develop a program that is like a music visualizer but it processes live music im not sure what im asking
Quote from: N o t S i d on February 24, 2012, 12:15:15 AM
can you develop a program that is like a music visualizer but it processes live music im not sure what im asking
"V-Module works within Ableton Live and gives you Live-like access to video processing based on Jitter and OpenGL functionalities.
http://www.fabriziopoce.com/ "
it would be harder to use it with real instruments though
I swear I saw some Tool live visuals once where they did this but I can't find it now
Quote from: N o t S i d on February 24, 2012, 12:15:15 AM
can you develop a program that is like a music visualizer but it processes live music im not sure what im asking
I believe some existing media players allow this, it's just a matter of opening a stream from microphone or whatever instead of a music file, although the method to do this may not be obvious at all and I don't know of any examples
or what Snorkel linked. I thought by music visualizer you meant the silly stuff you see when opening a music file in something like Windows Media Player.
i knew it i had this idea that maybe you could simulate synesthesia but then after i was writing down my idea i was like "shit i think this is a music visualizer"
fuck i thought this was a really cool idea saddood;
If you could change one thing about yourself, excluding gender, what would it be?
What's your favourite animal?
Can you cook? if so what's your favourite dish to cook?
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 24, 2012, 07:45:21 AM
If you could change one thing about yourself, excluding gender, what would it be?
Having close friends
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 24, 2012, 07:45:21 AM
What's your favourite animal?
Cat :3
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 24, 2012, 07:45:21 AM
Can you cook? if so what's your favourite dish to cook?
I've never cooked anything more than microwaving, boiling water, leaving in the oven for a certain amount of time, or making a sandwich >_<'
Blu, do you remember the few times we talked on the phone? we were so young!
If we did it together, would you wanna wear lingerie or just opt for your birthday suit?
Quote from: bluaki on February 24, 2012, 08:25:53 AM
Having close friends
Cat :3
I've never cooked anything more than microwaving, boiling water, leaving in the oven for a certain amount of time, or making a sandwich >_<'
You should learn to cook! There is nothing more enjoyable than crafting a delicious meal by hand giggle;
Quote from: Nurse Hensa on February 24, 2012, 08:27:29 AM
Blu, do you remember the few times we talked on the phone? we were so young!
Wasn't it only once and like two years ago?
You were also the first person I sent texts to, years before I actually got a phone (just this last summer) giggle;
Quote from: Nurse Hensa on February 24, 2012, 08:27:29 AM
If we did it together, would you wanna wear lingerie or just opt for your birthday suit?
Either way is just as nice girl;
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 24, 2012, 08:27:57 AM
You should learn to cook! There is nothing more enjoyable than crafting a delicious meal by hand giggle;
I probably should work on actually eating stuff that's interesting to make first >_<'
Quote from: bluaki on February 24, 2012, 08:36:31 AM
Wasn't it only once and like two years ago?
You were also the first person I sent texts to, years before I actually got a phone (just this last summer) giggle;
Either way is just as nice girl;
I think it was twice because you said something like "OH call you right back" ahhaha
I took your texting virginity!? oh my giggle;
also lingerie sets like these really make me happy, warning nsfw
I imagine if we both wore something like it, id be extra happy.
Quote from: Nurse Hensa on February 24, 2012, 08:40:36 AM
also lingerie sets like these really make me happy, warning nsfw
I imagine if we both wore something like it, id be extra happy.
maybe I'm boring, but I prefer simpler things >_<'
Quote from: bluaki on February 23, 2012, 04:52:14 PM
With two different regions split by the lines:
Between x=-3 and x=-1, the area is 32/3 (above y=0)
Between x=-1 and x=3, the area is 32/3 (below y=0)
Their sum is 64/3 (21.333)
how you have this answer?
i always have 10.666 i don't know why >_<'
In times like this, I wish the tex tag wasn't broken madood;
Quote from: ikanaide on February 24, 2012, 09:26:15 AM
how you have this answer?
i always have 10.666 i don't know why >_<'
integral from -3 to 3 of abs(x^2 - 2x - 3) dx is the mathematical problem you're solving for
Using absolute value, it's required to find where the inner function is equal to zero
In this case, x^2 - 2x - 3 = 0 for x=-1 and x=3
Because x=3 isn't an interior point within the domain, it's unimportant in calculation
With a zero found, the original integral is now equivalent to
abs(Integral [-3,-1] of (x^2 - 2x - 3) dx) + abs(Integral [-1,3] of (x^2 - 2x - 3) dx)
The indefinite integral of your original function is x^3/3 - x^2 - 3x
At -3, it's -9
At -1, it's 5/3
At 3, it's -9
abs(5/3 - (-9)) + abs(-9 - 5/3) simplifies to 64/3
Also, you're 16, right? You have Calculus class at this age?
At my school, nobody below last year (18 years old) of high school could take it
why does compaq suck and make it impossible to open a laptop case so you can clean off a fan
Quote from: bluaki on February 24, 2012, 09:48:48 AM
In times like this, I wish the tex tag wasn't broken madood;
integral from -3 to 3 of abs(x^2 - 2x - 3) dx is the mathematical problem you're solving for
Using absolute value, it's required to find where the inner function is equal to zero
In this case, x^2 - 2x - 3 = 0 for x=-1 and x=3
Because x=3 isn't an interior point within the domain, it's unimportant in calculation
With a zero found, the original integral is now equivalent to
abs(Integral [-3,-1] of (x^2 - 2x - 3) dx) + abs(Integral [-1,3] of (x^2 - 2x - 3) dx)
The indefinite integral of your original function is x^3/3 - x^2 - 3x
At -3, it's -9
At -1, it's 5/3
At 3, it's -9
abs(5/3 - (-9)) + abs(-9 - 5/3) simplifies to 64/3
Also, you're 16, right? You have Calculus class at this age?
At my school, nobody below last year (18 years old) of high school could take it
At -1, I have 11/3 myface;
why is wrong? >_<'
yes, i have cslculus class
Quote from: ikanaide on February 24, 2012, 10:42:28 AM
i'm not seeing anything wrong to be honest confuseddood;
Quote from: ikanaide on February 24, 2012, 10:42:28 AM
At -1, I have 11/3 myface;
why is wrong? >_<'
yes, i have cslculus class
- (-1)^2 = - 1
You have + 1
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 24, 2012, 10:02:31 AM
why does compaq suck and make it impossible to open a laptop case so you can clean off a fan
I've never opened a laptop case before, so I don't know
I thought I've heard that Apple is the worst about being unable to open anything
bluaki just doesn't think differently with unibody designs that haven't changed since 2009
Quote from: bluaki on February 24, 2012, 02:54:33 PM
- (-1)^2 = - 1
You have + 1
aaaaaaaaaaaah shit
i have -(-1) = 1
1^2 = 1
but correct is -1^2 = 1
-(1) = -1
i forget indicies is before multiply myface;
thanks for help happydood;
Quote from: ikanaide on February 24, 2012, 03:50:05 PM
indicies is before multiply
They're called exponents, not indices
While exponents are usually represented as
superscript (like e
x), indices are in math usually represented as
subscripts (like x
Sometimes giving numbers to each variable is more convenient than using a different letter for each, like for:
1 + x
2 + x
3 + ... + x
n) / n
being the average (arithmetic mean) of a set of size n. These numbers are called indices.
why does the new chat thread suck
getting told
Quote from: N o t S i d on February 24, 2012, 04:28:50 PM
why does the new chat thread suck
It's hardly still a "new" chat thread, with almost half of its posts already made
also because Travis made it even though there was no reason this time for him to be the one to have the chat thread n_u
Quote from: bluaki on February 24, 2012, 04:32:32 PM
It's hardly still a "new" chat thread, with almost half of its posts already made
also because Travis made it even though there was no reason this time for him to be the one to have the chat thread n_u
hmm, i think you're on to something
the... the chat thread may be cursed! O_0
travis is a Hero
Quote from: Thyme on February 24, 2012, 04:33:46 PM
hmm, i think you're on to something
the... the chat thread may be cursed! O_0
Wait, what else about it supposedly sucks? confuseddood;
Quote from: bluaki on February 24, 2012, 04:35:21 PM
Wait, what else about it supposedly sucks? confuseddood;
i'm just being silly confuseddood;
Quote from: Thyme on February 24, 2012, 04:30:41 PM
getting old
i think i'm going to change the chat thread title as punishment for him still saying this, i'm no longer honoring his opinion, not even in jest
it gold old after the 20th time
Quote from: silvertoné on February 24, 2012, 04:53:59 PM
Quote from: bluaki on February 24, 2012, 04:07:21 PM
They're called exponents, not indices
this is more of a dialectal thing here
they are indeed called indices in the UK
Quote from: Edina Monsoon on February 24, 2012, 05:26:27 PM
this is more of a dialectal thing here
they are indeed called indices in the UK
Oh, I didn't expect something like that to vary by region
...but I think that's a rather ambiguous situation to use the word in when, like I just mentioned, index has another meaning in mathematics as a numerical identity of a variable in a discrete set bassir;
exponents...are called indices...in the uk...(https://boyah.net/forums/Smileys/default/ugly.gif)
Even if it's somewhat the opposite of the thread's subject, I feel like asking a couple undirected things to whoever feels like answering them. I'd say it's relevant because it's still asking questions about me hocuspocus;
Not to mention I feel like loosening the purpose of these threads a bit from strictly asking the current thread owner questions to discussion about the current thread owner with a somewhat emphasis on questions. Because I think that'd be more interesting.
Or maybe I'm a closet attention whore and just want to milk what I can from this thread while it lasts
With my face, how feminine do you think it could pass as being? Would glasses or contacts be better on me for this? How would your answers differ after I fix up my eyebrows?
If I were to actually get around to crossdressing some day, what should I try wearing?
Do any of my posts (or anything else about me) ever annoy you even a little bit? How?
Would you meet me if you had the chance? If you also had the chance to take my uncultured self to anywhere you wanted or do anything else with me, where/what would it be? Assuming I'm up for anything.
Quote from: bluaki on February 24, 2012, 08:19:10 PM
Even if it's somewhat the opposite of the thread's subject, I feel like asking a couple undirected things to whoever feels like answering them. I'd say it's relevant because it's still asking questions about me hocuspocus;
Not to mention I feel like loosening the purpose of these threads a bit from strictly asking the current thread owner questions to discussion about the current thread owner with a somewhat emphasis on questions. Because I think that'd be more interesting.
Or maybe I'm a closet attention whore and just want to milk what I can from this thread while it lasts
With my face, how feminine do you think it could pass as being? Would glasses or contacts be better on me for this? How would your answers differ after I fix up my eyebrows?
If I were to actually get around to crossdressing some day, what should I try wearing?
Do any of my posts (or anything else about me) ever annoy you even a little bit? How?
Would you meet me if you had the chance? If you also had the chance to take my uncultured self to anywhere you wanted or do anything else with me, where/what would it be? Assuming I'm up for anything.
I think if you use the cosmetics you can look like very feminine (I have tried this)
Contacts, but if you're use glasses, pick a good shape
No difference
I am not sure maybe try dresses
No, I don't understand very much of it n_u
Try watching What Not to Wear. They give lots of tips on clothes, make up and hair. girl; Seriously, they go into body types and how to dress to look good.
Quote from: FAMY2 on February 25, 2012, 08:13:00 AM
Try watching What Not to Wear. They give lots of tips on clothes, make up and hair. girl; Seriously, they go into body types and how to dress to look good.
It's true girl;
Once you figure out your body type dressing actually becomes quite easy as your sense of matching and complimenting colours expands and it just becomes more natural.
watching or reading about it can also help you avoid some fashion faux pas
the more important part is liking what you wear and feeling good in it though. you can wear the prettiest clothes known to man and if you aren't comfortable in them they just won't work
when was the last time you cried
Quote from: FAMY2 on February 25, 2012, 08:13:00 AM
Try watching What Not to Wear. They give lots of tips on clothes, make up and hair. girl; Seriously, they go into body types and how to dress to look good.
I never watch TV, but I'll try it. n_n
Can stuff like that be watched/downloaded easily online anywhere?
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 25, 2012, 08:26:27 AM
Once you figure out your body type dressing actually becomes quite easy as your sense of matching and complimenting colours expands and it just becomes more natural.
But it's not like my body type is very feminine in the first place >_<'
and it probably wouldn't be as easy to me as it should be, but I'll try anyways
I'm curious what your answers to my other questions would be giggle;
Quote from: ikanaide on February 25, 2012, 06:22:52 AM
No, I don't understand very much of it n_u
How are my posts difficult to understand to you? confuseddood;
Quote from: Kefka on February 25, 2012, 08:35:27 AM
when was the last time you cried
Just a couple days ago, probably. I don't remember exactly.
Quote from: bluaki on February 25, 2012, 10:16:39 AM
But it's not like my body type is very feminine in the first place >_<'
and it probably wouldn't be as easy to me as it should be, but I'll try anyways
I'm curious what your answers to my other questions would be giggle;
Well just because you don't have a feminine body type doesn't mean you can't find cute clothing that work with it :3 you have to remember that body types are extremely varied for both men AND women. I ended up with a slightly feminine male body type but I know a friend who is probably as skinny but his body type isn't feminine at all.
and point me to the questions? I will answer them I just don't know which you're referring to
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 25, 2012, 10:20:57 AM
and point me to the questions? I will answer them I just don't know which you're referring to
Quote from: bluaki on February 24, 2012, 08:19:10 PM
With my face, how feminine do you think it could pass as being? Would glasses or contacts be better on me for this? How would your answers differ after I fix up my eyebrows?
If I were to actually get around to crossdressing some day, what should I try wearing?
Do any of my posts (or anything else about me) ever annoy you even a little bit? How?
Would you meet me if you had the chance? If you also had the chance to take my uncultured self to anywhere you wanted or do anything else with me, where/what would it be? Assuming I'm up for anything.
QuoteWith my face, how feminine do you think it could pass as being? Would glasses or contacts be better on me for this? How would your answers differ after I fix up my eyebrows?
I think it all really depends on what you do with your hair. If you get it styled in a feminine style it can really go a ong way. Glasses or contacts could work so I wouldn't. A little eyebrow maintenance would probably help too. But I think everyone could use a bit of that occasionally n_u
HRT probably will also help with the feminisation.
Facially I think you have the same structure as this mtf
QuoteIf I were to actually get around to crossdressing some day, what should I try wearing?
that's the joy of women's fashion. ANYTHING. You could go for a nice dress, or a cute pair of jeans and a cute plaid top. the possiblities are absolutely endless
QuoteDo any of my posts (or anything else about me) ever annoy you even a little bit? How?
I can honestly say you've never really annoyed me. You don't post much and you are far too nice to get mad at :3
Quote]Would you meet me if you had the chance? If you also had the chance to take my uncultured self to anywhere you wanted or do anything else with me, where/what would it be? Assuming I'm up for anything.
totally. you're one of my favourite boyagers and I would really enjoy meeting you. giggle;
we could go for tea and shopping and get fancy foods and it will be awesome baddood;
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 25, 2012, 10:36:53 AM
If you get it styled in a feminine style it can really go a long way.
So my hair currently isn't feminine? How so?
Quote from: bluaki on February 25, 2012, 10:45:21 AM
So my hair currently isn't feminine? How so?
Well it's long but it's not styled really as it's just straight
:3 like go look at a bunch of women's haircuts and I think you'll see what I mean
also you should join
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 25, 2012, 10:48:14 AM
Well it's long but it's not styled really as it's just straight
:3 like go look at a bunch of women's haircuts and I think you'll see what I mean
I at least started cutting my bangs because I thought it seemed better. Isn't it common with girls to style one's hair to be just straight?
I've tried, but don't see what you mean
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 25, 2012, 10:48:14 AM
also you should join
To the extent of adding to frontpage and once in a while browsing, I did so a few months ago, which is as far as I go with reddit
I've also mostly idled in its IRC channel for about a month and a half now
Quote from: bluaki on February 25, 2012, 11:06:38 AM
I at least started cutting my bangs because I thought it seemed better. Isn't it common with girls to style one's hair to be just straight?
I've tried, but don't see what you mean
To the extent of adding to frontpage and once in a while browsing, I did so a few months ago, which is as far as I go with reddit
I've also mostly idled in its IRC channel for about a month and a half now
Well it is a style but it's not necessarily a hyper feminine one. It also depends on your type of hair. You could do something cute like curls. Just try different styles and you may find one that not only accentuates your femininity but makes you look even cuter!
Quote from: bluaki on February 25, 2012, 10:16:39 AM
How are my posts difficult to understand to you? confuseddood;
not all, but many are hard to understand
i just got the joke in the thread title goowan
Are you excited for my ama?
Should I make it tomorrow or Monday?
Quote from: Hiroglyph on February 25, 2012, 10:36:35 PM
i just got the joke in the thread title goowan
I changed the title only yesterday from "edition" to "version", after posting about that in the chat thread
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 25, 2012, 10:48:54 PM
Are you excited for my ama?
Should I make it tomorrow or Monday?
I'd prefer Monday
how tall are you?
how high can you jump?
Quote from: ikanaide on February 26, 2012, 09:10:20 AM
how tall are you?
how high can you jump?
Cmon Bluaki, why arent u answering the actual hard hitting qestions?
Quote from: bluaki on February 25, 2012, 11:06:38 AM
I at least started cutting my bangs because I thought it seemed better. Isn't it common with girls to style one's hair to be just straight?
I've tried, but don't see what you mean
Try places like this.
There are several more like this.
LOL Quick ones. lubdoods;
Quote from: ikanaide on February 26, 2012, 09:10:20 AM
how tall are you?
how high can you jump?
I'm about 5'8", I think. It could also be 5'9" >_<'
Either way, that's a couple inches taller than I'd like to be.
Unfortunately, height can only increase
Quote from: Travis on February 26, 2012, 10:30:12 AM
Cmon Bluaki, why arent u answering the actual hard hitting qestions?
I just woke up
Quote from: FAMY2 on February 26, 2012, 10:44:11 AM
Try places like this.
There are several more like this.
I didn't do the virtual editor thing, but just in the gallery, what I've been going for with my hair is like:
and that picture you used is about 4 years old >_<'
Quote from: bluaki on February 26, 2012, 11:08:09 AM
I'm about 5'8", I think. It could also be 5'9" >_<'
Either way, that's a couple inches taller than I'd like to be.
Unfortunately, height can only increase
Quote from: ikanaide on February 26, 2012, 09:10:20 AM
how high can you jump?
Quote from: ikanaide on February 26, 2012, 11:20:53 AM
I have no idea. It's not really something I can measure by myself.
Quote from: bluaki on February 26, 2012, 11:08:09 AM
Unfortunately, height can only increase
well you're almost done, if not already n_u
Quote from: bluaki on February 26, 2012, 11:24:37 AM
I have no idea. It's not really something I can measure by myself.
you can measure
jst jump for the poor kid blu
Quote from: Nurse Hensa on February 26, 2012, 12:29:00 PM
Would you ever consider buying a Tenga Egg?
I had to search to find out what that is
and I have no interest at all in it O_0
Quote from: ikanaide on February 26, 2012, 12:48:03 PM
you can measure
Just jumping straight up from a regular standing position on a normal floor?
It's mostly a guess, but something in the range of 20-30 cm, I think. Just from jumping and trying to perceive about where my foot lines up with nearby furniture.
Quote from: bluaki on February 26, 2012, 12:58:13 PM
Just jumping straight up from a regular standing position on a normal floor?
It's mostly a guess, but something in the range of 20-30 cm, I think. Just from jumping and trying to perceive about where my foot lines up with nearby furniture.
jump next to wall
measure this wall
from 1 to 10 how tidy is behind your TV?
1 = no wires
3 = some wires
5 = i can see what is into what
8 = which one is PS3??????
Quote from: ikanaide on February 26, 2012, 02:09:54 PM
from 1 to 10 how tidy is behind your TV?
1 = no wires
3 = some wires
5 = i can see what is into what
8 = which one is PS3??????
i lol'd
are you opposed to the use of performance enhancing drugs in baseball
Quote from: ikanaide on February 26, 2012, 02:09:54 PM
from 1 to 10 how tidy is behind your TV?
1 = no wires
3 = some wires
5 = i can see what is into what
8 = which one is PS3??????
it can't be worse than ours
not only are there ten consoles hooked up back there, but also a vcr, dvd player, and stereo. that's...i think 32 cords back there, in total? plus unused fans are back there.
Quote from: ikanaide on February 26, 2012, 02:09:54 PM
from 1 to 10 how tidy is behind your TV?
I don't even have a TV, but if I switch my answer to behind my computer, probably a 10.
I also have a mostly-closed shelf with numerous connections inside it
Listing the cords that come to mind:
[spoiler=outside the shelf]Computer to first monitor (DVI)
Computer to second monitor (VGA)
Wall power to power strip
Power strip to computer
Power strip to first monitor
Power strip to second monitor
Power strip to right speaker
Power strip to shelf (another power strip)
Right speaker to left speaker
Right speaker to computer
Computer to keyboard
Computer to wall ethernet
Computer to wall coax (cable TV)
Computer to USB extension cable to webcam
Main monitor's audio out to computer's line-in
HDMI from shelf (HDMI splitter) to main monitor
VGA from shelf (YPbPr adapter) to main monitor
Ethernet from computer to shelf (PS3)
S-video from shelf (HDMI adapter) to computer[/spoiler]
[spoiler=inside the shelf]
Power to PS3
Power to Wii
Power to PS2
Power to HDMI splitter
Power to YPbPr->VGA adapter
Power to HDMI->svideo adapter
PS3 to HDMI splitter
HDMI splitter to svideo adapter
Wii YPbPr video to VGA adapter
PS2 YPbPr video to detached
All cords connecting to my monitors, speakers, webcam, or keyboard are visible on my desk surface.
what did you do today?
[spoiler]i'm all giddy with excitement for mine wariodood;[/spoiler]
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 26, 2012, 04:52:56 PM
what did you do today?
[spoiler]i'm all giddy with excitement for mine wariodood;[/spoiler]
I woke up around 15:00
lazily browsed for a bit over an hour
browsed for another hour or so
ate lunch at like 18:00
and just a bit ago, started continuing the VN I mentioned in a chat thread post that looks like it was ignored:
Quote from: bluaki on February 26, 2012, 02:07:39 PM
So I tried a hentai VN for my first time last night giggle;
The second one in the Sono Hanabira yuri series
[spoiler]Is it bad that my libido is so low that I can easily watch through a sex scene without arousal? goodjob;[/spoiler]
I like it so far and it's pretty cute n_n
I intend to do some Chemistry homework later tonight, but otherwise, I'll probably mostly waste this day on nothing
Did you ever answer my first question? I can't be bothered to backtrack. giggle;
Quote from: Bert Schnick on February 26, 2012, 05:11:13 PM
Did you ever answer my first question? I can't be bothered to backtrack. giggle;
Oh, I guess I haven't. Mostly because I'm no fortune teller.
Quote from: Bert Schnick on February 20, 2012, 12:26:11 PM
Will I ever find true love? giggle;
Yes, probably giggle;
Quote from: bluaki on February 26, 2012, 05:10:48 PM
I woke up around 15:00
lazily browsed for a bit over an hour
browsed for another hour or so
ate lunch at like 18:00
and just a bit ago, started continuing the VN I mentioned in a chat thread post that looks like it was ignored:
I intend to do some Chemistry homework later tonight, but otherwise, I'll probably mostly waste this day on nothing
I read it but I didn't know what to say like most posts in the chat thread n_u
plus I was at my friend's house this morning
why are my feet so cold?
Did you know your thread is better than Hiro's? giggle;
Quote from: Bert Schnick on February 26, 2012, 05:16:17 PM
Did you know your thread is better than Hiro's? giggle;
Nice to know giggle;
But it could be better :(
i'm trying to milk your thread for all it's worth in these last hours
do you listen to much music? and what kind?
what kind of bedspread do you have?
Quote from: bluaki on February 26, 2012, 05:17:05 PM
Nice to know giggle;
But it could be better :(
You sound like the King of All Cosmos. akudood;
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 26, 2012, 05:18:06 PM
i'm trying to milk your thread for all it's worth in these last hours
I appreciate it lubdoods;
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 26, 2012, 05:18:06 PM
do you listen to much music? and what kind?
My music taste is very similar to Tec's, although it's not brought up nearly as often.
I only like bgm, mostly from video games. I have quite a bit saved, too, but I don't listen to it too often.
I've tried but really haven't liked any regular music. If anything,
maybe a bit of j-pop, but not really.
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 26, 2012, 05:18:06 PM
what kind of bedspread do you have?
It should be visible in the hangouts, I currently have a pokemon blanket. Exactly the same kind as I see in the first google images result for "pokemon blanket":
The lower sheet I use is a similar light blue color with no pattern. I never use an upper sheet and my blanket is the only thing over my body when I sleep. I considered getting lavender sheets instead of blue, but my family said I shouldn't.
and that's for my room at college. At home, my bed currently has a dark brown lower sheet and some sort of similarly brown cabin-themed blanket my mom bought when vacationing in North Carolina. Between the time I started school in August and Thanksgiving break, I used that cabin blanket at college, but I swapped them after returning home for Thanksgiving. Before starting college, I also used that cabin blanket at home, so I otherwise haven't used the Pokemon blanket since that cabin one was bought maybe 6-7 years ago.
I think there's some sort of distinction in names between types of blankets and thicknesses, but I'm not familiar with it. They're both relatively light/thin blankets.
I used to have that set too girl;
then it ripped
from 1 to 10 how much are you otaku?
Quote from: Thyme on February 26, 2012, 05:42:10 PM
Not to veer the thread, but I got Katamari Forever on my friends PS3. HARD. wariodood;
Quote from: Nyerp on February 26, 2012, 05:42:48 PM
someone saw it n_u
so um blu, how often do you post to the wrong thread?
Quote from: ikanaide on February 26, 2012, 05:36:26 PM
from 1 to 10 how much are you otaku?
Maybe 8?
I've watched a lot of anime
I've read only a few light novels and manga
I've read/played only a few visual novels
I've never cosplayed (though I somewhat would like to, I'm too secretive and unmotivated to do so)
I don't own any figurines or other anime-related goods
I'm not all that familiar with things like Touhou and Vocaloid
A strong majority of sexual imagery I've seen is 2D
Even if Kaz beats me in a couple of these ways, I'd say I'm probably the most otaku boyager overall
Quote from: Echo Weiss on February 26, 2012, 05:43:24 PM
so um blu, how often do you post to the wrong thread?
I might have done it once or twice, I think
then immediately try to edit.
I've also posted a thread in a totally wrong board before. Just once.
Somehow I feel very excessively embarrassed about things like that happening >_<'
Quote from: bluaki on February 26, 2012, 05:46:07 PM
Even if Kaz beats me in a couple of these ways, I'd say I'm probably the most otaku boyager overall
Compare to you, kaz is nothing.
you should go visitng tokyo, i think you will fit. happydood;
Quote from: ikanaide on February 26, 2012, 02:09:54 PM
from 1 to 10 how tidy is behind your TV?
1 = no wires
3 = some wires
5 = i can see what is into what
8 = which one is PS3??????
i am lmaoing irl
Quote from: ikanaide on February 26, 2012, 05:56:16 PM
Compare to you, kaz is nothing.
you should go visitng tokyo, i think you will fit. happydood;
It's not like being more otaku is a contest or anything, but I guess I'll take that as a compliment anyways? confuseddood;
Why do you think I would fit so well in Tokyo?
It's not like I know Japanese at all, either.
Quote from: bluaki on February 26, 2012, 05:31:52 PM
It should be visible in the hangouts, I currently have a pokemon blanket. Exactly the same kind as I see in the first google images result for "pokemon blanket":
Quote from: bluaki on February 26, 2012, 06:04:38 PM
It's not like being more otaku is a contest or anything, but I guess I'll take that as a compliment anyways? confuseddood;
Why do you think I would fit so well in Tokyo?
It's not like I know Japanese at all, either.
Quote from: bluaki on February 26, 2012, 05:46:07 PM
I've never cosplayed (though I somewhat would like to, I'm too secretive and unmotivated to do so)
& you will be judge less if you crossdressing in tokyo. hocuspocus;