"A 20-year-old man presented to the emergency room complaining of rectal pain. A well-nourished, well-developed man without signs of intoxication was admitted in no apparent distress. Digital examination of the rectum revealed a stony hard mass. Abdominal plain films showed a vertically oriented, low-lying radiopaque object in the rectum. A spherical radiolucency was noted in the upper pole of the mass. A blood alcohol level was negative. No other drug testing was performed.
Upon further questioning, the patient said that approximately 4 hrs earlier he and his boyfriend had been "fooling around." After stirring a batch of concrete mix, the patient laid on his back with his feet against the wall at a 45-degree angle while his boyfriend poured the mixture through a funnel into his rectum. After the concrete mass hardened, it became so painful that he sought medical care.
Under general anesthesia, the anus was dilated and two Foley catheters were inserted alongside the rectal mass to relieve suction. A concrete case of the rectum was delivered without incident. The rectal mucosa was intact with a hyperemic and edematous appearance.
The patient was kept overnight and discharged uneventfully the following morning. The attending physician recommended a psychiatric consultation, but the patient declined.
Examination of the specimen revealed a perfect concrete cast of the rectum, measuring 12 X 7 X 5 cm and weighing 275 g (Fig. 2). A thin layer of feces coated the surface and crevices. Grooves in the mass were consistent with rectal mucosal folds. A layer of concrete was chipped off the upper part of the specimen and revealed a white plastic ping-pong ball. This corresponded to the radiolucency observed in the abdominal x-ray."
his used, abuse, and complications of enemas are reviewed ;-;
hey babe lets c what its like if we poured concrete in ur bum ;)
that must have sucked
what a fucking idiot
Were is the pleasure in that?
Quote from: The Cookie Monster on December 11, 2008, 06:28:30 PM
Were is the pleasure in that?
certain things turn certain people on
like det's colon ;)
Talk about a hardass. sillydood;
Replace the ground with that guy's asshole.
Quote from: Pyrate on December 11, 2008, 07:35:33 PM
Replace the ground with that guy's asshole.
I think I may have some interesting nightmares tonight.
People are amazing. n_u
He must have forgot to mention to the doc anything about playing ping pong.
Cement...what a weird fetish.
Quote from: juicebox360 on December 11, 2008, 07:59:59 PM
At any rate, I do believe this is COPYPASTA
Okay, look, this isn't Youtube and this isn't 4chan. We don't appreciate mama Luigi and we don't appreciate random shouts of "copypasta."
I could never figure out the origin of Mama Luigi.
But I was playing Mario Kart 64 the other day, and when you come in first I think he says, "mama luigi number one!"
So that's what I figured.
Quote from: Methree on December 12, 2008, 05:13:20 AM
I could never figure out the origin of Mama Luigi.
But I was playing Mario Kart 64 the other day, and when you come in first I think he says, "mama luigi number one!"
So that's what I figured.
it came from a old super mario brothers cartoon based on Super Mario World.
also, does he just not have any good judgement at all?
I mean, at what point in time did he think it was a good idea to cement his pooper?
Quote from: Kazmopolitan on December 12, 2008, 05:05:15 AM
Cement...what a weird fetish.
well the fetish was presumably having liquids put in your bum (klismaphilia) not specifically concrete
Quote from: Kazmopolitan on December 12, 2008, 05:05:15 AM
Cement...what a weird fetish.
have you ever met link332 baddood;
Quote from: Brooks on December 12, 2008, 06:56:28 AM
have you ever met link332 baddood;
but i'm pretty sure he never mentioned cement fetishes
Quote from: Commodore Guff on December 12, 2008, 05:59:33 AM
well the fetish was presumably having liquids put in your bum (klismaphilia) not specifically concrete
oh okay
Quote from: Kazmopolitan on December 12, 2008, 10:29:01 AM
but i'm pretty sure he never mentioned cement fetishes
He got high and fucked a concrete floor.
Quote from: Angry Kewn Fruit on December 12, 2008, 10:29:56 AM
He got high and fucked a concrete floor.
what the fuck
Details please. baddood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on December 12, 2008, 12:58:07 PM
what the fuck
Details please. baddood;
There was a hole in his basement floor and he like to smoke marijuana. baddood;
oh and there's of course: http://gtfoutsider.com/forums/index.php?action=viewblog;u=27;id=507
[spoiler]SnakesOnALink332 (2:21:42 AM): dude
SnakesOnALink332 (2:21:46 AM): im so high
kredmond51 (2:20:46 AM): how the hell did you know i just got back
SnakesOnALink332 (2:21:52 AM): are you going to carsons party
kredmond51 (2:20:48 AM): and youre black
kredmond51 (2:20:51 AM): of course youre high
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:01 AM): yeah
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:06 AM): i know dude omg
kredmond51 (2:21:01 AM): are you really?
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:11 AM): yeah
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:16 AM): are you going to carsons party?
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:22 AM): im bringing like 4 grams.
kredmond51 (2:21:22 AM): whos carson?
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:29 AM): albert did get the fucking acid
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:32 AM): that girl
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:38 AM): i dont know her either
kredmond51 (2:21:37 AM): dude
kredmond51 (2:21:39 AM): i dont live near you
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:51 AM): I got an invite but you dont need one to get in
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:53 AM): what?
SnakesOnALink332 (2:22:55 AM): ho is this??
kredmond51 (2:21:52 AM): uhhh
kredmond51 (2:21:57 AM): i live in connecticut man
SnakesOnALink332 (2:23:08 AM): what the fuck
kredmond51 (2:22:06 AM): hahaha
kredmond51 (2:22:45 AM): you are so high
SnakesOnALink332 (2:23:58 AM): yeah I know ddue
kredmond51 (2:23:05 AM): youre freaking in 9th grade
SnakesOnALink332 (2:24:12 AM): but carsons party yay
kredmond51 (2:23:08 AM): chill
SnakesOnALink332 (2:24:16 AM): yeah
SnakesOnALink332 (2:24:22 AM): stfu you dont tell me what to do
SnakesOnALink332 (2:24:28 AM): but um
kredmond51 (2:23:23 AM): haha youre so black
SnakesOnALink332 (2:24:37 AM): that one girl is going to suck oon my penis.
kredmond51 (2:23:41 AM): ok now youre just being rapid
SnakesOnALink332 (2:24:48 AM): i bet shes estatic
SnakesOnALink332 (2:24:55 AM): wtf is rapid mean
kredmond51 (2:23:56 AM): this is getting outsider'd
SnakesOnALink332 (2:25:07 AM): wtf
SnakesOnALink332 (2:25:09 AM): no
SnakesOnALink332 (2:25:11 AM): stop
kredmond51 (2:24:10 AM): sorry cant
SnakesOnALink332 (2:25:20 AM): why not
SnakesOnALink332 (2:25:23 AM): you fucking asshole
SnakesOnALink332 (2:25:36 AM): i bet your ancestors were my ancestors owners
kredmond51 (2:24:30 AM): because youre being a rapid
SnakesOnALink332 (2:25:42 AM): what the fuck is rapid
SnakesOnALink332 (2:25:52 AM): rapidrapidrapid just tell me what that means
kredmond51 (2:24:46 AM): massive lulz
SnakesOnALink332 (2:25:58 AM): this is not epic lulz
kredmond51 (2:24:58 AM): "im so drunk right now"
SnakesOnALink332 (2:26:07 AM): im over at twizz's place do
SnakesOnALink332 (2:26:10 AM): m not drunk
kredmond51 (2:25:08 AM): dude
kredmond51 (2:25:10 AM): i dont know you
kredmond51 (2:25:15 AM): other than that you have an afro
SnakesOnALink332 (2:26:24 AM): yes you do
kredmond51 (2:25:19 AM): your name is sebastian
SnakesOnALink332 (2:26:28 AM): yeah i do
kredmond51 (2:25:22 AM): and that youre black
SnakesOnALink332 (2:26:32 AM): i keep my weed in my afro
SnakesOnALink332 (2:26:58 AM): im probably going to that party
SnakesOnALink332 (2:27:03 AM): im so going to that party
kredmond51 (2:26:00 AM): gogogogogogo
SnakesOnALink332 (2:27:20 AM): its at 6
SnakesOnALink332 (2:27:23 AM): i tihn
SnakesOnALink332 (2:27:24 AM): 6-11?
SnakesOnALink332 (2:27:36 AM): check the invitation
SnakesOnALink332 (2:27:39 AM): oh wait
SnakesOnALink332 (2:27:45 AM): did you get an invitation
SnakesOnALink332 (2:27:51 AM): people were just handing them out
SnakesOnALink332 (2:28:02 AM): she lives in like pittstown
SnakesOnALink332 (2:28:12 AM): shes like 5 miles away but ive never been there before
SnakesOnALink332 (2:28:24 AM): she probably has like some mansion house
kredmond51 (2:27:16 AM): dude what are you talking about
SnakesOnALink332 (2:28:28 AM): I know she has a pool
kredmond51 (2:27:21 AM): i dont know where you live
SnakesOnALink332 (2:28:31 AM): carsons party
kredmond51 (2:27:23 AM): what town
kredmond51 (2:27:24 AM): what state
SnakesOnALink332 (2:28:41 AM): pittstown!! i told you like 4 times
kredmond51 (2:27:33 AM): dude you know me from a website
SnakesOnALink332 (2:28:47 AM): new jerz
SnakesOnALink332 (2:28:52 AM): from outsider yeah
kredmond51 (2:27:48 AM): ok well why would i get an invite
SnakesOnALink332 (2:28:59 AM): we're blood brothers
SnakesOnALink332 (2:29:10 AM): i dont know
SnakesOnALink332 (2:29:16 AM): maybe one of those girls lieks you.
SnakesOnALink332 (2:29:30 AM): theres a bunch who love me thats why I got so many invites.
kredmond51 (2:28:25 AM): how would i know them
SnakesOnALink332 (2:29:34 AM): i got like 7
SnakesOnALink332 (2:29:40 AM): oh
SnakesOnALink332 (2:29:44 AM): haha!
SnakesOnALink332 (2:29:47 AM): thats right
SnakesOnALink332 (2:29:53 AM): you wouldn't know them
kredmond51 (2:28:50 AM): no, no i wouldnt
SnakesOnALink332 (2:30:02 AM): because you live in...new hampshire?
kredmond51 (2:28:56 AM): nor would i know about this party
kredmond51 (2:28:59 AM): connecticut
SnakesOnALink332 (2:30:14 AM): I just todlyouabout this party
kredmond51 (2:29:13 AM): i know
kredmond51 (2:29:14 AM): just
kredmond51 (2:29:15 AM): nevermind
SnakesOnALink332 (2:30:50 AM): umm
SnakesOnALink332 (2:30:51 AM): ok
SnakesOnALink332 (2:30:55 AM): sketchball
kredmond51 (2:29:54 AM): kk?
SnakesOnALink332 (2:31:20 AM): im so hungryy
SnakesOnALink332 (2:31:23 AM): theres no one on aim
SnakesOnALink332 (2:31:30 AM): theres like 39 people
SnakesOnALink332 (2:31:35 AM): but they're all away
kredmond51 (2:30:35 AM): its like 2:30
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:23 AM): what
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:25 AM): dont tell guff
kredmond51 (2:32:27 AM): ill make a blog
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:37 AM): dont tell
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:41 AM): what blog
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:45 AM): you have a blog
kredmond51 (2:32:37 AM): exactly
kredmond51 (2:32:39 AM): why yes
kredmond51 (2:32:40 AM): yes i do
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:53 AM): turn your fucking blog off
kredmond51 (2:32:49 AM): nah
SnakesOnALink332 (2:36:03 AM): im so hungry
kredmond51 (2:35:19 AM): eat food
SnakesOnALink332 (2:37:15 AM): im at my friends house
SnakesOnALink332 (2:37:20 AM): he has no food
SnakesOnALink332 (2:37:24 AM): i smell like pot
SnakesOnALink332 (2:37:30 AM): "|
kredmond51 (2:36:30 AM): you dont get high with no food
SnakesOnALink332 signed off at 2:36:39 AM.
SnakesOnALink332 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
dude im so high
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:23 AM): what
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:25 AM): dont tell guff
kredmond51 (2:32:27 AM): ill make a blog
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:37 AM): dont tell
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:41 AM): what blog
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:45 AM): you have a blog
kredmond51 (2:32:37 AM): exactly
kredmond51 (2:32:39 AM): why yes
kredmond51 (2:32:40 AM): yes i do
SnakesOnALink332 (2:33:53 AM): turn your fucking blog off
I fucking lol'd
i lol'd
Why did it take me this long to get the pun? ;_;
Quote from: Lotos on December 12, 2008, 06:59:23 PM
Why did it take me this long to get the pun? ;_;
Quote from: Selkie224 on December 12, 2008, 07:16:37 PM
lol wow you guys
My girlfriend's mother is a nurse. I've heard dozens of stories like this, but concrete in the bum? That takes the fucking cake. Game-fucking-over.