Okay, so, this thought pops up into my head a lot...it's not like I'm having kids anytime soon, but I want to have some names ready for that time.
So far, for girls, I like Leah and Collette (NO NOT A TOS REFERENCE) a lot.
But I have none for boys. Chelsea mentioned the name Vincent but I'm still kinda iffy on that.
Do you guys have any suggestions? Or perhaps you have some names for your future children already planned? doodella;
idk i'm still thinking of a boy name from when clucky told me to a few months ago.
natalie for girl UNLESS CLUCKY WAS NOT SRS baddood;
it took me all day to think natalie
I like the name Matteo but for a girl I really don't know.
Vincent's not a very good name in my opinion, unless he's in the mafia. I had some good ones, but i forgot them all. :(
Quote from: Khadafi on September 09, 2008, 08:53:04 PM
it took me all day to think natalie
i told you natalie
you big dumb kewn liar
also you're banned from picking names, all of them fucking suck <3
Vincent Valentine lol
Quote from: Clucky on September 09, 2008, 09:03:43 PM
i told you natalie
you big dumb kewn liar
also you're banned from picking names, all of them fucking suck <3
ok you pick the names. THEY WILL HAVE MY LAST NAME baddood; <3
I want to adopt
Quote from: Khadafi on September 09, 2008, 09:12:10 PM
ok you pick the names. THEY WILL HAVE MY LAST NAME baddood; <3
your last name sounds like some schizophrenic tried to say valentine but couldnt
Quote from: Clucky on September 09, 2008, 09:13:43 PM
your last name sounds like some schizophrenic tried to say valentine but couldnt
Also I've always liked the name collette too.
go for it.
All the Collettes I've known are bitches... just saying.
I like Caleb for a boy... Same with Eliot. I haven't thought about girls that much.
Quote from: Flying Circus on September 09, 2008, 09:15:48 PM
All the Collettes I've known are bitches... just saying.
So have all the Aubrey's I've known, other than you.
But actually I've never known anyone named Collette.
Oh! Thank you!! Eliot for a girl is great.. Thanks Scrubs.
For a guy, I've always liked the name Vaughn.
For a girl, I like Melody or Emery.
Quote from: Spunky on September 09, 2008, 09:32:47 PM
For a guy, I've always liked the name Vaughn.
For a girl, I like Melody or Emery.
I like Melody a lot. doodella;
Quote from: skylark on September 09, 2008, 09:32:29 PM
Oh! Thank you!! Eliot for a girl is great.. Thanks Scrubs.
It's better for a boy.
Quote from: Kaz on September 09, 2008, 09:42:01 PM
I like Melody a lot. doodella;
It is a nice name. ^___^
Quote from: Davie on September 09, 2008, 09:42:38 PM
It's better for a boy.
Girl names for boys, and boys names for girls is popular right now.
I'm not too fond of it though.
Quote from: Davie on September 09, 2008, 09:42:38 PM
It's better for a boy.
I just think of Elliott Smith :) hahaa which isn't a bad thing but I just don't think I could name my kid that. I think it's super cute for a girl.
"Mistake" and "How the hell did two men have a child".
Where has your motherly nature gone, Classic? :(
Also, I just remembered that Michelle is another girl name I want to use. One reason is that it's a nice variant of my dad's name and my middle name (Michael), and another reason is the song "Michelle" by The Beatles.
Quote from: Thyme on September 09, 2008, 09:51:09 PM
Where has your motherly nature gone, Classic? :(
I have evolved from a caring mother to a drunken whore.
Who would have guessed?
Sophie for the girl and Cody for the boy.
Quote from: They Call Me Classic on September 09, 2008, 09:54:42 PM
Sophie for the girl
That's the name I've been trying to remember this whole time, really.
It's kind of funny really...I have all these great ideas for girl's names but I honestly can't think up anything good for boys. Maybe I just really want a daughter that much more.
Drunken? O_0
Anyway... not a lot of names go well with my last name. I guess Juliette's kinda cute for a girl.
QuoteSophie for the girl
That's pretty good too.
I don't know for the boy. Maxime, maybe. doodthing;
To be honest, if I ever was to get a child in my custody, I'd prefer a girl.
And I've always been fond of the name Sophie.
Melody is a cool name, i like melanie better though. Valente is a cool last name, It's like a mix of valient and zesty
antoinette and renée are nice names
andrej is a pretty fuckin sweet male name
Lol. I'm naming my sons Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope
you're lying.
I also really like the name Madeline.
No i'm for reals. madeline reminds me of that book and movie. And Maddy reminds me of a special girl in elementary school.
Wait, why the hell do we say "baby names"? You're not just naming a person, you're naming a person, why not just call it names?
Whoops, i meant to say, "you're not just naming a baby, you're naming a person,"
Quote from: Hiro on September 09, 2008, 10:42:44 PM
Lol. I'm naming my sons Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope
Now I want to name my son C-Murda for some reason. befuddlement
(oh and honestly i don't even know what's the story behind that lol)
I like Gwitart. powerofone; but really, Kael is kind of neat...
Quote from: Hiro on September 09, 2008, 11:08:30 PM
No i'm for reals. madeline reminds me of that book and movie. And Maddy reminds me of a special girl in elementary school.
i don't believe you!
it reminds me of madeline adams :/
I don't pronounce it 'line' at the end but more 'lin' so it wouldn't.
Oh i see. Kenneth? Kaemon?
how is Kaemon pronounced?
Nate, Melanie, Natalie, and Nami are good too. It's either Kaymen, Kaymawn, or Kaymoan. I like the first two.
Oh god i found Naruto on a baby name website lol
yeah the first two are definitely better.
Theodore for a boy I think is really cute.
**Franny watched Naruto all summer before Sophomore year. This is funny because it is so unlike her.
Rhys, Ronan, Rae. I also used to like Ryker a lot. Yeah Theodore is a good baby name and Theo is a cool older name too. Oh god lol, tell fran to punch herself repeatedly.
yeah i like the name because you can shorten it to theo. such a good name.
if you know Ivey I think her name is really cute but I don't think it suits everybody so I don't know. a good name though.
psh. no way.
Quote from: Hiro on September 09, 2008, 11:41:16 PM
Oh god i found Naruto on a baby name website lol
oh christ
I know her, i know what you mean. Micah, Miles, Milo, Mateo/Matteo. T C
Quote from: Hiro on September 10, 2008, 12:05:36 AM
I know her, i know what you mean. Micah, Miles, Milo, Mateo/Matteo. T C
Miles is a great name.
Taro, Toru, Takeo?
Naota, Hiero (unless i change my name to Hiro lol). in other news, i will name my dog Amaterasu
Carly is feminine for Carl, which is short for Charles, meaning A Man. Rofl
Akira, Avery, Ash, Asha, Ashe. Lol Africa is celtic for agreeable.
Karel. Honestly.
Also Guff. baddood;
i think olivia is such a fucking pretty name cjlubdoods;
also nathaniel, scott, and connor, ya?
Quote from: Kaz on September 09, 2008, 09:30:12 PM
So have all the Aubrey's I've known, other than you.
But actually I've never known anyone named Collette.
Yeah, female Aubreys suck too
If I ever have a male child (and hopefully I will) I'm going to name him Thomas. baddood;
It just sounds great, plus it's my mom's maiden name.
I guess I'd let my wife pick a girl's name. befuddlement
I like Alexia for a girl and Guy for a boy.
the name Guy infuriates me
Quote from: Beastman on September 10, 2008, 01:45:35 PM
It's not like I'll have children to begin with, so I don't think you have much to worry about. Dmitri is also a pretty cool name.
Billie Joe
Greyson/ Grey/ Gray (my favorite name of all time)
and some common names I don't mind (Nicholas, John, couple more.)
that's about it for girls. for now.
Lola (L O L A Lola)
Evie? baddood; oh sam, my name is Grant, and my step brother's name is Cole. yes;
Evie is a good name. It reminds me of V for Vendetta and Natalie Portman
Quote from: skylark on September 10, 2008, 03:18:51 PM
Evie is a good name. It reminds me of V for Vendetta and Natalie Portman
I reminds me of pogeymans. doodthing;
Quote from: Flying Circus on September 10, 2008, 03:03:35 PM
I like that name too.
I liked it before i actually met anyone named nathan, for what it counts.
Quote from: Hiro on September 10, 2008, 03:10:28 PM
Evie? baddood; oh sam, my name is Grant, and my step brother's name is Cole. yes;
Your parents have good taste. baddood;
Quote from: Thief888 on September 10, 2008, 03:27:13 PM
I reminds me of pogeymans. doodthing;
Eevee is always a favorite.
Quote from: skylark on September 10, 2008, 03:18:51 PM
Evie is a good name. It reminds me of V for Vendetta and Natalie Portman
That's where I first heard it... I love the way it sounds. Movie was incredible too.
Quote from: Sam on September 10, 2008, 03:39:08 PM
I liked it before i actually met anyone named nathan, for what it counts.
He was one of my best friends in elementary school... as were Lee and Max. Man I miss those guys... I only see Lee anymore.
Quote from: Flying Circus on September 10, 2008, 03:48:28 PM
That's where I first heard it... I love the way it sounds. Movie was incredible too.
It's one of those names where you know your daughter has to be cute because her name is Evie. I actually know an Evie who is really cute. Like the namy Ivey. She's just going to be cute...
The movie was amazing.
Quote from: skylark on September 10, 2008, 03:50:14 PM
It's one of those names where you know your daughter has to be cute because her name is Evie. I actually know an Evie who is really cute. Like the namy Ivey. She's just going to be cute...
The movie was amazing.
Wow, that's exactly what I thought... I just can't imagine an Evie being anything but adorable. Same with Sophie, which is the other name I thought of.
V for Vendetta is one of the few movies I can watch over and over and never lose any respect or love for it. Not only as a film, but also as a message, because I feel like people are such sheep sometimes so watching V is inspiring.
Guess where i got it from.
[spoiler]Hint: It's the same place i got Celia.[/spoiler]
Quote from: Flying Circus on September 10, 2008, 03:55:20 PM
Wow, that's exactly what I thought... I just can't imagine an Evie being anything but adorable. Same with Sophie, which is the other name I thought of.
V for Vendetta is one of the few movies I can watch over and over and never lose any respect or love for it. Not only as a film, but also as a message, because I feel like people are such sheep sometimes so watching V is inspiring.
That is very true. I have a little cousin named Sophie and she is adorable. It's just a cute name. In some ways it seems like names mean a lot. Like help guiding the way a person is. Maybe that's just silly but really, there are some names where it's just a lot of not so good people have :/
I feel the same way about it. It's really a great film.
Quote from: Sam on September 10, 2008, 03:39:08 PM
I like that name too.
I liked it before i actually met anyone named nathan, for what it counts.
Your parents have good taste. baddood;
my parents didn't name my
step brother, but thanks.
Quote from: Hiro on September 10, 2008, 04:02:19 PM
my parents didn't name my step brother, but thanks.
hey, a
step parent is still a
So hah.
I like V for Vendetta a lot too, but doesn't it seem kinda cheesy that they named her Evie?
And it just sounds like a cutesy child version of Eve.
Quote from: Sam on September 10, 2008, 04:03:30 PM
hey, a step parent is still a parent.
So hah.
My step dad didn't name him though, my step brother's mom, who isn't even related to me, did.
So ha-
Quote from: Hiro on September 10, 2008, 04:04:43 PM
I like V for Vendetta a lot too, but doesn't it seem kinda cheesy that they named her Evie?
And it just sounds like a cutesy child version of Eve.
I don't see how that makes it cheesy.
Quote from: Hiro on September 10, 2008, 04:04:43 PM
I want Wall-E to come out on DVD right now so much. ;o;
Evie? V? Hello? Me too Thyme, best movie ever. Holy shit, V For Vendetta is on FX right now.
Quote from: Hiro on September 10, 2008, 04:14:02 PM
Evie? V? Hello? Me too Thyme, best movie ever. Holy shit, V For Vendetta is on FX right now.
I don't understand. Are you talking about lady parts or that they both have a 'v' sound?
i wish i could pick good names.
and i thought i picked natalie ;-;
Lady parts, what the hell? psyduck; I mean the V sound of course. I mean, the name works for Natalie Portman, but it just doesn't seem like it would be the best choice in real life.
Quote from: Hiro on September 10, 2008, 04:19:04 PM
Lady parts, what the hell? psyduck; I mean the V sound of course. I mean, the name works for Natalie Portman, but it just doesn't seem like it would be the best choice in real life.
Well you said it sounds like a childish version of EVE
so I thought you were alluding to the bible and then to lady parts because of 'V' and that would relate to Eve seeing as she was the first woman.
I expect too much of you though.
Wait what? That was strange logic...
No, it's not strange logic Grant.
Your bringing up Eve prompted it. Living in the Anglo-US I don't see why it's so strange that my mind would go to that? And then bringing about how it's weird with the V and Evie, that they would use that name along with V...
Ah, silly girls
Ah, incompetent boys :)
I like the name Alexis for a girl but I could never name my child that because I would always think of this girl and I know I would. I always thought Kadie was a really inventive name.
Inventive? Incompetent? Sometimes I wish you would just shut your big YAPPER!
sometimes I wish you would use your brain :/
Sometimes I wish you would realize that's a quote.
Grant, I don't have a collective inventory of quotes. Especially not from thing you bother yourself with
oh you two. giggle;
Seriously, calm down
I don't understand why people tell me to calm down. I'm not worked up :)
I don't get worked up over you, silly boy.
I think if it's the right kind of boy Jerrome is a really cute name because you can shorten it to Jerry.
I've never heard Jerome with two Rs. Jerome is a decent name, but i don't like Jerry.
Quote from: Hiro on September 10, 2008, 04:59:22 PM
I've never heard Jerome with two Rs. Jerome is a decent name, but i don't like Jerry.
Do you like Tom
Yeah, you're right. It shouldn't have two 'r's but whatever. I like the name Jerry but I know a really great Jerry so maybe I am biased. Probably am.
Lolita :) ahhaa
Yeah. Ewwww
Quote from: TECTRON on September 10, 2008, 05:02:34 PM
oh ypr caterpie;
you're the only one that gets me tec powerofone;
jmv doesn't want to name his kid riley
that bastard
I like Jewels for a girl.
Quote from: Clucky on September 10, 2008, 06:49:31 PM
jmv doesn't want to name his kid riley
that bastard
Riley's a pretty cute name, i think