it's called "The Box" doodthing;
upon my wake I see a box
and when I rise I gaze
it's always there, aloft my wall
the only thing that stays
my life's been empty, hollow, frail
but this box holds a day
that I once had, as a young lad
that stays to still amaze
I always wish I could go there
that place with birds and trees
the place with that lady oh so fair
and houses, grass, and bees
but then the lady leaves the box
and I hear a knock at my door
she walks in, and I say miss
do you know what this box is for?
she stands there, dumb and speechless
and I ask miss, why are you blank?
She finally responds to me,
"That's a window, you dumb plank"
doesn't even rhyme baddood;
Quote from: Commodore Guff on April 21, 2008, 06:20:06 PM
doesn't even rhyme
Indeed, only a few people can get away with that, and he is not one of them.
this thred sux
id rather rape ducks
cuz killer tofu's a bad rhymer
and ugly like a wrinkly old timer
Quote from: Van De Kamp on April 21, 2008, 06:26:33 PM
this thred sux
id rather rape ducks
cuz killer tofu's a bad rhymer
and ugly like a wrinkly old timer
Now this is greatness.
Quote from: Van De Kamp on April 21, 2008, 06:26:33 PM
this thred sux
id rather rape ducks
cuz killer tofu's a bad rhymer
and ugly like a wrinkly old timer
why did you have to show me up like that myface;
thanks socks
i agree, my poem was better than the box
because im witty like a fox
sort of
Indeed, you are very funny and witty my dear old of friend,
You write, draw and express greatness with a simple mans hand.
If anyone is foolish to challenge they simply do not understand,
That is takes genius and talent to not simply write, but comprehend.
there is a word for all you wrote
let me think; not boat,
or coat,
or gloat,
or float,
or moat,
or bloat,
or note...
ahh yes, and you should quote;
It is Milk!
a clucky poem
i make lots of clucky posts
you get really pissed
come drink of this water
bears, too
i read that poem in english and i liked it
Quote from: JMV on April 21, 2008, 06:50:32 PM
a clucky poem
i make lots of clucky posts
you get really pissed
a clucky poem!
a ducky flucky stucky mucky poem!
a lucky pucky tucky rucky poem!
a sucky poem!
JMV's obsession and false comfort with Clucky is but a fools dream,
For in his heart of hearts he knows thing are not as they may seem.
His solution lies not in her but in experiencing the joys of manhood,
For when that happens our dear Jimmy V will finally abandon solitude.
desunomost, dapa eata hamlet caramalldansen
ooh ooh ooh-awoh
ooh ooh ooh-awoh
awah oh wa oh
Do I win?
Quote from: TERMINATOR X on April 21, 2008, 07:00:53 PM
Do I win?
The Boyah award for most idiotic and annoying member? Maybe.
Do I win?
Quote from: Socks on April 21, 2008, 07:02:21 PM
The Boyah award for most idiotic and annoying member? Maybe.
I thought we were friends. :(
Quote from: TERMINATOR X on April 21, 2008, 07:03:09 PM
I thought we were friends.
Yeah but you have to know your boundaries, take it as constructive criticism.
i am here for the plus one
this post was really fun
please don't delete jmv
i really gotta pee
Quote from: Socks on April 21, 2008, 07:04:17 PM
Yeah but you have to know your boundaries, take it as constructive criticism.
I'm an insecure little boy socks, it gets to me sometimes. :(
Quote from: Wrench et al. on April 21, 2008, 07:05:12 PM
i am here for the plus one
this post was really fun
please don't delete jmv
i really gotta pee
Always time for improvement,Cam.
Quote from: Socks on April 21, 2008, 07:03:27 PM
Joint 1st Place?
sure but ures kinda dont rhyme goodly and are boring
Quote from: TERMINATOR X on April 21, 2008, 07:05:33 PM
Always time for improvement,Cam.
christ. stop posting that
Quote from: Van De Kamp on April 21, 2008, 07:06:24 PM
sure but ures kinda dont rhyme goodly and are boring
They rhyme, usually, and I try to express a message.
I've got another poem.
Sky is the limit and you know that you keep on
Just keep on pressin on
Sky is the limit and you know that you can have
what you want, pressin what you want
Sky is the limit and you know that you keep on
Just keep on pressin on
Sky is the limit and you know that you can have
what you want, be what you want, have what you want, be what you want
I'll dumb it down make it silly, willy, nilly and free
Make it simple and pointless for all to see,
Random words like he, she, me and Jimmy V
Kind of looks like shit, but maybe that's just me.
k new poem
fuck you socks
go lick some cocks
fuck you socks
hi jmv
i really think you should see
what i can do with my pee pee
its so neat to see
when i think about you jmv
my pee pee goes horizontally
baddood; doodthing; baddood; doodthing; baddood; doodthing; baddood;
thats my poem
Quote from: JMV on April 21, 2008, 07:28:20 PM
baddood; doodthing; baddood; doodthing; baddood; doodthing; baddood;
thats my poem
wrote it just for you
i like that poem
it came from the heart
which jmv obviously likes more than clucky
so they'll fuck tonight
awwwwwww rite <3
Quote from: Clucky et al. on April 21, 2008, 07:35:45 PM
which jmv obviously likes more than clucky
so they'll fuck tonight
awwwwwww rite <3
Quote from: JMV on April 21, 2008, 07:21:07 PM
fuck you socks
go lick some cocks
fuck you socks
Ok JMV I'll spare you from a public sharing spree
Some things shouldn't be made public for all to see,
So I'll tell you in private because that's just me
But don't front ni
gga, no fuck, cuz we still G.
Quote from: Socks on April 21, 2008, 07:37:30 PM
Ok JMV I'll spare you from a public sharing spree
Some things shouldn't be made public for all to see,
So I'll tell you in private because that's just me
But don't front ni[/ig]ga, no fuck, cuz we still G.
at least i know bb code
fucking chode :|
i can't think up a poem
a good, wholesome poem
arhyming poem,
a thoughtful poem,
a meaningfull poem,
i need a class of proem (101)
forfeit the game
before somebody takes you out of the frame
puts your name to shame
cover up your face
you cant win the race
the pace is too fast
you just wont last
this is a poem
i wil showem
i can write stuff
this line is to mention guff
Quote from: Geno on April 21, 2008, 07:42:20 PM
forfeit the game
before somebody takes you out of the frame
puts your name to shame
cover up your face
you cant win the race
the pace is too fast
you just wont last
Give credit to work that is not yours.
Quote from: JMV on April 21, 2008, 07:40:04 PM
at least i know bb code
At least you don't make mistakes.
i think it's safe to say
that the poem i wrote today
is the best of them all
so you can all go suck a small
this line is to take up space
i am from outer space
oh god how did this get here
i am not a queer
Quote from: Socks on April 21, 2008, 07:44:21 PM
Give credit to work that is not yours.
Um I made that and am offended at the fact that you are accusing of it not being my own personal work.
Quote from: Geno on April 21, 2008, 07:46:08 PM
Um I made that and am offended at the fact that you are accusing of it not being my own personal work.
It's called Google idiot.
Quote from: Socks on April 21, 2008, 07:50:04 PM
It's called Google idiot.
What does google have to do with Linkin Park? baddood;
Why would Google have anything to do with them?