Which is more like a "main-series" Pokemon game: Let's Go or Colosseum/XD?

Started by bluaki, September 21, 2018, 02:07:46 AM

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There's no "neither" option because I know most of us would pick that

Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee
2 (50%)
The GameCube games: Colosseum and XD Gale of Darkness
2 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 4

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Hiro disagreed with me on this front and I guess there are points either way so here's a thread about it. Here's some of the ways they contrast with the (at the time current) main-series pokemon games:

* Cannot trade with the other main-series Pokemon games, but at least can trade with each other
* Does not have traditional capture mechanics of a turn-based battle with weakening the opponent and selecting a ball (even Colosseum does this albeit in trainer battles)
* Does not have abilities (like RGBY and GSC, but nothing else since then, not even FRLG)
* Does not have held items (like RGBY and nothing else since then, not even FRLG)
* Removes most of the connectivity features that every main game has had since 2006 (to be fair GameCube predates wifi connectivity, but I'd consider reverting entirely different from not having something in the first place)
* It's completely impossible to transfer in out-of-region Pokemon species

Colosseum and/or XD:
* The wild battles that do exist in XD aren't random grass encounters, and they don't exist at all in Colosseum, but at least they're normal turn-based battles
* Does not have routes between towns
* Almost all battles are double battles instead of single battles
* Are not made by Game Freak
* Does not have 8 gyms (like Sun/Moon) or a Pokemon League
* Can't play as a girl character (like RGBY and Gold/Silver)
* Cannot be legitimately played on a portable system

* You can't breed pokemon at all (like RGBY)
* No HMs at all (like Sun/Moon)
* Not strictly handheld-only games
* Does not have the typical set of Grass, Fire, and Water starters to choose from (like Yellow)
* Add some unique mechanics that haven't been and probably never will be in the other main-series games

I consider connectivity/trading features and catching mechanics more important than anything else on this list (excluding breeding), so the GameCube games feel more like traditional Pokemon games to me than Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee. Colosseum can trade with all the GBA games, while LGPE can't trade with any of the 3DS games and we'll have to wait a year to see if it can even transfer to the next Switch games (which I'm doubting).


lets go seems like ass and the Colosseum games are palpable so those


Im not sure. I guess LGPE SEEMS more like a standard pokemon game.

But if I had to play one I'd rather play XD/Colosseum because the battling and leveling is standard. Never played them before though


I mean... it's the let's go games.

They're Gen 1 but crappy, so of course it's the closest

Kalahari Inkantation

i would say that lgpe is closer to the spirit of pokemon, but mechanically colosseum/xd are more traditionally pokemon-like

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