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Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu and Lets Go Eevee

Started by YPrrrr, May 30, 2018, 03:43:44 AM

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2 Pokemon Go 4 me

Main rpg still coming in 2019 though so can't be mad about it


maybe not mad about it, but very disappointing.


yeah, we'll see. if i can largely opt out of all the 'Go' BS i might still get it, but if i have to participate in Go's shtick to make any progress then, yeah I'll pass til "the real one" is out.

seems goofy as shit at face value though lol but i can understand the market they're trying to tackle here.


They announced more stuff today for the first time since E3. It's nothing major, just small details.

Kanto town map:
Notably, it looks like they changed absolutely nothing from the world of Red and Blue other than replacing Safari Zone with Go Park. Cinnabar Island hasn't exploded. SS Anne is landlocked because Cycling Road (which you can't even ride a bicycle on anymore) isn't a drawbridge like it was in HGSS. That Machop in Vermilion City still hasn't finished its construction after 22 years. They're making this game's world even less different from the originals than Firered/Leafgreen were which sounds pretty boring. The good thing about Pokémon's remakes until now is that they recreate the old region and story while changing enough to make it still fresh and that they bring in all the newer main series mechanics, but this game is deliberately avoiding even that. Not even GTS made the cut.

Let's Go Pikachu has most of the version exclusive wild Pokémon from Red and Let's Go Eevee has the exclusives from Blue/Green, except Sandshrew (which I'm guessing swapped with Ekans to let both versions have the same number of Alolan forms). Pikachu has Oddish+Growlithe+Sandshrew, Eevee has Bellsprout+Vulpix+Meowth.

* Jessie and James appear, just like they did in Yellow Version.
* You can dress up the player character and your starter Pokémon.
* Eevee now has a gender difference: females have a new tail pattern that looks like a heart.
* They showed the new designs of Brock, Misty, and Oak.
* You can actually battle against legendaries like Zapdos, unlike all the normal non-legendary wild Pokémon.
* The 2019 Pokémon movie will be titled "Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution"

I didn't post in this thread during E3 but my opinion of this game hasn't changed: I'll still buy it because I'm just that much of a crazy pokémon fan but this the first "main"-ish series pokémon game I'm really not particularly excited for and wouldn't especially recommend to anyone who isn't as obsessed as I am

Quote from: C.Mongler on May 30, 2018, 12:13:42 PM
yeah, we'll see. if i can largely opt out of all the 'Go' BS i might still get it, but if i have to participate in Go's shtick to make any progress then, yeah I'll pass til "the real one" is out.

You can't opt out. The wild encounters are replaced with no battle and just throwing a pokéball with motion controls. You can't even turn off the motion controls and use buttons instead.

The "Go Park" (connecting to and transferring pokémon from Go) is entirely optional, but they haven't announced yet if any Pokémon require transferring from Go. Safari Zone is gone and they haven't said anything about where stuff like Tauros, Dratini, and Chansey will be.


Yeah. This game is a hard pass as of now.


One more announcement for today: the digital version takes 4.6GB to download.

Here's some details that were easy to miss during E3 because they weren't in the trailer:

  • No GTS. No random online battles. The only online communication available is with Switch friend codes.

  • There is no breeding at all.

  • You can't obtain anything outside the original 151 (plus a brand new Pokémon) in any way. Not even something like Espeon. Even transfers from Pokémon Go are limited to the original 150 (not Mew).

  • Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle aren't starters anymore, but you can still catch them in the wild. Bulbasaur for example is obtainable in Viridian Forest

  • You cannot evolve your starter Pikachu or Eevee, which is pretty baffling considering Eevee is "The Evolution Pokémon"

  • Unlike in Yellow version, you can catch wild Pikachu in Viridian Forest in both versions. These Pikachu can evolve. There's probably wild Eevee somewhere too.

  • Movesets are different. Pikachu for example can now learn Double Kick (at level 9). Hopefully this makes the starters a lot more useful than unevolved Pikachu and Eevee were in previous games.

  • Stats and trainer battles do indeed work the same as in normal Pokémon games, other than the co-op support which turns all trainer battles into 2v1 battles.

  • The PC was replaced with a Pokémon Bag which you can access with the pause menu anywhere in the world.

  • Game Freak says the next main series game in 2019 will be more like a normal pokémon game and more focused on core fans

  • They refused to say (when asked by interviewers) whether these games can trade with any other pokémon games besides Go or whether they work with Pokémon Bank.

These games are basically a Yellow Version remake split into two versions but in 3D and with Go-based waggle wild catching. Unlike Firered/Leafgreen, these games don't even have breeding or some postgame way (like Sevii Islands and trading) to obtain the other non-Kanto Pokémon.


Quote from: Big Goop on July 12, 2018, 09:16:30 PM
Yeah. This game is a hard pass as of now.

Yeah same here, I've yet to hear anything that excites me about this game. Again, I see their market for this, it's just not me lol.


The only thing appealing to me is the graphical upgrade and how smoothly the pokemon seem to move through the world. Riding larger pokemon is also cool. I hope they keep that feature in the 2019 title


Quote from: YPargh on July 13, 2018, 08:13:18 AM
The only thing appealing to me is the graphical upgrade and how smoothly the pokemon seem to move through the world. Riding larger pokemon is also cool. I hope they keep that feature in the 2019 title
I actually agree. Dataminers found overworld walking animations for every single pokémon in Sun & Moon so I'm a little surprised they didn't use them for Ultra S&M and instead waited two more years to only use 151 of them, but I expect that probably means we'll see it in other games moving forward too. Gamefreak has been toying around with the following mechanic for a pretty long time between Yellow's Pikachu, Sinnoh's Amity Park, and HGSS so maybe this time it'll finally stick.

Pikachu & Eevee have a pretty modest graphical upgrade considering the jump from 3DS to Switch, but I think it was said somewhere that the gen9 games will take much better advantage of Switch's graphical capabilities. tbh I think Sun/Moon rendered in 1080p with higher-resolution textures would be roughly on par with these games, or maybe even more detailed since Let'sGo is so stylized to deliberately look simple.


The Go shit looks bad but overall if this is their take  on a low-budget casual title I'm really interested to see what they do with the next mainline game.


All the videos seem to confirm that the Pokemon overworld walking animations in this game are indeed exactly the same as the ones in Sun and Moon. You can see them in these YouTube videos:


I like these animations because they give a bit more insight into each Pokemon that none of the games have shown before

some notable details:
Charizard, Farfetch'd, and Gengar walk as bipedal but fly when you're running
Pikachu, Raichu, and Sandshrew walk bipedal but run quadruped
Alolan Sandshrew "runs" by spinning on its belly like a top or hockey puck
Nidorina walks as quadruped, despite standing on its hind legs when still or in battle
Jiggypuff and Wigglytuff walk bipedal but "run" by floating like balloons
Venonat "runs" by jumping up its whole height off the ground like a bug
Mankey walks with its arms raised above its head
Growlithe walks with its tongue sticking out
Shellder and Cloyster face backwards to propel themselves forward
Krabby and Kingler walk sideways
Voltorb spins in circles like a top while Electrode rolls forward
Sandslash, Graveler, and Golem "run" by curling into a ball and rolling forward like Electrode does
Staryu and Starmie "walk" bipedal (like how you'd walk if you can't bend your knees) but for running they just float facing upward while spinning like helicopter blades
Some slower pokemon can't keep up with you when you're running so they get warped forward if left offscreen

All 807 Pokemon (including all Megas and other alternate forms) have these animations, but you won't see the other 656 ones in this game nor any of the 12 Kanto megas.


I heard from a likely unreliable source that random battles are back in.



What do you even mean by "random battles"?

Random online battles? No. During the E3 treehouse gameplay they showed enough of the menus to confirm that online battles are with friends only: (shown at 36:15)


Quote from: bluaki on August 03, 2018, 07:34:19 AMWhat do you even mean by "random battles"?

Random online battles? No. During the E3 treehouse gameplay they showed enough of the menus to confirm that online battles are with friends only: (shown at 36:15)

Like, battles against wild pokemon.

I heard they brought them back instead of just catching like Go


August 03, 2018, 09:23:12 AM #14 Last Edit: August 03, 2018, 09:28:22 AM by bluaki
Quote from: Big Goop on August 03, 2018, 08:40:11 AMLike, battles against wild pokemon.

I heard they brought them back instead of just catching like Go
Only for legendaries like Zapdos. You actually send out an attacker when battling Zapdos, but it's not completely clear yet if it's just like the old games or if there's some other changes.

For all the normal Pokémon: Instead of having a chance of a random encounter starting every time you take a step through grass or a cave, you can see wild Pokémon spawn in the overworld grass, they wander around, and an encounter only begins if you run into one. In the normal wild encounter, you just do the Go-style capture stuff and your party gets exp if you catch it.

Trainer battles still work as normal.

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