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potd: let's settle this

Started by Kalahari Inkantation, September 29, 2016, 07:19:46 AM

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Which is the better game?

0 (0%)
Shadow of the Colossus
12 (100%)

Total Members Voted: 12

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Kalahari Inkantation

September 29, 2016, 07:19:46 AM Last Edit: September 29, 2016, 07:32:12 AM by Tectron
choose wisely my friends


Your choice in mind, are you satisfied with the apparent direction of The Last Guardian?[/spoiler]


Kalahari Inkantation



i thought it was dang good for the time, but i think it was more or less a glorified tech demo with some smart ideas

shadow of the colossus was a god damn masterpiece of gaming

i'm worried that the last guardian was a ps3 tech demo they waited too long to push out so they had to figure out what the fuck to do with it but i guess we'll see soon lol


I figure it's obvious that SOTC is the better game, but ICO, i think, is still fantastic, and honestly, if Last Guardian falls more into the ICO side of things, I'm ok with that.


im pretty confident the last guardian will flop


Quote from: ADX on September 29, 2016, 08:37:49 AM
im pretty confident the last guardian will flop
as much as it sucks to say, so am I

Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: Tectron on September 29, 2016, 07:19:46 AM
Your choice in mind, are you satisfied with the apparent direction of The Last Guardian?

as someone who regards shadow of the colossus as one of the greatest games of all time, i find myself more and more disappointed by what i see (or don't see) of the last guardian every time i'm reminded it exists

the last guardian looks like nothing but another atmospheric 3d puzzle platformer, in an age where atmospheric 3d puzzle platformers are, literally, a dime a dozen (thanks humble bundle)

its genre is by now completely saturated by flavor-of-the-minute indie games, and judging by what i've seen of it in promotional materials it doesn't even really seek do anything remarkable or novel within the puzzle platformer genre either

it basically just looks like ico 2

ico was great because not much else like it existed at the time of its launch but that was 15 years ago and it's certainly no longer true today (whereas to date there is still absolutely nothing quite like shadow of the colossus)

it'd be more forgivable had tlg come out when it was originally planned to in 2009 but now its gameplay just looks depressingly antiquated and dull

a healthy combination of elements from sotc and ico could have made tlg into something truly brilliant, but i'm just not seeing any influence from sotc at all beyond the fact that there's a single large mountable creature that serves as a companion, which in and of itself isn't remotely noteworthy or interesting

for ages i have desperately wanted something to satiate my undying lust for sotc but i'm just not seeing that in tlg saddood;


and to think i was so incredibly hyped for tlg when it was first revealed half a lifetime ago lol[/spoiler]

Samus Aran

ico is great in its own right, but there's a good reason sotc is one of my favorite games of all time. the mysterious setting, the ambiguous yet still extremely tantalizing story, the unique physics/mechanics, the sheer sense of adventure and triumph, the phenomenal soundtrack. i don't know how a game manages to be half silent, laid-back adventuring and half the complete opposite and somehow not feel contrived. i feel like other games that have tried to go for similar aesthetics have yet to come anywhere close.

and i'm just going to avoid saying or thinking much of anything about the last guardian until it comes out. i wouldn't be surprised if it kinda flops (i feel like the minimal hype still left would at least prevent it from COMPLETELY flopping), but i'm still remaining hopeful enough i guess.

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