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list the entries in any series from best to worst

Started by Kalahari Inkantation, May 12, 2014, 03:28:42 PM

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At least 5 committed to what it wanted to be, Revelations was all over the place. They're both not very good games though, don't get me wrong.


Quote from: Majorana's Mask on May 13, 2014, 05:45:03 PM
i must be the only person in the world who actually liked the wii relative to other nintendo consoles

i was just scrolling through the thread to make sure i didnt do an RE list already, and yeah this baffled me. while yes the Wii had a shitload of shit on it, it had a shitload of great games too, waggle be damned. at the very least i don't understand how anyone could rate the wii below the n64 unless you've got some major nostalgia goggles on, and this is coming from someone who loves the n64 lol


Quote from: C.Mongler on July 12, 2017, 08:38:26 AM
At least 5 committed to what it wanted to be, Revelations was all over the place. They're both not very good games though, don't get me wrong.
I see.


July 12, 2017, 09:41:26 AM #258 Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 09:59:13 AM by YPargh
Quote from: C.Mongler on July 12, 2017, 08:44:24 AM
Quote from: Majorana's Mask on May 13, 2014, 05:45:03 PM
i must be the only person in the world who actually liked the wii relative to other nintendo consoles

i was just scrolling through the thread to make sure i didnt do an RE list already, and yeah this baffled me. while yes the Wii had a shitload of shit on it, it had a shitload of great games too, waggle be damned. at the very least i don't understand how anyone could rate the wii below the n64 unless you've got some major nostalgia goggles on, and this is coming from someone who loves the n64 lol
Nah the Wii was garbage. It had what, the Mario Galaxies, Brawl, Donkey Kong, Kirby, and maybe Wario Ware and no more heroes? Whoopdidoo


the n64 had what, mario 64, two zeldas, smash 64, one good banjo, conker, star fox, kirby, and two FPS games that ages fucking horribly?

let me refresh your memory on some other good ass games you conveniently forgot: MadWorld, PunchOut, Skyward Sword (lel), House of the Dead: Overkill, Tatsunoko Vs Capcom (better than MvC IMO), Prime 3, zack and wiki, rhythm heaven, sin and punishment 2, xenoblade, wii sports (you can knock it for the gameplay if you want but its the most important game of its generation, hands down), NSMB Wii (the 2nd best in the series even tho i hate the series lol), monster hunter tri, deadly creatures, no more heroes 1 and 2, kirbys epic yarn, the last story, excitebots, red steel 2, muramasa, mario strikers charged and plenty more that live on the arguably great spectrum

man if nintendo put out a wii+ with proper hdmi output that somehow made the graphics not muddy as fucking shit i would buy 3 of them


July 12, 2017, 10:18:22 AM #260 Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 10:32:03 AM by YPargh
Both banjos were good. Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong racing, Mario Kart (not the best but better than Wiis) Rogue Squadron, Jet Force Gemini, Paper Mario, Pokemon Snap, Fzero, Wave Race, Mario Party 2 and 3 (before the series was a joke), Pokemon Stadiums, Kirby, Yoshi Story, Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 and 2, Mario Golf and Tennis, Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were good at the time, 1080 snowboarding, snowboard kids, beetle adventure racing, Harvest Moon, Shadows of the Empire, Blast Corps

Both Wii Zeldas were worse than the N64s. Most of those games you listed are p. mediocre. With the exception of Kirby and No more heroes both of which I had already mentioned in my previous post, and maybe Xenoblade, Prime, and monster Hunter


Bro you can't say most of the games i listed were mediocre and proceed seriously to include banjo 2, donkey shit collectathon 64 and mario kart 64 in your list lol. pokemon snap is just a boring and slow light gun game (which there are TONS of good light gun games on the wii and i only listed my favorite single one). the mario party series has never been good, it's a meme. yoshi story is a shell of an actually good platformer. tony hawk 1 and 2 on n64 are definitively the worst ways to play those games.

also your point on zelda is kind of moot because the n64 zeldas are better than literally every zelda (shutup LTTP nerds) so no duh there lol. and besides, if we're going to go the 'X is better than X' route then you should probably drop Paper Mario, FZero, Wave Race, Mario Golf & Tennis (GB versions were better after all), Pokemon Stadium 1, and again Mario Kart and THPSs from your list as well as their successors are all infinitely superior.

also rhythm heaven fever, murumasa, and madworld are mediocre? huh goonish


July 12, 2017, 10:46:38 AM #262 Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 10:54:28 AM by YPargh
Banjo 2 is good it outscored like every game you listed for the Wii lol.

Donkey Kong seems to be decisive on the N64 but it's at least as good as fucking House of the Dead overkill. Mario Kart 64 is still played by people all over the world I don't care if that's nostalgia it's still a good game for the time and people remember it for a reason. You can knock Pokemon Snap ig idc, Mario Party 2 and 3 were really fun Idk how that's a meme? I could probably drop 3 if ya want. Sure the rest especially after 5 are shit but there are so many for a reason. Mario Party 2 was beast

Yea of course better versions of games came out? It's an old ass system. It's sad when the N64 version of a game is better than one for a console 2 gens later like Mario Kart. And just because there were good versions of Mario Golf and Tennis on GB doesn't mean the N64 ones were bad? And of course they're clearly different not just ports

Yes they are mediocre games. I guess they're good by Wii standards though.



Also, I won't accept Jet force Gemini as a serious contender for worthwhile games on n64.... replace it with Mischief Makers.


I heard mischief makers was good but I never played it befuddlement I wanted to list Animal Crossing too but it seemed like cheating to include that girl;

I can accept arguments for the NES, SNES, GameCube being better than N64 but I won't take shit from the Wii shovelware generator akudood;



banjo 2 might as well be a donkey kong 64 clone and has many of the same mediocre dumbass ideas that donkey kong 64 does. giant, flat generic levels devoid of any visual landmarks and any actual platforming (due to the flatness), filled to the brim with shallow distracting side-mini-games and forced first-person-shooter-esque segments. also the transformations were all super underwhelming and for the most part just there to make you waste time by having to go back and forth to mumbos and usually the pay off was only a single jiggy instead of anything fun or meaningful. the game's better than DK64 as it doesn't obnoxiously waste your time for the collectathon element like that game does with swapping kongs every 3 minutes, but compared to the first game, tooie sucks. bk1 was a tight game with more constrained, vertical level design and direction. the only thing tooie did better was have a better, funnier, and more developed story, but everything you had to do to get to those c i n m e a t i c moments was a fucking slog

regardless it seems you're clearly either trolling, haven't actually played half the game i listed to have an opinion on them more definitive than a metascore, or are just drunk of nostalgia. once again, i love the n64 as it was my first console, but it has a shit, tiny library.

Quote from: YPargh on July 12, 2017, 11:18:04 AM
I can accept arguments for the NES, SNES, GameCube being better than N64

There's nothing to accept as you'd have to be pissing in your own mouth to think any of those are inferior to the N64 too lol



Quote from: C.Mongler on July 12, 2017, 11:38:22 AM
Quote from: Big Goop on July 12, 2017, 11:22:55 AM
But.... b-but the Wii had chicken shoot?

But.... b-but the N64 had glover?
hey, Glover was a masterpiece....

Better than Mario...

Samus Aran

Banjo-Tooie is great fuck off. But I will concede that its worlds are too big and empty, and that Kazooie is the better game. And yeah how could you forget games like Paper Mario and Kirby 64 wtf. And Mario Kart 64 may have been massively outclassed by later games in the series but it's still good.

HOWEVER, a lot of the other stuff you listed are p garbage tbh YPR :(

anyway um i do think the N64 is super overrated and outclassed by the NES, SNES, and Gamecube at least for sheer volume of excellent games. Wii i don't know, i'd have to think about it

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