Official unofficial Gen 4 hype thread: First Full-HD™ port announced

Started by ME##, June 02, 2013, 12:06:02 PM

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Who do you predict will have the best E3 showing this year?

Whoever wins, we all lose.
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Nintendo updated the 3DS today for two Nintendo Network features: Miiverse and shared eShop balance with Wii U.

Unlike what many users might expect, this does not unify friends list between the two systems. 3DS friend list still uses friend codes and that's very unlikely to ever change.

With Miiverse, users can now easily upload screenshots taken from the 3DS games that have Miiverse community support, which includes every Mario game, Link Between Worlds, Ace Attorney, and some others, but notably doesn't include Pokemon X/Y (there's a community for it, but apparently no screenshot attachments there)

Until now, I think New Leaf was the only 3DS game that users could take relatively clean screenshots of without using a modded 3DS unit. Or "clean" if you don't mind the awful jpeg artifacts that exist in both New Leaf's native screenshooter and in Miiverse screenshots. It's at least better than taking photographs of the LCD.

don't let's


Quote from: A Fatass Penguin Named Tec on December 13, 2013, 06:29:41 PM

so now we have both The Tester and The Kinectster
honestly, that's what it'll end up being.  I can't imagine ms making up the money it will surely throw out getting stuff produced for low quality shows lol

The Hand That Fisted Everyone

so there was a new nintendo direct today.

rosalina announced for ssb
yoshi's new island videos (game still looks like ass but i could see it being fun)
mario kart 8 shit (looks weird idk.)
NES Remix (wow fuck link in donkey kong this is Craaaaaaaazaaaaaaay)
Hyrule Legends or some shit (Koei making a dynasty warriors game in Hyrule. Never played these games but this shit looks pretty fun)
Bravely Defauly (you get point when your system is in sleep mode and you can power up moves for extra damage n shit. I don't need anymore rpgs in my backlog but this looks fun.)

There are other things too. Snowy DK video with cRanky Kong. Looks fun. Also there is some stupid move that turns all the enemies on the screen into items. PArt of me thinks that's going to break the gameplay a little and make it easier, and what i loved about DKCR was its difficulty.

i've seen a few people complaining that rosalina looks op. but she looks fun as hell to play as and honestly the first new character revealed for ssb that piqued my interest.

Kalahari Inkantation

nintendo really needs to stop making the 3ds's snes sequels so ugly

both zelda and yoshi's island are visually atrocious compared to their snes counterparts


Kalahari Inkantation


they should either go for an entirely new aesthetic loosely based off the snes originals or stick to updated 2d sprites, because just taking the old styles and transliterating them into 3d obviously isn't producing an attractive result at all


I'd be happy if they used the actual SNES sprites. Or new sprites. Or regular 3D models.

Any look but this look, really.

don't let's

I thought it looked alright, though the 3ds kind of reminds me of the n64 sometimes with the kind of plastic look some things have in some of the games


It was previously thought that Mario Kart 8 will be the first Nintendo game for Wii U to support online multiplayer

but today's Nintendo Direct changed that. It's actually Dr. Luigi.


why can't nintendo make an actual unique game for luigi again?  yes, luigi's mansion got a sequel but all these other games are just other games that have already been made with mario as the main character


well they haven't made an actual unique game for mario in a v. long time either so sillydood;


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