Official unofficial Gen 4 hype thread: First Full-HD™ port announced

Started by ME##, June 02, 2013, 12:06:02 PM

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Who do you predict will have the best E3 showing this year?

Whoever wins, we all lose.
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oh man thirty seconds, that is just unacceptable

don't let's

Quote from: David on November 11, 2013, 09:21:29 PM
oh man thirty seconds, that is just unacceptable
Actually though, I think some dvds take longer to start up than that these days


I think my 360 takes about a minute to boot up, and my PS3 takes about 30 seconds or so after everything is said and done.

Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: [Gran Turismo 6], most… all of our large teams will move on to PS4. But we’ll continue with smaller teams or external partners to support PS3 and PS Vita.

sad that the ps3 won't have a ps2-like end-of-life trajectory, but it's no surprise that they want to ditch it as soon as possible

and vita confirmed for last gen console

also, the ps4/xbox one hdds are close to 466g(i)b in size, of which in the ps4's case ~57gb are reserved for the os


Quote from: #rektron on November 12, 2013, 06:29:01 PM
sad that the ps3 won't have a ps2-like end-of-life trajectory, but it's no surprise that they want to ditch it as soon as possible

and vita confirmed for last gen console

also, the ps4/xbox one hdds are close to 466g(i)b in size, of which in the ps4's case ~57gb are reserved for the os
might as well buy a 1.5tb hdd with a ps4 anyway lol

Kalahari Inkantation

or just wait until they inevitably release a sku with a larger hdd in a year or so girl;


Quote from: #rektron on November 12, 2013, 07:20:15 PM
or just wait until they inevitably release a sku with a larger hdd in a year or so girl;
sadly, i think they'll still put in smaller capacities than that lol awdood;

Kalahari Inkantation

i'm sure awdood;

but i'd be satisfied with 1tb, at least

Kalahari Inkantation

that makes shadow fall both the lowest rated fps of the eighth gen and the lowest rated killzone entry since the ps2 era giggle;



I'm so sad that Knack is getting awful reviews. I was really hoping it would revive the cutesy platformer genre that seems to have died recently.
Quote from: ncba93ivyase on April 04, 2014, 10:31:27 PM
geno i swear to fucking god silvertone and i are going to board you up in your house and have the world's greatest goddamn boyager meetup right next door and put burning bags of dog shit in front of all of your windows and doors and your house will smell like dog shit but you won't be able to extinguish the flames and you'll choke and die on dog shit fumes. what made you will also kill you.

i am throwing down 5 god DAMN dollars geno i will go out and collect the dog shit myself this is fucking happening jesus fucking christ

i'll give you an upperdecker with dog shit and don't you fucking doubt it for one little second you fat bastard

Kalahari Inkantation

just leave the platforming to naughty dog and nintendo, sony cerny

Samus Aran

i'm actually almost glad that ps4hasnogames for a while because then i won't be tempted to spend any unnecessary cash + i need more time to play other games lol

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