Boyahcraft Server: (New Map, 13w39b, Whitelist)

Started by silvertone, February 22, 2012, 01:41:37 PM

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something screwy happened with the server  akudood;

it is running a totally different world that is neither muttworld nor buttworld  akudood;

fix plose  akudood;


whoa how did i not see your post yesterday

Anyways I guess the problem fixed itself. The server seems to point to that bizarro world whenever it's not actually running or something. It happened the last time the account was suspended.




guff's automated sugarcane farm is haunted

it has blown parts of itself up at least 3 times now and there's seriously no way to explain why psyduck;



Turns out the server migration is happening. I should be able to get the new IP and stuff later.


new ip

apparently this server has 512 maximum slots and a lot more RAM than mcmyadmin says. at least 4096 mb n_n

The Hand That Fisted Everyone

man this thread died

ok so, excuse the shitty kotaku link, but apparently people have been 3d mapping their minecraft worlds or something? cool images in the link

do you think we can do this with the world Skybase was in? I miss that world...


we started a new map w/ the snap shot

it is fun pls help BoPHA find potatoes and make zidone stop pouring lava down all the miens : (


Quote from: reefer on November 29, 2007, 11:32:08 PM
No offense to her but she kinda doesn't know crap about shit


I can't join ezloboyahsidcraft because the client is out of date.
When will this be fixed?
Quote from: reefer on November 29, 2007, 11:32:08 PM
No offense to her but she kinda doesn't know crap about shit


Quote from: Master Shake on February 09, 2013, 07:09:24 PM
I can't join ezloboyahsidcraft because the client is out of date.
When will this be fixed?

It runs on snapshot 13w03a, so you'll need to manually install that by replacing minecraft.jar. I will update to the newer snapshots soon, and 1.5 when it comes out later this month.


Quote from: reefer on November 29, 2007, 11:32:08 PM
No offense to her but she kinda doesn't know crap about shit


Quote from: N o t S i d on November 29, 2012, 09:59:54 PM
man this thread died

ok so, excuse the shitty kotaku link, but apparently people have been 3d mapping their minecraft worlds or something? cool images in the link

do you think we can do this with the world Skybase was in? I miss that world...

also i never really replied to this

maybe; I still have all the worlds that have been on the server (including that one, Buttworld)

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