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Started by Snowy, February 20, 2012, 03:22:22 PM

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Samus Aran

Quote from: Tectrinket on February 20, 2012, 04:07:06 PM
i still haven't finished skyward sword

well neither have i, but this is largely because i've got so many games going at once

considering it's zelda, it should be a high priority for me, but it's just not for some reason

Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: Kaz on February 20, 2012, 04:21:14 PM
well neither have i, but this is largely because i've got so many games going at once

considering it's zelda, it should be a high priority for me, but it's just not for some reason

lol i'm having the same issues :'(


Quote from: NPR on February 20, 2012, 04:12:13 PM
I haven't even beat OoT, don't feel too bad n_u

I don't think I ever completely finished a game on my N64 confuseddood;

but it's important to me because I used to define my life by zelda


I haven't played very many older pre-GCN games outside of remakes, classic collections, and occasionally emulators. Before Gamecube, the only significant games I remember playing include:
Every Pokemon game
Super Mario World
Super Mario All-Stars (barely played it, so I still actually haven't completed SMB1 or 3)
Sonic 2
Super Smash Bros
Zelda OoT and MM (yet I never completed either until years later)

There are still many other classic games I haven't finished yet but should, yet I'm currently prioritizing newer games over them. Still not playing games enough to catch up.

Quote from: vziard on February 20, 2012, 03:43:16 PM

Quite the opposite, I've not only caught every single Pokemon that currently exists but I simultaneously own all unevolved forms as well n_u

646 total, excluding three legendaries that have not yet been released outside cheats


The only game that I enjoy for more than 10 minutes is Super Smash Bros. Melee. There are a few exceptions but they usually last very briefly as well.

I think single player games are a waste of time
I don't enjoy gaming alone, unless you count practicing techs in Melee
I don't play the only game that I enjoy like a videogame anymore. I play it like a sport. When I play, I play to get better and hone in on my skills.

I just don't enjoy gaming anymore in general. The novelty wore off a long time ago and it took me until recently to realize it. I'm not a gamer anymore.

This would make my 16 y/o self cry probs

piano moths

i don't have any video game secrets. i beat majora's mask and ocarina of time when i was little because if was OBSESSED i don't think that I caught all the Pokemon in Blue version ( i didn't have Red) but i played that game all the time and beat it and was happy with how I played it. I feel bad catching pokemon that I don't use.... They just sit in the PC instead of having their own Pokemon life. My 7 year old self wasn't cool with that. For a little bit I even tried foooling myself into believing that within the PC there was a wonderful place for pokemon to be. But NO i knew better
kill them w kindness

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Quote from: MF Doom on February 20, 2012, 04:36:58 PM
The only game that I enjoy for more than 10 minutes is Super Smash Bros. Melee. There are a few exceptions but they usually last very briefly as well.

I think single player games are a waste of time
I don't enjoy gaming alone, unless you count practicing techs in Melee
I don't play the only game that I enjoy like a videogame anymore. I play it like a sport. When I play, I play to get better and hone in on my skills.

I just don't enjoy gaming anymore in general. The novelty wore off a long time ago and it took me until recently to realize it. I'm not a gamer anymore.

This would make my 16 y/o self cry probs

out of curiosity, which character(s) do you play as the most befuddlement


i've [glow=black,2,300]never actually touched a single video game[/glow] O_0

Samus Aran

Quote from: Nyerp on February 20, 2012, 05:55:46 PM
i've [glow=black,2,300]never actually touched a single video game[/glow] O_0



I played the Mass Effect 3 demo on story mode.
I love [you]

Commander Fuckass][/URL]3DS Friend Code: 5086-5790-7151


I love [you]


Quote from: vziard on February 20, 2012, 05:27:48 PM
out of curiosity, which character(s) do you play as the most befuddlement

I've gone through a lot of characters, but I've never gone more than a short while before going back to Marth (my latest Marth haitus lasted around a month while i tried to pick up Falcon, who I'm still working on). I guess at the moment my most played would be Marth, CF, and Doc. I think that I enjoy the Doc the most, but he's definitely the hardest to play out of the three and I'm best with Marth by far. Marth is fun, but I get sick when so many of my friends play Falco.


i don't really like multiplayer games at all

the mario galaxy games are terrible and there hasn't been a good mario since sunshine

the only zelda i've enjoyed since wind waker was minish cap

i played less than halfway through pokemon white because the grinding was fucking retarded compared to previous games. the pokemon don't have their first evolution until like level 50 and getting experience is harder than ever. also every single fucking move has status effects. not even the smt series has that many status effects

i now fully believe that nintendo is the worst influence on the industry and having them completely go under in a way more terrible than sega or atari would be good for the industry

Quote from: ncba93ivyase on June 18, 2014, 07:58:34 PMthis isa great post i will use it in my sig

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