why does waifu simulator insist on RUINING MY LIFE (possible spoils)

Started by Kalahari Inkantation, September 20, 2011, 12:23:04 PM

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Kalahari Inkantation

So no matter what I do, I'm forced to progress.  I can't access the map ("Change of plans Commander, the Illusive Man would like to speak to you etc. etc.") and have absolutely no choice but to take the Collector Ship mission before I've obtained all squad mates.  I'm still missing at least two, and I've only done three of the available loyalty missions.  Yet apparently, people will die if I continue to build my team after the Collector mission.  I've even started from earlier save files and that didn't help.  Is there no way to avoid this? smithicide;

...also i chose to save the workers in zaeed's loyalty mission instead of going after his nemesis, have i lost his loyalty forever awdood;

Commander Fuckass

There is no way to avoid it tec.

and yes you have lost Zaeed's loyalty forever

lmao tec
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Kalahari Inkantation


Samus Aran

just let the useless npcs on your ship die, who cares about them

having all squad mates is more important

and besides, it's not until you are told "we're ready to go to the omega 4 relay" that you have a time limit. i don't think that's IMMEDIATELY after the collector ship mission, is it?

Commander Fuckass

Quote from: Hakase on September 20, 2011, 01:15:30 PM
just let the useless npcs on your ship die, who cares about them

having all squad mates is more important

and besides, it's not until you are told "we're ready to go to the omega 4 relay" that you have a time limit. i don't think that's IMMEDIATELY after the collector ship mission, is it?
It's right after the Joker part of the game I think.

you know
when the collectors come aboard the normandy
http://psnprofiles.com/TheMaysian][/URL]3DS Friend Code: 5086-5790-7151

Samus Aran

right, which doesn't happen RIGHT after the collector ship

tec would still have time to at least get all his squadmates, if nothing else, before his npcs die

Kalahari Inkantation

but i love them all cry;

Commander Fuckass

http://psnprofiles.com/TheMaysian][/URL]3DS Friend Code: 5086-5790-7151



Quote from: Tectrika on September 20, 2011, 01:21:11 PM
but i love them all cry;

i just want to hug all of my waifus

Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: Taavet on September 20, 2011, 02:38:06 PM
i just want to hug all/ ,o.f ..my ..w.,ai,fus,,

yes oh my god why else would i play a waifu simulator if not to cuddle with all my waifus i don't want any of them to die awdood;

Kalahari Inkantation

I just beat the game.

Everyone lived.

[spoiler]i don't even have zaeed's loyalty and i lost miranda's during her dispute with jack, LOLOMG AWESOME[/spoiler]

Samus Aran

if you play the game again now, post-game, you might have enough (or will be able to find enough) paragon to get miranda's back

just an fyi


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