What the fuck is it with people and amphetamines (adderall etc.)

Started by The spy who loves you, June 29, 2010, 01:58:28 PM

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The spy who loves you

Last night I was hanging with two friends and we decide we're going to have a sleep over and stay up till the wee hours of the morning. They know I'm prescribed adderrall and I was talking to them about how I don't see what the appeal is in the "high". I took 3 30 mg pills.

You feel light, and it feels good for a few hours.

But then time goes on and on and on.

You can't sleep, you know you should but you're not physically tired.

I felt the effects of it for what felt like 16 hours.

I've been awake for more then 24 hours.

And I haven't slept a wink.

honestly I don't get it what the fuck is wrong with these people

The spy who loves you

Quote from: Travis on June 29, 2010, 02:10:01 PM
drugs is fun
some are yeah

amphetamines arent

or at least to the point that everyone in high school tries to act like it is

but they make me money some im cool




You took 3 30mg pills? I snorted a 50mg pill and wanted to fucking kill myself. After I had been up for 26 hours, my body hurt so bad because I wanted to sleep, but my mind was still awake. Though I did toke, and it was the craziest shit ever, I had some weird ass audio hallucinations until I finally fell asleep at about 29 hours in. I snorted a 10 mg pill during finals week, and that actually helped me study my ass off though.

But seriously, adderal as a recreational drug by itself is fucking dumb.


Quote from: C Mongler on June 29, 2010, 08:41:56 PM

You took 3 30mg pills? I snorted a 50mg pill and wanted to fucking kill myself. After I had been up for 26 hours, my body hurt so bad because I wanted to sleep, but my mind was still awake. Though I did toke, and it was the craziest shit ever, I had some weird ass audio hallucinations until I finally fell asleep at about 29 hours in. I snorted a 10 mg pill during finals week, and that actually helped me study my ass off though.

But seriously, adderal as a recreational drug by itself is fucking dumb.

I've done fairly massive adderall lines, the effect doesn't really increase in strength as much as length after a certain point

In general the just-amphetamines (adderall, ritalin, meth) don't pique my interest because they're too intensely speedy. I've had bad rolls that kept me up 16-20+ hours (meth), it's kind of fun and I'm sure the rush from shooting it is great but the subjective effects of amphetamines are not really my preferred ones



I don't understand the people who take it just to stay up... It's really not that hard to stay up for 24+ hours even if you have to drink a small amount of caffeine like a cup of tea. I guess they just like the excuse

The spy who loves you

Quote from: C Mongler on June 29, 2010, 08:41:56 PM

You took 3 30mg pills? I snorted a 50mg pill and wanted to fucking kill myself. After I had been up for 26 hours, my body hurt so bad because I wanted to sleep, but my mind was still awake. Though I did toke, and it was the craziest shit ever, I had some weird ass audio hallucinations until I finally fell asleep at about 29 hours in. I snorted a 10 mg pill during finals week, and that actually helped me study my ass off though.

But seriously, adderal as a recreational drug by itself is fucking dumb.
I'm prescribed to it, even though I don't take it though. But I thought for me to feel anything  I'd have to do more,  because my bodies used to it.

The spy who loves you

Quote from: YPR on June 30, 2010, 06:40:30 AM
I don't understand the people who take it just to stay up... It's really not that hard to stay up for 24+ hours even if you have to drink a small amount of caffeine like a cup of tea. I guess they just like the excuse
you crash on caffeine

and even if keeps you awake you do feel tired

on addy you dont feel the slightest tired


Quote from: YPR on June 30, 2010, 06:40:30 AM
I don't understand the people who take it just to stay up... It's really not that hard to stay up for 24+ hours even if you have to drink a small amount of caffeine like a cup of tea. I guess they just like the excuse

great now i feel like a total pansy becasue I never stay up for more than 24 hours and im going to go to sleep right now.  goonish



Quote from: YPR on June 30, 2010, 06:40:30 AM
I don't understand the people who take it just to stay up... It's really not that hard to stay up for 24+ hours even if you have to drink a small amount of caffeine like a cup of tea. I guess they just like the excuse
Caffeine doesn't do anything to my body.
after i'm gone your earth will be free to live out its miserable span of existence, as one of my satelites, and that's how it's going to be.


Caffeine is very easy to get tolerant too very quickly. I take caffeine pills when I have super long shifts at work, and I now am up to 600 mg to have to feel awake. The awakeness you feel with that much caffeine is kind of brutal, and when you have no caffeine in your system your head wants to rip itself off.

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