things that make you feel better about yourself that should make you feel worse

Started by sans culottes, November 08, 2009, 04:11:06 PM

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sans culottes

My friend tells me how he learned so much about the world after he started smoking weed and he was somewhat religious until he decided there was no god while he was on an acid trip. All of these things he's realized are things I learned a long time before I ever did drugs. This makes me feel intellectually superior, but in reality I learned these things because I would sit at home pondering and browsing the internet while he was having a social life. Also, it makes me feel like a pseudo-intellectual douche.

ITT: Things that make you feel better but shold really make you feel worse about yourself.
I support BUSH


I guess the fact that I look so much younger than I really am. Makes me feel different, I suppose.


this is a weird question
i like being short, i like my red hair, i like how most people at school consider me dorky (but i'm still cool idk its weird school stereotypes are nifty)
i also like my shitty car


Boogus Epirus Aurelius

Quote from: GUOB on November 08, 2009, 04:42:44 PM

i also like my shitty car

Yeah, same thing with my car.
My friends drive nicer vehicles, but I've still got my crummy little shadow.
For whatever reason, they grind me on how well I take care of it.
When the paint started to chip, I sanded it down and spot touched it.
I change my oil religiously.
Fixed my sporadic blinkers myself by tracing back the ground wire, which was fucked.
Yadda yadda


Quote from: Rainy Day Mushroom Pillow on November 08, 2009, 04:46:43 PM
Yeah, same thing with my car.
My friends drive nicer vehicles, but I've still got my crummy little shadow.
For whatever reason, they grind me on how well I take care of it.
When the paint started to chip, I sanded it down and spot touched it.
I change my oil religiously.
Fixed my sporadic blinkers myself by tracing back the ground wire, which was fucked.
Yadda yadda

I take pretty awful care of my car actually. It's been atleast 5000 miles since it's last oil change, and I rarely wash it or clean out the inside, but I do take pride in the fact that I have my own car that I purchased with money that I earned myself, since just about every other person at my school is driving a car that was made in the last few years that was purchased by their parents.


probably that i have no friends

like seriously, none at all.  It makes me feel different and carefree


Quote from: Nadine on November 09, 2009, 01:24:40 AM
probably that i have no friends

like seriously, none at all.  It makes me feel different and carefree

you can be my friend  cluckjmvdoods;


That I'm an elitist asshole faggot.

It should make me feel worse since I'm a dick but I feel better because I'm just that much better than everyone else. baddood;



i like being a youtube and a convention whore.

1.8mb is too huge for a sig nigga




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