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Started by Hiro, September 11, 2009, 12:15:55 AM

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bush pretty much destroyed any sense of sadness i had about the event by whoring it out so much

Boogus Epirus Aurelius

Now now, lets leave the bush out of this one.

I dont know, it seems so damn long ago now.


I think we're starting to move on now. What happened was horrible and a memorable event in US history but and sorry to those who lost people but even they should have moved on by now.

Samus Aran

Uh...asking for people to move on when it comes to the death of loved ones, especially considering they were murdered, isn't really something you should be calling the shots for, Hiro. None of us should. We can move on as a nation, but private feelings for those deeply involved aren't to be budged by those of us who don't know any better.

Commander Fuckass

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I think you took my meaning of "should" wrong Kaz. I just meant that It's likely that the majority of those people have moved on as much as a person can after the loss of someone close.

Samus Aran

Quote from: Hïro on September 11, 2009, 12:28:11 AM
I think you took my meaning of "should" wrong Kaz. I just meant that It's likely that the majority of those people have moved on as much as a person can after the loss of someone close.

The way you worded it was more like "look guys I know it's bad but get over it."

So yeah.


Why did you make this thread then if you think everyone should've moved on by now?

What else is there to discuss other than "so and so died that day and i knew them it makes me sad" and "omg zeitgeist"?





I don't like how it's almost become a holiday in the minds of some


the book of right on

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