does your school have SMART boards / Promethean / other cool gadgets

Started by russell, February 02, 2009, 06:21:32 PM

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Quote from: Forest Hiro on February 02, 2009, 07:15:41 PM
A rich public school

That doesn't make me rich. We have plenty of people on welfare and discounted lunches or whatever at my school.

Just not me giggle;


Yay for you david, glad life's treatin ya nicely. Btw this isn't sarcastic



This is the first year we've had our SMARTboards, and nearly every person on the faculty is too god damn stupid to operate it correctly.
Even our "Technology administrator" is a fucking retard.

The Speaker Of Words

All of our classes have SMART boards.They're hardly ever used.




Many, many of our classrooms have SMART boards, and all the science classes have computer projectors.

l a c e y

we don't even have paint on some walls..
we definitely don't have smart boards.


There are a very small amount of SMART boards in my school, I'd guess about 4.
The social studies department head at my school was my American Government teacher last year and she was getting a SMART board in the last month of the school year. Had problems with it right away, swapped for one in the school's media center, then used it only twice or so. Otherwise I've never seen those boards anywhere else.

The boards on classroom walls are still chalkboards. My school doesn't even have marker boards.

The artist formally known

SMART boards are okay. They really don't add too much to anything, my mom has one in her classroom. Great design but unless they're using programs like a physics engine for a physics class (moving objects that are simple to program) they're going to waste.

Pancake Paraphernalia

well, we had something like that last year in 6th grade but like(not in my classroom though), but my middle school doesn't have any. I forgot what the hell they were called but not 'SMART' boards lol. However, every damn classroom that had it, the teachers kept playing with the fatass pen and kept screwing around and were such morons(that thought they were operating the most complex machinery in the world) that one managed to even break a pen, and another somehow got a whole right side of the projection to screw and so there's half of it working.They're no different from the regular whiteboards other than the markers don't smell or run out of ink.
number stations


We just have a bunch of crappy $5000 overheads with no special features aside from 'freeze', allowing a teacher to take a sheet of paper off the machine and have the stuff stay displayed.

Quote from: ncba93ivyase on June 18, 2014, 07:58:34 PMthis isa great post i will use it in my sig

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