Obama and the current pope have the same "look" in their eyes

Started by Boyager, October 31, 2008, 07:05:32 PM

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Both have baggy, dark, sort of "sunken" eyes. Demons/devils in human skin? Both vie for positions of great power in society, two of the highest order in fact. The antichrist by definition will be a "political, religious, individual". I think that after Obama is elected, he will begin the new world order by inviting the pope to break off into a christian sect and allow them to essentially live in their own two Americas.

By 2009, the two will coincide and form together, forming a half Obama, half Pope creature. They will both be reptile based (remember the illuminati) and by fusing into Pope Obama they will also begin to grow horns and their eyes will become sunken deeper still, to the point of becoming "black as coal"

On Independance Day, 2009, Obama will reveal a large shark skull which is actually an alien artifact from the demons' homeworld. This will become the new symbol of America in place of the flag, along with a large sickle. The new world order will begin and ancient stones will begin to slide throughout the pyramids of egypt, signaling a global satellite of sorts long kept hidden by Nasa to call the homeworld to begin responding.

The signal transmitters will respond by calling for backup. A bomb will be placed in the whitehouse, hours later Obama will be shot in office, near fatally wounded.

To tighten up Homeland security each American will have a barcode tattooed to his or her hand, this plan will be enstated via Obama's website and required by law when you validate your drivers' license/pay your taxes. The new world order has begun, and by October 2010 the entire world begins enstating this policy. The obama pope will make a full recovery by shedding its old skin and slowly grow thick, tree-like horns.





Quote from: Boyager on November 01, 2008, 02:26:27 PM
Ehhh... in some respects I suppose. It has its good qualities as well

i more meant that it sucked in comparison to other branches of christianity, particularly the respectable non-denominationals (i say respectable because there are some non-denominational churches that are crazy too)


Quote from: Boyager on November 01, 2008, 02:31:43 PM
i more meant that it sucked in comparison to other branches of christianity, particularly the respectable non-denominationals (i say respectable because there are some non-denominational churches that are crazy too)
What makes it so much worse than the other branches of Christianity? doodhuh;



i thought obama was the pope  doodthing;

what the hell is going on here  baddood;



Quote from: Boyager on November 03, 2008, 02:01:03 PM
Two students in my German class really believe this (about Obama)

so does my stepmom. no joke. she warned me last night about how if Obama dies from a head wound and comes back to life three days later, he's the antichrist.

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