The forum you're viewing right now is not in its entirety

Started by The artist formally known, May 10, 2008, 03:30:19 PM

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The artist formally known

We shoved you guys into one little board for about 2 hours so we could downsize the boards in peace, enjoy the new changes. Every 20 minutes or so one of the admins should unlock an old board.

Three won't be returning. You can guess those three in this thread right now if you'd like, whoever guesses the three gets 10,000 luts



Quote from: reefer on May 10, 2008, 03:30:19 PM
You can guess those three in this thread right now if you'd like
Modless Board
(if modless doesn't count, I'm also saying Post Your Crap)

also yay the boards are returning n_u


The artist formally known


Math, Science, and Technology
Sports board
Food board

Although I don't think it will, if S&D gets the boot at least keep the FAQ and place it in The Lobby or something.


The artist formally known

hint, you can find it out right now if you're smart enough  befuddlement


20 minutes have passed...
I haven't seen any of the boards being unlocked, save for The Lobby.
I do not have HIV/AIDS.

The artist formally known

Quote from: Felt Reborn on May 10, 2008, 03:53:11 PM
20 minutes have passed...
I haven't seen any of the boards being unlocked, save for The Lobby.
look harder


Quote from: reefer on May 10, 2008, 03:54:39 PM
look harder
i'm sorry, my internet is slow...
i... didn't... see... this... until... now...
I do not have HIV/AIDS.



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