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Started by Boogus Epirus Aurelius, March 15, 2008, 07:25:32 PM

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Quote from: Vunderhof on March 15, 2008, 07:41:03 PM
So I had a little discussion with one of my friends today.awesome He told me his father had just bought a working Ak-47 gun with a buttload of ammo. no way, that's the same gun a terrorist uses, he must be a terroristIt now rests comfortably next to the rest of his handgun collection. oh wait, maybe he's a collector and uses it for sport I suppose my only question was, why?

Got me thinking a bit, it did. first time, it was So why the hell are handguns and any other non hunting related firearm sold to the public. why not I mean, think about it. okHandguns, specifically, are designed to kill people.not always So why sell the public a firearm designed to kill other humans. profit

Or better yet, why dont they sell the guns cheap, but make ammo incredibly expensive. $5,000 a bulletbecause even austfailia isn't that batshit insane. I dont know, it's just one of those sore spots I harbor. my nipples are sore spots sometimes Guns suck amigos. wait a second, my mosin nagant is sucking off my spanish speaking friends? god damn itI'm not bringing up anything new.ive heard it a thousand times Thoughts? Opinions?

that's some nice quoting you got there


I wrote this in 8th grade, but it is still alright and relevant, I was told not to choose a side (stupid teacher).

â,"A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.â,(Constitution of the U.S.) In the early days of our country guns were taken to church to protect the people of the town from Indian attacks while they were all at church. Gun control is a very hot topic in the United Sates of America. There are organizations that support it and others that think it would be totally counterproductive. I believe that gun control would promote more violence than there is now and here are some of my reasons why:   
   If the government of our country decided to ban all types of firearms there would still be guns out there because all of the good citizens would turn in their guns and criminals wouldnâ,,,t. There would be more armed robbery, assaults, and other violence using guns because the people wouldnâ,,,t be able to defend them because they turned in their firearms. In fact our nationâ,,,s capital did that. Twenty-nine years ago Washington D.C. passed a law banning all guns and firearms. In the past fifteen years Washington D.C. has been the Murder Capital of the U.S. for fourteen of those fifteen years. It is an excellent example of how gun control laws fail to keep citizens safe.(Americaâ,,,s1st Freedom, 36).
   The news never says this, but â,"Studies indicate that firearms are used more than 2 million times a year for personal protection, and that the presence of a firearm, without a shot being fired, prevents crime in many instances.â,(Americaâ,,,s1st Freedom, 24). This shows that guns arenâ,,,t just used for bad, such as killings, they are able to help you protect your family and property
   Supporters of gun control may argue that firearms are dangerous, but almost everything is dangerous, far more people are killed by automobiles each year than by firearms. Yes guns can be dangerous around little kids, but there are cabinets that you can buy that you can lock your gun in to keep people you donâ,,,t want touching it and accidentally firing it.
   If you could insure that you could take guns from people using them for illegal things then you could have successful gun control. â,"In any given year 99.8% of firearms and 99.6% of handguns will never be involved in criminal activity.(Aitkens, 15). Guns themselves arenâ,,,t dangerous it is the people that use them for wrong that make them dangerous.
   Gun control supporters say gun control would reduce the number of killings each year. They also say it helps the government control who can and canâ,,,t buy guns, which can be a good thing. The place that sells you a gun has to do a background check, by law, to insure they are not selling a gun to someone they are not supposed to. You can not purchase a firearm if you are a felon or have a drug addiction. If you are a felon or have a drug addiction then your application for a firearm is immediately discarded and you have no chance of getting one legally.
   Some gun control laws help, like the one that bans people who have problems are good because the law prevents people who might use them for bad things. Another one is that you cannot sell a gun to a minor. This prevents young people from taking guns to school and shooting someone.
   Guns help save people from intruders and burglars here is a story I read: â,"Georgia Belle Sullivan of Clinton L.A., will never know if her former employee, Arthur Sanford, came back for money, revenge or both. Sullivan was up late watching television when she heard a noise that caused her two dogs to start barking wildly. She took her pistol and went to investigate, but before she fully realized what was happening a shadowy figure lunged at her. Although she fired at the intruder, kept coming and the two struggled for the gun. Sullivan said, â,"He beat me with his fists. He was trying to get the gun out of my hand, he never did.â, Sanford continued to attack, saying that he wanted money, until his grip finally loosened and he died on the spot from a gunshot wound to his chest. Sanford had worked on Sullivanâ,,,s cattle farm for years, but had been fired three years earlier because of suspected drug use. Sanford also had a history of arrests for armed robbery.â,
   In conclusion I found that there are many reasons why each side believes what it does. I also learned that each side has legitimate reasons for itâ,,,s opinion, and I respect that. I have shown both sides of the argument, now I suggest you choose which side you support because this issue is very important in our country.

If we ban guns, they will only be available to the criminals on the black market. NOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WHEN SOME ASSHOLE COMES INTO YOUR HOUSE AND PUTS A GUN TO YOUR HEAD DUMBFUCKS!

Aitkens, Maggi. Should We Have Gun Control. Minneapolis. Lerner Publication        Company, 1992.
â,"Gun Control,â, <>; (December 4, 2005).
Chesnut, Mark. â,"D.C. To Criminals: â,˜We Surrender!â,,,,â, Americaâ,,,s1st Freedom September    2005: 36.
Henderson, Harry. Gun Control. New York, Facts on File, Inc.,2000.
LaPierre, Wayne. Guns, Crime, and Violence. Washington D.C.  Regnery Publishing,    Inc.,1994.
Streissguth, Tom, Gun Control The Pros and Cons.  Berkeley Heights, NJ, Enslow    Publishers, Inc., 2001.
Sugarman, Josh, NRA National Rifle Association, Money, Firepower, Fear.  Washington    D.C., National Press Books, 1992.
â,"Gun Control,â, <>; (December 4, 2005).

j o e i n c

"If we ban guns, they will only be available to the criminals on the black market. NOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WHEN SOME ASSHOLE COMES INTO YOUR HOUSE AND PUTS A GUN TO YOUR HEAD DUMBFUCKS!"

judo chop


Quote from: Vunderhof on March 16, 2008, 02:50:19 PM
"If we ban guns, they will only be available to the criminals on the black market. NOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WHEN SOME ASSHOLE COMES INTO YOUR HOUSE AND PUTS A GUN TO YOUR HEAD DUMBFUCKS!"

judo chop
Shit doesn't work, I have tried that, that is why I am dead. x.x

sans culottes

Banning guns? Stupid.

I'm tired, so I'll let P&T speak for me.
I support BUSH

j o e i n c

"Mr Dellinger:
"Some people think machine guns are more dangerous than handguns -- they shoot a lot of people at once...""

"Clement told the justices that too strict a standard would imperil the federal government's efforts to restrict machine guns or "plastic" guns meant to avoid metal detector screening."

Lots of lulz to be had


Bad idea.

I mean a really bad idea.

A. Restricting guns only means criminals alone can get ahold of them. Look at DC, now it's the criminals doing the killing.

B. The police aren't omnipresent. Let me say this you should never, I repeat never rely on the police as your sole protection in a life or death situation. When some crackhead decides to pull out your intestines with a harpy so he can loot your home for drug money, chances are the police will not be notified ahead of time. More likely than not you will need to protect yourself.

C. The founding fathers wanted Americans to be secure, to be empowered and to be able to defend themselves as well as their families against threats from within as well as threats from without. Now take Lawlz's situation. Say somehow the police are the only ones with weapons. Can anyone tell me what might be wrong with this situation?

Boogus Epirus Aurelius

Banning guns is foolish and impossible.

Further moderating and restricting gun sales is practical.

j o e i n c

Quote from: Boognish on March 19, 2008, 07:16:52 PM
Banning guns is foolish and impossible.

Further moderating and restricting gun sales is practical.


sans culottes

We definitely must continue to control gun sales. Criminals do not deserve the right to a gun.

You know what Penn and Teller made a good point about? Issuing guns to every woman. No rapist would get near them if women were given concealed weapons, even if only half of them actually carried their guns.
I support BUSH


Quote from: Co-Z on March 21, 2008, 09:57:23 AM
We definitely must continue to control gun sales. Criminals do not deserve the right to a gun.

You know what Penn and Teller made a good point about? Issuing guns to every woman. No rapist would get near them if women were given concealed weapons, even if only half of them actually carried their guns.
Women can be rapists too.


Quote from: Co-Z on March 21, 2008, 09:57:23 AM
We definitely must continue to control gun sales. Criminals do not deserve the right to a gun.

You know what Penn and Teller made a good point about? Issuing guns to every woman. No rapist would get near them if women were given concealed weapons, even if only half of them actually carried their guns.
As if asking out a girl wasn't scary enough

j o e i n c

Quote from: Co-Z on March 21, 2008, 09:57:23 AM
We definitely must continue to control gun sales. Criminals do not deserve the right to a gun.

You know what Penn and Teller made a good point about? Issuing guns to every woman. No rapist would get near them if women were given concealed weapons, even if only half of them actually carried their guns.
All criminals or only violent ones?


Hand guns are for protection in your home.

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