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lol and sort of lol

Started by Samus Aran, November 04, 2007, 10:09:33 PM

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Samus Aran

Quote from: NINTENDUDE312 on November 05, 2007, 04:29:15 PM
He must be typing up something pretty big, it says he's been typing for around five minutes. caterpie;

It won't be worth it, since nobody in this thread was really being stupid or anything. It's not like anyone thus far has just plain been wrong, except for of course when Lawlz thought AIDS and HIV were the same thing.

Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: Kazakhstan on November 05, 2007, 04:30:32 PM
It won't be worth it, since nobody in this thread was really being stupid or anything. It's not like anyone thus far has just plain been wrong, except for of course when Lawlz thought AIDS and HIV were the same thing.
By "You're all retarded," he probably just meant Lawlz, JMV's song, and me when I asked if it was really made by scientists. myface;

Samus Aran

Quote from: NINTENDUDE312 on November 05, 2007, 04:32:49 PM
By "You're all retarded," he probably just meant Lawlz, JMV's song, and me when I asked if it was really made by scientists. myface;



Quote from: JMV290 on November 05, 2007, 04:15:58 PM

Note the word "conspiracy", there are some facts, but not its likely.
i stopped reading at "aids virus"
Quote from: Kazakhstan on November 05, 2007, 04:14:37 PM
Cool. Explain.
Quote from: Kazakhstan on November 05, 2007, 03:55:57 PM
...it only develops into AIDS in humans.
yarr read first sentence of wiki article
aids is a collection of symptoms, and said symptoms are not human specific
siv causes aids, too, for example
Quote from: Lawlz on November 05, 2007, 03:30:42 PM
dunno maybe they could test it on middle aged women
also uh i'm relatively certain (by which i mean i'm not fucking retarded) that shampoos and whatnot are tested for effectiveness and to evaluate claims of revitalizing, nourishing, and all that crap
oh and safety issues go a little beyond whether or not it burns a middle aged woman's eyes
Quote from: NINTENDUDE312 on November 05, 2007, 04:32:49 PM
...and me when I asked if it was really made by scientists. myface;
oh hey missed that one; thanks
Quote from: Kazakhstan on November 05, 2007, 04:27:32 PM
f5ing for Guff's explanation
oh hey

Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: Commodore Guff on November 05, 2007, 04:34:26 PM
i stopped reading at "aids virus"okyarr read first sentence of wiki article
aids is a collection of symptoms, and said symptoms are not human specific
siv causes aids, too, for exampledunno maybe they could test it on middle aged women
also uh i'm relatively certain (by which i mean i'm not fucking retarded) that shampoos and whatnot are tested for effectiveness and to evaluate claims of revitalizing, nourishing, and all that crap
oh and safety issues go a little beyond whether or not it burns a middle aged woman's eyes

[glow=red,2,300]oh hey missed that one; thanks[/glow]

oh hey
I don't see how asking a question to gain knowledge is "fucking retarded", but whatever. powerofone;


Samus Aran

Quote from: Commodore Guff on November 05, 2007, 04:34:26 PM
okyarr read first sentence of wiki article
aids is a collection of symptoms, and said symptoms are not human specific
siv causes aids, too, for example

Quote from: Kazakhstan on November 05, 2007, 03:55:57 PM
You're right as far as I can tell. While other animals can carry the HIV virus, it only develops into AIDS in humans.

Good thing I left it open-ended enough to allow for the possibility of me being incorrect, because I was never entirely sure.

Yes, the lack of absolute knowledge in one tiny, mostly insignificant area of medical science makes me "fucking retarded," as you so eloquently put it.

ITT Guff exaggerates


Quote from: Kazakhstan on November 05, 2007, 04:39:02 PM
Good thing I left it open-ended enough to allow for the possibility of me being incorrect, because I was never entirely sure.

Yes, the lack of absolute knowledge in one tiny, mostly insignificant area of medical science makes me "fucking retarded," as you so eloquently put it.

ITT Guff exaggerates
You left open the possibility of Ninblah being right, but you used no qualifiers in the following sentence.

I agree.

you just don't care enough

Samus Aran

Quote from: Commodore Guff on November 05, 2007, 04:42:43 PM
You left open the possibility of Ninblah being right

Uh yeah duh

Quote from: Commodore Guff on November 05, 2007, 04:42:43 PM
but you used no qualifiers in the following sentence.

If you need them, you're retarded.

Quote from: Commodore Guff on November 05, 2007, 04:42:43 PM
I agree.

Recite the CAS numbers of ten naturally occuring neurotransmitters in the human body without any prior research.

Oops you're retarded.

Quote from: Commodore Guff on November 05, 2007, 04:42:43 PM
you just don't care enough

I fail to see how that makes your statements any less exaggerated.


Quote from: Kazakhstan on November 05, 2007, 04:47:59 PM
Uh yeah duh

If you need them, you're retarded.

Recite the CAS numbers of ten naturally occuring neurotransmitters in the human body without any prior research.

Oops you're retarded.

I fail to see how that makes your statements any less exaggerated.



eh ok

oh that's because you're retarded

Samus Aran


Samus Aran


Quote from: Kazakhstan on November 05, 2007, 04:55:49 PM
sorry i'm not very good at latin because i'm retarded
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras convallis luctus purus. Nullam eu nibh. Suspendisse dictum, tellus viverra vehicula bibendum, nibh urna porttitor quam, eu mollis lorem justo vel ante. Maecenas pretium, leo nec consectetuer congue, augue dolor rutrum nulla, sed ullamcorper leo dui et nunc. Morbi pretium enim sit amet arcu euismod viverra. Nunc tristique mollis ipsum. Suspendisse potenti. Ut mollis. Vivamus fermentum nisi ac ipsum. Proin venenatis urna semper justo. Donec adipiscing est at quam. Duis porta mi vitae sem. Integer pede. Duis nec dui quis orci porttitor suscipit.

Duis in odio. Sed id enim. Integer scelerisque. Cras vitae enim eu lectus convallis hendrerit. Curabitur pellentesque, mauris non feugiat pellentesque, sapien ligula dignissim nulla, eget ultricies ipsum eros a dui. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin posuere felis a eros. Nunc urna. Nulla commodo. Cras a mauris at ante rhoncus semper. Proin ac lacus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent enim nulla, venenatis at, porttitor at, dictum nec, lacus. Vivamus libero leo, molestie ut, lobortis id, pulvinar a, erat. Phasellus aliquam gravida eros.

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla nonummy convallis tortor. Cras aliquet enim sed diam. Aenean eget neque. Etiam congue quam non velit. Nam id metus. Nulla non massa et orci suscipit semper. Vestibulum elit. Nunc urna quam, dignissim in, tristique non, facilisis pharetra, ante. Aliquam quis dolor quis leo porta pulvinar.

In non nulla et ipsum pulvinar convallis. Curabitur sollicitudin eros. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent mollis. Ut velit augue, dictum vel, euismod vitae, lacinia a, nisi. Etiam sollicitudin, nibh ut interdum faucibus, magna quam tristique ligula, vitae eleifend leo eros id nisl. Pellentesque at lacus. Nam vestibulum posuere erat. In blandit nunc. Cras luctus dapibus tellus. Cras adipiscing suscipit neque. Donec imperdiet semper sem. Duis molestie lobortis ante. Nunc ornare enim. Etiam hendrerit congue dui. Sed suscipit condimentum nisl. Fusce risus. Aliquam tellus libero, convallis non, hendrerit ac, eleifend et, mauris.

Donec ut lorem vitae sapien interdum egestas. Mauris ut enim eu felis tincidunt suscipit. Nunc quis mauris. Nunc imperdiet leo nec nisi. Duis porttitor lectus sed ipsum. Mauris justo. Pellentesque pretium porttitor erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec aliquet. Duis pellentesque. Etiam sodales eros nec velit. Etiam enim lorem, blandit vel, lobortis facilisis, condimentum non, velit.


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