ban bassir and jmv in a joint move or how i learned to trick you into posting

Started by Andrew1911, October 30, 2007, 03:14:30 PM

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ban the fuckers who read but dont post

hellz yeah
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no cause im dum :|
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Oh, hello there! I am your host, Andrew1911. In this story of Boyah Masterpiece Theatre, we shall read the timeless novelia, Kaz to the Future. Back to the Future shamelessly stole everything from the story. So, enjoy it.

oh yea this is not about banning lawlz

u got tricked son


Quote from: Psychosis  link=topic=17888.msg229451#msg229451 date=1193782508
Thread sucks

PR, you think Milk Chan is funny. Obviously, your sense of humor sucks.

Also, if you wanted to leave so badly, there's that log out right there.


Chapter One: Kaz to the Future

Kaz Weinstein was walking his usual route to his pal, Bassir?s, house. On the way past the white picket fence that was still stuck in some portion of the 1950s, he saw a sign to tryout for his school's Battle of the Bands. Kaz played a mean kazoo and decided to show the school has kazoo talents. The kazoo interest stemmed from that blade of grass between the fingers trick his nerd dad taught him as a kid, and now he?d show them all his rare talent. But, first, he had to stop at Bassir's house to find out if he had done his long division homework correctly. In other words, he wanted Bassir to do his homework. Bassir looked at his watch. Mickey?s big hand was pointing to the 10, and his little hand was pointing to the 7. Kaz would never forget his older brother telling him that the reason Mickey had one smaller arm was because he had Cerebral Palsy. Kaz?s brother continuously taunted him as he was growing up, saying that one of his arms would be shorter than the other, and then they?d put him on a watch face once the public grew tired of Mickey. Kaz hated his older brother, and vowed to one day to get revenge on him for what he had put him through. When Kaz finally snaBassired out of it, Mickey?s big hand was now pointing to the 15. It was 7:15. He was going to be late unless...

Kaz took out his skateboard and went as fast as he possibly could on his board. Breezing by all the houses full of deadbeats, drop-outs, and cranky old geezers only made him feel better. All of a sudden, a car darted out of a driveway! Kaz yelled in fear and did an ollie off of the car's windshield. He landed safely on the sidewalk and flicked the driver off. ?God damn old people? Kaz muttered aloud to the wind. Kaz felt good about himself until a bike messenger was hurtling towards him. Kaz yelled, "Hey, message this!" He drove off of the sidewalk and found himself coming head to head with an oncoming car. Kaz had one radical decision to make... Kaz quickly laid down on his board. Kaz flew under the car, barely avoiding the sharp parts. He made it out safely and finally made it to Bassir's house. Kaz's many years of playing Tony Hawk games 14 through 33 paid off greatly.

Kaz walked inside and found the house to be a mess... just how Bassir had always left it. Kaz said, "Yo, Bassir! You in here? Did you... Uh... "Help" me with my homework?" Kaz had walked through the living room when, all of a sudden, Bassir fell through the ceiling. Kaz yelled, "Shit! Attic monster!" Bassir wiped the dust off of himself and said, "Do not be alarmed, dearest Kaz! Here's your homework! It's long division... You should be able to do it. A retarded Vietnamese child could've done it. Anyway, the most magnificent occasion has aBassireared to me! Kaz... Tonight... on this very night... history will be made. That was a humorous joke if you had the knowledge of what I was creating... Unfortunately, only I know what I have done...? Kaz was beginning to worry that Bassir was having an alcoholic relapse, but smiled instead, knowing that Bassir always managed to conquer the monster within. Bassir continued, ?But... you will know tonight! Come to the Twin Tomatoes Mall at 1:30 tonight! Bring that damn video cassette recorder of yours!" Kaz laughed, "Video cassette recorder? What the hell is this? 1985? I'll bring my Mini DV camera. VCR... Ha. Oh, thanks for the homework, professor. See ya."

Bassir waved his friend off and crept through his house, looking at his designs. He laughed, "Finally, after years of torment, good fortune has smiled upon me and said, 'Dearest Bassir... God loves you.' I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl! Whee!" Bassir quickly realized what he had done. He not only claimed that God existed, but he claimed to be a schoolgirl ? neither of which were acceptable in today?s world. If only he could go back to the days when expressions like that were common and innocent. The days where he was young and carefree. The days when Hollywood actually made good movies. The days when he could screw as many women as he wanted without fear of AIDS, VD?s, STD?s, HIV?s and lawsuits. The days when woman knew their proper place in life ? the kitchen. The days before those kooky black people started demanding rights and screwed everything up for the Great Race. The days when it was possible to believe in the big man in the sky without offending everyone that believed in a different big man in the sky ruining the fun for everyone, especially in schools, where some kids can?t even celebrate Halloween or Christmas anymore. Boy, in the old days, he?d just put on his hood, round up the boys, and hang the problem in the tree on the corner next to the candy shop that used to charge 3 pennies for a chocolate bar. All this began to trouble Bassir, and he longed to return to those days as quickly as possible. So, after hitting himself up with a few stamps of acid and taking a wonderful and colorful trip back through his old neighborhood, he was able to relax again. Funny though, he didn?t remember his dog being six feet tall, or clock faces of all sizes phased into the walls of his house, or his fish being able to give him recipes for tuna casseroles and vegetarian stews. He made sure to write them down and picked up the necessary items at the grocery store on his way home.


Quote from: Andrew1911 on October 30, 2007, 03:16:06 PM
PR, you think Milk Chan is funny. Obviously, your sense of humor sucks.

Also, if you wanted to leave so badly, there's that log out right there.
response sucks



Chapter Two: The Great Kazoo Battle

Kaz made it to Boyah High School. It was named after what the Natives had traded the surrounding land to the British for. The walls were battered and graffiti was sprayed everywhere. Kaz was proud of the penis he had managed to spray paint across thirty feet of brick, and two stories high. It only took him 5 hours to complete and was totally worth the bag of weed he traded for all the spray paint cans required to make his masterpiece. Because of the fine craftsmanship and the details of shadows, veins, and wrinkles, the city and the school board argued for months on whether or not it constituted as art and if they should take it down. Kaz knew he could always get away with something if ?art? was involved. He could take a dump on live TV, call it art, and get away with it. Though the penis still stood tall and proud on the wall, Kaz had since moved on from the penis joke phase to those that were blunt and required no extra thinking. One such sign on the wall spelled out: "Hi, I Am You". Kaz was confused and walked into the school.

He looked at his Mickey Mouse watch. It was 7: 45. He was late. Oh, God... If that bald asshole finds him, Kaz would be screwed. He turned a hallway and ran right into his girlfriend, Rae. After copping a feel quicker then she could feel it, Kaz sighed, "I thought you were a bald asshole for a minute." Orph said, "Kaz, you gotta get to class! If he sees you, you're-" The bald asshole interjected, "I'll do what, Miss Rae? Where is your hall pass?" Rae showed him her hall pass and the bald asshole looked at Kaz. Kaz felt so violated by this man?s gaze. He smiled evilly and said, "Ah, Mr. Kaz... What does that clock say?" Kaz mumbled angrily, "It says 7:45." The bald asshole stated, "Now, tell me if I'm wrong here... but... doesn't the late bell ring at 7:40? So... Would I be wrong in guessing you would be late?" Kaz could see that the best years of this man?s life were spent putting down cats during his time as an employee of the humane society.

Kaz sighed, "No, you would be right, Mr. Unagi." Unagi tore out a ticket and wrote Kaz's detention time. Unagi handed it to Kaz and walked off laughing. Kaz mumbled under his breath, "Damn Jew..." Sometimes, Kaz considered the idea of turning his garage into a gas chamber and fooling Unagi into going into it. He had it all planned out. He would put a trail of pennies on the sidewalks leading from his the school to his garage, because everyone knows that the ever since the Jews killed Jesus, they think that any coins they collect are part of their neverending supply of reward money. Then he?d put a few freshly cooked bagels on a plate in the open garage. Once he was lured in, Kaz would slam the door shut and activate a device rigged to start the 1974 Pontiac GTO in the garage. Kaz wouldn?t even have time to take a sip from his drink before the CO2 emissions from that thing did Unagi in. Kaz also had considered doing this for that cunt Sarah Silverman, but then he remembered that all you needed to do to make a horse?s life worthless was to break its leg, then they ship it off to the glue factory from there.

Kaz went to his animation class and wrote his numerous drawings in fever. Kaz was a skilled animator and felt he had a career in animation. Well, except for his teacher, Mr. Steal. Mr. Steal sighed as he sighted Kaz's drawings. He commented, "Kaz... There is no form in this. All drawings need form. Without form, this is nothing more than tissue paper that is used to wipe my behind. You need form, boy. Form. Form. Form. Follow the form. Follow the form. Form. Remember one thing from this class... Form." As the teacher walked away, Kaz mumbled, "I'll form you upside the head..." Kaz knew he had a chance at being a great animator... He just needed a mentor. Just anyone but Mr. Steal. For the love of God, anyone but Mr. Steal. Mr. Steal, however, knew that Kaz?s dream of a career in animation was over before it even began, as all cartoon animation is done by people in Korea for a much lower price. Kaz was hopeless, and non-Korean, just like his whole family.

Finally, lunch had come. The band tryouts had begun and Kaz was first in line. Well, some Emo kids were, but upon Kaz reminding them that playing in a band required talent, which they had none of, they called him mean and rushed to the drama room to talk about emotions, or write about this event in their diaries, or some other shit like that. Kaz greased up his kazoo and put on some rad flames on it to show how xtreme he truly was. Kaz stepped in front of the judges. The judges were Kenny G, the lunch lady, and the principal. Kaz said, "Hello... I am Kaz. Today... You're about to get kazooed." Kaz began to play and he danced around the stage madly, the rhythm moving his body like a puppet on a set of stings. The notes were pouring like a monsoon. No one in line wasn't moved by Kaz's masterful kazooing. All were moved... that is, all were moved except for Kenny G. He shook his head and grabbed his megaphone. He shouted, "Excuse me, that's all. I mean, it's just my opinion but this is all a bit one note, isn't it? Get off the stage and come back when you have more than one note tricks." Kaz stormed off the stage in tears, throwing his kazoo down on the ground. He was defeated by Kenny G, the unholy lovechild of Weird Al and Adrian Brody.

Samus Aran

fuck yeah mother fucker

best damn kazoo player that ever lived


The Hand That Fisted Everyone



October 30, 2007, 05:17:36 PM #11 Last Edit: October 30, 2007, 05:24:35 PM by Andrew1911
Chapter Three: The Bald Asshole/The Dinner

Kaz had to miss his date with Rae because of that bald asshole's detention slip. Kaz had always wondered if ginger kids? drJMVs matched their curtains, but he was having difficulty thinking about that at the moment. He sat in the cold and solitary room. It was so much like a prison he was expecting to have to hear ?Lights out!? called at any moment. He was all alone... except for that bald asshole staring right into his eyes. Kaz felt like a naked little boy forced to stand in the middle of the road for all to see. Unagi said, "Kaz... It brings me nothing but pleasure to watch you shiver in this cold and dreary room... You know... I heard you had a date with that redhead girl I see you around with." With a shiver going down his spine, Kaz said, "Yeah... What about it?" Unagi smiled and said, "Did you not want to go on a date with that lovely creature tonight? Oh, wait... you couldn't because you're stuck in here till nine... Kaz, you're like your father... A wuss. What is your father's name, again? He was such a little bitch that I actually forgot his name. All I could remember of him is that he was, in fact, a bitch. Whenever I wanted him to come over, I would say, 'Bitch, come here!' Your father immediately ran towards me. You're just like your father, Kaz... A bitch."

Kaz often wondered how Unagi could get away with all the stuff he did. Rumor has it that he was in bed with those in charge, and since they were all men, that was very likely. Kaz began to clench his fist and said through gritted teeth, "His name is JMV... He's not a bitch." Unagi laughed, "Oh, he's a bitch. Believe me. Isn't JMV still getting his ass handed to him by that Lawlz character? Pathetic. Oh, I saw your kazoo show. You got your ass handed to you by Kenny G? God damn, Kaz... That's pathetic. God, I love my job." Kaz remembered the hours he spent practicing that instrument over the years. His brother would tell him that if he kept blowing that hard, he?d rupture a lung, which would cause his health to decline and turn him into that fat kid that always gets picked last for teams in gym class. His sister would tell him to cut that crap out while she listened to her Avril Lavigne and Green Day CDs. Kaz finally snaBassired one day and managed to put fire ants in her next maxi-pad. The screams that she let out snapped him out of his kazoo blues and inspired him to start kazooing music from Alice Cooper and Motorhead. But his dad was always there to give him words of encouragement and pull the train back onto the tracks whenever it was derailed. And he was damned if he would let some bald faggot crush his father great image and make him humble.

Kaz sat alone in his desk, watching the bald asshole chew his sandwich, laughing at him. Kaz knew he couldn't say anything back or he'd only get more detention with him. The prison-like situation would only get worse. Kaz would fully start expecting Unagi to start referring to him as ?fresh meat? after a while. He kept his mouth shut and waited until the clock ran down till three minutes before detention ended. Unagi dried his eyes and said, "You can leave early if you want, Kaz." Kaz looked suspiciously at Unagi and asked, "Why?" Unagi smiled grimly and said, "No reason..." Kaz walked out of class. Before he left the school, he heard Unagi scream from behind him, "Stop!" Unagi shuffled as fast as he could to Kaz, smiling like a chihuahua endorsing Taco Bell food. Unagi said, "I never said how early... I'll see you next week, Kaz... Ha, ha, ha!" After Unagi walked ahead of him and out of earshot, Kaz cursed under his breath. He crumbled the pJMVr and put it into his pocket next to his hacky sac and bags of bammy. Why couldn?t it have been a hot female teacher watching over him instead? Ever since that thing with one chick who was banging a fourteen year old multiple times haBassirened, Kaz wondered what teacher wouldn?t see him for the stud that he is and let him go early in exchange for some ?extracurricular activities?. Kaz had learned from the hot teacher/student sex cases that kept haBassirening every week that all young female teachers will gladly throw away their lives, career, and loved ones just for some underage school-boy action. He thought about why he didn?t read about this haBassirening every day in Japan before heading out the door.

Kaz walked out of the school and skated home. He skated down the familiar route home and saw a tow truck at his house. Kaz moaned, "What now?" He jumped off and saw that one of the doors of the car had been mangled. The car also smelled of cat piss and pine needles. This perplexed Kaz to the point of almost lighting up a joint right there just to forget about it, but then he remembered he had left his trusty yellow ?Have A Nice Day? lighter with the haBassiry face on it in his room. With no immediate anger suBassirression solution within reach, he yelled, "What do you have against me, God? First, I got detention. Second, Kenny G insults me. KENNY G! Then, I have to see that bald asshole again! What else could possibly go wrong?" Kaz heard the familiar screaming of butthead from Lawlz in his home... something else went wrong. Kaz sighed, "Shit, my dad's getting verbally assaulted from Lawlz again..."

Kaz walked inside to find his father, JMVslammmer, walking and talking with Lawlz. Lawlz yelled, "Listen to me, Weinstein! You never told me your car had a blind spot!" JMV cried as he adjusted his glasses, "Now, Lawlz... I'm going to say this calmly... There's nothing wrong with the car. There's no blind spot. Did you have both hands on the wheel?" Lawlz walked in front of JMV menacingly and said, "Now, listen to me, butthead... I spilled my beer... On these fancy blue vinyl pants... I expect to be reimbursed for the beer and the blue vinyl pants. I'm not going to pay for the car damage. You are. Got it, butthead?" JMV nervously adjusted his tie and said, "Sure, Des... We're friends, right?" Lawlz grabbed JMV's head and gave him a noogie. Des laughed, "Of course, we are! Butthead! Now, go get me a cookie and I'll be on my way home." Lawlz looked over at Kaz and laughed, "What are you suBassirosed to be? A leprechaun? Stupid butthead... Tell your mom I said hi. Get what I mean? Bow-chicka-bow-wow! You don't even know what sex is yet, right? See, it's where a man and a woman have sex. Dumb butthead." Kaz was thankful Lawlz at least refrained from making jokes about Jews, black people, and fags.

Lawlz left and gave JMV another noogie. JMV looked over and saw his son, Kaz, looking at him in disgust. JMV sighed, "Listen, son..." Kaz yelled, "Come on, Dad! He screwed the car up and you know it! He should pay for it!" JMV said, "Now, son, put a quarter in the swear jar. We don't use that kind of language in this household. JMV is probably right that there's a blind spot. We should really make sure none of our cars have blind spots." Kaz put his ear-buds in and ignored his father's words. JMV sighed, "Well, Hime should be back from her church soon... Put your quarter in the swear jar... please... for your mother." Kaz groaned, put a quarter in the swear jar, and awaited his mother's return. Hime came back with KFC and said, "Come on, family! Time for dinner!" Kaz?s brother came out of his room and nudged him, saying ?Remind mom that black history month was over three months ago. We don?t have to keep experiencing the part where they discover the Holy Grail is a restaurant that provides them with a never ending suBassirly of fried chicken.? Somehow, Kaz always suspected his brother had picked up something from his father that he sometimes was able to see swimming deep within, but never able to surface in the face of confrontation.

The three gathered around the table. Hime prayed, "And, Lord, please watch over uncle Q & T in prison. Hopefully, with your guidance and strength, you'll protect him from the inevitable shower rJMV. Amen." Kaz said, "Well, I was going to take the car up with my friends... man friends, mom. No girls. We're not engaging in homosexual activity either. Just manly stuff like choBassiring wood." Hime said, "That's good. I just hope you won't get involved with a girl yet, Kaz. Girls at those age are the devils. Trying to have sexual intercourse... despicable! They should follow the words of Christ, right, JMV?" JMV said meekly, "Uh, yeah, honey. Sure. Hang on, they've got that Family Ties episode! Remember that one? It's the one where Michael J. Fox gets hooked on drugs! That was a funny one. Such a shame he has the shaky disease..." If there was one thing Kaz could not stand about these dinner time conversations, it was JMV?s total lack of respect and caring for those with unfortunate disabilities. There are people you pick on, and people you do not pick on. Kaz always thought this stemmed from either a small penis, or the fact that his father had sunk so low on a social scale that the only ones below him were the ones that people looked at differently, which is why he made fun of them with ease. As good a father as he was, Kaz wished his father would stop picking on great researchers and heroes like Michael J. Fox, who life decided to toss back down the staircase right after reaching the peak of their lives.

Hime said, "Yep. That is a shame. Dear, remember when we fell in love? You mysteriously dropped out of a tree branch and my father nearly tore your pelvis off with his Mercedes Benz? I had to take care of you... as if you were a baby bird... a very helpless baby bird? what were you doing again? Bird watching?" JMV said nervously, "Yeah, birds. Just birds. Nothing unusual. Just birds. Birds. You know, with the feathers... and the wings... dinner's over. Go do other stuff. I... uh... have to do something in the garage..." Kaz said, "Yeah, thanks for dinner, Mom. I have to go do homework." Kaz walked to his room and thought about doing his homework for a bit. He decided to just sleep on it, which he was going to regret, because the way in which he fell asleep on his desk and books ensured one nasty pain in the neck when he awakened later. Luckily, before he went to sleep, he set his alarm to 1:30.



Chapter Four: Part Uno

Kaz surfed into the empty but well-lit parking lot at 1:40 AM, wondering just what Bassir had in store for him. Hopefully it wasn?t a gang-bang. Kaz?s fears of this were heightened when all he saw in the parking lot was a cube truck and no one around. Kaz cautiously walked up to it. The cube truck had creepy designs all over it. It was going to be a bad if he was forced into action; he had forgotten his condoms at home and was ill-prepared for this occasion. The door rolled up and white mists of something that smelled like cold burnt toast flowed out over the ground. ?Sweet, we?re having ice cream!? exclaimed Kaz. ?No, silly boy...? a voice called out from within the truck, ?We?re having ourselves a good time with something much better! This is no delicious Sunday night treat!? As Bassir emerged from the fuming truck and took out two ramps from beneath it, Kaz asked ?What could possibly be better than chocolate caramel ice cream?? Bassir shouted back, ?Mint Chocolate chip!? Bassir cleared his throat and said, ?But never mind that now. Did you bring that video camera?? ?Sure did!? exclaimed Kaz, whipping it out. ?My Panasonic AG-HVX200 Mini Digital Camcorder never lets me down.? Bassir stared Kaz down and said, ?Kaz, never act like you?re promoting a product like some sort of goddamn salesman. It just makes people hate you and see you for the cheap whore that you really are.? ?Oh, sorry?? Bassir pulled out a remote control of some kind and said, ?No worries, just get the camera rolling.? Bassir pressed a button and surrounded by the mist from the back of the truck, out rolled a DeLeorean which looked like it had merged with a the inside of a VCR. It came to a complete stop next to Bassir

Kaz raised the camera and began filming Bassir?s speech. ?First, the wheel was invented. Then the Chinese invented the printing press. Then the they forgot about it and the rest of the world got credit when it was invented again. Then, slavery was invented by America. Those were good years. Then, while China was getting screwed by America and their trades, those that weren?t poor and living in a crappy country invented the car and internal combustion engine. I have taken the next step in the area of great inventions and with my many years of research, have come up with a way to go back and witness these things being invented! Cameraman! Can you think of what I have invented?? Kaz tried not to make a drug-related joke, and instead chose to answer the question honestly: ?A? time machine?? ?That?s right!? shouted Bassir, ?A way to go back into the past and watch it unfold!? Kaz had little trouble believing this, since Bassir had after all, cured cancer, AIDS, and claimed he cured rabies even though there was already a cure. Pity those suits had to show up and explain to him that unless he wanted the amount of old people in the world to triple, he?d forget what he had done. Not wanting the world to have to endure more slow and terrible drivers, long journeys resulting in boring visits to their houses, longer lines where ever something was on sale, and everyone turning into a caretaker and errand person, Bassir chose to put the world?s needs ahead of himself and ?forgot? what he did.

?Why a DeLeorean?? ?Because? DeLeorean?s are all-American non-foreign, non-bullshit cars that get the job done. Look at the fine piece of work the designers and manufacturers came up with, it?s like riding in style without risk of looking like a dick. The handling of this car is as easy as taking candy from a baby, and just as enjoyable. Look at the stainless steel exterior, perfect if you accidentally run someone over or other stains are at risk of being left on the car ? no visual evidence! Yep, with all of this combined with the engine that has remained unmodified to it?s original intent, you couldn?t ask for a better choice of vehicle to cruise through time in then in a DeLeorean! Plus, the guy who made it loved crack.? Kaz was enjoying this, it sure beat whatever school project he had to do, or spending more time with the bald asshole, which he was probably going to do when he slept in the next day and missed school, but it was worth it. ?Let me show you how it works!? When Bassir got into one of his exciting moods, he tended to yell everything, as if his fingers had just been caught in a dresser drawer. ?I?ll spare you the technical details and just tell you that pretty much all you need to know is that the key to this whole thing is right here.? Bassir pointed to what looked to be a series of tubes inside a glass case. ?The Temporal Time Distortion Generating Device.? ?Does it have a simpler name?? Kaz questioned (big words were his weakness). ?Well? Flux Capacitor has a great ring to it too, but scientists don?t use slang or pet names. Once the speed necessary to spark the distortion is reached, the energy is channeled through here and the gate opens up for the car to pass through.? ?What?s the magic number?? ?Three?? ?No, the speed required to? open the gate?? ?Quite a simple one to remember actually?? Kaz prayed for a 69. ??it?s 88 miles per hour.? ?Wait, Paid, how are we going to get this thing up to 88? I did a project for auto class and these things can barley get 130 horsepower.? Paid was only to eager to respond with, ?This car doesn?t have the emission reduction parts which slow the car down from 170 hp to 130 hp. Al Gore can go pleasure himself to the sounds of his own voice with that terrible song from An Inconievenant Truth in the background! Long live the real American car!?

?Now? it?s time for a test. Kaz, name a date that has an event you?d be interested in witnessing.? Kaz thought about this for a minute. Bassir eventually grew tired of his inferior slow mind and started suggesting things. Bassir thought, ?How about the Leafs winning the Stanley Cup back in 1967?? Bassir punched in some numbers on a keypad and the date was shown on an LCD panel above one that showed the current date. Bassir suggested, ?Or the first talkie film?? Bassir punched in that date. Bassir smiled, ?Maybe you want to see the reaction to the first bikini?? Bassir continued to change the date. Bassir began to smirk, ?Here?s one? November 20th? 1985?? Bassir paused and began laughing. Kaz hadn?t seem him do that since that oxide combining accident in his lab a few years ago. Bassir lit up and shouted, ?I just remembered! That was the occasion from whence the got the thought bubble for the brilliant idea for the Temporal Time Distortion Generating Device! I remember it vividly just like I remember... Vietnam...: Windows 1.0 was released and I was trying to install it. After three hours of blue screens of death, sudden freezing, annoying blinking, sound card blow-ups, lost data, and the computer telling me that it couldn?t detect my mouse and keyboard, I started banging my head of the desk until I blacked out since it cost less to replace then my computer. When I came to a few hours later, I had a vision of this, the Flux Ca? I mean Temporal Time Distortion Generating Device!? Kaz whined, ?Hey, that?s nice Paid, but are we going to see this thing in action today?? Paid motioned for him to shut off the camera before confronting him, "Kaz, please, you?re sounding like an impatient prick. We need to eat something first. Hold on a moment! I shall retrieve the snack cakes!"


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