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FTR's Poké Co. ~ Now able to clone your Pokémon

Started by The artist formally known, May 01, 2007, 07:00:47 PM

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The artist formally known

FTR's Poké Co.

2878 6083 7993

Welcome to my shop, I can hack, clone, and trade you if you'd like. I'll clone your Pokémon for free, if I want one of the clones. Be sure to read everything before posting.


Welcome to my Hack-a-Pokemon.

I will hack you a Pokémon in trade for any three Pokémon I do not have, every hacked Pokémon after that I will only ask that you give me one more Pokémon I don't have for each hacked. So if you'd like three hacked Pokémon, I ask of six Pokémon in return.

Fill out the form below:

Boyah Username:
Item in hands:
Pokeball caught with:
Original Trainers name:
Max out contests: Yes / No
Max out ribbons: Yes / No
Pokérus: Yes / No
Shiny: Yes / No

Side Notes:

Then you need to fill this out too, but only once if you want me to hack more.

QuotePokémon in return:


If you'd like to trade me just go ahead and post. I'll defiantly have more in the future. I also can catch or breed some of my current Pokemon if you wish. I will list all of the evolved forms of what I'm breeding off just so it's easier for people to CRTL + F but this doesn't mean I'll trade you it as a second form or third form. I will only do this if you offer me some good stuff.

Here are some details of my business:
- All my Pokemon are legit besides legendaries (They may or may not be legit, if you're curious please ask me)
- I breed my Pokemon so they'll probably be in eggs, if you offer me something really good I'll train them for you
- It might take some time to get your order ready, especially if it's something that cannot be bred.
- If you're looking for a specific gender or nature Pokemon then it'll take a little longer, but I will not do this unless you offer me something good.
- Offer anything thats not in my "Willing to trade off" and I'll probably accept

Willing to trade off

Torchic / Combusken / Blaziken
Pidgey / Pidgeotto / Pidgeot
Doduo / Dodrio
Ekans / Arbok
Abra / Kadabra / Alakazam
Aipom / Ambipom
Anorith / Armaldo
Aron / Lairon / Aggron
Azurill / Marill / Azumarill
Barboach / Whiscash
Bellsprout / Weepinbell / Victreebel
Budew / Roselia / Roserade
Buizel / Floatzel
Bulbasaur / Ivysaur / Venusaur
Buneary / Lopunny
Burmy / Wormadam - Mothim
Cacnea / Cacturne
Charmander / Charmeleon / Charizard
Cherubi / Cherrim
Chikorita / Bayleef / Meganium
Chimchar / Monferno / Infernape
Chinchou / Lanturn
Chingling / Chimecho
Cleffa / Clefairy / Clefable
Combee (Female) / Vespiquen
Cranidos / Rampardos
Croagunk / Toxicroak
Cyndaquil / Quilava / Typhlosion
Cyndaquil / Typhlosion / Totodile
Diglett / Dugtrio
Dratini / Dragonair / Dragonite
Drifloon / Drifblim
Duskull / Dusclops / Dusknoir
Eevee / Vaporeon - Jolteon - Flareon - Espeon - Umbreon - Leafeon - Glaceon
Electrike / Manectric
Elekid / Electabuzz / Electivire
Feebas / Milotic
Geodude / Graveler / Golem
Gible / Gabite / Garchomp
Glameow / Purugly
Gligar / Gliscor
Gligar / Gliscor
Goldeen / Seaking
Growlithe / Arcanine
Happiny / Chansey / Blissey
Hippopotas / Hippowdon
Hoothoot / Noctowl
Horsea / Seadra / Kingdra
Horsea / Seadra / Kingdra
Kabuto / Kabutops
Koffing / Weezing
Kricketot / Kricketune
Lileep / Cradily
Lotad / Lombre / Ludicolo
Machop / Machoke / Machamp
Magikarp / Gyarados
Magnemite / Magneton / Magnezone
Mankey / Primeape
Meditite / Medicham
Meowth / Persian
Mime Jr. / Mr. Mime
Misdreavus / Mismagius
Mudkip / Marshtomp / Swampert
Munchax / Snorlax
Nidoran (Male) / Nidorino / Nidoking
Numel / Camerupt
Oddish / Gloom / Vileplume - Bellossom
Onix / Steelix
Pichu / Pikachu / Raichu
Piplup / Prinplup / Empoleon
Poliwhirl / Poliwag / Poliwrath - Politoed
Ponyta / Rapidash
Porygon / Porygon2 / PorygonZ
Psyduck / Golduck
Ralts / Kirlia / Gardevoir - Gallade
Rattata / Raticate
Remoraid / Octillery
Rhyhorn / Rhydon / Rhyperior
Riolu / Lucario
Seedot / Nuzleaf / Shiftry
Seel / Dewgong
Shellos / Gastrodon
Shieldon / Bastiodon
Shinx / Luxio / Luxray
Shuppet / Banette
Skitty / Delcatty
Skorupi / Drapion
Slowpoke / Slowbro - Slowking
Slugma / Magcargo
Smoochum / Jynx
Sneasel / Weavile
Snover / Abomasnow
Snubbull / Granbull
Spheal / Sealeo / Walrein
Squirtle / Wartortle / Blastoise
Starly / Staravia / Staraptor
Stunky / Skuntank
Tentacool / Tentacruel
Togepi / Togetic
Totodile / Croconaw / Feraligatr
Treecko / Grovyle / Sceptile
Turtwig / Grotle / Torterra
Tyrogue / Hitmonlee - Hitmonchan - Hitmontop
Venonat / Venomoth
Wooper / Quagsire
Wurmple / Silcoon - Cascoon / Beautifly - Dustox
Wynaut / Wobbuffet
Zubat / Golbat / Crobat

Would like to trade for

Baltoy / Claydol
Beldum / Metang / Metagross
Caterpie / Metapod / Butterfree
Clamperl / Huntail - Gorebyss
Cubone / Marowak
Drowzee / Hypno
Hoppip / Skiploom / Jumpluff
Houndour / Houndoom
Igglybuff / Jigglypuff / Wigglytuff
Ledyba / Ledian
Magby / Magmar / Magmortar
Mareep / Flaaffy / Ampharos
Muk / Grimer
Natu / Xatu
Paras / Parasect
Phanpy / Donphan
Shellder / Cloyster
Snorunt / Glalie - Froslass
Swinub / Piloswine / Mamoswine
Teddiursa / Ursaring
Vulpix / Ninetales
Weedle / Kakuna / Beedrill


You asked me once, what was in Room 101. I told you that you knew the answer already. Everyone knows it. The thing that is in Room 101 is Necro


Quote from: ncba93ivyase on June 18, 2014, 07:58:34 PMthis isa great post i will use it in my sig


Quote from: Reaper on May 01, 2007, 09:56:44 PM
Quote from: Lawlz on May 01, 2007, 09:54:03 PM
Eevee for Drifloon?
Okay sounds good.

If you want I can do it right now
We can put it off until tomorrow.

I hate having to constantly move Pokémon in and out of my boxes.

Quote from: ncba93ivyase on June 18, 2014, 07:58:34 PMthis isa great post i will use it in my sig


I can get you Ho-oh and Phione, but Manaphy I want back v;



You asked me once, what was in Room 101. I told you that you knew the answer already. Everyone knows it. The thing that is in Room 101 is Necro

The artist formally known

Quote from: Blaziken Prince on May 02, 2007, 04:25:00 AM
I can get you Ho-oh and Phione, but Manaphy I want back v;
I would like those, what would you like in return  china;


Quote from: Reaper on May 02, 2007, 02:57:53 PM
Quote from: mariofreak55 on May 02, 2007, 02:47:29 PM
Quote from: Reaper on May 02, 2007, 02:14:01 PM
Quote from: Necro Gaara on May 02, 2007, 07:14:01 AM
Lol, hacked pogeymans.
Only one is hacked
You're a dumbass, all of them are hacked.
Duplicated isn't hacked dude. I only got the Arceus hacked.

It's impossible for a legit Mew and Celebi to have such a low level.

The artist formally known

Quote from: _Cole_ on May 02, 2007, 03:09:47 PM
It's impossible for a legit Mew and Celebi to have such a low level.
I thought Mew was level 5 when you caught him? I didn't catch him, I traded for him though.

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