i know that most people here will probably select old-ass systems like the super famicom and maybe the saturn, if you happen to be dallas. but for which console should we truly harbour nostalgic feelings? look no further than the playstation 2 of course. it has everything that made gaming in the '90s cool, wanton death and destruction with games that have zero plot and are just button mashers [khii] but was also when gaming grew up [and before growing up meant shit like we have now] with games like ffx and gta:vc/sa.
so to conclude if you're not nostalgic for the ps2 you don't know shit about games and only like nintendo/microsoft and/or are a huge pc gaming faggot.
Ps2 comes in second for me, nothing can beat the n64 for me. It was a glimpse to the future of 3D gaming
nintendo ds
supoer nintendo entertainment system
mainly snes
probably n64
far from my favorite console, though
Quote from: David on January 15, 2015, 01:40:13 PM
i know that most people here will probably select old-ass systems like the super famicom and maybe the saturn, if you happen to be dallas. but for which console should we truly harbour nostalgic feelings? look no further than the playstation 2 of course. it has everything that made gaming in the '90s cool, wanton death and destruction with games that have zero plot and are just button mashers [khii] but was also when gaming grew up [and before growing up meant shit like we have now] with games like ffx and gta:vc/sa.
so to conclude if you're not nostalgic for the ps2 you don't know shit about games and only like nintendo/microsoft and/or are a huge pc gaming faggot.
i agree
nes and also the genesis because it was the first console I actually owned as my own
PS1 because Crash Bandicoot was the shit
Quote from: Commander Fuckass on January 16, 2015, 11:34:03 AM
PS1 because Crash Bandicoot was shit
just kidding
love the first 3 crash games though
Quote from: Commander Fuckass on January 16, 2015, 11:34:03 AM
PS1 because Crash Bandicoot was the shit
I'm playing through the first Crash right now. Shit gets really hard about 2/3 of the way through.
probably the gamecube.
Quote from: YPR Classic on January 15, 2015, 02:07:18 PM
Ps2 comes in second for me, nothing can beat the n64 for me. It was a glimpse to the future of 3D gaming
this is fucking tough
i think i have to go with gamecube because that's when gaming really took over as my primary hobby, but of course the n64 is excellent, and the snes was by first system and has some really nostalgic games as well
gba as well