i hurt my foot and i cant do anything i have to sit around and do nothing. i just got MeinKraft and you should spend all day playing with me because i have nothing to do :(
and on top of all this bullshit my parents wont let me see smash mouth next month
how did u hurt foot
i was driving a fork lift and i got it crushed between the forklift and this Metal Wall/Rack Thing. and now i have crutches.
doctors Orders to "chill the fuck out" while my "gay as shit foot" heals. (doctor quote)
you could play ps3 games with us maybe y/n
if i can find a way to prop my foot up and you guys can be online midday that could Work i wouldnt mind. i just need to figure out what games my bruv has
Quote from: ikanaide on February 22, 2012, 01:53:17 PM
no saddood;
but i will make server
i been playing on the outsid server with Ziedone. we are going to NETHER WORLD but we need Arm0r first. if you want to Join Us then i thnik he could add you
Quote from: silvertoné on February 22, 2012, 01:56:08 PM
i been playing on the outsid server with Ziedone. we are going to NETHER WORLD but we need Arm0r first. if you want to Join Us then i thnik he could add you
ok happydood;
i think you have to tell Zidone your Username and then he can add you to the Outsid Charter
Quote from: silvertoné on February 22, 2012, 02:04:28 PM
i think you have to tell Zidone your Username and then he can add you to the Outsid Charter
tell zidon it is Rxdvd
Hey, tomorrow at around three is my fuck it, lock the doors and shut out everything evening, so I'd join you then.
My account name is Heavyneon.
~summons The Zidone~
The IP is It's a whitelist server, and I just added Boognish and iCandy. n_n
The server is technically Ezlo's but he doesn't mind. Only mods we use are McMyAdmin (comes with the provider) and an admin mob-spawning plugin through Bukkit that is basically obsolete now.
i would play if i knew how to play confuseddood;
Quote from: silvertoné on February 22, 2012, 01:44:10 PM
and on top of all this bullshit my parents wont let me see smash mouth next month
wow fuck that sneak out and go see them anyways
wow tec. just shit on my life.
i'm sorry :(
fuckign Tec
me n boognish+zidone explored + burned a village and destroyed their False God's Temple.
Quote from: silvertoné on February 23, 2012, 09:55:21 PM
me n boognish+zidone explored + burned a village and destroyed their False God's Temple.
fucking awesome
if only i had minecraft...
xxxwe shouldd o this all the time xxxx
i can play later happydood;
wat happened 2 server nooooooo.
I'm not sure. The server won't start, but nothing seems to be grievously wrong. akudood;
Piss. Even reinstalling the server doesn't work. At least I have everything saved. :'(
rip my only joy in life.
Quote from: silvertoné on February 27, 2012, 02:02:07 PM
rip my only joy in life.
you destroyed too many villages.
i have lost vast fortunes from my pillages because some idiot kills themselves by being a fucktard and getting lost.
Is there any chance this is going to be revitalized?
Quote from: silvertoné on February 27, 2012, 06:48:38 PM
i have lost vast fortunes from my pillages because some idiot kills themselves by being a fucktard and getting lost.
you must eviscerate them and make it known how you feel.
Quote from: Boognish-Redux- on February 27, 2012, 07:40:56 PM
Is there any chance this is going to be revitalized?
might just be a temporary issue on the side of the host company. If not, I'll try to get Ezlo to do something. akudood;
Ok. Cool, thanks. Keep us updated and stuff!
Quote from: Boognish-Redux- on February 28, 2012, 01:46:03 AM
Ok. Cool, thanks. Keep us updated and stuff!
all we can do is Preay
also you built some "hella cool stuff" i wanted to tell you that it "fuckin rules"
aw shit
Support ticket sent. Hopefully they'll just fix it, because I can't view it now. n_n
1.2 is out. thumbup;
I don't think the server host has responded to my support ticket. thumbdown;
Also, backup your save files and minecraft.jar before updating.
Make that server host respond. Shove that ticket down it's throat and stuff.
lol should i spend 26$ on this game goowan
Quote from: N o t S i d on March 01, 2012, 08:18:27 PM
lol should i spend 26$ on this game goowan
Really, you should. It's so wonderful. The options are endless.
Quote from: N o t S i d on March 01, 2012, 08:18:27 PM
lol should i spend 26$ on this game goowan
h3ck oi will buy you a copy. hmu w/ ur uisername.
ezlo i been extremly depressed. i realize there is more to life than meinkraft but god. idk. i just wake up and ask myself Why.
i made a new home...all Alone now..
If all else fails, at least I backed up the map and everything else. baddood;
Quote from: silvertoné on March 02, 2012, 10:42:43 PM
i made a new home...all Alone now..
Here's my new house.
Also, I found some pictures of my hourglass house and pagan cathedral that i forgot I built a long time ago.
wish I would have taken more up close.
those look really good
are you using the Defualt SKien.
Nah. The John smith one is really nice though, if you want to upgrade. It's really easy to do.
i probably should. that is probably why everything i build looks like shit. Where yu get it
Quote from: silvertoné on March 03, 2012, 10:08:15 AM
i probably should. that is probably why everything i build looks like shit. Where yu get it
Make sure you download the mcpatcher at the top as well. It's a simple program that allows hd textures to run smoothly. otherwise you'll have static water and other ugliness.
yeah i have no idea how to use this mcpatcher thing i watched the tutorial. i will have to settle with Default.
Quote from: silvertoné on February 27, 2012, 06:48:38 PM
i have lost vast fortunes from my pillages because some idiot kills themselves by being a fucktard and getting lost.
sorry saddood;
Quote from: silvertoné on March 03, 2012, 12:51:47 PM
yeah i have no idea how to use this mcpatcher thing i watched the tutorial. i will have to settle with Default.
Start with putting the texture pack zip into the mincraft texture pack folders.
Then, run the MC patcher. It should automatically locate and adjust your .jar file. It's really really easy to do.
Server's back, at now.
Everything's the same except Bukkit, which hasn't updated to 1.2 yet. Still whitelist, as it was before.
Quote from: Zidone on March 05, 2012, 05:09:28 PM
Server's back, at now.
Everything's the same except Bukkit, which hasn't updated to 1.2 yet. Still whitelist, as it was before.
Woooo, thanks zidone!
The most terrifying thing....
Server Is Back ... Silvertone Is Not Back
wow nice!!! sorry iwas reading books.
to all you dumbn ass noobs who dont play minecraft- you are missing out on SkyBase.
Quote from: silvertoné on March 10, 2012, 07:21:55 PM
to all you dumbn ass noobs who dont play minecraft- you are missing out on SkyBase.
Quote from: N o t S i d on March 10, 2012, 07:53:02 PM
oh yah. i been meaning to Purchase Game For you. i will "hit u up" tommorow w/ a code, ,, , make an account '; ; ; {{{}}}}
Quote from: silvertoné on March 10, 2012, 09:16:16 PM
oh yah. i been meaning to Purchase Game For you. i will "hit u up" tommorow w/ a code, ,, , make an account '; ; ; {{{}}}}
i have account: TheNotSid
mob spawn rates are ridiculous these days
Notsid, you are Whitelisted.
oh it is on a new server
You stare into abyss -- abyss stares back into you.
i have bad news to report
i got chased by a butt ton of monsters
i dipped inside silvertone's church for respite
did not make it in time
front of church is destroyed
i am very sorry ;_;
Quote from: N o t S i d on March 12, 2012, 11:01:36 PM
i have bad news to report
i got chased by a butt ton of monsters
i dipped inside silvertone's church for respite
did not make it in time
front of church is destroyed
i am very sorry ;_;
Creepy. Who knows what you let out of there.
Creepers are fucks. I spend a ton of time building a piston set up to control the waterfall on my mountain and was in the process of stringing wire down to a control room when one blew up and took everything with it.
My shovel is the shovel that will pierce the heavens
can I get whitelisted. I don't know when I will play but yeah
Quote from: The Doctor on March 13, 2012, 03:26:59 PM
can I get whitelisted. I don't know when I will play but yeah
Yes you can.
i don't own meinkraft so i can't join...
Quote from: Patsy Stone on March 13, 2012, 03:49:55 PM
i don't own meinkraft so i can't join...
my username is Icaras
i cud have hosted this for fre if you want me to just lmk saddood;
Now just to implement this on the server. Too bad I came up with this design after I already cleared out a shit ton of space; it only needs like a third compared to the old design.
cool nazi symbolism zidone
it makes U wonder.
was it hell then or hell now...
i finally got a Dog home safely. and it died in the church cos of a creeper blew up my house
zidone what did you build
stone Generator it rules
Quote from: Zidone on March 16, 2012, 07:42:53 PM
buyt i thought i rebuilt it ;_;
Quote from: Pancake Persona on March 17, 2012, 07:24:52 AM
zidone what did you build
Stone Generator
I'm working on a tower and going to start a tree farm.
Also, holy piss repeaters are still buggy as heck in SMP.
deep within the negativey zone, there is a great island floating.
i have seen it with my own eyes.
i have taken a picture but idk how the fuck to find the picture what the fucking fuck.
Quote from: silvertoné on March 16, 2012, 08:42:23 PM
i finally got a Dog home safely. and it died in the church cos of a creeper blew up my house
spider killed me dog while game was glitchin fml
my name is mysorehead
i went down to 12 blocks above bedrock and starting digging a straight path for 30 minutes
along the way i found 14 diamonds and uncovered random little holes with tiny pools of lava and some areas with torches.
also digging around in other little areas i found a spider spawn that someone else already found and random chests and holes that fell down into zidone's (huge-ass) mines
herp derp
Here's a full map as of the afternoon of 18 March 2012:
lol where is my floating island
Well, now we know where the stronghold is. wrench;
EDIT: It's ridiculously close to the communal home. I don't know how I didn't find it earlier. wrench; wrench;
post pictures
Quote from: Pancake Persona on March 20, 2012, 02:59:33 AM
post pictures
I want to wait until we have an
adventure party before really going in.
i can go adventuring later
maybe around 5:30 eastern/3:30 oklahoma time
So, the forest cathedral is built, but it needs a lot of sprucing up in the interior.
Hallelujah. thumbup;
So I had one of my random Internet blackouts and when I came back I found myself in a pool of lava akudood;
the fortune III pick was sitting safely in a chest
my armor was not as lucky :(
hey zidone
your mine was randomly filled with creepers and skeletons after i went to the zombie grinder
a portion was blown up akudood;
new roommate thumbup;
there is probably 30-40 chickens in my Home.
Fartograph G still doesn't work with the new file format and the "legacy" level.dat doesn't seem to update past the initial creation. The world is currently 265 MB in size
So I downloaded mcmap (isometric maps only, it's like the only other tool that's been updated this month :|) and used that. The rendering only took a few minutes, but it created a 19146x8922, 25.4 MB file that I can't seem to open except with [glow=black,2,300]Quicktime[/glow].
This is why I really don't want people exploring the fuckass huge oceans. befuddlement
Alright, here's something at least.
if you're going to go exploring
press shift+F3
look at your coordinates
keep x and z under between 2000 and -2000
have we found any rainforests yet
and if so, where
Also, I found your secret workplace and snuck into it. I didn't touch anything.
it's in the lush green area in the bottom center of that map (so northwest)
also where is this secret workplace i apparently built psyduck;
The stone generator maintenance shaft isn't really secret, it's just employee only. :|
Hey zidone could you white list me? Mc name is also Mobius135
I don't even have my own Minecraft account, but somebody has quite some time ago given me credentials to their account which I'm free to use
Though I haven't even touched Minecraft since like last summer, I might as well ask for whitelist in case I ever feel like playing: NuclearW
my name is SloppyJimbo i might play sometime
Quote from: Mobius135 on March 25, 2012, 01:49:03 PM
Hey zidone could you white list me? Mc name is also Mobius135
Quote from: bluaki on March 25, 2012, 02:16:22 PM
I don't even have my own Minecraft account, but somebody has quite some time ago given me credentials to their account which I'm free to use
Though I haven't even touched Minecraft since like last summer, I might as well ask for whitelist in case I ever feel like playing: NuclearW
Quote from: SloppyJimbo on March 25, 2012, 04:48:13 PM
my name is SloppyJimbo i might play sometime
All added. wrench;
so when are we doing this
we should really do the Ultra Hardcore mode sometime Soon. (not this weekend i cant do it this weekend)
while expanding my mine i either found the fortress you guys destroyed or i found an abandoned mine.
chicken farm
Also I've gotten two bluescreens playing this game. I never expected Minecraft to make my graphics card fail. akudood;
you should see how many eggsi got form your farm
i didnt get any because i am lost lol. but the new skybase is beautiful.
i can play again
Aside from the HDD, though, this technically isn't my computer. I should be getting my motherboard issue sorted out in a week or two.
Also, who poured lava on some of the circuitry in the stone generator? baddood;
not me
although i did go through icandy's old house and stole a diamond
he said it was abandoned
also, his castle is creepy as fuck at night because it's completely dark and filled with creepers akudood;
i found exactly 69 diamonds .
can anyone else not get on the server
nop server Broke
sorry I was doing stuff and forgot to turn the server back on lol
did someone pour lava onto the server
fucking bullshit bridge i keep dying trying to make it
Keeps saying "you are not permitted to build"
Wassup with that?
Hi can I join the server? Name: sappling
Apparently I can't build because I'm "yellow" and need an Admin to change me to "green"
wtf is this?
Quote from: Mobius135 on April 02, 2012, 08:33:44 AM
Apparently I can't build because I'm "yellow" and need an Admin to change me to "green"
wtf is this?
I installed a permissions plugin because of
Quote from: Zidone on April 01, 2012, 10:04:09 AM
Also, who poured lava on some of the circuitry in the stone generator? baddood;
and I wasn't able to add everyone to the non-crippled group yesterday.
Also I'm just going to disable this plugin anyways. I don't trust it. akudood;
Quote from: Master Shake on April 02, 2012, 03:06:50 AM
Hi can I join the server? Name: sappling
I'll be on tonight, still cutting through the middle of the Mountain buy farm. I'm gonna use the existing mountain to bid a fortress. I don't know who poured lava though, I haven't even been mining enough to find lava, unless somebody broke the lava container on the generator?
Quote from: Mobius135 on April 02, 2012, 05:35:26 PM
I don't know who poured lava though, I haven't even been mining enough to find lava, unless somebody broke the lava container on the generator?
No. I thought that was what had happened, but someone just dumped a bucket of lava onto some of the wiring.
The least complicated wiring, thankfully. The door to the Arcane Voodoo Library is also broken, but that's probably a freaky-ass glitch since nothing changed and I can't fix it. confuseddood;
Also, placing of lava and TNT is disabled by a different plugin until I can figure out how to remove that from the config.
Also also, it seems that everyone who publishes a simplified permissions setup just
has to insert a backdoor clause that makes them admin on every fucking server that runs it. Disgusting unprofessional
something I made on a different server. I wish I could build it in this one. Just need several thousand iron blocks
Still need rails. Donation box is at zidones tower by the chicken farm.
how many rails you need
a shit ton of rails. this is a huge undertaking. i think i used around ten stacks of cobblestone.
so 640
Quote from: silvertoné on April 05, 2012, 03:37:55 PM
so 640
More, because I laid some flooring too. The railway spans across *roughly* 800-900 blocks
well me you +notsid got a signifigant chunk and i also got a fuk load of iron so i could probably make a "hella ton" of power rails or watever they are called
i think power rails are what we should focus on now. Mobius and I raided another mine and found a shitton of stuff
also, who built that tower that says "DIG STRAIGHT DOWN" or whatever
i have some spare power rails and a bunch of gold in my other house
you should actually
make all the rails power rails.
Quote from: silvertoné on April 06, 2012, 09:34:42 AM
you should actually
make all the rails power rails.
Because I totally have enough gold.
gold's everywhere
Quote from: silvertoné on April 06, 2012, 09:34:42 AM
you should actually
make all the rails power rails.
I actually really want to do this. that would be amazing.
Quote from: N o t S i d on April 06, 2012, 08:05:13 PM
I actually really want to do this. that would be amazing.
Minecarts max out their speed pretty quickly, so having it
all powered rail would be a huge waste.
Quote from: Zidone on April 07, 2012, 12:01:17 AM
Minecarts max out their speed pretty quickly, so having it all powered rail would be a huge waste.
nvm then
its the principal of showing off your material wealth
Found a great blaze spawner, wish Zidone was here...
there was a jungle found at methrees construction site, x:1200. can't remember anything else lol
Lawlz, did you ever find out if that spider spawner is for regular spiders or cave spiders?
Everybody, the Sky Rail is complete. It spans a great 1150 blocks, taking over 2.5 minutes to travel by mine cart.
Powered rails are designed strategically to propel you slower when passing points of interest all the rail. Notably:
¤Not Sids
¤Stronghold Totem
The rail travels with no stops from New Skybase to SkyTop Mountain Fort
Due to the strange and helpful glitch, the blocks below rails can be broken an destroy a rail, but from the top, some rails are invincible. The occasional creeper will spawn atop the track, do not be alarmed, due to the glitch the railway will likely be undamaged.
Quote from: Mobius135 on April 09, 2012, 06:37:11 PM
Everybody, the Sky Rail is complete. It spans a great 1150 blocks, taking over 2.5 minutes to travel by mine cart.
Due to the strange and helpful glitch, the blocks below rails can be broken an destroy a rail, but from the top, some rails are invincible. The occasional creeper will spawn atop the track, do not be alarmed, due to the glitch the railway will likely be undamaged.
Quote from: Zidone on April 09, 2012, 06:26:02 PM
Lawlz, did you ever find out if that spider spawner is for regular spiders or cave spiders?
i tried going into my mines but i couldn't find it akudood;
I'll have to do another search sometime
Just found a third End Portal. woah.
Creeper blew up door next to home.
Nevermind fixed it!
killed my goddamn underground sheep fuck
Quote from: N o t S i d on April 17, 2012, 01:47:26 AM
killed my goddamn underground sheep fuck
Dammit. We worked so hard on that sheep.
Zidone I got another one for you to whitelist. Another friend of mine and Not Sids: Heihachi_dono
He also registered on the forums, but has not been approved yet.
Quote from: Mobius135 on April 20, 2012, 09:17:22 AM
Zidone I got another one for you to whitelist. Another friend of mine and Not Sids: Heihachi_dono
He also registered on the forums, but has not been approved yet.
fool he has to post on this website baddood;
Quote from: Mobius135 on April 20, 2012, 09:17:22 AM
Zidone I got another one for you to whitelist. Another friend of mine and Not Sids: Heihachi_dono
He also registered on the forums, but has not been approved yet.
So... I'm moving again. Another new house. That means that my Mansion, and Cavern, are both up for grabs. I still live in the cavern for now though
Quote from: Mobius135 on April 23, 2012, 10:30:18 AM
So... I'm moving again. Another new house. That means that my Mansion, and Cavern, are both up for grabs. I still live in the cavern for now though
That being said...
The new Mobius Castle
Used an insane amount of my resources, still totally unfurnished, and so large that light levels are hard to control and sometimes mobs spawn inside. Thankfully I have an Iron Golem raping zombies inside.
jeez dude
So I showed you the outside of my new island castle, let's go to the inside!
The sunroom:
Front door:
My house inside my castle on the island
Inside my house inside my island castle
Corner shot:
My golem who spends a lot of time at the window.
The observation deck
And one more corner
hahahah I hope your golem cheers up.
Quote from: Master Shake on April 27, 2012, 04:32:02 AM
hahahah I hope your golem cheers up.
he's like a whiny little girl. He fucks up skeletons
Thee Server Will Be Back Shortly (http://i.imgur.com/NXmjT.gif)
Quote from: Zidone on April 28, 2012, 08:55:37 PM
Thee Server Will Be Back Shortly (http://i.imgur.com/NXmjT.gif)
I hope so...
how do i get meinkraft for free
Quote from: Patsy Stone on April 28, 2012, 09:15:42 PM
how do i get meinkraft for free
Go to: http://www.minecraft.net/store
Click that link where it says "Login or Sign up To Buy" then put in your credit card, and BOOM, you got it. You didn't have to put money in an envelope or anything.
Quote from: Zidone on April 28, 2012, 08:55:37 PM
Thee Server Will Be Back Shortly
Youuuuu lie.
Ezlo forgot to pay the bills, but he said he would. I'll bug him if it's not back by tonight.
Is our world gone forever
No, this has happened before. Plus I have a backup from Thursday downloaded.
worse come to worse didnt snorkill say he could host?
I'm all edgy... need minecraft...
Quote from: Mobius135 on April 29, 2012, 03:21:37 PM
I'm all edgy... need minecraft...
substitute minecraft
Quote from: N o t S i d on April 29, 2012, 03:56:46 PM
substitute minecraft
Too late, server is back.
Come play with me and silver n_u
Do any of you punks want a shitload of gravel akudood;
Quote from: Zidone on May 01, 2012, 04:06:22 PM
Do any of you punks want a shitload of gravel akudood;
Quote from: Zidone on May 01, 2012, 04:06:22 PM
Do any of you punks want a shitload of gravel akudood;
No I just want a damn silk touch pick!
Where was that? I've always wanted a mountain-desert home. akudood;
also was the lava in holes in the ground outside or inside the home
Quote from: Mobius135 on May 02, 2012, 09:57:10 AM
I don't know who this base belongs to. I found it in the side of a mountain. Whoever built it
Your lava and random holes in the ground (wtf was the lava even for?!) burned away all my enchanted tools, diamonds, and minings for the day.
As such, I gutted the base, and the entire thing is flooded with water now. Don't fuck with lava.
P.S. Your dog is dead. It fell into your own lava. I watched it suffer.
P.P.S. Your dog respawned, I punched it out the window, and made sure it died.
suggestion: don't go digging around in someone else's house like a dumbass and you won't die
whose house was that
you can't just go around destroying peoples houses like that.
Quote from: silvertone on May 02, 2012, 03:29:00 PM
whose house was that
Turns out it was our new guy, Heihachi lol. Talked to him about it at work, we're building together.
I have since rebuilt his home in full
Pileopuke/Baron is Baron O' Beef Dip, a regular from the Old Country days of the server who hath returned. hocuspocus;
Also, here's a map of the world with the Phallus of Oceanic Exploration cropped out.
Quote from: Zidone on May 05, 2012, 04:26:24 PM
Also, here's a map of the world with the Phallus of Oceanic Exploration cropped out.
Thanks for that upload man, I'm gonna explore the northern region tonight. That south east hook is super strange though.
Quote from: Mobius135 on May 05, 2012, 07:26:13 PM
Thanks for that upload man, I'm gonna explore the northern region tonight. That south east hook is super strange though.
i made that hook with my own flesh and blood
I think i found my island now. the one i made way back when
Once I'm done here the land underneath the plate is going to be completely dark and full of fire and bad things but the city above is going to be nice.
Quote from: Boognish-Redux- on May 07, 2012, 04:43:46 PM
Once I'm done here the land underneath the plate is going to be completely dark and full of fire and bad things but the city above is going to be nice.
I never see you on, and I'm never not on. When you been doing this?
u guys still play together? id like to
Quote from: Darth Wawi on May 08, 2012, 02:14:07 PM
u guys still play together? id like to
What's your username?
The goal is to create this shitty landscape beneath the plate. I'm working on removing a hell load of dirt.
Mobs are spawning in all over the place and I've been using creepers to do a lot of damage and to collect resources.
Quote from: Boognish-Redux- on May 08, 2012, 02:30:20 PM
The goal is to create this shitty landscape beneath the plate. I'm working on removing a hell load of dirt.
Mobs are spawning in all over the place and I've been using creepers to do a lot of damage and to collect resources.
you can murder those creepres and collect.. .Tnt... and use them for leveling out...villages... w/ me...
Quote from: silvertone on May 08, 2012, 02:55:35 PM
you can murder those creepres and collect.. .Tnt... and use them for leveling out...villages... w/ me...
Every damn village I find is raped from you. Why do you hate villages?!
Quote from: Mobius135 on May 08, 2012, 03:40:51 PM
Every damn village I find is raped from you. Why do you hate villages?!
just a reminder that you Kidnapped all the villagers and forced them to rape each other to birth children.
Quote from: silvertone on May 08, 2012, 03:45:10 PM
just a reminder that you Kidnapped all the villagers and forced them to rape each other to birth children.
It was that, or let them be killed by you.
Sex > Death
there is nothing better than death
Just enchanted a level 50 diamond pick. What'd I get? cheated. I got Efficiency IV. Wat.
Quote from: Mobius135 on May 08, 2012, 08:45:25 PM
Just enchanted a level 50 diamond pick. What'd I get? cheated. I got Efficiency IV. Wat.
as soon as i have a good internet connection i will take the from your cold lifeless hands
Quote from: Zidone on May 08, 2012, 02:17:58 PM
What's your username?
whats been added to multiplayer since the nether.................
ive been gone for too long
Quote from: Darth Wawi on May 09, 2012, 09:17:04 AM
whats been added to multiplayer since the nether.................
ive been gone for too long
Let me write you a book.
Quote from: Mobius135 on May 09, 2012, 11:58:11 AM
Let me write you a book.
yeah nvm i read all the updates. its like a new game
Quote from: Darth Wawi on May 09, 2012, 09:17:04 AM
whats been added to multiplayer since the nether.................
ive been gone for too long
The next big update (1.3) will shake things up again, since singleplayer and multiplayer are going to be basically unified (which will hopefully make SMP a lot more stable) and the long-promised modding API will be added.
Glory Alleluia. In a few hours, I will be Back In The Comfort Zone. (http://www.european-schoolprojects.net/festivals/Spain/autumn/scary/images/skeleton.gif)
Quote from: Zidone on May 11, 2012, 04:38:17 PM
Glory Alleluia. In a few hours, I will be Back In The Comfort Zone. (http://www.european-schoolprojects.net/festivals/Spain/autumn/scary/images/skeleton.gif)
Quote from: N o t S i d on May 11, 2012, 08:23:01 PM
I finally have
"my" computer back.
And lots of free time to waste. skellythumbup;
Quote from: Zidone on May 11, 2012, 09:07:58 PM
I finally have "my" computer back.
And lots of free time to waste. skellythumbup;
this is most exciting news
Quote from: Zidone on May 11, 2012, 09:07:58 PM
I finally have "my" computer back.
And lots of free time to waste. skellythumbup;
You did say you were making a blaze farm this weekend...
Quote from: Mobius135 on May 12, 2012, 04:55:29 AM
You did say you were making a blaze farm this weekend...
Maybe. It's still really complex, and just about impossible to do without creative. akudood;
Quote from: Zidone on May 12, 2012, 12:09:09 PM
Maybe. It's still really complex, and just about impossible to do without creative. akudood;
Quote from: Zidone on May 12, 2012, 12:09:09 PM
Maybe. It's still really complex, and just about impossible to do without creative. akudood;
You are an Admin. You have flying. No damage. And you've gathered nearly limitless resources.
Quote from: Mobius135 on May 13, 2012, 12:30:29 PM
You are an Admin. You have flying. No damage. And you've gathered nearly limitless resources.
I'm trying to avoid using creative for building cool things. It's also a hassle because I don't understand the required redstone timer very well.
I'll get started on it this evening. akudood;
jesus mobius that's a creepy ass avatar. happydood;
Quote from: Zidone on May 13, 2012, 03:00:23 PM
I'll get started on it this evening. akudood;
I have a butt ton of repeaters, want me to do the timer?
Quote from: Master Shake on May 13, 2012, 11:13:55 PM
jesus mobius that's a creepy ass avatar. happydood;
Thanks bro
I present to you, a glimpse of the new Mobius Valley. I haven't had many visitors, as I am hundreds of blocks away from Hoam, and my Valley has no warp. But I will share with you some of my endeavors.
The valley itself:
As seen from the Store Room:
The store room, modeled after my room in the Mobius Cave.
The treasure room (hidden deep within the mountain)
This is the Zombigenerator I made.
The overly lavish pipe which carries the Zombies to their fate:
This is the Woolery, where I make wool and dyes.
The Cakery (about a 1/4 complete):
Four living quarters for guests:
Brewsters II:
Naturally formed floating island near the Zombigenerator:
And finally, an overhead of the artificial floating islands.
I finished the Blaze Grinder. Should be the most effective one yet in terms of pure exp output, but you still lose some mobs, can potentially get set on fire, and you still probably need Zombiswords. akudood;
it's at /warp BlazeGrinder
nice house mobius!!
Quote from: silvertone on May 16, 2012, 03:56:57 PM
nice house mobius!!
Thanks Silver. I really want to help work on the skybase with you. I think villagers in it could be a cool addition too, as long as you don't kill them.
Quote from: Mobius135 on May 16, 2012, 07:15:34 PM
Thanks Silver. I really want to help work on the skybase with you. I think villagers in it could be a cool addition too, as long as you don't kill them.
yeah, i want to create the 4 separate levels first before getting distracted with too many details.
Who is LinguisticTeacup?
Quote from: Zidone on May 19, 2012, 08:43:44 PM
Notsid's friend
Notsid has friends who aren't me? O_0
trading with villagers
also the currency
New snapshot.
New gravel texture.
QuoteEmerald Ore is an estimated 25X more rare than Diamonds as of 12w21a.
Quote from: Mobius135 on May 30, 2012, 06:58:49 PM
I think Mojang's login servers are down. This has happened quite a bit recently. akudood;
Quote from: Zidone on May 30, 2012, 07:01:19 PM
I think Mojang's login servers are down. This has happened quite a bit recently. akudood;
Turns out it was McPatcher, accidentally checked something I shouldn't and my texture pack didn't support it.
Found lawlz next project. Silvertone got a little competition?
Quote from: Mobius135 on May 30, 2012, 09:36:01 PM
Found lawlz next project. Silvertone got a little competition?
Lawlz hasn't played in over a month
That's Boognish's akudood;
whoaaaaa boognish that is awesome
New snapshot.
QuoteYou can enchant up to level 30 only
15 bookshelves are enough to reach the new maximum level
Adjusted enchantments to fit the new maximum level
Made the third slot always show the highest possible enchant
Increased chances for multiple enchantments
On the other hand
You get experience from mining ores, unless when using Silk Touch enchanted gear. Fortune enchanted gear increases experience drop amount
You get experience from smelting items
You get experience from mining mob spawners
Experience level progression is now linear
Also jungle temples and tripwires and adventure mode
Quote from: Zidone on May 31, 2012, 02:53:43 PM
New snapshot.akudood;
On the other hand
Also jungle temples and tripwires and adventure mode
We will have to start a new world when 1.3 comes out. saddood;
Quote from: Mobius135 on May 31, 2012, 03:48:32 PM
We will have to start a new world when 1.3 comes out. saddood;
There's still a butt-load of land to remove. :|
i actually started building mine after his, but mine is going to be a lot different then his.
Quote from: silvertone on May 31, 2012, 05:02:46 PM
i actually started building mine after his, but mine is going to be a lot different then his.
Where's yours pard?
And how do you set a warp point?
Quote from: Boognish-Redux- on May 31, 2012, 05:31:08 PM
Where's yours pard?
And how do you set a warp point?
it is right by my skybase Hoam
Quote from: Boognish-Redux- on May 31, 2012, 05:31:08 PM
And how do you set a warp point?
only Zidone can.
The Hall of Miniature Biomes
NotSid and I went in search of the island that had gone missing, the one he had crash landed on so many months back.
We set off at at skydock, sure of ourselves and our direction. Our boats crashlanded in some swampland after sheer minutes of sailing.
I spotted a mountain range in the distance and we decided to traverse it for a unique vantage point.
After scaling the peak, we looked down to see the roof of skybase, an incredibly disorienting experience. We still can't ficure our how our straight path led us back to skydock.
We set off in a different direction afterwards and after a few hours of sailing and renavigating, we discovered the land of the lost, island adrift, the tomb of god her/himself.
Here's some photos of the journey.
notsid your skin is amazing.
Minecraft login servers are tanked. Right now everything is single player only.
did u guys fight the dragon
Quote from: silvertone on June 10, 2012, 06:34:46 AM
did u guys fight the dragon
Nope, been waiting on you to go to the End.
Because Blaze Rods burn 12 items per unit, the maximum number of items you can put into a furnace using Rods at one time is 60. With Blaze Rods in stacks of 60, this means you can cook exactly 5 sets of 60 items. If it were stacks of 64, you would be able to cook 5.333... sets of 60 items and that's not a nice, even number.
No need to be so goddamned rude, Mobius. goonish
Thanks man, sometimes I get caught up in the heat of crafting and little things bother me.
Notsid, come play. I miss you on the server.
Hidden in plain sight, in a northern desert lies the Mobius Sun Temple. It is a temple that honors the absurdly short days in Minecraft, and offers protection from the seemingly three-times-as-long night time.
Find this temple, find it's door switch and gain access
Enter, and fear not for you will find no traps here, only treasure. At noon time the location of the ancient switch is best viewed. While this switch may not be what you expect, it leads only to treasure.
That said, please be kind and do not break parts of my temple trying to unearth the treasure, that's rude. There is a legit way to access it, and I will give hints if needed, though this should be quite straightforward.
First one to get to the treasure tell me how you found it, and feel free to take all the loot that lies hidden.
huhdoodame; a hint as to the location of the temple: To the South, a row of peaking towers rise over the mountainside. To the North, the souls of three brave dogs rest peacefully.
very nice
(http://www.current.org/cm/cm621w.gif) I will be online and wait for you then we can go to The End. (http://www.current.org/cm/cm621w.gif)
Quote from: silvertone on June 16, 2012, 01:10:31 PM
(http://www.current.org/cm/cm621w.gif) I will be online and wait for you then we can go to The End. (http://www.current.org/cm/cm621w.gif)
I am on now preparing our armor, weapons and potions. Once we touch down in the End I will warp a chest with us and fill it with protective blocks against the evil Ender Dragon.
Shit will get real.
Are you all having such amazingly fun summers that you are not crafting? The server has been so empty recently... I had hoped somebody screen shotted that one time that we had six, count 'em SIX, people on at once.
lol 6 people. Yeah I haven't played in a while. Will make up for that maybe next week.
i have hit a creative slump that has affected everything in my life. idk how to get over this block. i do not know what to build and i still have to finish my melon arches
Quote from: N o t S i d on July 01, 2012, 02:54:45 AM
i do not know what to build and i still have to finish my melon arches
Melon stacks incoming, they will be near the existing arches
When I don't know what to build, I do base renovations and small home improvements.
Sorry I haven't been on
1.3 snapshots are fun thumbup;
Quote from: Zidone on July 08, 2012, 08:59:00 PM
Sorry I haven't been on
1.3 snapshots are fun thumbup;
That they are. I ran some tests and 1.3 breaks a lot of my piston work from timing changing. AUGUST 1ST IS 1.3!!!
Hey can anyone make me a helmet with aqua infinity? I lost mine some time ago when I died and wasn't able to recover it.
wrenchninja needs to be whitelisted
Quote from: CM Wrench on July 19, 2012, 06:53:47 AM
wrenchninja needs to be whitelisted
It is done. wrench;
dear notsid I made a House of your Uncompleted Home that been sitting there for 10000000000000000 years now.
it is like a Water and am Albatross
What is... where... where is my Valley? I am lost in snow and the Console tells me I am a loser.
Ezlo needs to pay the bill again. I think that eventually, if it's possible, we should get Snorkel to host the server instead so this isn't a problem. Getting MCMYAdmin and all that stuff back shouldn't be too hard I'd hope.
Me and Heihachi are playing... what is this
Server's back up.
Zidone, we need a new warp. Also could you whitelist my friend, he just got Meinkraft today. Gryphon1116
Annnddd 1.3.1 is out!
Quote from: Mobius135 on July 31, 2012, 12:12:00 PM
Also could you whitelist my friend, he just got Meinkraft today. Gryphon1116
Also, until Bukkit for 1.3 comes out the server is gonna run vanilla on a separate world. I don't want to run the normal world on the vanilla server because that'll mess with the Nether and End.
Awesommeee thanks Zidone!
Curiosity, what's our servers RAM?
pay me taxes akudood;
Quote from: Ezloﺕ on August 02, 2012, 02:35:56 PM
pay me taxes akudood;
Quote from: Ezloﺕ on August 02, 2012, 02:35:56 PM
pay me taxes akudood;
but i'm a job creator akudood;
So I can't play right now..connection lost, end of stream. Why is server down!
Quote from: Master Shake on August 05, 2012, 11:44:46 PM
So I can't play right now..connection lost, end of stream. Why is server down!
it's working for me akudood;
also i have come to realize starting a cow farm right below my living area was a bad idea
THEY NEVER STOP MOOING akudood; akudood; akudood;
Quote from: guff on August 05, 2012, 11:57:37 PM
it's working for me akudood;
also i have come to realize starting a cow farm right below my living area was a bad idea
THEY NEVER STOP MOOING akudood; akudood; akudood;
brother you don't even know the half of it.
Nah man I'm still getting a communication error. I'm not good with errors. !nevermind I didn't install 1.3.1 now it's working.....but all my stuff is gone and I can't warp home, and I'm assuming it's gone in this new cold world dammit.
Quote from: Master Shake on August 06, 2012, 12:13:20 AM
Nah man I'm still getting a communication error. I'm not good with errors. !
i just tried disconnecting and reconnecting and it still worked akudood;
are you sure you have the address right akudood;
Quote from: Master Shake on August 06, 2012, 12:13:20 AM
Nah man I'm still getting a communication error. I'm not good with errors. !nevermind I didn't install 1.3.1 now it's working.....but all my stuff is gone and I can't warp home, and I'm assuming it's gone in this new cold world dammit.
Zidone backed up our world, this is a new fresh world until Bukkit updates for 1.3.1. Then our world will return.
Once I get paid on friday I'll get this.
Somebody, please white list me. SN: xxthehaunted
Quote from: Mobius135 on August 06, 2012, 11:13:40 AM
Zidone backed up our world, this is a new fresh world until Bukkit updates for 1.3.1. Then our world will return.
I might also get one of those fancy plugins that lets you have a portal thing that goes to another world. I've seen it on a server that used it to go between a survival and a creative world, I'm hoping it's simple to make.
Quote from: xXTheHaunted on August 06, 2012, 05:00:09 PM
Somebody, please white list me. SN: xxthehaunted
Aight. Welcome back, homeslice. wrench;
Quote from: Mobius135 on August 01, 2012, 08:24:38 PM
Awesommeee thanks Zidone!
Curiosity, what's our servers RAM?
512 mb I think akudood;
so much goddamn jungle jesus h. christ
Quote from: Zidone on August 07, 2012, 03:35:31 AM
Aight. Welcome back, homeslice. wrench;
Thanks broseph. happydood;
Now there's Bukkit for 1.3 but there isn't a release of the Multiverse plugin yet. srs
renovations at dickington heights have been completed:
just read the past 13 pages or so of this thread... holy shit there's some awesome stuff in here.
I don't remember if I'm whitelisted or not so if not my username is Icaras
I'd like to get back into minecraft now, but there's some bug where it won't work with Windows 8 so I need to fix that somehow.
also, boognish and mobius, what skins would you recommend? also how do I make my guy look good and not shitty.
got it working wrench;
also my all my worlds are gone on singleplayer now (where would those be located anywho) so now that beautiful castle I built is missing wry
figured that out too wrench;
the front rendering on this driver i'm using is really iffy myface;
Quote from: Creep Scanner on August 09, 2012, 02:35:42 AM
I don't remember if I'm whitelisted or not so if not my username is Icaras
You are srs
Quote from: Zidone on August 09, 2012, 05:37:39 AM
You are srs
well i guess i'll give this a try before i switch back to the drivers that don't work with minecraft akudood;
where the hell am i akudood;
what srsly
what is that akudood;
how do i join the server
or is it down
Quote from: SloppyJimbo on August 12, 2012, 05:00:03 PM
how do i join the server
or is it down
Your username is SloppyJimbo, right?
also a lot of mojang's authentication/login/whatever servers have been down so that might be the problem
Says can't resolve hostname. I just put in the IP in the title, is that correct?
Quote from: SloppyJimbo on August 12, 2012, 06:07:10 PM
Says can't resolve hostname. I just put in the IP in the title, is that correct?
Yes, IP with the port
Are you trying direct connect or adding the server first?
tried both, neither work
Our host is moving all the servers over to Linux in the next few weeks, and that'll require an IP change. akudood;
perhaps now is the right time to move to snorkill servers?
Quote from: N o t S i d on August 15, 2012, 05:10:11 PM
perhaps now is the right time to move to snorkill servers?
No, because that will mean even more time before I get everything back to normal. akudood;
Quote from: Zidone on August 15, 2012, 05:02:55 PM
Our host is moving all the servers over to Linux in the next few weeks, and that'll require an IP change. akudood;
Is this when we will get our old world back?
Quote from: Master Shake on August 15, 2012, 06:26:01 PM
Is this when we will get our old world back?
No, that happens when the Multiverse plugin is updated to be fully compatible with 1.3, as it says on the server description. akudood;
If that doesn't happen by the weekend I guess I'll use a snapshot build
Multiverse is infuriatingly hard to set up. Until further notice, join if and only if you don't mind losing all your items, armor and exp. akudood;
ok so as with every single plugin ever made for this game the creators of multiverse are dummies
It looks like they designed the plugin with the idea in mind that nobody would ever use it to allow people to go back to an already-generated, already-populated world because it seems like there's absolutely no way to do that without constantly wiping inventories.
Alright, so after 5 hours of this I've concluded there's no way I'm going to be able to set this up with the current versions of the plugins without causing people to lose their inventories. So if you want to go back to the old world (Buttworld) and don't want to lose your items in either that one or the current one (Muttworld), you have to do this:
1. Put all your items on you in Muttworld in a chest
2. Have me switch the world over to Buttworld when it's convenient
3. Put all your items on you in Buttworld in a chest, set the world back to Muttworld
4. Repeat until everyone has done this akudood;
5. Enable Multiverse
QuoteWithers are a new mob in 12w34a left unfinished by Jeb and hidden in the code. It was discovered through the presence of a new skin in the /mobs/ folder, they are bottomless three-headed ghost-like creatures.
QuoteUpon noticing the player the Wither fires a projectile known as the Wither Skull towards them which appears similar to its heads. They will also target passive mobs. If the Wither Skull hits the player, they gain a "Wither" potion effect. This effect drains health, similar to poison potions. Your hearts also get a black tint. If you spawn a Wither, a "Boss Health" bar appears. The Wither also has the ability to break multiple blocks at once.
I'm looking forward to this
drear god
something screwy happened with the server akudood;
it is running a totally different world that is neither muttworld nor buttworld akudood;
fix plose akudood;
whoa how did i not see your post yesterday
Anyways I guess the problem fixed itself. The server seems to point to that bizarro world whenever it's not actually running or something. It happened the last time the account was suspended.
Yeah bro. New world looks pretty fine.
guff's automated sugarcane farm is haunted
it has blown parts of itself up at least 3 times now and there's seriously no way to explain why psyduck;
terrorists akudood;
Turns out the server migration is happening. I should be able to get the new IP and stuff later.
new ip
apparently this server has 512 maximum slots and a lot more RAM than mcmyadmin says. at least 4096 mb n_n
man this thread died
ok so, excuse the shitty kotaku link, but apparently people have been 3d mapping their minecraft worlds or something? cool images in the link http://kotaku.com/5964478
do you think we can do this with the world Skybase was in? I miss that world...
we started a new map w/ the snap shot
it is fun pls help BoPHA find potatoes and make zidone stop pouring lava down all the miens : (
I really really like that 3d modeling art.
I can't join ezloboyahsidcraft because the client is out of date.
When will this be fixed?
Quote from: Master Shake on February 09, 2013, 07:09:24 PM
I can't join ezloboyahsidcraft because the client is out of date.
When will this be fixed?
It runs on snapshot 13w03a (http://www.mojang.com/2013/01/minecraft-snapshot-13w03a/), so you'll need to manually install that by replacing minecraft.jar. I will update to the newer snapshots soon, and 1.5 when it comes out later this month.
ah thank you zidone!
Quote from: N o t S i d on November 29, 2012, 09:59:54 PM
man this thread died
ok so, excuse the shitty kotaku link, but apparently people have been 3d mapping their minecraft worlds or something? cool images in the link http://kotaku.com/5964478
do you think we can do this with the world Skybase was in? I miss that world...
also i never really replied to this
maybe; I still have all the worlds that have been on the server (including that one, Buttworld)
the IP is now
i have no idea why it changed akudood;
but nothing seems to be missing other than the (useless) mcmyadmin backups
Also, I can finally edit the server.properties to a limited extent goddamn
do people still play :(
Yea, I need to play again soon. I started the hull of a ship I was going to build, then didn't play again.
server is now running the full release of 1.5
the client should update automatically for you
can i be whitelisted my name is torteela
Horses: Yay or [glow=black,2,300]neigh[/glow]?
Quote from: [hedy]Zidone on April 13, 2013, 09:44:19 PM
Horses: Yay or [glow=black,2,300]neigh[/glow]?
fucking reported asshbatgh
this update is going to be sweet
also here is a 7600x4416 map of the server lol (http://i3.minus.com/ibwSRx0jYZmVta.png)
Server now on 1.6 snapshots, specifically 13w18c
Instead of the usual method of replacing minecraft.jar, you need to use the new MinecraftDev launcher:
i should download this again, i haven't put it on my "new" computer yet
Quote from: Snack Dad on May 03, 2013, 03:08:54 PM
i should download this again, i haven't put it on my "new" computer yet
With the new indev launcher, you don't need to mess with jars for each new snapshot. hocuspocus;
Server's been laggy as hell for the past few days and right now I have it offline so the map doesn't get somehow fucked up. akudood;
apparently it's something on the host's (eoreality) side, since ezlo's mumble server is also acting strangely
ba bump
we are making a City.
we mined a lot of materials we don't need
u should get on the server and use them
and brring more ppl so it isnt just zidone and I all the Time
also the whitelist may or may not still work
depends on whether or not mcmyadmin overrides the default settings on that lol
thanks supreme court
we need more members for our faction in polcraft. it is only me and zidone ;_;
i will play either tonight or tomorrow
did zidone give you the cords?
I'm resetting the map again for the 1.7 snapshots, starting with 13w39b. Still the same IP as in the title.
[spoiler=Final map of the old world (Nuttworld)]http://i1.minus.com/ibbDvftSeFq8ci.png[/spoiler]
If you haven't played in a while, you might need the fancy new launcher (http://minecraft.net/download). To run the snapshot versions of the game, you need to click "Edit Profile" at the launcher (or create a new one if you prefer) and check "Enable experimental development versions ("snapshots")". Right now the server is running 13w39b; I might keep it synchronized with the weekly updates but maybe not.
If you've had trouble running the game well in the past, it may be worth it to try out 1.7. It seems to run a lot more smoothly and there are a lot of new graphical options.
[spoiler=The current whitelist]rxdvd
[spoiler=penis]The server is on hard difficulty this time thumbup;[/spoiler]